How to graciously tell someone: "no gifts, please" for yourself and your kids - ep. 19 image
S1 E19 · Raising Eco Minimalists
How to graciously tell someone: "no gifts, please" for yourself and your kids - ep. 19
2 Plays
2 years ago

In this episode, I'm talking about a topic that everyone is talking about (just not to each other). And that topic is how to tell someone: "no gifts, please". 

As we move into the holiday season, many people are wondering how they can broach the topic of not exchanging gifts without offending their friends/family. 

The good news is that it can be easier than you think. 

In this episode, I talk about:

  • Why some people may be insistent on gifts
  • Why you may not want to exchange gifts
  • 10 tips for how to say "no gifts, please" (or at least offer a compromise)


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