E5 - Moon Gods Permanently Sacrifice 11K  ETH - 5/2/2022 image
E5 · I, Degen
E5 - Moon Gods Permanently Sacrifice 11K ETH - 5/2/2022
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2 years ago

I, Degen - E5: Akutars NFT Auction Misfire Locks 11K ETH - 4/30/2022

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Welcome to I, Degen - Each week, we track down and explore the most exciting crypto stories. Hacks, scams, exploits, and anything that feeds our crypto curiosity.

Welcome degens! Come one, come all.

Episode Summary

In this week’s episode, we take a look at the brutal AkuTars auction bugs that permanently sacrificed 11,539 ETH to the burn 🔥_🔥 

5/2 - UPDATE - We recorded this on 4/28 and since have come across some new info related to how the Aku team is working with the community to set things right. The community seems to be aligned and supports AkuDreams on the plan. 

I,Degen - Weekly

  1. SilkRoads stolen BTC, recovered by US Gov and used to cover Ross Ulbricht’s debt - Beincrypto

  2. From the block New York Lawmakers want to make rug pulling a crime
  3. ERC712R introduces refundable NFTs to help reduce scams, criticism comes fast. Nice discussion on Markets Daily podcast

  4. BAYC holders targeted again. This time hackers owned BAYC’s Insta page, posted a scam claim for BAYC owners were entitled to an airdrop for virtual land. Instead, the link lifted ape and mutant apes, and other NFTS is the victims wallet. From the Defiant - “The hacker stole 91 NFTs in total, including four Bored Apes, and seven Mutant Apes. Just those 11 NFTs are worth $2.6M going by current floor and ETH prices as of Apr. 25.”"
  5. OG Zcash trusted ceremony anon John Dobbertin turns out to be Edward Snowden. From Zcash Media

  6. From Coindesk Panama Legislature Passes Bill Regulating Crypto. Aimed and bringing crypto projects to Panama and other important things.
  7. Massive 15.3 million request-per-second (RPS) volumetric https DDoS attack targets undisclosed crypto launchpad. The attack only lasted 15 seconds but notable for it’s size and use of HTTPS. From HackerNews

  8. Another from Coindesk Ethereum Name Service overtakes Bored Ape Yacht Club in daily trading volume in rush for short digit addresses. Race to grab first 10k numeric ENS addys partly to blame.

I, Degen - Deep Dive

Moment of Slience - $34 million, or 11,539 eth, is permanently locked into the AkuDreams contract forever.

What is Aku?

Aku is a character created by former MLB player turned artist, Micah Johnson, after hearing a young boy ask, “Can astronauts be black?”Aku was released to the world on Feb 21, 2021 as an NFT in the form of an animated video


Ten chapters in total, with each chapter in it’s own style.

Next, comes the Akutars…new drop, 4/22/22.

What are the Akutars:
