E17 - OPSEC at DEVCON 6 - 10/6/2022 image
E17 · I, Degen
E17 - OPSEC at DEVCON 6 - 10/6/2022
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1 year ago

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I, Degen - E17: OPSEC at DEVCON 6 - 10/06/2022

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Welcome to I, Degen - A podcast about crypto technology, security, and culture. With a healthy balance of enthusiasm and skepticism, we dig into a weekly look at crypto, cutting through the misinformation and hype in search of signal in the noise.

Episode Summary

This week we’ll do our usual weekly review of crypto security-related topics. We’re going to dig into the issue of conference OPSEC, or operational security, as we’re less than a week out from Ethereum’s flagship developer conference, and rumors swirl about security concerns in Bogota.

I,Degen - Weekly Review

  1. Sunday, October 2nd - Transit Swap Users Rocked for 21M
  2. Transit Swap has lost $21M to a vulnerability which allowed an unknown attacker to drain the wallets of users who had approved the protocol’s swap contracts.
  3. Leading up to Ethereum’s flagship developer conference being held in Bogota, Columbia next week, a wave of Tweets and some articles surfaced questioning the safety of conference goers. FUD or legit concern? Well dig more into this on deep dive in a few minutes.
  4. Office of the National Cyber Director Requests Your Insight and Expertise on Cyber Workforce, Training, and Education
  5. Our Nation continues to face a significant shortfall in cyber talent, with estimates of approximately 700,000 open positions.
  6. October 1st, 2022 - No Digital Dollar Act Introduced - From Bitcoin.com
  7. U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-OK) announced Thursday that he has introduced a bill titled “No Digital Dollar Act to prohibit the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve from interfering with Americans using paper currency if a digital currency is adopted and makes certain individuals can maintain privacy over their transactions using cash and coins.
  8. October 4th, 2022 From Axios- Why Kim Kardashian got fined and Matt Damon didn’t
  9. Kim Kardashian was fined $1.26 million Monday for touting crypto schemes — even as much more high-profile pitches from the likes of Matt Damon and Larry David have gone unpunished. The seeming double standard is a function of a subtle yet crucial distinction in securities law.
  10. Where Kardashian crossed the line was when she endorsed a crypto asset security.
  11. How it works: If you’re endorsing a company, the only rules that apply are the relatively lax ones from the FTC.
  12. If you’re shilling a security, then disclosing that you were paid — as Kardashian did with an #AD hashtag — is not enough; you also need to disclose how much you were paid.
  13. The bottom line: If you’re going to tout crypto, tout a crypto company, not a coin.

Moving on… Usually, we focus on looking back at crypto security-related events of the previous week. I thought maybe we could also highlight any relevant upcoming events each week.

I, Degen - Looking Forward

  1. Devcon next week - There will be a keynote talk on the Nomad Bridge Hack. I think there will be a live stream if you are not attending.
  2. November 15th, PyChain -