"This is what the kingdom of GOD is about, so that Your will, that Your ways, Your will, Your desires, could be implemented in the Earth, as it is in Heaven."
That our minds be washed, by that same blood, that You shed. The blood that comes from Heaven. The blood that belongs to GOD. Not an earthly blood. Not one that is selfish, self centered, with sin, choosing to know what's good and evil. Making our own choices, not that blood.
But the blood that is pure. Pure and Holy. Pure and Integrous. Because it came from You."
His word is of no private interpretation. It's always meant to free us, never to condemn us.
This is a time that we're in, in Earth time, that things are happening quickly, they must happen quickly, so that we can be in step. There's things in the kingdom of GOD that must be released.
The kingdom of GOD. This is the time for the expansion of the kingdom of GOD. Like never before, and anything in the way of it, will get trampled.
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A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
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