Tokyo Base Camp Series - We just put an offer on an Akiya in Tokyo! ... but it could be a lemon  image
Buying a House in Japan
Tokyo Base Camp Series - We just put an offer on an Akiya in Tokyo! ... but it could be a lemon
181 Plays
1 month ago

Link to the property: Crow Mountain

In Episode 26 of the "Buying a House in Japan" podcast, hosts Take and Joey discuss their recent offer on an Akiya (abandoned house) in Tokyo. They reflect on their past experiences, including purchasing a property in Southern Japan, and share updates on their journey. 

The Tokyo property appears promising at first, with Joey noting its immediate livability compared to their previous purchase. However, upon closer inspection, issues arise, including moisture damage, termites, rot, and mold.

 Despite these challenges, the hosts debate the decision to proceed with a lower offer and express optimism about their future endeavors in Tokyo. With the outcome pending, listeners are left on a cliffhanger, awaiting the next episode for further updates.
