This podcast is all about writing Horror. I go over the 10 tips for writing great horror films.
1. If you want to scare, make us care!
2. Write what scares YOU.
3. Make sure something scary happens every ten pages or so.
4. Be funny if and when you can.
5. Your main character should evolve.
6. Know your audience's expectations.
7. Hide the terror/monster/killer/threat as much as possible.
8. Stretch the suspense like an elastic band until it snaps!
9. Character's choices should make sense.
10. Horror tends to be brief.
Grab the FREE Logline Cheat Sheet PDF and focus on creating loglines for your next horror script. You can download it right off my website at or go to the podcast page at
WRITING ACTION: Set a timer for 20 minutes. Write all of the things that terrify you. Get as creative as you can. Have a conversation with yourself and ask what really scares you. After the 20 minutes, circle just 3 and use the FREE logline cheat sheet to come up with 3 new loglines for 3 new horror movies you would love to write or see. Share one of your loglines on the Facebook page at or email me at [email protected] to get feedback on your logline.
The next Ink 2 Screen screenwriting challenge is now open for registration. Winners from the previous challenge will be announced on October 17, all feedback will go out on the 18th and then the new challenge starts on the 19th. October is going to be so much fun! Don’t miss that one. Check it all out at
Thank you for listening and or watching! I truly value any feedback. If you have an idea for a podcast that might help, you can email me at [email protected]. Like and follow this show wherever you are listening. Talk soon, and until then, happy writing.