really threw myself into the job. I was, you know, I was young and single. And I worked, you know, 10 hour days every day, for for months to years, like it was not unusual that I just lost, you know, hours and hours of my own time, which I loved at the time, I didn't think anything of it, I just worked and worked and worked. And I was loving the job and earning lots of money and all of those things. But it was at the detriment of, you know, some personal friendships and and relationships and things that I lost focus on outside of work. And I regret that. I regret that I didn't keep a better balance early on. And I certainly encourage people to to try to do that and keep the balance earlier. um Because, yeah, as I said, I think it can get out of balance really quickly. I think you just get so focused on the job and you think, you know, that friend's going to be there when you go back to call the months later and they're not and they're gone or, you know, the friendship's gone or it's started to wither away. So