How to Hire Your First Startup Marketer image
Marketing Spark (The B2B SaaS Marketing Podcast)
How to Hire Your First Startup Marketer
47 Plays
3 years ago

Alexis Clarfield-Henry talks about what it's like to be the first marketer at a startup.

After a career in advertising, Alexis joined Unata, which built an e-commerce platform for the grocery business. 

Clarfield-Henry says one of the keys to success when hiring your first marketer is a willingness to think about of the box rather than someone who has done it before. 

“In terms of who they need to look for, that person needs to be flexible, able to roll with punches, willing to learn new things, willing to test and learn, and pivot." 

For more details about Alexis and the podcast, check out the show notes.
