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PHP Horror Quiz Show 2024

Professional Horror Podcast
40 Plays1 month ago

The best horror quiz show around. What is the Professional Horror Podcast Quiz Show? That's correct. This episode, your lovely host Chris Donovan has assembled his friends, Sean Hogan, Nichole Cava, reigning champ Megan Pendagast, and fresh blood Julia Pendagast to test their horror braaains. Chris will test their knowledge on horror comics, the works of Clive Barker, not so final girls, and much more! Join us, to see if anyone can dethrone Megan Pendagast as the champ of horror trivia!


Introduction of the Quiz Show

Hello and welcome to the Professional Horror Podcast, the podcast that I swear to you can consistently release episodes, but just doesn't for some weird reason. I am your host, definitely not that reason, the wonderful and very pretty Chris Donovan, and today's episode is my favorite thing to do every year, probably why it's one of the only episodes I consistently make. It's time for the third annual installment of The Professional Horror Podcast Quiz Show!
o But hey, I can't make this episode by my lonesome, can I? That's the other episode that I can can consistently make my top 10 horror movies of the year. Tune in in a couple weeks for that one. So first up, unfortunately, Carrie is unable to join us for this year's game. Don't worry, it's not because she suddenly hates us all and hates horror stuff. She's just super busy and sick and couldn't make it. She said she'll be back soon to lose in spectacular fashion once more. Those are her words.

Quiz Show Format and Rules

They're not mine.
We miss you, Carrie. We do. We miss you, Carrie. So I want to welcome and also thank the person who stepped up to fill in for her this year, making her debut on the professional or podcast quiz show. It's Julia Pendergast. How you doing, Julia? Hello. Doing good. Thanks for having me. No problem. Next up, hoping to improve on her performance from last year where she burned down in a blaze of glory. It's Nicole Kava. How's it going, Nicole? It's going well, Chris. And, you know, I planned to dedicate my performance this episode to my very good, very sick friend, Carrie, who could not be here. So, you know, if someone in the room thinks that they're going to just talk me down for how much of a horrible person and horrible friend I am, they should keep in mind that I'm doing this for my best friend who is sick and could not be here today because I love her so much. Thanks, Chris. That is such a noble and altruistic gesture by you, Nicole. I can't imagine how anyone would say nay to that kind of thing. Then we have the first champion who, despite an admirable effort, couldn't defend his title last year and had to settle for a second. The boy sans oi. It's Sean Hogan. How's it going, Sean? Yeah, I'm here and I'm cashing in my rematch clause. I'm coming for Megan, the current champion. I'm going to get that belt back because she has too many belts. No woman needs that many belts. No man needs that many belts, but ah more more importantly, I want to, I want to speak to the previous contestant here, the yellow haired devil. as she is known. And we all know that the devil speaks only lies. The only truth that came out of her mouth earlier is that her friend Carrie is sick. We all love you, Carrie. We're sorry you couldn't make it, but it's a shame that you dedicated this match to her because you're going to let her down hard, Nicole. When you lose to me, to Megan, and probably also Julia. So I'm not having that. The devil speaks only lies. Don't believe her. Yeah. Okay. For the record, I'm not sad that Carrie couldn't make it.
wow julia we have a opportunity she seized upon It's gonna be really funny if I just want to say if the the belt changes hands but not Holmes yeah and be convenient for megan i was gonna say I Hope it I hope if I lose it's to Julia because then I don't have to pay postage yeah And lastly, we have the reigning defending undisputed professional podcast show champion who really ran away with the game last year. It's Megan Pendingast. How's it going, Megan? Oh, I'm doing very well. Thank you. I look forward to the game and i I, um, I wish I had prepared remarks or I knew how to talk like a wrestler, but I'll leave that to the Sean's in the audience. Awesome.

Round One: Categories and Initial Questions

So, much like last year, I will be the host for this Jeopardy, I mean non-copyright infringing game show, and the game goes a little something like this. You start off with the first round where there are six categories of five questions each, the further down in the category you go, the more points the questions are worth but the more difficult they become, all buzzins must wait until I finish reading the clue, and all answers must be in the form of a question.
The point values for round one are 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000. And in the first round, there is one spot on the board called a jump scare. When one of our contestants picks that spot, they get to answer that question and risk as many other points as they'd like to answer it. And they get, they're the only person that gets to answer that question. Then in round two, another six category, five question each round, but the point values are doubled. So 400, 800, 1200, 1600, and 2000. And they're also double the jump scares. Then we end with one last scare, the final question, where each of our contestants can wager as many of the points as they had earned through the previous two rounds as they'd like to try and win by answering the final question correctly. Now normally, this kind of game would be enjoyed in a visual medium, like at 7.30 Eastern Standard Time right after Wheel of Fortune, but I will do my best to convey all the info you might need about points and what's left on the board as the game goes on. Any questions before we begin? I have one kind of random question, which is what would happen if you were to pick a jump scare, like on your first one and you didn't have any points to bet yet. You can risk up to a thousand in the first round and I think 5,000 in the second round. So theoretically you could start with negative 1000 points Nicole. Correct. Yes. I think you mean Megan.
She was one who asked the question. So that's who I meant. Like you were probably directing her answer to. No, I was talking to you. I mean, no, let's, let's acknowledge the fact that Megan has consistently scored low and then come back around in like the final rounds for every single Jeopardy we've ever played.
That's true. Some might call it a strategy, some might just call it an accident. but Life in the middle lane. Sometimes it pays off. got warm me there um though This is not a visual medium. ah All of the previous winners have been written and it's Nicole, Nicole, Sean and Megan, but over both Nicole's, someone I don't know who put a label that says the yellow haired devil.
yeah it sounds like the commission of done that probably the commissioner who did it I'm just saying it was done. And not by me. Probably, you know, the commissioner or, you know, the, uh, Nevada board of aletics yeah board as athletics. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It makes sense to me. The state commission, you know. All right. So if there's no questions, we can jump into the first round and reveal the categories, which are now that's what I call creepy ass music. That's about questions about music and soundtracks and horror movies. Then we have 1984 in fear, all about movies that came out in the year 1984. Then we have Simpsons did it, which is all about the Simpsons tree house of horror episodes. Then we follow that up with barking up the wrong tree, all about Clive Barker, the author and director.
then we have tales from the comic shop all about comic books and graphic novels and horror and finally IMDB keywords I will give you three of the IMDB keywords that can be found on the site and you tell me the movie
ah Megan, as defending champ, okay you have first crack of the board. So what would you like to start with? Can I please start with IMDB keywords for 200? Absolutely. And the clue is tortilla Martin Luther King Jr. quotation cheeseburger. Sean. See, this is crazy because this isn't a horror movie, but for some reason I'm thinking of pulp fiction. That is incorrect, Sean.
But Sean, that was my first thought as well, but it can't be. I was like, is that a horror video? I mean, the gimp scene is pretty terrifying. There are horror elements for

Contestants' Rivalries and Banter

sure. It's one of the many reasons I love Quentin Tarantino. Nicole. What is the menu?
Correct. Oh, I don't remember a Martin Luther King Jr. quotation. there's There's literally a seed where Ray Fine says like, ah ah freedom cannot be will will not be given by the oppressed. It must be taken by the oppressors. And the other yeah the other guys like, it's called Martin Luther King Jr. It's like, yeah, yeah, you did.
I just remember the cheeseburger scene. In my head, I'm like, what is the movie where Anya Taylor Joy's biting into that cheeseburger? Because that's definitely the answer to this question because you're such an Anya Taylor Joy stan. I am. She's my girl. I love her. All right, Nicole, you have 200 points. Shawn has minus 200. But and we we don't have to get into that. No, we do. That's literally the game, Shawn. Ooh, I'm not super confident in any of these categories. I'm going to be real with you. So let's do 1984 in fear for 200. All right.
1984 had its share of monster and creature features like Monster Dog and Razorback, but this is the only movie where that features critters you can't feed after midnight. Megan. ah What is Gremlins? Correct. Gremlins. So now you move into Tywin Nicole, Megan, and you have control of the board. Alrighty. 1984 in fear for 400. Alright. It should be no surprise that a Friday of the 13th film came out in 1984. Eight of the ten years of the 80s had a Friday the 13th movie, but this is the number installment that released on April 13, 1984.
Megan. What is three? That is incorrect, Megan. Julia. What is four? Correct. The final chapter. Good job. We don't have to be like for the final chapter. You don't. You just have to say for. Okay. yeah I just asked for the number installment. Okay. Okay. So Julie, you've jumped out into first place. You have to control of the board now. um Let's go. Simpson's did it for 200. All right. In the devil and Homer Simpson, this is what Homer sells his soul to the Flanders devil for. I bet it was real delicious too.
Nicole. What is a donut? Correct. Forbidden donut. All right, Nicole, you've tied yourself with Julia. Okay. You have control of the board. All right. All right. um Let's do now. That's what I call creepy ass music for 200. All right. Though many fans feel this song by the Cordettes is synonymous with the Halloween franchise, it never appears in the first film. It's only used in Halloween 2 and briefly referenced in Hollywood H2O. John. What is Mr. Sandman? Correct.
Um, you are now out of the negative Sean at up to zero and I've controlled the board. I just feel like when you say stuff like that, it's really passive aggressive Chris. You could have said that you were tied with the champion and, you know, I just, I mean, he's just being really matter of fact even about your score, Sean, and that it sucks.
I don't remember anybody asking you, Nicole. No one's asked you anything. Except for maybe how are you doing by the host. I'm speaking. Excuse me. I'm speaking. I'm trying to tear to but get the clue. ah Let's do Tales from the Comic Shop for $200. This Joe Hill comic series had a real rough go trying to get a TV adaptation. Fox filmed a pilot in 2011. Hulu gave it a go in 2017. But it wasn't until Netflix came along in 2020 that the series turned the corner into live action.
Megan. I think there's a good chance I'm gonna get the name wrong, but what is the skeleton key? That is incorrect, Megan. It's that. It's that. I've watched this show. I love it. A Joe Hill comic book. I watched the first couple episodes, didn't get into it. Yeah. It actually has the actor who played Georgie in it from the 2017 it. Nicole. What is Lock and Key? Correct. What is Lock and Key? Oh, Lock. It's a good comic series. I really enjoyed it. I haven't seen the show, but I love the comic series. Show's all right. Alright Nicole, you have taken the lead with 600. See, hers was so positive, Chris. Because she took the lead. That's a positive thing. It sounds like theft is a crime and you shouldn't be celebrating it.
What did we steal, Sean? The lead. He just said you took the lead. All right. I took what is rightfully mine. All right. So I'm going to go with the only category we haven't tried yet, which is barking up the wrong tree for 200. All right. Clive Barker was uninvolved with the Hellraiser franchise for Movie 4 until the remake in 2022. He was, however, briefly tempted to write a new Hellraiser film after the success of Freddy vs. Jason when it was pitched to have John Carpenter direct the crossover between Pinhead and The Slasher.
Sean. Who is Michael Myers? Correct. Do I think Pinhead versus Michael Myers makes a lick of sense? No. Would I show up for a John Carpenter directed Clive Barker written version of that movie? Abs a goddamn lick. Hold on now. I mean, it would be interesting because if Michael solved the puzzle, his whole thing would be to try to like get Michael's rocks off. Yeah. But Michael is like a void.
Yeah, he's so like it would be like he'd be doing all this like really horny stuff to Michael Myers and he would just not care. See, that's just the fanfic version of it. Like, really, this does nothing for you. All right. The fanfic probably exists. Oh, yeah, for sure. Oh, pitch for future jeopardy categories. Is it a fanfic plot or did I make this up? I should have done a fanfic. Am I at four hundred now, Chris? Two hundred, Sean. Oh.
Oh my, but I'm currently beating the current champion. If we want to phrase it, let's do, let's do IMDB keywords for for Hundo. All right. Keywords are intentionally misspelled title, dancing robot, daughter misses her dead mother. That was before I buzzed. Buzzer is free now.
I go to Megan cause Sean, you pre-buzzed. and but i bi i can Yeah, but doesn't count Megan. What is Megan for Megan? Correct. It is. What is making three? twenty the four hundred I'm like, this has got to be the, get me back to zero. You are back on the, you are out of the negatives as well, Megan. And I've controlled the board. You're welcome, Megan. Thank you, Sean. Please do 1984 in fear for 600. Sure thing. November 9th was a banner day, two classics released on the same day. A Nightmare on Elm Street came out, as well as this Crispus themed slasher. Both would be so successful that they'd each to get sequels not soon after, the latter of which presumably releasing on garbage day.
Nicole, you are up to 1200 points. Okay. Let's do, I'm gonna throw a wrench into this. Let's do barking up the wrong tree for 800. It doesn't matter what order we answer them in. You're right. In 1999, you clicked the comic one. She said barking up the wrong tree. Oh, she said barking up the wrong tree? Well, guess what? I didn't hear that. So ignore you read that category. You can do the comic one. It's fine. All right, fine. In 1999, comic legend Alan Moore brought us the graphic novel From Hell, which looked to bring some light and answers to this famous unsolved true crime. John. Who is the Jack, or what is the Jack the Ripper murders? Correct. Jack the Ripper.
I'm back in the game, baby! Jump to a thousand, Sean, in second place and have control of the board. Okay. I am going to do, Simpsons did it for 400. All right. The segment, Terra at five and a half feet featured Bart trying to warn the rest of the school bus of a monster damaging one of the tires in a parody of a Twilight Zone episode starring this Star Trek actor, Sean. Oh crap. What the hell is his name? Oh no, it's Captain Kirk. it' oh What the fuck is it? William Shatner. Who is William Shatner? Correct. Who is William Shatner? There's something on the wind. I almost forgot. Yeah. and And also I was confused because I was like, is that is he going to ask me what the the name of the creature is? No, no, no. It's a gremlin. It's a gremlin. What's so funny is I was going to have you say what it is. And then I realized that 1984 in fear for 200 was also a gremlin. So I couldn't have two gremlin answers.
secret category oops all gremlins it would be funny if there was a gremlin answer in each category but that I can see how that'd be hard to achieve a running gag yeah all right Sean you are now in first place with 1400 and I control the board see see how he said I'm now in first place I didn't steal anything You're now in first place. I didn't take anything. I didn't take anything. Now, it's not going into the future. Let's do marking up the wrong tree for 400. All right. This Bradley Cooper and Vinnie Jones film spends much of its time as a straightforward slash effect, but in my opinion, really flew off the rails at the end. Nicole. Damn it. What is Midnight Meat Train? You wouldn't know the title of that movie. I don't know if I've ever heard of this. A movie so ridiculous. Quick side though, because this is something I learned the other day and it blew my mind. The director of Candyman wanted to make the sequel Candyman to The Midnight Meat Train, but like Candyman just wouldn't have been in it. He just would have adapted this story. And I'm like, what a terrible idea, man. Just make that movie then.
I remember, because i I haven't seen the movie, but I vaguely remember the title, but I was remembering the title as Midnight on the Meat Train. And I'm like, that sounds like a poem. That's the parry version. So that's yeah category i don'trate sure the The ending of that movie is so great. Spoiler alert for the listeners. It's just like, it just becomes an HP Lovecraft story at the end.
It follows this guy who butchers people on the train. And then it's like, actually, he was feeding a race of aliens. like off they They were ghouls they're ghos under the city of New York. And he's like, I have to feed them or they'll come above ground and kill everybody. yeah He was a hero. What a wild movie. yeah ah That is wild.

Unexpected Twists and Rivalry Intensifies

All right, Nicole, you are now in first place with 1600 and I've controlled the board. Okay. I'm going to try this again. Barking up the wrong tree for eight hundred. You got it. This is the name of the Barker story that would become Candyman. I'd give you a hint, but I've been prohibited. I want to try, but she put the point so high. You know what?
Sean. Is it Cabrini green? No, I'm sorry. That is incorrect. a You're still beating me, Sean, by a comfortable margin. This is how it always goes, Megan. Then you come back and you wolf our asses. Any other other guesses? Sorry, man. All right. So the not hint was supposed to be the the closest thing I could get to a hint because the answer is what is the forbidden?
It was a non-hint hint. It's a big relief when you say it and it doesn't even ring a bell. Oh, I had no chance. I didn't know. Breeny Green, can I just say great name for a location and a story? So good. Love to. On by our college campus. All right, Nicole, you still have control of the board.
Okay, let's do now that's what I call creepy ass music for 600. 600. In addition to this song playing on the radio in the film Us, Jordan Peele also used the main melody of the song in the orchestral remix to the to Spooky Effect. Megan. What is it? I got five on it. Correct. Love that song.
I was, I was waiting for this. that's a good Her comeback begins. Alright Megan, you're up to 600 points now and tied with Sean for second. Um, could I please have IMDB keywords for 800? 800. Post apocalypse, invisible creatures based on novel. Sean. What is the bird box? Correct. Yeah. Bird box by Josh Mallarmine, if memory serves. I didn't know that was based on a novel. Yep. I never saw that, but maybe I should have. It's a very accurately accurate angels. Yeah. It's, it's a totally fine movie.
it was It came out at the right time. Everybody was locked in their apartments during COVID and it was like people more like with the people were related because they have to wear blindfolds and then they have to wear, you know, it's like wearing a mask. It was all very classic. And then there was the group of people who were like, no, you must see those are like the anti-maskers. But like, yeah, you can't go outside. It was all very good. It's a solid flick. Andrew Bullock is the weakest part um besides Machine Gun Kelly randomly being in it.
Yeah. Yeah. He randomly shows up just to have a sex scene with a girl and then him and that character disappear for the rest of the movie. It's really pointless. What the hell? Him and Megan Fox just broke up, I heard. Oh. That guy got dissed by Eminem so bad he went to pop music. Oh, he's an Eminem diss me. Please don't. Oh, yeah. That's just sad. How embarrassing. Just don't mention his daughter and you'll be all right. Oh, I would never.
you Let's say now that's what I call creepy ass music for 400. mama told me something a little girl should know it's all about the devil and i've learned to hate him so says the song that crackles through the radio in this sixteen film when amil hirsch and brian cox's characters attempt to perform this titular medical procedure Nicole. What is the autopsy of Jane Doe? Correct. It's a good movie. that's ah Yeah, that movie is so good. You're up to 2000 points, Nicole, in first place, and I have to control the board. Okay, let's do... Tales from the comic shop for 600? Dun dun dun! That, Nicole, is a jump scare. I don't think I've ever gotten one of these before. Very exciting. So you can risk as many of your 2000 points as you would like before I reveal the clue.
i will risk i will be very very safe and i will risk five hundred and fifty points a cow fifty yeah five fifty tales from The 2019 series Killadelphia features a small time beat cop coming home to bury his murdered father, only to uncover a vast conspiracy involving an army of vampires led by this founding father. Suck it, George. He's not second in command this time. You didn't have to buzz in, Nicole. You can just say it. Yeah, you're right. um Who is Thomas Jefferson? To take this place.
two thousand minus Now this is like mental torture. It's it's not. It's me being bad at that. it corrects the Yeah, going down? I didn't think I was going to get that, to be honest with you. Hey, neighbor. Is what is John Adams, the first vice presidents? Because, you know, we all know how much I know history. Yes.
I appreciate it. I got the Philadelphia one though, even though I'd never heard of it until- I hadn't heard of it until I was making this category. It sounds awesome. All right, Nicole, even though you will you now only have a 50 point lead on Sean, but still have control of the board. That was unnecessary. You just you could have just said within 50 of Sean.
Can I get, um, can I get 1984 in fear for 800? Sure thing. 1984 was a slightly quieter year for ya boy Stephen King. Just these two films, one of which was the one of the first films starring a young Drew Barrymore, the other inexplicably spawned like 10 more movies.
Do you have to name two? Both of them. I want both of them. Okay. I know one obviously, but it's killing me because I know the first half. what second i'm feeling yeah that's Yeah. I'm just like, what the hell? What Stephen King movies have like 10 sequels? I don't even know. Exactly. It's the weirdest one. I'm looking forward to finding out, but disappointed in myself for not knowing. I have no idea. anyone but Anyone buzzing? Wait, give me more time.
That's why I asked that. I was saying, anyone is is are we all putting our hands up or is someone still trying to work it out? That's what I was asking. I give up. Okay. Julia, you too? Yeah, I don't know. Okay. The answer, the answers were what is a fire starter and children of the corn.
11. I completely forgot that children of the corn was a franchise. There are 11 children of the corn. There's 11. I thought there was like three. They recently did a reward. They just rebooted it recently. They keep going. I don't know why. Of all Stephen King properties, the one that has 11 movies is Children of the Corn. He wants you to bow the card. That one doesn't even engage me.
No, you want your true. All right, Nicole, you still have control of the board. Oh, Jesus. Okay. Simpsons did it for 600. All right. In Treehouse of Horror 13, the first short featured a magical hammock that could create clones of Homer. One of the Homer clones seen in the background of one shot was actually this character creating a years long feud between their respective shows. sea what this family guy i sorry What is Who is Peter Griffin?
Correct. hu One of the clones is Peter Griffin, and then they're like, you're calling us a clone? it's like it was It was just a joke, and they kind of took it personal. They really got literal with that, because I was like, oh, that seems playful. but then Yeah, I feel like a fun little gag, but they got kind of upset about it. Sean, now you were in first place with 2,000 points and had control of the board. you know Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Let's go with- The prize isn't even a crown, man. It's a belt. Heavy's the waist that wears the belt. I can wear it as a crown if I want to.
oh I hear you could wear it as a ring if you wanted to. is This is true, thank you. Hey, Julia dropping the Sean facts. Let's do, I got big fat fingers for everybody who's listening. Size 18 ring. It's not even real. My mother didn't believe it. and Let's do IMDb keywords for 600. All right. No dialogue. Alien invasion. Hit with a rock. Nicole is just seething. She can't remember the title. I am seething. I'm seething because I watched this movie like two months ago. Hit with a rock. It wasn't great. No, it was fine. I remember this. I don't know the title, obviously, otherwise I would have buzzed in. But I didn't watch it because Nicole told me it was underwhelming. And I believed her. I was underwhelming. What was funny is I remember hearing so much good stuff about it. And then Mike was like, it was awful. And Nicole was like, it was underwhelming. And I was like, I've heard it's really good though. And I watched it. I was like, no, it is kind of underwhelming. It's really good, but it just kind of keeps going rather than progressing. It's just like the same thing promising. But then Nicole but told me underwhelming and I believe her. Yeah, it just keeps going. So the first two clues here are like, if you don't pay attention carefully to the first one, you think it's going to be the more popular movie
And then you go, wait a minute, that does have dialogue. Yeah. The, the no dialogue thing, I think becomes more of a gimmick than like an actual ah definitely they naturally occurring thing in the film. I really wish I remembered the name of this movie. I feel like it's some artsy fartsy title. i and curious Yeah. All right. So the answer is what is no one will save you.
It is kind of an artsy fartsy title. I've never even... That's the most words in the whole movie is the title. Yeah, yeah. There's zero words and they' there are many scenes where I was like, these people would be saying something if the gimmick of the movie wasn't, no one talks. It's not like the aliens make it so no one can talk. They're just everyone choosing to not say any word the whole time.
It really lost me. There's a scene where the protagonist is like, something done be fucky here. ah So she goes into the police station. And the whole scene is just like her making eye contact with another character and then like a weird eye exchange. And she just like walks out of the police station. Yeah, yeah i'm like i don't for a minute, no one in that police station would have been hey, can I help you?
She walks and then as she's leaving, she runs into the mother of the her friend, her childhood friend, who is the one who was hit with the rock and died. And the mom just like slaps her and they both walk away. I'm like, this is an argument scene. This is where these two people would yell at each other, not. And he slaps. I can't even imagine like you swinging your hand wordlessly. I can't imagine that that either. This is a small town flick, by the way. Like so small, like the protagonist is just riding a bike around everywhere. And I don't believe for a minute that either A, this woman slaps our protagonist every time she happens to see her on the street, or this is the first time she's seen the protagonist yeah since the girl who got hit with the rock died, which they set up was like a decade ago. yeah Yeah. And also small towns infamous for people not gossiping and not talking total silence whole movie. Okay. That was bored. That was bored pants off me. Oh yeah. All right, Sean, you still have control of the board. Don't I let's do barking up the wrong tree for 600.
Alright. In 2014, Clive Barker got to bring his vision of this film to fruition after 20th Century Fox had butchered this tale of friendly monsters hiding from humanity and trying to sell it as if it were a slasher. Sean. What is Nightbreed? Correct. Nightbreed. And also a hilarious opening that looks like it's like a... It almost looks like it's going to be a musical. There are like people like flipping and like what dancing. it's It's like it's supposed to be like his version of X-Men. There's like mutated monsters and they all live in this underground society. And then um who's the director? ah David k Cronenberg plays the main characters therapist, but he's secretly a serial killer and he pins all of his murders on the main character. Whoa, that sucks. Yeah. it's pretty and He's called Zipperface. He's very cool looking and gets like next to no screen time as Zipperface. The movie is worth a watch to laugh while you're stoned, but the movie itself is kind of a fail. Okay. That sounds like a fair view.
All right, John, you have increased your lead to 2,600. That's the kind of but confidence you want. Yeah, that's the kind of like you know positive yeah affirmations that I'm looking for here, Chris. And you have control of the board. buddy I'm sorry. I don't listen to negativity, Nicole. um Let's do Tales from the Comic Shop for 400. All right.
Hack and Slash, a comic that follows Cassandra Hack, final girl turned slasher killing vigilante, typically featured original slashers, but she also had to take a swing at Chucky, Dr. Herbert West, and this groovy horror protagonist, John. Who is Ash Williams? Correct. Because he's groovy. I second guessed myself in the last name, I was like, I- You were like, Ash Campbell! Okay, let's do, now that's what I call creepy ass music for 1000.
1000 sheesh. Both the songs total eclipse of the heart and making love out of nothing at all are used during intense chase scenes in this sequel film about masked home invaders. Sean. This is gonna blow back in my face but what is The Strangers? Any clue on what the sequel title is? The Strangers 2? Electric Boogaloo?
Is the stranger's homecoming something? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. No, you can't let it keep guessing. It's like three times now. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You have to just say Friday the 13th 4, OK? I know it's the stranger's sequel. I don't know the name of it.
Sean, if you had just left it at Strangers 2, I probably would have been, said yes, but we went on to the tags. Because it's, because it's not this, there's no two in the title, but I would have let it slide, but she kept going with sequel tags and that's not the answer. Oh, you're down to 2000. What is it? Anyone else want to take a stab at it? I don't know. Not now, because I've got good titles. So the answer was, what is the Strangers Pray at Night?
with a quiet no clue
I honestly prefer it to stranger's one. I know it's a controversial take, but I think it's pretty good. After Chris just bent me over a table, now I have to ask for more plates. I have to ask a different question, and now I can never trust again.
well Okay, okay, okay. It's okay. Ask her how many points you're gonna lose. Come on. You're in the lead. You're in the lead, Sean. It's just just tune out the yellow haired devil. She can't hurt you. Wait, Sean, the belt is like, Sean, take us home. Okay, I'll do it for dead Trebek.
1984 in fear for a thousand. All right. Chud, a movie about super net subterranean monsters that crawl out of the sewers to kill the people is also an acronym, which stands for this. and I forget what it stands for. I'm just thinking about the ritual of Chad. that's i don't yeah i making You're making an unintentional it reference and it's delighting me. Oh, it's very unintentional. this I don't think this movie has anything to do with it. yeah no You haven't seen Chud, you should. Hey sewers though. go yeah You should watch Chud, I've never seen it.
Any guesses? I used to know this. But I don't know. The answer is what is cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller. Yes, I knew cannibalistic was in there. And then I couldn't think of the other ones. What was so funny was I knew I wanted to be like, what Chud stands for. But then I realized I had to describe the film about using any of those words. I was using subterranean sewers. It was quite impressive. And now I have to pick another category. You do have to pick another one.
Let's go barking at the wrong tree for one thousand. i I'm very fond of this clue. Despite writing this 1986 film, Clyde Barker was disappointed with the film's creature design saying, quote, I couldn't get them to understand that the whole movie had the smell of sex when this thing appeared yet to think it was a dick, but it didn't get the joke. Done. What is Rawhead Rex? Correct. rawhead re yeah he pisses arm now at one point he pisses on a priest and that makes the priest become like his like Renfield for some reason yeah and it's a it's an Irish town and the monster was supposed to just look like a cock but they made him look like a biker dude with a giant square jaw. And there is a lot of dick jokes, but yeah, he was supposed to be a giant dick. It's not phallic enough for Clyde Barker's taste. It's probably gay or to have it be some like hunky guy. than just like I think that's what they're they were going for. yeah He does take a piss on the priest and the guy's like, oh yeah, give give me the Holy Spirit.
That's a weird reaction to getting pissed on. That's not the first time that priest has been pissed on. Yeah. At least not in his imagination. the All right. All right. We're back in it. We're back in it. Thank you. Back up to 3,000. Sean, you got this. Let's blow it. um Now that's what I call creepy ass music for 800.
All right. By the way, that last segment, my wife came in and got mad at me. So this is too loud. This awesome 2014 movie starring Dan Stevens and Micah Monroe never got an actual sequel. But weirdly, in 2022, director Adam Wingard helped release a soundtrack for the non-existent sequel for April Fool's. Love that synth music. two thousand go What is it follows? Incorrect, Nicole. We're down to 650. Still in second place. Dan Stevens and Micah Monroe.
I think I've seen this one. Any guesses? I had no't i don't remember who these people are. Michael Monroe is the star of it. fall Yeah, she is. She is.

Round Two: New Challenges

She's great. She's at a lot of really good stuff. yeah She's also the the star of ah Long Legs. Long Legs, yeah. Which eventually we're going to do an episode talking about, but that's not not not, I have to rewatch it before we do that. But the answer to this one is what is the guest? Love the guest.
Uh, I still have to pick the category. I guess I'm going to be getting paid overtime. Let's do tales from the comic shop. Aww. For 1000, let's do it. EC Comics, the home of famed horror comics, such as Tales from the Crypt, The Vault of Horror, and The Haunt of Fear, while rad as fuck, were also instrumental in the creation of this 1954 comic censorship initiative, similar to the Hays Code for films of the era. I'm out. I do not know.
I don't know about censorship initiatives. I did not know this was a thing until right this moment, but I'm not surprised it was a thing. I just didn't know it was a thing. Yeah. These comics were a big part, but also DC Comics. There's a book called Seduction of the Innocent written by some wang who thought that Batman and Robin were gay and Wonder Woman was too independent. And so they're like, you better fix it. Otherwise we're not going to need this seal on your comics. Well, if you look at Batman and They were a little soft spot. He didn't have to put that young lad in a speedo only. That was a choice. A lot of choices happened. Uncle Albert did it to him. Yeah. Albert, nobody needs to break the cycle. We all wear the speedo at some point.
If we're all skipping, the answer is what is the Comics Code Authority? Oh, makes a lot of sense. that Yeah, it does. Yeah. Was it about to risk $1,000 for that, though? There are three clues left, Sean. This doesn't equate to money, Sean. It does for me. It makes it real. There are three clues left, Sean. There's a thousand and I'm DB keywords and 800 and a thousand. ed simpsons did it it's been here It's been a hell of a run, ladies. um I am DB keywords for a thousand.
all right vacation gone wrong mute child's unhappy ending i don't expect don on the day I have one. ah list John. What is Speak No Evil? Correct. Yeah.
That's the one that I didn't want to watch because it was a huge bummer, Julia. Yeah. I remember the commercial. I remember the commercial. It was like a Dutch one and then the Dutch one. And the Dutch one Alright. is just a bad time. Vacation gone wrong. It looks scary, but like very dreadful. Mute child. Unhappy ending. I did hear that the American one, it's not as bad. It's not the ending. It goes a different direction.
I mean, the Dutch one's just so sad. It's like watching a Korean movie, you know you're going to get a bad ethic. Oh, and I don't want to tell myself like this, but I'm gonna, but I buzzed right after Sean and I'm glad I didn't get at it because I was going to say us because I was thinking of that movie because I'm like, well, the child is mute and it does happen, but I get like, it's a vacation got wrong with a mute child and the ending is pretty unhappy.
Hey, it's a more bittersweet ending. They get away in us, so it's not terrible. All right, Sean, you have two clues left to choose from. Okay, let's see if Simpsons did it for E. Hondo. All right. In Trios of Horror 5, this side character appears in all three segments, trying to help Bart with his shinning, trying to help Homer not destroy the timeline, and trying to save the kids from being eaten by the teachers and principals of Springfield Elementary, but gets an accident back each time. Sean, that was a pre-buzz. Oh, it was so close.
Megan. Who is groundskeeper Willy? Correct. Groundskeeper Willy. So you're up to 1,400 jumping into second place, Megan. And the last clue. I get to pick the last one. It's the last clue. Simpson did it for 1,000. And the clue is, introduced in the first ever trios of horror, these two alien creatures became recurring parts of each subsequent installment, sometimes just for a cameo, sometimes replacing Bill Clinton and Bob Dole in the 1996 presidential election. I know one of their names. but Yeah, I know one and I don't want to. Yep. Everyone passing. Wait, wait. Oh, I'm so far ahead. I might as well try. Go right ahead. and Sean.
Who is Kang and Kodos? Correct. Yes! My God, that was incredible. Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos. I didn't know either. I knew they looked like that. Chris, i had a when you showed these categories at the beginning, I'm like, I hope he doesn't ask those alien snakes.
so i I love biggest part they huge part the the Bill Clinton, Bob Dole episode is just so funny because when they reveal that they're the two candidates, one of them's like, I think I'll vote for a third party candidate. Go ahead. Grow your vote away. That's one of the best jokes of all time. I don't think I've ever seen a Treehouse of War episode. Oh, they're so good. They are good. I even seen one of the kids. So after the first round, Sean is in the lead with 5,000 points followed by Megan with 1,400. Nicole has 650 in third place and selecting first in the second round is Julia with 400 points. This one's for you Carrie. for you care
thats I'm losing honor of Carrie. I will now reveal the categories for the second round. We start with franchise fatigue. You guys know I love these kind of categories. I will present to you a horror franchise and three sequel tags. One, I Made Up and two are real. Identify the fake sequel tag. Then we move on to notable quotables. I will give you a quote from a horror movie. You tell me the horror movie. Straightforward. Then we have based on a true story. Then what would subwood please think of the children, which is all about horror stuff, shows, books, movies directed at kids or aimed at children. Aimed at children?
Yes, then we have not so final girls and finally everyone's favorite title mashing category before and after I last year I told you guys I would need to switch up before and after because I was running out of movies that fit and I have this year it's one horror movie and one non horror movie being mashed up and it's not necessarily evenly like the end of one title the beginning a new title it's just whenever wherever there was a mutual word in a title I kind of mashed them up Okay. Okay. Now I remember what that category yeah is. It's kind of scary. So Julia, you have first pick of the board. Franchise fatigue for 400. 400. We have Halloween, the curse of Michael Myers, the resurrection of Michael Myers, the revenge of Michael Myers. You gotta be kidding me. John, that was a pretty buzz. What? It was. It came through as I was saying Michael Myers. Buzz is free again.
Megan. What is the revenge of Michael Myers? That's incorrect, Megan. Oh, Julia. Oh. What is the resurrection of Michael Myers? Correct. I combined, I combined the return of Michael Myers and Halloween resurrection into one title. Yes. So Julia, you, you, you, you have up to third place with 800 control the board. Nicole, look, the person who replaced Carrie is a head of the person playing for Carrie. I'm doing this for Carrie. So he's actually on brand. Okay. Um, notable quotables for 400. 400. Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Can I talk about the Theresa? This movie slaps. It's so good. I feel like I know but I'm scared. Any guesses? I'm too, I'm too yella.
Julia. What is Thanksgiving? No, unfortunately not. Back to 400. Just reading what movie Chris likes. that one I love Thanksgiving. I respect it. It's so good. Any other guesses? No. No, I'm cowardly. That is, what is Heather's?
that you need gently with a chainsaw For some reason, I attributed that to Nightmare on Elm Street, which was incorrect. There's, there's a line in Nightmare on Elm Street where Rod says, Hey, up yours, but toward the lawnmower. And that's probably where the, uh, the confusion comes on account of the power tools. You're right. The power tools. And they're, and they're using in sexual acts. All right, Julia, you are down to 400 again, but still have control of the board.
let's go not so final girls for four hundred all right every time i watch fire the thirteenth i forget that annie phillips isn't the final girl she's the first character we meet and she's the only one who gets crazy ralph's harber speech but alas every time she ends up on the end of this character's hunting knife megan ah who is pamela boorhes Correct. Pamela Voorhees. I was hoping you would fall for the cry of their trapped. Okay, Sean, no fucking way. I've seen by the 13th so many times. And scream, you scream fan as well, and that's the truth. Yeah, I've seen it so many times, but every time I'm like, oh, Annie got the Harbinger speech, and I was like, oh, yeah, she dies first. That's weird. It always sticks out to me of being anachronistic. One of my favorite Chris Donovan quotes is when I was, it's coming up, there's going to be another Friday the 13th this week, which I'm going not going to celebrate as well. But when we were watching Friday the 13th, at the last Friday the 13th, and then you were saying, yeah, Crazy Ralph gives this speech to Annie, and then she dies, so he has to bite his ass like twice. That guy has to get all the way to camp now. god damn it i thought he he thought he just phoned in the harbinger speech and then that bitch dies she'll pass it along it's fine gotta to be in he's gotta be in their pantry like how are you in their pantry he's just like a sim just you know he's just there in the pantry when they walk in whole do
Oh, and then he's like, your wife is worried sick about This guy's not only married, but happily. His wife's legitimately concerned about him. All right, Megan, uh, you have 1400 points and have control of the board. Could we please do notable quotables for 800? 800. Nobody trusts anybody now. We're all very tired.
Megan. What is the thing? Correct. Damn it. I love me the thing. Such a thing is great. It's my favorite cold horror. It's my Could we please you before and after for 400? All right. Show Julia what these are. Bumbling cops, Jenko and Schmidt have to go undercover to Springwood High School to see why so many students have been murdered, seemingly in their sleep. Nicole. What is Nightmare on 21 Jump Street? Correct. it suck It's great. Chris, did you do that one before we watched 21 Jump Street this weekend? No, I did it after, but I was just like, now that everyone's caught up, I can take this.
I legitimately was like, this was the first clue I came up with. And this was the one I came, I finished yesterday. And then for some reason, a nightmare on 21 Jump Street came to my brain. I'm like, Oh my God. That's good. Yeah. and then i did because Johnny Depp's in both of them. Yes. And as a result, I finished the whole category after that in like 15 minutes. I just went boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. What I'm hearing is that Julie and I were an inspiration due to our viewing this weekend. Such a good movie, dude. It was. I loved it. I want to rewatch them already. So good.
uh i'm really tempted to keep going with that one but i kind of want to like save it for our moments throughout the episode so let's do based on a true story for 800 800 she's just looking for that double jeopardy this 2013 found footage film the sacrament was a fictionalized version of the last few days of this real life cult whether the fictional verse used kool-aid or flavorade is a mystery Megan. What is Jonestown? Jonestown. I will accept Jonestown. Is that the name of the cult? Yeah. It's commonly referred to as Jonestown. That's why I will accept it. Oh, yeah. Just like the strangers too, you know? I would have ex- I told you, Sean. I would have accepted strangers too. I don't think that's commonly referred to. Electric Boogaloo. Once you said Electric Boogaloo, you lost. It was over.
Electric Boogaloo is the best sequel title. It's the default sequel tagline. All right, Megan, you're up to 3,000 points and have control of the board. Cool. Could we please do, won't someone think of the children? For what score? Oh, sure. Sorry, 400. 400. In 1992, Nickelodeon submitted this horror anthology show for our approval. Seven seasons and three limited series later, I'd say we approve. Sean. What is Are You Afraid of the Dark? Correct. Yeah. Up to 5,400 points, Sean, and now I've controlled the board. I call this the tale of Sean winning over Jeopardy. And then you got to picture me. Hey, hey, the peanut gallery and he's the quiet town while I throw this coffee creamer into the fire. That is a hundred percent what they use, by the way. Let's do based on a true story for 400. All right.
I'm very dubious of the true story nature of this movie about the Lutz family experiencing hauntings in the house where Ronald DeFeo murdered his family, probably because of Ronald DeFeo's lawyer saying, I know this book is a hoax, we created this horror story over many bottles of wine.
Nicole. What is Amityville Horror? Correct. The Amityville Horror. Which also spawned like 40 million sequels. Yeah. And cause Amityville is not copyrightable. It's just a location name. So anyone can just make their movie, the Amityville insert stupid thing here. And they have. And they have. New Jeopardy category. Amity insert stupid thing here. Insert stupid thing here.

Megan's Lead and Strategic Play

I'm surprised that's not a category, a movie. The Amityville stupid thing, you know.
Well, let's have a Ryan Reynolds abs appreciation for that movie. They oiled those. They oiled them real good. All right, you know what? This has inspired me. I want to pick franchise fatigue for 800. This is for you, Carrie. I see you, Carrie. The Conjuring, Curse of Valak, Last Rites, The Devil Made Me Do It. Julia.
What is Curse of the Valak? Correct. Valak is the name of the nun in Conjuring 2, but it was just called Conjuring 2. Oh, okay. I thought that was gonna be one of those trick questions where I'm like, I think it's that, but I feel like maybe it's rights spelled differently. No, last rights is the upcoming final edition of the Conjuring. Final. Final, end quote. They finally kill those sakes.
probably going to kill the war those charlatan spoil alert they're already dead You know what, that was a double. You were like, that inspired me for franchise fatigue. They went and they checked out the Amityville house too. They they were there. And they swear to God, it was real, which is why we bought it. All right, Julia, you can fill the board. We did meet Lorraine Warren that one time. that's creep Was she creepy? Was she like nice? He seemed really nice.
It seemed nice. It was hurt all very nice. yeah Her son-in-law did most of the talking. I defrauded hundreds and thousands of people. I think, um, I was listening to the last podcast and left, left episode about them. And I think this is the true thing. I think they're con artists, con artists, but they're con artists who believed their own shtick. Like they believe they were doing like God's work, but they clearly weren't in their minds. They were straight. They were on the church bullshit. You know, exactly. because they and They did actually go to the same church as my grandma at one point. That is crazy. Yeah. and Connecticut stuff. You got some hauntings there. Oh yeah. Um, I'm going to go franchise fatigue for 1200. 1200. Godzilla versus Biolante versus Gamera versus Hedorah. Nicole. What is Biolante? Incorrect, Nicole. No. I thought that too, Nicole. I do. That wasn't my guess. That's not real.
Sean. What is Hidora? Incorrect, Sean. Oh. I will not accept a buzz in on this one because there's only one answer left. Yeah, that's fair. Make it in Julia. That's fair. Gamera is owned by a different company than Godzilla, so they've never had to cross over. Wait, so who's Bialante? Because I know Pandora was right. Bialante's a plant monster that's summoned by like a dying little girl or something to be like Mother Nature. She's like Poison Ivy, but a guy. My husband's going to be so disappointed in me for not knowing that. As per usual. Yeah. Pandora. Just think about my marriage.
Disappointment. No, ah I thought the Hadora one was going to be like, oh, he's actually featured in this movie. Oh, yeah. Or it's like, you know, Godzilla. He's not like the king of the monsters or something. Yeah. But gamer and Godzilla are kind of like DC and Marvel, whether it's just like the never the twain shall meet. ah Julia, you still have control of the board. right let's go not so final girls for eight hundred all right arguably the biggest subversion of the final girl trobe is when marian crane stop here in nineteen sixty s psycho luckily for norman she made clean of a breeze dying in that shower like that
nicole What is the Bates Motel? Correct. I'm still in last place. This one's for you, Carrie! What's your clawing back to call? And you have control of the board. Yeah, let's do before and after for 1200. 1200. Patrick Swayze has been hired to clean up this mansion owned by an eccentric millionaire before a party he's throwing. He'll have his work cut out for him, cleaning up food and drinks and ghosts and perhaps even a few murders.
I am so mad. I've never heard of this Patrick Swayze movie. Never heard of it either. We gotta watch it immediately, Julia. This movie doesn't exist. Oh, it doesn't exist? Oh, I'm stoned.
Patrick Swayze has been hired to clean up a mansion on Bayex before a party he's through. When I say clean up, I don't mean like as a maid. Like he's ready. He's got it. Oh, Sean. Roadhouse on Haunted Hill? Correct.
was going to guess roadhouse of a thousand corpses i was going to go but i was like i used house for thousand corpses last year for before and after i didn't want to double up oh man i'm so glad that i was convinced for fifteen seconds this was a real movie and i And I was, couldn't believe it. I'm like, I love Patrick Swayze and I love horror. I was like, Oh, is it the movie ghost? Cause I've actually seen that. Chris saying clean up with quotation marks yeah was key to me figuring that one out. I will say I'm glad that that happened on Not So Final Girls because there's one thing.
If we learned one thing in 2024, it's that men have really had enough and it's ah been a rough year for us. That category wasn't not so final. girl oh hey hey Hold on. I feel like men have had a pretty good year again this year. I feel like men have been having a pretty good year since they started. Listen, I'm saying that men, men, 2024, men have had a really rough time and I'm just so glad that I can finally be the final guy.
It's about time, okay? It's our time. This joke is not for anybody.
sure so what's so Who's the host of the meeting? Can we throw Sean into the waiting room for that one? Won't someone please think of the children for 800? All right. This 1999 directed video Scooby-Doo movie introduced the world to the Hex girls. And yet another example of the 90s being like, yo, goth girls are it, man. John. What is, oh gosh. Uh, what is Scooby-Doo and no, oh no, I'm not gonna blow this. What is, oh, oh no. The girls have come back to get me. I just watched this movie with my daughter. You've been hexed by the girls.
but my my My daughter Piper is cursing me right now. This is yeah what is Scooby Doo in The Curse of the Witch? Incorrect, John. Anyone else? I really should know this, but I don't. Defeated by feminism. I thought it would be Scooby Doo in The Hex Girls. ma no other no other guesses bomb so i'm sure there's a salem in the title no it is what is scooby-doo and the witch's ghost oh the curse of the witch was close no it wasn't the witch was kind of close i get to pick again no it wasn't julio witch is in it i thought that was good but
Oh, okay. Let's do before and after for 800. Oh, right. After I've embarrassed myself. Frodo and Gandalf embark on a journey to destroy a VHS tape before Samara emerges to kill them. They better hurry. They only have seven days. How do you put this together? Lord of the Ring? Correct. Lord of the Ring. Is that too easy?
I mean I could have made it extended to the fellowship of the ring. It still would have made sense. So Chris, you said that this came real quick for you, huh? Yeah, real quick. Real quick. Put a lot of thought into this title. No issue at all. Okay, you guys, I gotta say, you guys making fun of the thing I got, right?
you You don't look stupid. None of us were brave enough to buzz in. I was like, that can't be it. That was a kiddie pool answer. that was just you know Chris, I'm taking my axe back. You can't have it. Megan, you have control of the board. Okay. Could we please do notable quotables for 1200? Sure thing. When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.
Sean. What is Night of the Living Dead? Incorrect, Sean. Oh no, it's the other one! Oh no! Megan. What is Dawn of the Dead? Correct. Oh. With that answer, Megan, you have jumped into first place with 5,000 points. Woo, Megan! As soon as I said it, I was like, no. It's the other one. Could we please do Not-So-Final Girls for 1200? Sure thing. Yeah, let me get back in this game. With a name like Helen Shivers, you'd think she'd be poised to lead not just her film, but the whole franchise. Unfortunately, her summer plans involve stopping for no reason before she reached the parade of people in this movie.
Megan. I know what you did last summer. What is I know what you did last summer? Correct. I know what you did last summer. Okay. I'm crazy. I was just thinking about Helen Shivers when I saw the not so final girls because I'm like, she should have been the final girl. Sarah Michelle Geller, Helen Shivers. That's her. I was just, because when I saw that category, I'm like, I wonder if she'll come up. I thought it was going to be the name and I'm like, Oh, I know her last name. This is good news.
Yep. I can't lose like this. extends your land You can lose harder. Could we please do, um, based on a true story for 1200? Sure thing. One of the wackier true story movies of the past few years. This one involves the unfortunate story of a black bear who had herself the trip of a lifetime. Megan. What is cocaine bear? Correct. What is cocaine bear?
Julian, I saw that in theaters. It was great. Was it good? I haven't seen it. I enjoyed it. It did, yeah. I wouldn't say it's all that realistic. One of Ray Liotta's final films, may he rest in peace? I did think it was true, because at the beginning, I was like, this can't be real. I mean, it's a true story, but like the bear- A small amount of it's real. Yeah, like the bear just kind of got high, and it was kind of just put down because it was sad, I'm pretty sure. It was not the fun movie story. Eating cocaine doesn't have the same effect as snorting cookies.
but you can be married by the cocaine bear statue that is true good to know because there's some obscure rule in like whatever state this takes place in where a wedding is official if you think the thing that officiated it has the authority to marry you We're so such a that sounds like ah some kind of fairy thing. Like it's such a cousin fucking state thing. It was like Pennsylvania. You don't actually you don't need an officiant in Pennsylvania to get married. No. It's interesting how they vary. We'll call them like a wedding. Oh, won't someone please think of the wedding of the wedding? but but
todding Megan, that is a jump scare. I'm afraid. How many points would you like to risk of your 7,400? Oh, not that many. Play it safe, Megan. Play it safe. Okay. Can I please bet 400? 400. You sure can. they just You selected 1,200. How do I know there's an option to downgrade the point value? I'm doing it, Sean. The clue is this series of short story collections featured awesome and disturbing uncanny artwork alongside stories such as the Big Toe and the Slithery Dee. Just turn the lights off before you share it with others. Those are two great stories in that anthology.
I'm really glad I, I'm really glad that I only did 400. I have no idea. Deduct those points, Chris. as know I'll just, I'll just think about it for a second to make sure, but I'm pretty sure I'm passing. Let's see. You're going to lose the points either way. So you might as well guess. Yeah. All right. So you are down to 7,000 cause you only rate the 400. Oh, is that all she's down to? What is scary stories to tell in the dark? Yes. The big toe. I love that one. Oh yeah. Those stories are really good. Julie and I are watching I think you should leave and that like those two names just sound like a made up name. from I think you should leave like, ah, you went over the big toe. What about Slytherin? It also made for a decent movie adaptation. It was like a completely fine movie. But what it's the only thing notable about the movie is that they got Lana Del Rey to cover Season of the Witch by a Donovan and it's pretty good. Oh, that's where that cover came from? Yeah, it comes from the movie. Yeah. Okay.
Well, that's cool. I like actually should do like that cover. Yeah, it was good. And now i I've achieved my goal of making the board totally flat. Yes. So I'm off to the winner tonight. But you still have control of the board and must disrupt the board once more, Megan. Oh, the power! Could we please do a franchise fatigue for 1600? Sure thing. Tremors. A cold day in hell. Back to perfection. The Thunder from Down Under. Sean. Thunder from Down Under. Correct. That was going to be a sequel with Kevin Bacon, but then when he dropped out, it became Aftershocks instead. Yep. So you're up to 5,000 points within striking distances of Megan. Let's go with notable quotes for 2000. All right. For 2000. It's not the house that's haunted. It's your son. Oh man. ah This could be so many movies. The terror of reproducing.
Nicole. I think this is probably wrong. What is stir of echoes? Incorrect. This one's for you Carrie. Minus 950 Nicole. Yeah for Carrie. I know this like doesn't narrow it down that much, but this line's delivered by Lynn Shea, if that helps. Who is Lynn Shea? There's so many horror movies. That doesn't help.
but so Any other guesses? The answer is, if we're all passing, is insidious. Thank God it didn't make sense. Did you know there's a play?
nice This is an insidious play. Yeah, give me a hot second. I want to see it. I literally learned about it today. And if I'm wrong, and it's not about the movie, oopsies, but I thought it was. That movie is like good, but like, I i think it was like super overrated when it came out. Yeah, it's called Insidious, the further you fear. Huh? Yeah, yeah, because the further is where the ghosts and demons all are. It's coming. Uh, wait, is it coming to Philly? I can't remember if it's coming to Philly or if it played in Philly last year. but If it's coming to Philly, I want to see it, so. All right, Sean. I'll keep an eye out for it. To based on a true story for 1600. 16. The 2007 film Primeval wasn't based on a true story per se, but the characters were facing off with this real life Nile crocodile from Burundi, Africa, which is rumored to have killed between 200 and 300 people. Oh, that's a lot of people. John, who is Gustav? star I remember when this movie was out, it had the guy from prison break in it and they were like, he is the most prevalent serial killer of the modern century or whatever. Like all the things were making it seem like that person. And then all the characters were like Gustav Gustav, because the studio didn't believe that people would go see a creature feature. So they were just like, we made it, but yeah, we don't really want to tell people it's about a murderous alligator.
Yeah, it was a crocodile crocodile. Yeah, it was a crocody yeah crocodile crocodile named Gustav and he's been shot up by machine guns Like there's like images of him online. You can look at him. He's a big-ass croc. He's like a 20-foot crocodile. It's crazy who wants things off thegainst that guy You are 400 points off the lead John Let's do won't someone please think of the children for 1600 All

Trivia Segment: Books and Movies

right. This 1962 Bradbury novel turned 1983 film about a traveling circus that stops in Green Town, Illinois. Got its title from a line from a line from Act Four of Macbeth. Sean. What is something wicked this way comes? Correct. Something wicked this way comes. You are in the lead by 1200 points, Sean. And I have control of the board. Let's do notable quoteables for 1600. All right. What have you done to his eyes?
Oh, Megan. That's Rosemary's baby? Correct. Is the highest one of you done? That's a good movie. I didn't want to like it on account of Roman Polanski. Same. It sucks when horrible people make good art. Yeah. It does. Well, because I started writing the... I hadn't even read it when I wrote the Antichrist book. And I'm like, I know I should, but I've got a moral opposition. Yeah. It's really good. But with that correct answer, Megan, you are back in first place by 400 and I've controlled the board. All right. We please do the franchise fatigue for 2000, 2000 from dust till dawn, the hangman's daughter, Texas blood money, full tilt boogie. My God. Nicole. What is the hangman's daughter? Incorrect. That's still Don two. Any other guesses? That's the only one I knew. I'll guess why not? Julia. What is Texas blood money?
That is from desktop dawn three, I believe. So you're also incorrect. Oh damn full tilt boogie was real. Is the name of the behind the scenes, like documentary of the first movie. It is not an actual, it's not a sequel. okay So bacon, you have to control of the board. We have four, 2000 clues left and two 1600 clues left.
And you know my goal is to level out the board, so not the final girl, 1600, please. 1600. In The Descent, Sarah only establishes herself as the final girl by cutting out this character played by Natalie Mendoza at the legs. Well, until the sequel, where we learn she's actually built different. Megan. Who is Juno? Correct. Juno. You're up to 10,200 points. Megan. Could we please do before and after for 1600? Dun, dun, dun. You have found the second to jump scare.
How many points would you like to risk in before and after for 1600, Megan? Can we do, uh, 700 points? 700 points. Okay. Look at her lives. And now I was going to do 200 and I'm like, you know, what I'm going to live large. don Live out large. Renowned dressmaker, Renald, Renald Woodcock, who creates dresses for members of high society, falls for a soprano named Christine. Unfortunately, someone else also has eyes for Christine. The entity that is haunting the theater christ Christine performs in. Surely, Daniel Day-Lewis gets an Oscar for this one, right? This was a horror movie?
No, I know. It's one horror and one not horror. You're right. I did the Patrick Swayze thing. Yeah. Yeah, I did it too. but They just kind of fit really well together when I wrote out like this. I know the answer. I'm like writing out because I'm trying to take. Is it the oh I keep fucking this up, but I'll just say I like the phantom thread of the opera, but I know. Oh, it is correct. Okay. Yeah. What is phantom thread of the opera?
i Every time, which I've been glad that I haven't, ah except for the Lord of the Ring, I buzzed in, but then I buzz in with the wrong combination, and then yeah someone gets right. I'm like, ooh, I'm glad i I didn't have to reveal my wrong combo. Phantom thread of the opera. We have four 2000 point clues left, Megan, and you have the lead by about... I don't know. This is not necessary. It's not necessary. It's very necessary. You insisted on it being necessary before, so it's it's necessary now to celebrate Megan's superior achievements. Yes. ah hey then we still We still got 8,000 points on the board. That's true. Which wouldn't save me. and ni I'm coming for those 8,000 points. It gets you close enough for the final question.
Oh, could we please do based on a true story for 2000? A lot of ex exorcism movies will use the based on a true story shtick to up the scares and make you buy in more. But this 2005 movie goes one step beyond and actually shows you the legal fallout as a lawyer tries to defend a priest after the allegedly possessed possessed woman died during the attempted exorcism. What? She said she buzzed too soon. She said that. What is the exorcism of Emily Rose? Correct. This is bullshit.
ah saw that movie in theaters with Carrie. I saw that movie in theaters with a future murderer. Sorry, what? That's true. I went to I went to high school and a friend of mine went to go. We went to go see that movie and he was really hype about it, like overly excited. He like literally jumped out of my car. I was like, the exorcism of Emily Rose. And then it ended up being a voyeur movie. Yeah. through legal drama got Like so excited and that it was like a legal drama, but yeah, he murdered somebody later. So that guy, that guy's in prison right now. He didn't like the legal ah element. Yeah. yeah All right, Nicole, you are one correct response later from getting out of the negative. So what are you going to select?
I'm going to select before and after for two thousand. All right. And the clue is a cheer squad attempting to practice their routine gets trapped in an abandoned school with a slasher and only one man can save him. John McLean. Nicole cheerleaders must die hard. Oh, my God. That's the other movie that this works with Nicole, but it's not. It's not. what I thought about using that one. That's but it works though. It doesn't. It doesn't. It doesn't. The title works. The movie doesn't because the cheerleader, all cheerleaders die. Those cheerleaders did die and then came back to life. That's like a zombie, like undead. Good booby though. get trapped in a band in school with a splash. I knew no one was going to, I didn't think anyone was going to get this clue since I wanted the funniest response. Any other guesses? I'm not aware. I don't know a movie where cheerleaders get trapped. So the answer is what is bring it on, cheer or die hard. Oh, see, I was getting- Neither of those are a horror movie. Neither of them feature anyone getting trapped with a slasher. I would think you were going to bring it on hard. Bring it on. I get them.
Nicole, Bring It On, Bring It On is not a horror movie. Bring It On, Cheer or Die is definitely a horror movie. I have never heard of this fucking movie. It came out a couple of years ago. They, for some reason, were like, we're making a horror sequel to Bring It On. It's officially part of the Bring It On franchise? Official part of the franchise. God damn. It is just kind of fun. I had a blast with it. It's Kirsten Dunston and Julia Ass. Kirsten Dunston, no, no, no, no. You should be the slasher. Is it so cold in here? They all freeze to death because there's clovers in the atmosphere. Are they the Astros? I don't even I remember very little about that movie, except the fact that they were like, we got to get ready for a big cheer thing. And then they get offed by a slash and then they have to still do the cheer routine at the end. Like, oh, that's a lot of people who is hot, right? She is hot and then obviously she's also in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and then Glory from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is also in. Bring it on. Nice reunion. It's true. All right, Nicole, you have two clues left. Two thousand and won't someone please think of the children and not so final girls. All right. Won't someone please think of the children for two thousand? Alright, and the clue is… After his fallout was classic, but before his return to Goosebumps in the start of The Haunting Hour, R.L. Stine brought us this short-lived book series-turned-TV show with episodes that featured Amanda Bynes, Shia LaBeouf, and Frankie Bunes that felt much more akin to the Twilight Zone than Goosebumps. Julia. What is Are You Afraid of the Dark? Incorrect, Julia.
yeah Sean. What is Fierce Street? Also incorrect. Oh, God.
but Nicole. What is the haunting hour? Also incorrect. I'm not guessing. Hat trick, Megan. Hat trick. You can't lose. Nicole, the haunting hour is in the clue. God damn it.
God damn it. Asa carry. I was running out of Einstein properties to say, this one's for you,
So Megan, you're not guessing? Oh, no, no, thank you. The correct answer is what is the nightmare room? What the fuck is that, bro? It's a book series at Alstein that became a TV show. And it's pretty good. and The episode with Shia LaBeouf is legitimately kind of creepy. It's just him. Shia LaBeouf.
the The final clue in Not So Final Girls for 2000 is, it's always upsetting when a final girl survives only for them to be killed off in the next one. It's even worse when they don't even bring back the same actress. Like when Tuesday Night replaced this actress to play Nightmare on Elm Street 3 final girl Kristen, only to be killed halfway through Nightmare 4. At least her brother got through 4 films alive. Who is this character?
Looking for the the actress name. and I don't have the actress name, unfortunately. And I'm ashamed. Not a clue. I have to pass on this one. Everyone passing. The answer is who is Patricia? Wednesday morning. ah Patricia Arquette. Patricia Arquette. Really? Yep. She was in Nightmare 3 and then replaced by an actress called Tuesday Night in Part 4. Feel bad. Her name's Tuesday Night. like that You really set your daughter up for that one.
feels like a stage name. Yeah, it could be a Tuesday night. It's not even a good night of the week. No, no, it's like, yeah, that's that's tonight. but you you know so I've got a lot more work this week. so yeah yeah i felt that great So after, after the first two rounds, Megan is in the lead with 10,900. Sean's in second with 6,200. Then there's Julia with minus 2,800. And Nicole in last place representing Kerry hard with minus 4,950.
I'm doing it for you, Carrie. This one's for you, babe. So Julia, you and Nicole can still participate in the final question, but you getting it right would just put you back to zero, essentially. Okay. So the category, sorry, sorry, I have to do my, my bit. So this is when the supposedly dead quiz show comes back to life for one last scare. We have one question left. Uh, and the category of that question is going to be famous firsts. Everyone except, I mean, Sean and Megan, essentially. Yep. message me what you're wagering in this category in Famous Firsts, and then I will reveal the clue. I bet being bad at math, let's see, she has 10,900. I'm also doing math badly. Don't fuck up, Megan. I know, I'm actually kind of sweating it. Don't encourage her. I bet a bit's worth amount of points.
ah there No, the math is easy. Next time I think I'll cheat. but that Okay. I have to text this to you, Chris. Yep. And we're not buzzing on this one, right? It's a write in. You just type it out and you can DM it to me and we can figure it out from there. I messaged you, Chris, on this thing. I'm still double checking my mouth.
So all the all the wages that are in the final clue in the category Famous Firsts is. It's a bit of a doozy. Though two of the three reels are lost to history, this the 1913 adaptation of this Edgar Allan Poe short story is notable for being directed by the first female horror director, or frankly, the first female director, Alice Guy Blaucher, and released through her own production studio. They had a rough time dealing with the rats after filming.
was Can you read the question again? Yes. I'm looking for the name of the short story. The name of the short story, okay. Though two of the three reels are lost to history, the 1913 adaptation of this Edgar Allen Post short story is notable for being directed by the first female horror director, or frankly, the first female director, Alice Guy Blauchet, and released through her own production studio. They had a real tough time dealing with the rats after filming. Okay.
And you can message me your answers and once all four answers are in, we will but reveal. I'm locked in. For the boys. This one's for the boys. Hashtag for the boys. Pray for the boys. 2024 the year of the boys.
I can't help but root for you when you say these things. I can help it. Thank you. I need all the help I can get Nicole. Thank you. All four answers are in. So we moved first to Nicole. I have to admit, I prayed before this. So I mean, my, my. Did you pray at night? I'm sorry. I prayed. I prayed before that. So cruel.
So, Nicole, your answer was, what is Mask of the Red Death? That is incorrect. Yes. You wagered 4949 because even if you got it right, you would still have negative points. Negative one. So instead you have... I don't even know. This is a record losing stream. This is for your appreciate it Nicole, isn't a nine eight is sky to hope megan gets it Julia, you had a minus 2,800. I was going to my answer was worth the chat. Thank you. What is the telltale heart? That is also incorrect. it's the only ed gra cory i know
Oh my god, this is so intense you guys. I know. My heart is racing. Isn't that kind of a crazy response to that for me among friends? Which brings you to minus 5600. Sean, your answer is what is the pit and the pendulum and that is correct.
Oh, yes. The boyhood dream has come true. The rats are from in the short story and in the movie, he puts his leftover food on his rope bind so that the rats would chew through and he could escape the pendulum. Oh, God, that's so intense.
They had just a bunch of rats. I didn't know what to do. They tried to throw a cat in there and then the cat immediately jumped out yeah Then you risked five thousand points, which brings you to eleven thousand two hundred ahead of Megan Megan is so quiet no and Megan's response was Gosh, I just can't get the check attention I'm trying. Oh, there it is. Macon's response is what is the cask of Amontillado, which is incorrect. And she risked two thousand points, which puts her down at eighty nine hundred, which means the boys um are back in town. maybe which Twenty twenty four was for twenty twenty four was for the men and the boys. That's too soon.
so I'm the final girl. help did ah get your your own Final are the one thing we got. You're a boy, you get everything else. so and want to thank all the contestants except for Nicole. I let Carrie down. I'm exactly where Carrie would be. You're exactly where Carrie would be had she played being horribly ill.
I did it for you. Oh my goodness. Megan, so well played. You did so good. That was a sweater at the end there. Oh my gosh. I've never, I've never even heard of that short story. So it wasn't even the pendulum so good in the pendulum or the cask of on telltale heart. That's the only two ones I know off the top of my head. It's one of his like five or so most famous short stories. That's why the pendulum is about the Spanish Inquisition and a guy getting tortured and he gets saved by the rebels. That's why I wanted to, that's why I was having to say the clue was the, the story is the answer and not name me Alice Guy Blaucher because I knew no one was going to be able to do that. Yeah. I was like, wow, how French. And it was like a trick. It's like mask of the red depths. I'm like, does that have something to do with France?
It has to do with the plague. So when she moved when she moved stateside, she set up her production studio in New Jersey, actually. joy easyy So that's something. Congratulations, Sean. Also set up in New Jersey, the new champion. Two time professional horror podcast quiz show champion, my friend. Two time. And both times were for the boys. The boy once more has the oi. Yes.
Yeah, that's the boy with the only pony. I know I'm going to, I'm going to have to chill out. You still have the right club belt though, Megan. It's fine. You still have the right club belt at least. I do. Right club belt, but I really want that one on a technicality. So I don't. And then next time it'll be cheating versus cheating. Yeah, that was one where baby was down here. I did not earn the right club one. And everyone got the final question wrong and Megan got it right. It was great. And in for the bit, everyone bet their entire points down. Like 600 points. Like Nicole and Paul never would have, like if it wasn't for the bit, like I wouldn't have won. But like the bit I won because of the bit.
right right I lose in the bit final question every year with Right Club Jeopardy. Right Club Jeopardy was also Meghan and me stoned and high being like the two old dudes from the Muppet movie. Sean and I were on the same wavelength so we were like reading each other's minds and everyone else is like, you guys are being weird. And we were like, shut up, we're having a good time.
well At one point, I think it was a question about, it was a question about the Nicole's story, and um and then Sean buzzes in with the wrong answer, and then like seconds later I buzz in with the same wrong answer. I was like, Sean just got this wrong! How did you get too together? I was like, damn it!
It was so good. This was fun, you guys. It was fun. Thank you, as always, Chris Donovan, for being a wonderful and oh so pretty host. Oh yes. Gorgeous. A gorgeous host. And you know what? The right person won today. that's what but I feel like that's what really matters is that I was gonna say is a fun thing. I tell you the backstory behind the very pretty intro. i It used to be a rotating thing what I would introduce myself as, and then I said very pretty and I just laughed at it when I was editing it. Because I'm like, why would someone be like, now I know you can't see me, but rest assured. Very pretty. I don't just have a voice for radio. I've also seen the least television. Exactly. That's stuck. That's stuck.
And that's gonna do it for this episode episode of the Professional Horror Podcast. I wanna take this opportunity to thank all of my lovely friends. Sean, Nicole, Megan, Julia. Absolutely love you guys. You guys are the best. This is one of my favorite things to do every year. And it's because of you guys. You guys make this episode what it is, and I am so appreciative of you guys. And I'm appreciative of you, listener. You you you too, man. you're You're great. Love you guys. ah um Anyway, it's not the top 10 of the year, so let's not get too sappy with it right now. That'll be coming out next week, hopefully, fingers crossed. But before that episode comes out, like if you'd like to you ah like, rate, and subscribe to the podcast, wherever you get your podcasts, Apple, Spotify, Google, it's on all those places. you know whatever Whatever your podcast listening place of choice allows you to do with podcasts, I'd hope you would, um you know,
positively engaged with the show in those ways.

Listener Engagement and Conclusion

That'd mean a lot to me. If you have suggestions for a guest to come on the show or a movie to review on the show, you can always email me at professionalhorror at gmail You can also follow me on Instagram at at professional horror and on Twitter, I guess, I don't know, at the underscore dot underscore 17. Uh, so hopefully next week I'll be coming at you with my top 10 horror movies of 2024.
And I know this hasn't been the best year as far as like upload stuff, but I got a bunch of stuff planned. I got a bunch of episodes planned out. I got a bunch of hopefully more content coming this year than last year. Last year it was just rough. But until then, until that time, stay scary, but keep it professional.