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Let's get this party started

S1 E1 · The Basics of Balance
16 Plays9 days ago

What to expect on the show, what's my background, how I got into this whole health & fitness lifestyle that led to coaching, and what I focus on with coaching to help as many people as I can find the balance between life & goals and focusing on the basics to help improve our health, see results AND feel our best. 

Ok, enough about me. I want to hear from YOU!

Have a question you want me to answer? Have a topic you want me to cover? Want to collaborate?

Email  & I'll answer your questions to help you keep going in your journey!


IG: @habitconsulting

Hello friends! I am so excited that you are here for the very first episode of something I have been ah wanting to do for a very long time, starting this podcast, The Basics of Balance.
My name is Ariella, I'm going to be your host, and I'm just really, really, first of all, grateful that you're listening. Second of all, i just really excited. If I'm being perfectly honest with you, I think I'm a little bit more nervous. um And full transparency, I've taken a lot of takes of this very first episode because i don't know if you can relate to this, but I am a perfectionist. And this is one of the reasons why I think it it has taken me this long to just start this dream that I've been wanting to, um you know, do for quite some time because I always feel like I have to have things perfect. You know i mean? Having...
yeah Make sure that you like your ducks are in the row before you take action. right And as something i help my clients understand and see, there is no ideal time. So take your own advice and we are just going to get this party started. So we are going to learn together.
um Give me a little grace you know if there are some quiet moments where my brain just completely blanks or Whatever the case is. But I am really excited to kind of kick this podcast off. um I want this first episode to kind of just like, hey, this is what this show is going to be about. Letting you know a little bit about what to expect on the show.
um Of course, who I am. Pretty sure you know most of you listening have no idea who I am, so that might be helpful. um And kinda just kicking things off like that. We're just gonna figure things out, guys, together.
on So, a little bit about me. My name is Ariella. I am a certified personal trainer. I am a certified nutrition coach. i started a little company called Habit Consulting about four years ago.
um I've been a certified trainer since 2015.
oo I just realized that is that's 10 years this year. So in November, I will have been certified for 10 years. That is exciting. um But I have been a a trainer since 2015 in various roles. um And so i wanted to start this company a few years ago because um I've just really realized that there is a lot of, I don't want to say misinformation because I almost feel like that's a buzzword at this point, but there is a lot of misinformation out there and that's one of the things I want to focus on in the show is kind of clearing that up.
um But I wanted to start this company because oftentimes I feel like we focus on the specifics of a health and fitness and wellness journey, right?
and And oftentimes, If we instead of focused on the specifics and rather focused on the basics of what a healthy and balanced lifestyle can and should look like, then we kind of remove the need to spend a lot of brain activity focusing on those specifics that are not really moving the needle.
Um, You know, and and rather if we focus on the basics, they really do move the needle. um And so, you know, as an example, um you know, oftentimes we focus on um actually hold on. No, I had another example. So let's let's talk about that really quick.
Focusing on basics rather than specifics, such as ah hot topic right now, um seed oils, food dyes, you know, um those things that are not necessarily great for us, right? I'm not going to say, hey, just ignore, just ignore anytime you're eating, what is it, red food dye. Just ignore, you know, whenever you're having seed oils and things like that. I'm not saying that necessarily, but, you know,
If we were to, instead of focusing on seed oils and ah food dye, we focused on trying to eat less processed food in general and also trying to eat more whole food, um then we are inherently reducing the amount of Seed oils and food dyes that we are eating as a result of that.
You see what I'm saying? So, you know, I think that oftentimes we focus so much on the specifics instead of the basics. And it we burn out because the specifics don't, like I said, really move the needle um as much as if we were to.
focus on the basics and learn how to stay consistent with those basics, um we would see you know improvements not over in our quality of life, but our health, or our goals, you know what we're all here for.
um And so that's kind of what I focus on with habit consulting is really just trying to ah you know Drown out the noise and really zoom out and look at the big picture as it relates to you know how I help my clients um you know reach their goals.
um I do, I offer personal training. It's app-based personal training. It's not in person. It's virtual. um But I offer personal training. That's individual personal training. um I have a training membership called Train With Me, um which is pretty affordable. I have all of that information kind of in the caption.
I also do offer nutrition coaching, um which I would argue sometimes nutrition coaching is really more like life coaching. Yeah. any of Any of my nutrition clients that might be listening right now, um I'm sure you can agree. Oftentimes we are talking about, um you know, we we have to talk about life as it relates to our nutritional choices because there's so much crossover there. It's not as easy to say, oh, hey, you want to lose weight? Awesome. Just stay in a caloric deficit.
Well, what about when you're traveling? What about when you have company in town? What about when you have things that you're celebrating? What about when you're living life? You know what i mean? So it's like, how do we find the balance between life and our goals? That's kind of like the sweet spot, right?
um How do we stay tethered to structure that keeps us moving forward in our goals? But also, let's not forget that you are more than just your goals. You are not a robot. You are a human, right?
um And so that's a little bit about what I focus on with habit consulting. I am a solopreneur. And so I wear lots of hats. And so that's actually one of the reasons why I realized it is there is no better time to start this podcast than right now, because, um you know, I think that oftentimes I do this. I do this a lot. I feel like I need to have all of my ducks in a row before I start something. Right. Can you relate?
um And that is rarely possible. reality Oftentimes we just need to do our best. We just need to start something and do our best in that and learn as we go, improve as we go. I help my clients understand that. So, hey, take your own advice.
Easier said than done. And so I wanted to kind of start this show. It's been a dream of mine for a while, um really just to offer more of an opportunity to have like longer conversations regarding basics and health and wellness and things like that.
But because I'm a solopreneur, um And like I said, I wear many hats. It can get really it's very easy to get stuck on. um Oh, I need to advertise.
And then because I need to advertise that advertisement needs to check all of these boxes. Right. Or at least that's how I feel. It's it's a lot of pressure. Right. And you know I feel like sometimes you know we we spend time trying to check those boxes of what the algorithm likes and stuff like that.
and And we get lost and forget, hey, I am a trainer. I am a nutrition coach. And so I'm really wanting to start this podcast to kind of just focus on that. ah Focus on why I started ah you know Habit Consulting.
why I got into training and nutrition coaching and things like that, um, to be able to kind of just, um, yeah, exactly. Just do just that. So all that to say, I think that this is going to be, um, helpful not only to kind of, you know, help spread the word on a lot of the misinformation and focus on basics and things like that, but also selfishly speaking, it's going to really help um me check a lot of boxes with one, with one stone. So, um,
Let's see, what else do I need to talk about with myself to kind of lay the framework? I also hate talking about myself. I'm just going to be completely honest with you. I feel like, and I know that a lot of people don't share this sentiment, but I feel like talking about myself, it's like,
Okay, can we talk about anything else? and But I'm well aware that we're here to grow, people. Okay, we are here to grow together. um So, okay, let's back up for a second. I've been a trainer for apparently almost 10 years, a nutrition coach, started habit consulting.
um i am from the, ah I guess you can call it Chicagoland area, a little town called Kenosha, Wisconsin. That is where I wasn't born, but raised for a lot of my years.
Um, I met my husband. Well, he was my boyfriend at the time, but now husband there, uh, we met in seventh grade. I am 36, I believe.
So we met in seventh grade. Um, we actually just celebrated 20 years together. um when we were in Thailand over the summer last year. So we've been together for a long time. i move i've been every I've lived everywhere in between Milwaukee and um the Chicagoland area. That's where my family is from. So like when I go home, I go to um Evanston, Grayslake, you know. So if you're familiar with the Chicagoland area, Heyo, let's chat.
um But my husband and I, we we were living in Milwaukee for quite some time. That's where we got married. That's where we went to college. um And we just wanted a change. you know When you grow up in the same area, you kind of just want to see if there's anything else out there. Is the grass really greener? We are also really outdoors people in the Midwest, although it is wonderful.
um It just is not conducive to being outside the majority of the year because it's kind of cold. Yeah. Um, and so we wanted to come down here and just kind of, you know, see how we liked it. We told ourselves we'd be here for two years and, um, we are actually, we just celebrated nine years in Nashville. Um, so I guess it's been a little longer than, than that.
Um, and so, you know, coming to Nashville, my background is in legal. I was in legal for quite some time and Nashville was kind of like the kickoff to transitioning out of the corporate world, out of legal into um you know training and and that morphed into nutrition because they are related um and started having consulting and here I am. um I kind of got started with my health and my fitness um journey myself with, like most females in ah college,
Chasing my smallest self, um wanting to do the boot camps, wanting to intermittent fast. um What was that one diet? I forget the name Oh, the master cleanse. Did anybody here do the master cleanse? with It had to be grade B maple syrup because apparently grade A isn't good enough.
um But grade B maple syrup, um organic lemon juice, and cayenne pepper. And I think you had to drink that like Every day you could have cabbage soup like once a day. I don't know. Point being is i come from a long background of extreme diets, following fads, trying to chase my smallest self because, you know, I was assuming the smaller I was, like the skinnier I was, the more popular I'd be.
I'm a people pleaser by heart. So that that was a big motivating factor for me. ah You know, and I think that through chasing a lot of extremes, um you know, intermittent fasting, like I said, lots of boot camps, lots of just like, you know, no pain, no gain kind of mentality. How many calories can I burn when I work out?
um You know, that created ah some some health issues in my college life that created some digestive issues. And um I was... eventually diagnosed with IBSC. um there are different There's IBSA, IBSC, and IBSD. I had IBSC. And then through that experience, I started learning a little bit more about nutrition. I started learning a little bit more about, oh, I binge because I restrict and I've kind of thrown off my whole entire equilibrium, if you will, because of such a long history of
ah Extreme restriction followed by extreme binges, right? um Man, i'm you know I'm getting all these injuries because I just keep running to burn these calories and I'm not doing any strength training.
um And then you start getting curious about strength training. What does that look like? um I started following a company called Body Rock. they so I think they started on YouTube, um but I started you know working out with them. It was high intensity interval training, but they combined resistance training. They combined weights. And that is kind of how my love of weights started.
um I realized the challenge of increasing your weight over time. was so rewarding. It was so fulfilling. A lot more than just no pain, no gain. It doesn't matter how tired you are, wake up and burn calories. You know what i mean? um And if you don't know what I mean, hey, I'm glad you're here because we're going into that. um So anyways, all of that to say, it was kind of a natural evolution into kind of focusing on nutrition, realizing how your nutrition impacts your energy, your digestion, your, your mental health, man, my anxiety and my depression really started in college.
Um, and you know, it affects your, your, your exercise, right? If you're not eating a whole lot, well then yeah, you're not going to get stronger. You know what i mean? And if you're starting to lift weights, hey, you want to get stronger. So it's like, you know, it's kind of it was kind of a natural evolution um into strength training, resistance training, um you know, and focusing on, hey, what am I eating and be what I'm eating is affecting how I feel and also, you know, my health, right?
Um, and so, you know, over the years, you know, I still practice things like intermittent fasting, but I also started learning about macros, macronutrients, um, and realize not all calories are created equal and wow. Okay. Even if I am chasing my smallest self, if I also have enough protein, wow, I can really control how much I'm eating a lot better because I'm more satisfied when I have protein and Hey,
When I have protein, I feel a lot stronger in the gym. So, um you know, I started dabbling in macros while still kind of, you know, you know, in my background of intermittent fasting and things like that.
um Started training for a a boot camp company um and I absolutely loved training for that company. um It was a very cardio-based ah type exercise, but um throughout my time, I kind of, i like I used to do this thing called Meathead Monday.
So I was like trying to like slow things down a little bit, you know what i mean, and focus more on resistance training versus strength training. But anyways, all that to say, um it was kind of a long evolution of, um you know, personal journey kind of morphed into professional journey.
And because of my experience in realizing, hey, what you eat matters, what you eat affects not only your physical results, but also your health and your overall quality of life and things like that.
I almost felt like I found this secret, but it wasn't really a secret. It was just new to me. um And um realizing that focusing on the basics of eating a well-balanced diet, making sure you're getting you know adequate sleep, making sure you're hydrated, making sure you're staying active, but also rest days,
on you know, all of those things really started to shift how I saw ah ah exercise and nutrition and really shift how I looked at my body.
um I didn't work out out of punishment anymore. I didn't eat because, I didn't feel guilty for eating certain foods anymore, you know, and ironically, that kind of shift in how strong instead of how small can I get, how strong can I get, actually ended up helping me see those physical results that I was after in college.
so That is a huge reason on why i really like to focus on those basics of living a healthy and balanced lifestyle because not only is that going to help you achieve your physical goals that I know a lot of females have, um but it's also not going to sacrifice your health at the end of the day. And it's sustainable and it it fosters a healthy relationship with food.
exercise and your body. um And so I think that's important. you know I think oftentimes we look at getting healthy as a burden. Oh, I have to give up my favorite foods. And it's like, no, you you don't. You genuinely do not. You might not be able to eat all of your favorite foods. We might have to learn how to practice restraint.
But also when your body is healthy and supported, it's easier to practice restraint because you're your hormones are not all over the place, right? Your blood sugar is not you know all over the place. So all that to say, again, focusing on the basics makes it easier for you to kind of live that healthy and balanced lifestyle and also feel empowered at the end of the day, feeling like you know how to stay in control. You got to plan, right?
um And so that is kind of, you know, a little bit about me, my background, and also kind of what you're going to hear a lot on this show. I am not a person with extremes. I think that there is a gray um, happy medium between all or nothing.
And when we can live in that gray matter in between all or nothing, that's actually when we're going um, be able to sustain those habits, actions, intentions, whatever you want to call it. Right.
Um, and so, yeah, that's a little bit about me. Um, I, When I'm not coaching, i don't know if I have any hobbies. I'm not going to lie.
um If I'm not coaching, I love just being outside, like being on the water um and moving to Nashville. We have been able to you know be outside a lot more than we were you know living in the Midwest.
and so being by the water whether it's on my paddle board we got a boat a couple years ago um you know it it doesn't really matter even if it's floating the river i just love being by water there's something so peaceful about it um so being on the water is amazing i love you know just being outside in sunshine fresh air being by nature it really just helps um you know just just makes things good it makes life good happiness on And so, yeah, that's a little bit about me. um So that's also what you can expect on this show.
um I will say i want this show to be not only a way for me to help you learn more. learn like I said, how to find that balance between life and goals, right? How to focus on those basics to not only see the changes you wanna see, or but feel the changes you wanna feel also at the same time.
um But I also want this to be a ah two-way street, if you will, okay? so In the description, um you know I have my contact information. I genuinely want to hear from you.
um i genuinely you know Do you have a question you want me to answer on this show? I am i would love nothing more. like I could talk about health and fitness all day because of how it has positively impacted my life, because of how it has positively impacted others.
um And so I could genuinely talk about this all day long, um which is one of the reasons why I'm starting this because Instagram captions and and algorithms just don't they just don't get it, guys.
They just don't get it. um Sometimes we got to have more than 140 characters to our thoughts. You know i mean? Stop limiting us. Stop putting us in a box. Um, but yeah, if you have it, if you have a question you want me to answer almost like free coaching, you know what i mean? Like I would love that because I always, I feel like oftentimes when one person has a question, many have that same question, but many are really, they feel like their question isn't, um, important enough, or maybe they're scared to ask it or they think it's stupid or whatever the case is. And I'm here to tell you
There are so many variables as it relates to health and fitness, mindset, you know, logistics, you know, intentions, things like that, um that yeah there are no stupid questions. Like every, every,
The more that we can talk about um you know how we can find that balance, the more it is going to, in my opinion, kind of trigger other questions like, oh yeah, but I went out to eat and how do I handle that?
Oh yeah, but you know I traveled and how do I handle that? And that's kind of just like learning as you go, right? Kind of what I'm doing here. We're just figuring this out. There's probably going to be a lot of mistakes, you know what i mean? But hey, that is part of the process.
Mistakes are not failures. I'm really big on saying that you know mistakes are lessons in disguise. And we learn from those. right We know better in the future next time. So we'd love to kind of grow together if you have any questions.
um If you have a topic that you want me to cover. right So say you saw something online and you're like, hey, I heard something about this. What do you think about that? um Let's talk about it. Let's chat. Let's have that conversation.
um And if you want to collaborate too, um you know, if you want to be on the show or, um you know, maybe you're another um trainer or nutrition coach or something similar or not, let's collaborate. Okay. So would love for this to kind of just be a two way street. Again, I can talk about this, but I can talk about this stuff all day, every day, but I want this to be helpful for you who are listening. And so I know that um sometimes I might think something's helpful, helpful, but maybe it's not. So You just let me know. All right. But I'm excited to kind of kick things off. That's a little bit about what to expect.
And yeah, could probably expect, you know, a few episodes a month. And we're just going to see how this goes. And we're just going to figure this out together. um But I'm really excited. Thank you so much for listening. um I'm sure I forgot something. So I'll.
You'll have to stay tuned for the next episode for me to say what I forgot to say. But ah let's keep this short, sweet, and to the point. And thanks for listening. If you have some time, i would love it if you were to comment, rate the show.
um Any little bit of support helps, especially for those that know all of the hats that we wear as solo entrepreneurs. So have a good rest of your day, guys. Until next time.