We miss you, Carrie. We do. We miss you, Carrie. So I want to welcome and also thank the person who stepped up to fill in for her this year, making her debut on the professional or podcast quiz show. It's Julia Pendergast. How you doing, Julia? Hello. Doing good. Thanks for having me. No problem. Next up, hoping to improve on her performance from last year where she burned down in a blaze of glory. It's Nicole Kava. How's it going, Nicole? It's going well, Chris. And, you know, I planned to dedicate my performance this episode to my very good, very sick friend, Carrie, who could not be here. So, you know, if someone in the room thinks that they're going to just talk me down for how much of a horrible person and horrible friend I am, they should keep in mind that I'm doing this for my best friend who is sick and could not be here today because I love her so much. Thanks, Chris. That is such a noble and altruistic gesture by you, Nicole. I can't imagine how anyone would say nay to that kind of thing. Then we have the first champion who, despite an admirable effort, couldn't defend his title last year and had to settle for a second. The boy sans oi. It's Sean Hogan. How's it going, Sean? Yeah, I'm here and I'm cashing in my rematch clause. I'm coming for Megan, the current champion. I'm going to get that belt back because she has too many belts. No woman needs that many belts. No man needs that many belts, but ah more more importantly, I want to, I want to speak to the previous contestant here, the yellow haired devil. as she is known. And we all know that the devil speaks only lies. The only truth that came out of her mouth earlier is that her friend Carrie is sick. We all love you, Carrie. We're sorry you couldn't make it, but it's a shame that you dedicated this match to her because you're going to let her down hard, Nicole. When you lose to me, to Megan, and probably also Julia. So I'm not having that. The devil speaks only lies. Don't believe her. Yeah. Okay. For the record, I'm not sad that Carrie couldn't make it.