"The Age Of Aquarius Pt. 2" builds on our first rendition in season 1 of this podcast. There are a lot of things said about this oncoming age. Many dabblers in Astrology and metaphysics say that we're already in the Age of Aquarius. Obviously, if we stick to the fundamentals of this science we know that this is not the truth. However, we are on the cusp. And we look at how the world is structured now, and fast forward into the future, we can definitely predict that we're not moving into a Utopian society. Think about people who are Aquarius Ascendants according to the Sidereal measure. #cosmicconvos #pushitfwd #blackastrologers Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cosmicconvos Follow us: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cosmicconvo/ https://www.instagram.com/shekhem_ra/ https://www.instagram.com/pushitfwd/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/cosmicconvopodcast/ Website: https://www.pushitfwd.com/cosmic-convos-podcast