Writer/Director/Producer/Sculptor/Everything Leopoldo Gout and nominee for the 2022 NGC Bocas Youth Writer Award Ronaldo Katwaroo join the podcast to talk about Multicultural Horrors. Why is it important to immerse yourself in other cultures? What goes wrong when people with shallow understandings of a culture try to appropriate it? What are some unique monsters from Mexico and the Caribbean?
Come get spooky with us!
Link to Pinata: https://www.amazon.com/Pi%C3%B1ata-Novel-Leopoldo-Gout-ebook/dp/B0927CQ1BS
Link to Disingenuous Solace: https://www.amazon.com/Disingenuous-Solace-1-Ronaldo-Katwaroo-ebook/dp/B0BB657PRV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CKTJ2450CZ71&keywords=Ronaldo+Katwaroo&qid=1688729653&s=digital-text&sprefix=ronaldo+katwaroo%2Cdigital-text%2C92&sr=1-1