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C3 Episode 7 Saving a Heart Chapter Two image

C3 Episode 7 Saving a Heart Chapter Two

Eberron Renewed
559 Plays5 months ago

Many new faces make themselves known at the gala, but are they all friendly?

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction to Everon Renewed Podcast

um directly with the coach or D20 Radio, your game is roll. radio
Hello and welcome to Everon Renewed actual play podcast set in the Everon campaign setting. I am your game master, Eric. I'm Phillip. I'm Madison. I am Jeff. I'm going to need you all to start matching my energy on the intro. I am your general master, Jeff. And welcome back to another

Recap of Previous Episode's Party Events

episode. What happened last time, everyone? We're at a party. I made a dummy and Madison's character saved him several times. We're at a party for ambassadors and with disparate goals. I'm still trying to work out what, what, so those characters go with his straight now. Trying to figure out whether this person's here to kill us.
Estillar, is that right? Estillar. What's the fableys last name? I forget now, I'm talking my head. Sombreless. Sombreless. I like Estillar and Selena both feel vaguely astral to me. Yeah. Stellar and soul. Yeah. What was your name? Aylwyn. That's nothing to do with Aylwyn. And dad fumbled.
Y'all named F your mom. Well, I mean, no. That tracks. You give your children thematic names. You don't necessarily have one yourself. Maybe all of his, maybe all of Elwin's siblings have names that I don't know what the theme of that name would yeah go with. Logger win. Beer victory. Let me appear victory award on record.
Hey, this episode is brought to you by Stella Tvok. No, okay, so we're gonna pick up where we left off. You okay, Philip? I just forgot that we actually already started recording and we did this. Yeah, that's the thing. The letters are getting more and more privy to our general goodness. This wasn't a stupid thing we did before the recording. I mean, last time we talked about the Muppets starting the recording.
that's true it gets gets weird so SLR you're what what what's SLR up to now okay so there is an someone significant from Arenal is here ah but I don't know who and they're attached to the Brelish delegation as some kind of advisor. And the leader of that delegation was super unhelpful, Amy. And so I'm trying to figure out what this person's angle is, what they're getting out of being here. Like the Brelish person kind of just presented it as like, we've got a whole continent on our side. But what's, what's the arena getting out of this? And so I've been trying to think of, there's no way to approach her and ask what in the world are you getting out of this?
so I want to try and identify one of the other NPCs as the delegation from someone who's not Brelund, who might be able to tell me what the what the angle is. So I don't know if any of the other NPCs here are obviously part of the delegations from Onder or Thrain or somewhere else. So, yeah, the halfling bard ah based on their style and everything, ah seems to be thrainish. And then the tall woman with the very large sword. Give me a intelligence check. Yeah. That's what the rest of the family's here for. Well, how about a six? Six. Yeah. You I mean, she is clearly not dressed like any of the the this high fashions of any of the five nations. You potentially the first thing that jumps to your mind
in terms of a region that she may be from. She's not the right lineage, but you know, it's it's a bit of a melting pot

Character Descriptions and Interactions at the Party

situation. But the shadow marches, you know, but the orcs. So so is she west is she really big or is she just really strong? She's got this very large sword.
She's three as well. So she's she's supernaturally tall, but she is right one of the taller people of the party. OK, so she's a very big and very strong person. Yes. If I were to guess at a class, she's a barbarian. Gotcha. Yes. OK, sure. Another thing that you could do, Phillip, if you want for Estillar is to give me a check of Estillar just like mingling at the party and trying to overhear bits of it about the Iranian woman.
if you sort to of give a more general investigative kind of thing. Yeah, I think that's probably more what he's trying to do is he's just trying to hear, you know, obviously she looks very distinctive. So surely she is a topic of conversation among the very fashion conscious crowd here. And so, yes, Estella will attempt to sort of mingle around as even getting an idea of why she's here, what she is getting out of being here with the Brelish.
OK, give me a charisma check. I'm better at that. And I rolled better. OK, so let's see if I can do this. That's plus two plus my level plus aristocrats. Eighteen. Eighteen.

Tensions and Alliances Discussed at the Party

OK, so as you're kind of mingling throughout the party, you pick up on a couple of bits of information. So rumor has it that Lothage was recently exiled from Aaron all.
and ah immigrated to Breeland after some kind of tragedy befell her or her family. Just there was some reason that she had to, that she was ushered out of Irenal and she has not done well integrating into Brielish society because obviously based on the way she's dressed compared to your sister or your dad or even yourself who have at least made an attempt to blend in in this environment and in Karnath in general. She is very much dressed dressed like Aerinol so has not done a good job integrating and basically you you know based on hearing other people who have tried to talk to her
mentioning Aaron all and trying to use that as like a common jumping off point of conversation goes really poorly. She tends to shut down and she says she misses her home. So, yeah, OK. I think probably still feels confident in the veracity of that. He probably feels a little bit dumb, like he's kind of been chasing a.
Just a false lead. He was just being paranoid. And so he probably kind of drops it and will wander back to see how the rest of the family is is getting on. Are you all still talking to Raheem, or have you moved on to someone else? I think that I have been rightly chastened. I think that he knows what's going on when Selena comes to save him from putting his foot in his mouth. And I am not talking to Raheem. I'm standing in there, if she's still talking to Raheem, but I am not talking.
I feel like we kind of wrapped up the conversation and would probably move on to somebody else at that point. okay so you've obviously obviously talking to cartuchio So, yeah, I mean, who who at the party would you all be interested in going to talk to next? Is there any chance that our Greens friend is having a conversation with someone else who I'm going to listen in on? Catchy accent or a voice or anything? Yeah, I mean, he's he's mingling at the party. So you could certainly give me a wisdom check to try and eavesdrop. Or, yeah, I mean, that that would work. You have a better was. Do I. a apologize Yeah, there was a this guy. I'm not. ah Oh, boy. That's going to be a. Like a nine. Yeah.
nine. Okay. Yeah. Selena, you try to like surreptitiously like get close enough to to eavesdrop into this conversation. Obviously, with Noble just trying to like pick up an accent and just a general starting off point. But as you get close,
The individual stops talking, kind of tilts his head a bit and it says, you know if such a fetching young lady wants to join a conversation, she can just walk right up. Selena just says, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. No, that's fine. Name's Ragnar. What's your name? My name's Selena. Nice to meet you, Selena. Where do you hail from?
I am from Karna. Karna? All right. Well, you won't hold it too terribly much against me. I'm from Ondair. Okay. And well, you, it seemed like, and forgive me if I'm incorrect, you were approaching me. So what can I do you for? You got caught, man habits. And Ragnar flashes you have a very charming smile. Like he he is, he is a very charming man and seems to be well acclimated to this environment.
My thought isele is Selena's not actually well acclimated to this. Like she's feeling very awkward and really trying to pretend like she belongs there and absolutely does not. So I think she just says, I think she just smiles back at him and says, I'm just not really sure what to do at this point. My dance partner left and I'm just kind of trying to find a group to be with for a little bit.
That's fair. these These kind of events can be a little intimidating for a few times around the block. I can understand that. Well, if you want, I could be more than happy to introduce you to some folks and show you the lay of the land if you like. That would be wonderful. Is it that obvious that I'm new to this?

Selena's Conversations and Challenges with Ragnar

I mean, does it sound bad if I say yes? yeah That's reasonable. I appreciate the honesty. Doesn't mean it's not charming, but it is a little obvious. So.
And he offers his arm to you and says, this way. And she takes it and goes with him. So what, what's Karnad hoping to get out of all this hubbub tonight? I'm here with my father. He's an ambassador and he is just trying to make some new connections and, you know, do a little networking mingle a little bit.
Fair enough, fair enough. but Give me a charisma check. Alan starts to walk over and Selena like waves him off. Oh man. Okay, that's like an eight. Eight. So Ragnar kind of chuckles and says, I catch you trying to spy on me and then you go straight to lying to me. I don't, are you trying to offend me, Selena? No, not at all. I'm just trying to make some new friends.
That's fair. Well, if that's the case, then we could table business for a bit and just enjoy the party. Sure. Sounds great. Selena knows she's not getting anything out of him and she's kind of a dead end, but now she's... Elwyn Estillar, what are you all doing as Ragnar? I mean, Selena indicated to Ragnar that she could use some help navigating the party. So Ragnar has kind of got Selena locked down for like lack of a better ah way to put it socially for the next little bit.
i suppose esallar is seeing aelina out mingling successfully at least in some capacity as far as visually appears is coming back over to all of the thereran appears to be a dead end Oh, her? she's Wait, what? does she seems She seems just to be here as she's an attaché to the British to the braillist to the relish delegate delegation and seems just to be another displaced elf.
i have not been doing great. It appears that though I feel I've been there a short time, I've been in Karnath too long and have grown too used to people being too comfortable with the necrotic arts. No one here seems to be digging it, Estillar, and I'm not sure what I can do to salvage this. Your sister, of course, and we look over and she's like being led around by on the arm of this dude, is doing fine. Does he know she's really nice? but I would think you would be used to people being put off by our comfort with the necromantic arts by this point.
I cannot express to you another time the difference between a comfort and a debt. I do not love what I have to represent out here, but if it is what I have to do to stay, keep our station where we are and to be... How do I say this? How does he say this? Estelar, I don't want it to get lost that I am genuinely indebted to the people of Karnath.
to the plane of my bar. I wish we could have, I wish we had known about us enough to save your mother as well. And I don't know how SLR might react to that. but well here we all are all indebted there's a There's a there's a there is a an inclination for Eowyn to start saying like a like an OK, rain cloud. I know it derailed your plans, the thing, but he's not going to do that. i I'm sure they've had that talk. You could launch into a cackling soliloquy. All right. Tell you what, I will work on Eowyn cackling soliloquy ideas. And if he ever shows up again, you will. You'll be on there receiving it. I just learned about cackling soliloquy approximately two and a half hours ago, and I'm not there yet.
I cannot grande eloquently. I do a lot of screaming in this show that we're in right now. so right i think i think I think he says something to the effect of it is not where you grew up, but we are in a civilized nation with opportunities. I i i encourage you to try and take advantage of it.
and then, like, looks away but doesn't walk away because he doesn't know where to go. It's just end of conversation. Yeah, do you see us doing the conversation by slightly looking askance? I get the impression that the relationship between Estillar and Elvin is absurdly passive-aggressive, and so that probably works in spite of everything.
And I think Nolan is going to try a tactic that worked in Arenal when he mattered. And maybe worked in Karnap when he was new as well. And he's going to see who comes to talk to him for a minute. Ooh. There you go. So he definitely made a name for himself at this party. There's no way Cartuccio didn't immediately talk to him. He's like, this mofa over here, for sure. And the varnish whistled right in her heart. What's harder to be a Cartuccio story, though? Right. and and And if it doesn't happen,
fully understandable but I think that's how do we feel about me abandoning nyx and playing cartuccio I like nyx but also I'm for it got it you cut this because the people will want it but can you imagine if Randy guests as cartuccio and absolutely quit it the people already like him better than us okay so Slayna, through your conversation with Ragnar, you find out that he is, he introduced himself as being from Onder, but probably more remarkably, he is a high ranking officer in the Onderian military, specifically in a cavalry branch known as the Knights Phantom, which are soldiers who can cast the spell Phantom of Steed to summon a magical horse.
that allows them to use their magical and martial abilities in battle in a really wicked cool way because they ride ghost horses that are made of magic. right so So yeah, so you are obviously from Erenal. What brings you to to Karnath to represent them in such a way?
We relocated to Karnak when I was young and my father became an ambassador for Karnak. And we are indebted to them and their people for saving my life. Wow. That's quite the story. So are you happy in Karnak? Do you like it there? You miss home.
A little bit of both, I think. I think it's always that way, but I i do like Karna. And again, i'm I'm grateful to them and their people. Of course. Have you gotten the chance, obviously with the war and everything, it's it's hard from time to time for most folk, but have you gotten a chance to visit some of the other nations and see what the rest of Corvair has to offer?
I occasionally visit other places with my father when he's you know being an ambassador, but pretty much usually just just for work for him. I just kind of tag along. So no, I haven't really had my own adventures in any other places. Well, if you ever find yourself poking around on dare, love to host you and show you how we do things the on-darian way. That would be great. i would Excellent. Well, I, unfortunately, this is going to make me sound rather infantile, but i I have to leave due to curfew that I have as part of my, part of my station. So they don't like us staying out too late in case. We need to jump in to something going on. So this is where I leave you Selena. So it was a genuine pleasure to meet you, even though it was under uncertain circumstances. Got to work on that spy work a little bit better. He says with a wink, I'll work on it. Okay. Good. Well, until we see each other again.
Nice to meet you. You too. And Ragnar turns and begins to head towards the door. Cut to Estillar and Eilwyn having a moment in which the only, I think the thing that works between Estillar and Eilwyn is Selena. And so, and so it's just cut to Estillar. I do not like him.
certainly don't trust it. Okay, so the party is going, but people are starting to filter out a little bit. You know, it's, it's been going for a bit. There are a fair number of military people and government officials who can't go until the morning light kind of thing. And so if there, if there is anybody that you still want to talk to, that you haven't got the chance to, you're welcome to do so, or the party can start to wind down and you all can begin to make your way to your accommodations if you want.
Well, I'm hesitant to talk to anyone else because every time we do, I meet up care and eat meet in PC. That is better than the one I'm creating. So I'm tired of kicking myself in the butt of evil. So I think I'm done. How's Elena feel? I think she's feeling like she's she's not on her best game today. She's her spy work is not great. I think she's also good with the calling it a night. She's not really seeing it go much better.
Were you guys more successful in the V episode? Because so far, I feel like we're really bad ambassadors. We were really bad thieves in the next episode. no Were you guys better assassins? We've not been doing so. No. OK. There was a lot of failing forward in the the V one. I mean, the job got done in the next one. Yeah. Yeah.

Reflections on Ambassador Role Performance

But I mean, getting mistaken for agricultural specialists is one way to do it. Do an assassination. Hey, that's about.
And we did what you do that mistake with a spectacular amount of alacrity. Yeah. Okay. So you all, your coach gets brought around and the, the coachman assists you all in getting in and you begin to take off any information or knowledge that ah wants to be shared in the coach on the drive. It's like riding around in a red velvet cake.
It is a little bit, but it's so beautiful. Who doesn't like red velvet cake? I don't. I personally hate red velvet cake. but It's just... kind i think i think i think I think it was just something to the effect of, yes, I think we've learned tonight. Perhaps we tone it down a bit. Perhaps you're right. You look lovely, though. He doesn't want her to come back. What was it the dwarf said? Stabbing the kidney? to Yes, we are having a difficult time stabbing the kidney here.
I also don't think we should go around saying that we are trying to stab Kidneys while we're here. Might not be our best move. As you all are navigating the streets of Metro and you know headed back to whatever accommodations you all would have had, you all feel kind of a sudden jerk as the coach is brought up. We felt like a jerk all night, Eric. I have to point it out. It's not sudden.

The Coach Ride and Encounter with Lethage

As a slow burr kind of jerk. Each of you can give me a wisdom check to like, it's basically a hearing based check. So if you have anything that would
give you a boost to hearing stuff. I have a modified 20. OK, no, 21. Oh, got to add that level. Twenty two. Add that level. Five. Add tracks. Yeah. So yeah. Necromancy is hard on the hearing, man. So so bad. ah When you think that you all hit like a particularly bad bump in the road and maybe something happened with the wheels and that's why you're not moving anymore. Selena and Estillar, you immediately hear and understand like You hear the horses that were pulling your coach getting quieter and quieter and like trotting away and doing the coachman. Yes, you you would have had a coachman. I don't know how to say this, but one of the talents of the decrevancer is skeletal minion. So you have a skeleton driving this Barbie colored
coach yes but that is the one thing i couldn't talk about importantly he's pretty well covered because is he dressed is he dressed in like the really fancy like with tails and everything if a skeleton rolls up and we step out no one's going to listen to about how good the necrotic arts are wondering who that skeleton belongs to our coachman that's who Now that we're several blocks away, I feel comfortable saying we're the skeletal minion coachman, yes. i mean it's Incredible. That makes me so. So you all hear the the horse is getting further away and both of you have been around enough and probably have lived with enough paranoia to know that like horses don't just accidentally become attached to a coach.
Like, somebody did something to prevent your coach from being able to move further. Well, OK. Estillar is immediately on edge and will, I guess, very carefully step out of the coach. I can't think that it's safer to poke my head out the window. I feel like I might still be talking about how how poorly you did that night and just kind of be a little bit oblivious. What's going on? And I was going to ask which one of you tells me that the horses are. I still am and make me be quiet.
Dad, shut up. So you had to stab a kidney, right? Well, how many kidneys left? Well, I'm done with you. You need a needle and thread. du I did. I messed up, guys. OK, then. So sorry, Estillar, you were getting by the door like prepped. Yeah, he he moves to the door and I'm going to I'm going to open the door and and step out and look because I'd rather be on my feet in ah beside the coach. If something happens, then yeah sitting in the coach. Makes sense. So as soon as you step out, Estillar, I'm going to need a saving throw. Oh, good. Oh, good. This will just be a normal saving throw. So it's an 11 is what you need to beat. What sort of remind me how to do this.
It's just, it's just a blanket roll. It's, it's just, okay. And so just anything, just so I, now do I add my level? That's a good question. I've rolled a 16 so it doesn't matter, but it might matter later. Yeah. It's a good question. Oh, there we go.
No, you add nothing to a save. Okay. Then 16. 16. Okay. So yes, you save, which means you take two points of radiant damage. As you see, standing outside the coach, Lethage and Amy.
That's gummit. I knew it. And ah Amy just says, hand over the girl and we'll be square. And I need initiative. Yeah. You're going to have to remind me of how we roll initiative in this game. i Initiative is a d20 roll plus your dex plus level. Okay. Dex plus level this. So just like.
Hey, I knew that. I had an L.A. peak perk. Thank you. Well, my deck says zeros. Selena, what'd you get? Twelve. Illwin? I've rolled a natural 20 on initiative. Cool. Nice. So that's 21. I don't know where those were in the party. Still are. Eighteen. Eighteen. Page. Now for me. Nope. Nineteen. Level. Come on, Philip. Get it together. It'll be fine when I start playing a full character sheet because it a I've already done all of the formula. That's fair. Which means I'll never learn it because it'll just already be pre-done for me. Sorry, I'm just getting my initiative on my end. This may have been a good thing to ask before we started recording, but how realistic would it be? Because she's a lizard. How realistic would it be for her to have been studying magic without her family knowing? Like, if she were to use magic in this, and it'd be a total surprise. Like, is that something that could happen? Because I kind of like it? Yeah, 100%. Yeah.
Being a wizard, yeah, that's you that's just you reading books underneath the blanket after dad tells you it's time to go to bed. So kind of the vibe I wanted to so take. Love that. Awesome. OK, cool. And I know as a wizard, you have studied magic. It's not just like innate or whatever, but yes. Could the Mubarak Crystal pacemaker give like extra hours? Like that sort of thing.
Yeah. However you want to flavor. Yeah, totally. Wonder. Could have been whispering to you to begin studying magic. That's what I thought. It's just like. No. I still let Eric do the whispering. I am not audible whispering. More like impulses. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Easily enough, it is Aowyn Estillar, then Selena, then Lathage, then Amy. So you go, then I go. So Aowyn, you are first.
Who was at the door that said? They're both out of, it was a ranged attack, so they're about 15 feet outside of the carriage door. Okay, I think Amy looks like the bigger physical threat, right? Yes. Okay, then I think he's just going to panic, then they said give us the girl, and he's going to cast a spell called Terra on Amy, and it's against her mental defense, so whatever that AC is, and I will the 21. Well, yes, that will certainly do it.
Okay, if you want to double check this spell because I am still learning how this stuff works. I never played a spellcaster in D and&D, so I sure don't know how to easily convert. But I think I did, it says that, I think I did that right. And it says that now Amy must use all of her actions during her turn to move away from the battle. She gets a hard save 16 plus to end it after her first. Okay. At the enemy's shirt, so. It ends if we attack her, but that that you guys don't know that, so.
OK, yeah. Noted. So he just immediately says, I know one thing I can do to protect my daughter right now. And that's get them. Yeah. And so he cast that on eight. OK, so what is terror look like from Elwyn? Is it something that physically manifests or is it much more of a mental like Amy is seeing something? No, I think it is. I think he has plugged into her brain as something terrifying. OK, you know what? Because the coachman tips his hat. You know what he does?

Battle with Lethage and Amy

You know what he does because it's what it's what has affected him so much when he casts terror. The thing that goes into their brain is something terrible is happening to someone they love elsewhere and they have to go and see. Awesome. And so that's the terror is not. She's not scared of us. She's scared of something terrible. Everybody else is going that way. Nice.
OK, cool. so So you see sheer terror fill Amy's eyes and probably operating with your dad enough knows that what has happened. And so, yeah, it is your turn. OK, she'll permit me some narrative flourishes still are then doesn't very often, but still are kind of grins and it really sort of accents the the sort of gaunt.
ne of his face and makes it look much more skull-like. And he he draws the sword out from under his coat, and it's you know it's very old-looking, very simple, straight, thin longsword, and flares the other hand out, and a Doctor Strange-like shield forms on the other hand, and then he is going to rush at lethargy, since the paladin is clearly incapacitated for a moment.
Yeah. And why not? I'll smite evil. I declare smite evil. Okay, so I have it right. I have a plus five to my attack. ah That's really good. I rolled a 17 plus five, so 22.
Yes, that will certainly hit you get a hit and Awesome 13 damage. Oh, but it's I just smited evil So I get to roll an extra d12 on it roll to one on that d12 14 damage. So yes the the blade crackles with radiant energy and he just slashes towards lethargy nice awesome x Yeah, you see. And so you tell me this for SLR ah smiting evil as a pal and obviously trained as the deathless. But now incarnate is is when SLR smiting. Is it radiant or necrotic damage? I'm going to say it is, in fact, still radiant because it.
He takes it out on his dad. He's not in any way resentful towards his sister. ah But this is what he wanted to be. Yeah. And you got you. What was your natural role? Seventeen. Seventeen. OK, so you can tell that like your Smite evil was powerful enough to overcome any innate resistances. Latash has radiant damage being in a radio castor.
So she like winces with the pains like, your sister will bring me back home. Stand aside. That's a cackling, slow liquid. Okay. I would like to use confusion. Okay. Let's say Siri. Yes. You might have to remind me exactly how to do this, but I am pulling up confusion right now.
Well, I rolled fairly well, so I'm hopeful. Okay, confusion. Intelligence, you see you roll at your intelligence and your level versus their mental defense. Okay, so that's a 23. 23.
This is going better than the party. Yeah. Yeah. We should have just started with, with killing people. That would have we, we have a certain. Okay. So LaFarge is uncertain of what's going on and what they should do. They take no actions when it isn't their turn. So they can't make opportunity attacks or anything like that. And at the start of their turn, I will roll a D six to determine ah the only actions they can take on their turn.
basically one through three, pick a random nearby ally, and they make a basic or at will attack against that ally. Four or five, you attempt to disengage from everyone you're engaged with, treating allies as if they were also enemies, and just trying to get far enough away to not get hit. And then a six, not and you don't take any action. So is how confused works. So anything else on your turn, Selena? No, I don't think so. Okay.
So then, Athage is going to roll a d6 to see what happens. That is a three. So, she is going to attack Amy. i this Now an ally attached. What do you mean? The terror thing. Oh, don no, no, no. When you were one of the allies that started. OK, I just want to make sure. Yeah, it would have been a clever way for you to get out of it. I gonna and would not have been grudged. Amy just screaming at Lothaj. Hit me! Punch me in the face. OK, so because Lothaj is a sorcerer in these rules, what Lothaj uses their turn. Well, no, it says make a basic attack. So, yeah. So Lothaj is going to. Wow, that's a natural 19.
So that's definitely going to hit awesome Amy. So Lothage has a large spear that's also clearly her casting implement. And so she just swings it around and stabs Amy with it, dealing six damage and Amy reacts to the pain. But she's too concerned about something else that's horribly happening to a loved one of hers.
So she takes off running away from Lethage down the street in a dead sprint. And well, so Lethage gets to make her saving throw against confusion, which is, looking it up right now, just a regular save. So the Chinese rolled 11 or higher. She rolled a six. And then Amy needs to roll a hard save. So a 16 or higher, 14.
so neither of them do anything so but we're back around to alewin and the escalation die is now at the one so you all add a plus one to all of your rolls well all of your d20 rolls so alewin okay alewin is going to Jeff is going to allow, I'm going to say this because I just realized this. The first thing that this says is the target for terror must have less than 50 HP. I didnt they did not see it. So she may get a turn after all. I believe I saw that and I think I checked it. Yeah, you're good. OK, I want to make sure I didn't want to.
Okay, yeah then She is not a concern to him because he knows how good that spell is so he is going to target the law with the hush the flush With an unholy blast if she considered nearby is that I don't know what the rages are. Yes. She is considered nearby. Okay, I then I'm going to attack her and it is 23 to hit. Yes. All right. So she's gonna take, I just rolled a four, five and six on my D6. Yes. Wow. So that's 15, 19, 22 points of negative energy damage. And my skeleton minion is just gonna jump down from his perch and try to punch her in the face. Okay.
and he but was a 23 yes wait actually you know what tell me if that's right it says the skeletal minion level progression says level one attack plus ac plus six is that am i reading that right so i just add yeah you add plus six to your roll too yeah okay that was a 23 but it's just one d6 of damage and That's five. So five more damage from my skill. I have not left the coach to be clear ah quick because we didn't really address it. Obviously, Selena cast a spell in front of you, Ellen. Like, does that clock anything for you? Like an SLR? I don't know. The SLR may not have knows know that it happened. All he unless something unless something visual happens to letharg, all he can tell is letharg.
looks confused and just attacked. Something strange is happening, but I don't know that he would necessarily jump to that it had anything to do with Selena because he wouldn't have been able to see her cast. I was wondering if they would be able to notice that one because it didn't seem like there was anything visual with it.
I mean, you think casting spells typically have some level of hand gesture and verbal like incantation that needs to be said in order to to do it. If 13th Age doesn't have the same level of minutia when it comes to spells that V and&D does in terms of like which are verbal and which are material, etc. But yeah, generally most magic requires some level of obvious element that you're casting a spell.
i think his reaction depends on one thing is he too distracted or not magically well versed enough to know what school of magic she just did or what she might be or would he know oh she's been reading interesting based on the spell the confusion spell being a wizard class spell Yeah. I mean, what, what do you think? I mean, Selena, this is like largely your backstory. So you can have, Madison, you could have some level of agency over this, or if Jeff, if you just want to decide how Elwyn reacts, like I'm open. My thought was that maybe I had stepped down on like the step of the coast. Okay. hidden' it And so he would still be in there and maybe wouldn't have seen. Okay. Totally. Love that. i I feel like the ones I plan on doing later are going to be noticeable. Yeah.
but Chill for the first one. For sure. For sure. OK, so that was Elin's turn. Estillar. So LaFarge is looking pretty rough. OK, LaFarge looks rough and also is behaving strangely. But yeah, I think I think given the paranoia, I've kind of played into him about the presence of someone. So seeing seeing her unmasked as yes, indeed an Iranian agent who's after.
us, he is not not going to see this as a pause in which we, you know, well, we can't escape. There are no horses. ah Yeah. OK, he's going to stab her. So, yes, no, no holding back on this. She doesn't react and he doesn't immediately clock that as a magical. Something's going on, but he's not. She's danger. So that needs to be dealt with. ah But that's not a very good role. and Plus the escalation die is only going to be 12. That is a miss.
OK, so he lunges, but she lurches sideways in order to slap her ally. and And he wasn't expecting that move. And so, yeah, very, very strange. Selena, I would like to use magic missile on the thought. OK, yes, indeed. So this you roll a D2 to see how many rounds you get to do it. Just roll it up. So roll a D4. One to two is one. Three to four is two. Two, three, five and six is three.
Three? Wait, did you say D2? I'm sorry. D2. Yes. Okay, then two. Three is not an option. I'm confused. I messed up because there's a D3 on my, on the necromancer sheet. You have to, I just made the must mistake. part Okay, two.
two. Okay so that means you get to so this is just a quick action magic missile and you get to do it for two rounds based on this casting so this time and next time and you're casting a single missile and it deals five force damage.
Um, so yeah, you, you just, you deal five damage to the letharg as a very obvious missile of magical energy erupts from your hands and strikes letharg right in the chest. SLR the person you're sitting next. I think SLR sort of spins interpreting that as someone's behind us and just, you know, turns still sort of crouched in it and in this defensive stance with the shield forward.
and looks looks confused as to what just happened, because again, he didn't see his sister cast it. And I don't think would immediately assume, oh, it turns out my sister's a wizard. He's he's looking for the the other. He's looking for the shooter. Yeah. And Madison, what does what do you silly as magic missiles look like? Like, oh, OK, I think it's just like a flash of white light that just like. guys Okay, cool. So LaFarge like reels from this and that was just your quick action so you can cast another spell if you want like Raya Frost or... but It has served you well in the previous art. Alright, so this is ah your intelligence plus level plus a d20 versus their physical defense. Okay, so 19.
19 is a hit. So that is 3d6 cold damage. Five. All right. Total? Yeah. I mean, Lethage, like the I mean, the frost covers her and she still kind of moves enough to break the ice that was beginning to form around her. She I mean, she is beyond staggered at this point. So she is like way, way low on hit points.
and it is her turn. So, roll a d6 for the confusion, see what happens. That is a four, so that means she runs away. So, she is going to attempt to disengage from a six. Extremely reasonable reaction to the current situation she's in. Yes. So, let me find the rules for disengaging. It doesn't work and I stab her. Those are the rules. That does rule. I got a half-hearted chuckle for Madison on that side.
so yeah Feel pretty good. Disengage appears in this document 107 times. Cool. Okay, here we go. Disengage check. You roll a disengage check. You need to get an 11 or higher. She rolls a 9. If you fail the disengage check, you don't move. You lose your move action for that turn and your main engage.
You still have your standard action left. Okay. Okay. So she failed the disengage check, which is a move action, which means she does not move, but she still has her standard action so she can choose to just move anyway and take the opportunity attack.
That's how the disengage thing works. If you succeed, you can move without, you can use your movement still. If you don't, you have wasted your move action trying to move. So she's going to go ahead and move. So you make a basic melee attack, Estillar against her. 18.
18 is enough to hit her AC. Nice. ah That is 10 damage. Okay. She is hanging on by a threat, but she is going to move use her move to get to nearby distance from Estillar as opposed to engaged. Amy's turn. Amy is going to continue to now move as far away as she can. So, I mean, she she is effectively outside of combat at this point.
because she is beyond far away. And this spell just says it keeps going until an ally shuts out. She doesn't get... Yes, she can do a check. She rolled a three. So, she is sprinting away. So, I mean, obviously, Amy will eventually pass the save just by the laws of random numbers. But, for the purposes of this combat, she's gone. To her sister's house and realized it was not true. Yeah. and Depending on the nature of Thrain, so it's gonna be...
yeah You could have told her that her sister is incredibly ill and going to die, so it's not an obvious thing. It's like, we've got to get you to a healer! Fair enough. So, Lethage is nearby to S.L.R. and far distance from Aylwyn and s Selena. So, it is now Aylwyn's turn. yeah That's you. Yeah, I know, I know, I know. I was looking at myself. I think the first thing I'm going to do is use my skeletal minion to go chase down the horses.
I'm going to send him off on that. That's going to be his action until they come back. Oh, and escalation eyes of the two now. Oh, yeah, we're supposed to add that to what role D20. All your D20. Any D20 rolls. Goodness. Well, I didn't do that last time, but I hit any dummy. Yeah, for real.
I guess I'm just going to do another unholy blast. Unless, you know know you know what, I'm going to take a chance. Because they're trying to take my girls. And I clearly have a bit of a soft spot for her. Let me find this spell. What is it called? Of course I got rid of it. It's a weird spell name. Yeah, I know. I think it's called Death Nell. Yeah, I did see that one. I sure hope it is.
It's called Death Nell. It only works, I'm taking a chance, because it only works if she has 5 HP or fewer. But, so I'm giving it, it like, as Dan, giving it a shot. So, it's a quick action that if she has 5 HP or fewer, I drop her down to zero. It sure doesn't say anything about rolling. It just looks like it's a thing that can happen. And it's a class talent, not a spell. Sorry. Pardon me.

Post-Battle Discussion and Selena's Magic

Yeah, Lethage, you suck the life force out of Lethage. And you see awesome her already very gaunt. Yeah, what what does it look like, Illwin, when you suck the last drops of life out of a person? I think Illwin has a weight of doing some spells around his kids that don't make him seem like the monster he's kind of become. and So I think it literally is just a it looks like looks like a heart attack.
I think she asked if she could. Okay. And you know, when you heal one D6 hit points because you need kill spreading word. So you hear the footsteps of Amy running off into the distance. But other than that, the street grows quiet as Latha stops moving on the ground. too How did you do that? Which one of us are you looking at? Selena. Yeah. but's The person I didn't know could do that.
Well, I've been studying. I didn't really want to tell anybody yet, but here we are. Well, you're very good. Those were impressively powerful spells. I think the crystal does something. I don't know exactly. The world class reaction, Jeff. I mean, that is absolutely what he's. Yeah.
Yeah, no, absolutely. Estillar takes a couple of steps over and pushes his sword through Lotharja's torso just in case. um
And she's she said getting you was her ticket home. So, so they are after. They know. And that's where we'll leave this arc. Thank you

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Thank you all so much for listening. I've been your game master, Eric. I'm Phillip. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. We'll see you next time.