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Fenicia Redman testifies before Pennsylvania State Senators about removing graphic sexually explicit material - Federal Law 18 USC Section 1470 and Federal Law 18 USC Section 1466A image

Fenicia Redman testifies before Pennsylvania State Senators about removing graphic sexually explicit material - Federal Law 18 USC Section 1470 and Federal Law 18 USC Section 1466A

2 Plays5 months ago

Fenicia Redman is helping us to remove pornography, obscene material from our school libraries. On October 18, 2022 Fenicia Redman testified in support of SB 966 Parents Bill of Rights, Senator Mastriano; Sponsor

"I am a mom of a minor student in the Great Valley School District, Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Since 2021, I have publicly appealed to School Directors, Principals, and Superintendent/Asst Superintendents to remove explicit, graphic, sexual material from the school library. Despite bringing this to the attention of the School Board at numerous public meetings, the School Board has taken no action whatsoever. No calls. No emails. Silence.

I filed complaints with our local Police Department and the Chester County District Attorney. They took no action. They have no problem distributing graphic, sexually explicit material to public school children.

I, along with others, silently protested on the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol Rotunda, holding up posters showing explicit, graphic sexual material from public school libraries. The only response we received was the threat of forcible removal by Capitol Police for displaying graphic sexual images in the Capitol building. Yet, these images appear in library books available to public school children in Great Valley and neighboring School Districts.

As a mom, I WILL NOT surrender to this blatant attempt by Extremist School Staff, Police, Attorney General Shapiro, his DA, and Governor Wolf to hypersexualize my minor child. So, to be clear, I will walk barefoot on broken glass up the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States to find justice for my child and our nation's children.

I need your help"

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