Sticky Jazz Interview Bailey Spinn image
Sticky Jazz
Sticky Jazz Interview Bailey Spinn
114 Plays
10 months ago

IF 1999 was meant to suddenly be "Nostalgic" Bailey Spinn was born for that moment. She is a DIY musician who mucked about on tiktok for a while then she started to record and is now releasing her own music. 

Her music sound, and her video elements capture the "Zeitgeist" of 1999, with the imagery of Paula Cole, but with a hard indie rock sound. 

She grew up in country, and hip hip, and caught on to rock & roll a bit later in life, and she is having fun catching up .  She has a lot of wit, and courage in her personality, she is not afraid of being who she really is. She is pan-sexual and a proud member of the LGBTQ community. 

This interview happened in April and had to wait til her new single "Runner Up" was released, it was worth the wait. 

We talk about her move into the music industry, tiktok, and how she got to where she is, even her anxiety for her live performance on the Tam Hall show. 

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#baileyspinn #tiktokstar #romanceisdead #lgbtqartists #pansexual 
