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C3 Ep. 16 Grave Dawn Chapter Four image

C3 Ep. 16 Grave Dawn Chapter Four

Eberron Renewed
399 Plays2 months ago

They venture deep to find the source of the dark magic.

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction and Recap

um threaten with the coach orange twenty radio at your gamers' role radio
Hello and welcome to Eberron new natural play podcast at the Eberron campaign setting. I am your game master Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Phillip. I'm

Investigation in Kernville

Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. And welcome to another episode. Folks, what happened last time? Information gathering. We interrogated a whole bunch of people in Kernville. I interviewed mine. I don't know about interrogated. Mine was kind of creepy and, or not creepy, kind of scary and volatile. So he did not get interrogated. He was asked real kindly. There's drama and loves and deaths and zombies. Oh, well, um but we we know that there was one member of the town whose name I can't recall if somebody else read down my notes are still my tablet still booting that missed his wife and would go and visit her in the mausoleum.

Chanting at the Mausoleum

And then we spoke Victor. Thank you. And then we spoke to someone spoke to Victor. And he said that when he was down there,
they He heard chanting, right? From the inside of a room adjacent. or the eagle was Also, we don't ah so i don't know if it's relevant we don't know if it's relevant yet, but I do have my notes that his wife was aberrant marked. Oh, that's right. Yes. Yeah. And then you also spoke to Terrence the Dwarf, the elderly dwarf in town, about the goings-on. That was Kaz and Selena, right? To talk to him. On his porch, yeah. Yes. Yeah. And learned about Lazarus and Serena.
Yes, that's who I was thinking of earlier. Yes. So, yeah, ah Lazar and Serena had a love affair, but Serena was buried to Karen and all three of them. Well, Karen and Serena's bodies were found. Lazar went missing. Serena's sister, Tara, moved out of town. But Tara's husband, Taurus, is still in town. Right. But.
where we left off is you all were convening in the graveyard, presumably to share all this information like all the cool teenagers do.

Graveyard Discoveries

Thank you. And then Valk and Vy, especially the graveyard, found that basically every grave was turned earth and Vy found one grave in the back marked with the symbol of the army of Karn the Conqueror, which was the only real notable ah military insignia found. So yeah, go ahead, everyone.
Role play. Did we establish? I don't know. I'm sure we did. I don't remember. Did we establish that everyone who had been buried in this town had already turned and had to be dealt with and it was and they're starting to attract from elsewhere, right? So, yes, but you somebody inferred that there are probably some corpses that were too weak to break out of their encasements in the mausoleum. So there might still be some corpses that can pop up. But sure. This whole graveyard.
Yeah. We're fine thought. Eric's always going to hold a couple of corpses back. Contingency corpses is what I do. Yes.

Mausoleum Exploration

So we are headed back to the graveyard. Yeah. And nothing impedes you all from approaching the graveyard to meet up with Valk and be great. so We are already there. So. i yeah Yeah, so Nyx wanders into the graveyard and sees Valk and Vy inspecting graves and walks over to them. Fairly certain we have to go into the mausoleum. Kaz overhears that as he's walking up and goes, man, you want us to go where, because the dwarf mentioned this as well, you want us to go where the only potentially safe dead people are? Like they're goingnna there's they're still in there. and they're Why? Would you prefer to stay on the surface? Yeah, cool.
I guess I'd prefer to stay with you guys, so if we're going down... Okay. There's a man called Victor. His wife died some time ago, and he was apparently down there shortly before all this happened. And he says that he heard voices down there, chanting. Yeah, I think Zalth would've... I think if I remember correctly, Zalth did hear something down there, but he didn't go down there.
Right, if he suggested it, uh, Valk, so... No, no! No, thank you. Not... not dying, at least not yet, not that day. But I think Valk would kind of nod in agreeance.
and just gonna start saying there's not really anything up here. There are noises going on down there, but I can't tell if they're dead bodies. Not all of them have gotten out. Some of them are too old and too weak, but there's definitely additional activity going on.
But well that seems to be where the where the source of the problem is, so it seems like that's where we have to go. And we will go. And without his going to, not sure why, take the lead. in oh he I think he was going to anything. Yeah. Love it. Guess gets out of the way. so and Back inside is that lighting? There are I mean, there there is light washing down from above. It's an open door. But once you all get down the first like like first little way and turn, it's going to get progressively darker. Like you will need to have some kind of lighting implement with you.
Now, presumably you all would have torches as part of your packs that you all can light if you want. But those are obviously they they can go out, they can get knocked out of your hand, et cetera. But we don't have some sort of alchemical glow stick. Nothing as of yet, tragically. Well, next reaches up and there's the sort of horrible shriek sound as she pulls her sword out of the air. Madison, as a wizard, you have a handful of cantrips that you know, one of which is light. So you can cast that on something that you're carrying to be a magical source of light as well. OK, great. I'll cast that like a book that I had in my bag with grub.
to Love that. Okay. Kaz is so glad he didn't have to try to do something. Okay, so Valk leads the way. What's kind of the rough walking order, just so I have it? Nyx will go next. Behind Valk, if Valk is going first. Okay.
Selena will go next, kind of in the middle with the light. I'm going to be in front of V. okay I guess V's last. hit hit All right. There's no way the cats are going to look at himself and look at V and go, I should be here to protect us from the rear. OK, so you all begin going down. So it is about eight steps or so down into.
the mausoleum away from from the door and then it immediately turns to the right. And there is another sta staircase, a set of stairs that goes down about another 15 feet below ground. So it gets like By the time you reach the bottom of those stairs, any kind of light from outside is pretty well diminished. Let me get a wisdom based check from

Undead Attack

everyone. This is to proceed. So if you have any backgrounds you would like to pitch related to perceiving, you know, underground architecture, dungeon delving, stuff like that. Terrible. You said wisdom. Yes. OK.
She's a natural one, folks. But you're the thing. I got 11. Five. Sixteen from Mr. Ten may know you. OK. Well, glad Valk's in the lead. Valk, you are pretty well convinced that the walls, even though, you know, shadows greencast, his g light is coming from behind you, you can tell that the walls where you are reaching kind of immediately so as you reach the end of those stairs, you have reached a point where there are this would be where bodies were stored, were laid to rest in the mausoleum.
it looks like it's about three high and you can see it's very like obviously the ones close to the service are the oldest ones they dug this and put some bodies here and they're like oh no we have more bodies dig deeper so these the the writing on these are very faint and probably the only way that you would be able to get a strong sense of what it says is to do some kind of like charcoal rubbing or something. Just trying to look at it is really hard to decipher. Everyone else, very, so Selena got a 10, V got an 11, Nick's got a five, Kaz got a one. Well, what did you get after all your modifiers, Kaz? Two, thank you. Plus your level.
three things again. Look at a six for me. OK, I got a natural one is all that mattered to me. Kaz and Nyx, you all are pretty well convinced that something is following you all down here. You hear just kind of the phrase. Yeah. Russell and something being in a mausoleum, the nature of what like You think it might be something supernatural, like you entered like this mausoleum might be haunted and you got a ghost on your tail. Selena and V getting a lot of notifications, Jeff. Oh, God. Well, we're good. We're back.
leery group I hate everything. I like you guys. i Figure this out. Keep talking. I can hear V and Selena. You get just kind of that. Like you don't fool on like here's something in there, but you get that eerie sense you're being watched from behind. So that's the vibe that you all get about. You don't get any of this. Like you just kind of notice that. But yeah, like you you notice what what is there like so.
OK, whenever I'm looking at the grave, what's the word for the graves inside of the mausoleum? Crypts, crypts, yeah. The crypts, are they like broken or are they still sealed in here? Probably every fourth one is still sealed, and which some of the might be, you know, they just didn't have remains to late arrest, like they just put up a marker. But yeah, is it like very specifically that pattern of every fourth?
That's just a rough estimate as you're looking around. Yeah, I'm just going to kind of look back and then just see what's everyone else doing as Rauke is investigating. Next is looking looking back a little nervelly every now and now and then there's a little bit of light. So and presumably the light behind us is stronger since that's the direction we came from the sunlight. So the evidence of her eyes is not suggesting any danger, but She's obviously a little twitchy. Yeah, you definitely get that feeling that you're being watched. Kaz, what are you? did She rolled the lowest. You have the you have the strongest sense.
that there is some malevolent supernatural force behind you. I think that I have cut in front of Selena, who was right in front of me, and I am... I'm probably trying to make, like, trying to get V to turn around and figure out what's going on behind us if I'm that convinced about it. I've definitely, yes, moved up one in the in the line. Okay.
I don't feel right about it because it's Selena, but I did it based on the feelings and vibes that you two got via Selena. Like you guys just kind of confirming what you were sensing. So, yeah.
Yeah, I think Selena's trying to kind of shine the light around a little bit while still making sure they didn't see where they're going. But, like, doesn't see anything. Just just kind of looking around, keeping an eye out. Vow can his infinite naivety in this moment. It's just going to be like, can you, can you please, can you stop? A bit steadying. I guess, no, we're not stopping. Don't stop. Don't stop. Whatever. it could Keep moving. We can't stop. you are b It's just dead people.
It's spy yeah about that. Everyone else is acting right now. Nick's probably doesn't think that there is like a zombie behind. I think probably that prickling on the back of her neck. and and Makes her worried that she's drawn the attention of something else. Yep. OK. V as Kaz is trying to get you to sit around, what are you?
Yeah, V is, you know, a little weirded out because she got the feeling that, ooh, something's weird. But just to make Kaz feel better, she's gonna, she's gonna turn around and walk a little more kind of sideways backward. and yeah Okay. ah but Is there anything of note?
in this room where I could just keep it going. I mean, on the floor, on the floor, like something that would be of note from an investigation stand standpoint that you notice about while everyone else is kind of like looking over their shoulder and clearly distracted. You notice that there are fragments of stone on your feet in the hall, clearly indicating that these were broken out of rather than broken into, which aligns with what you were thinking may have happened down here. But this obviously there's There wasn't any grave robbing going on. In fact, as you are kind of glancing, you notice that there are here and there. So as Selena's light is kind of like moving around a little bit, you see the light reflect off of pieces of metal that are in.
ah some of these grips that obviously people would have been laid to rest with certain family heirlooms, valuables, et cetera, that are in there. Are any of them nice looking weapons? You'd have to reach in there and pull them out. That is it immediately what you're Trees. Do not steal from these dead people. Be respectful. You don't know what is attached to them in these items.
and they're already clawing out of their crips. I know you're tempted. I know you're tempted. It's just wasteful. If I hear something get picked up, so I may lose it. They don't want to be just left in the ground.
They were less with them out of a sign of respect during their burial. Kaz has just covered it in other people if you worry. Oh. No, no, no. That is actually outside of his nature. Something also to keep in mind that I did not touch on at the start of this recording session, please keep in mind if you have icon relationships to utilize, I believe Trevor is the only one that used his last session. So yeah, just keep that in mind.
But as this conversation is going on between Nix and Valk and everyone else is kind of like walking, keeping their eyes around Kaz. Give me a dexterity roll. Okay. he That's a 13. 13. OK, so as Nyx and Valk are going back and forth about whether or not these dead people need their valuable still and like the the implications of stealing from them, Selena is still moving her light around. V, you're walking sideways backwards. Kaz, you're getting kind of you're ahead of Selena, so you're getting caught up to Nyx and Valk in this like hallway of crypts and just an arm shoots out of one of the unknown crypts and grabs around Kaz's chest and pulls you up against the wall.
Initiative. You can exclave his caslet if you like, Jeff. I mean, i not on a family show, I can't. He's a teenager. Oh, right. Is there any I finally rolled well, is there any ah perks for a natural 20 on an initiative roll? Just go go earlier. Go earlier, yeah. Sounds good to me. I got a 19. Shoot. I need to go get my my stones to decide what kind of spells I do. I'll be right back. If you got a 19, that's with all your modifiers, V.
Oh, wait, wait, wait, what do I add? Dexterity and your level. Okay. No, then it's a 23. Oh my gosh. Selena? Seven. Nyx? 12. Oh. Valk? 15. Kaz got

Battle Tactics and Triumph

a natural 20. I'm not sure what his dexterity is though. Wait. I can check. matt Maybe. ah His will be 24.
Twenty four. Yeah. Hey, sweetheart. It is drag chaos. Let's go. OK, so as as this one arm explodes out and grabs you, Kazem pulls you up against the rest of the other encrypts, also like the stone shattered as you all see ragged like arms with flesh hanging off of them and then fully just depending on the age of the corpse inside, um some that are just full on skeletal as opposed to more zombie. So there are There are three skeletons that claim that are like in their crypts. They haven't clambered out yet. And a total of 10 zombies and kind of two groups of five that are clambering out. So you all just bits of stone erupt around you all. And you all hear the the hormones of zombies being crawling out. And Kaz, you are grabbed and pressed up against the wall. Stone erupts around you. And it is your turn.
Yeah, so I thankfully I rolled an attack or I pulled an attack dice for my first thing I do. And I'm going to. So one of the talents that I took allows me to treat a ranged spell as a melee because I knew eventually this was nice stuff was going to happen. So.
I'm going to it says I can target one D six nearby enemies. If I'm grapple, do I can I still roll that or I need to focus on the dude? Yeah, I mean, everything is nearby. So, OK, then like cool. This is going to target two enemies. Nice.
and And don't forget to roll your attack weird or attack warp. Oh, that's right. My attack worked. And also your weirdness because of your attack work. Yes, yes. but So for the attack warp, I got metal and until the end of my next turn when an enemy disengages for me, it takes damage equal to my dexterity modifier. Cool. OK. And then for my weird, I got to find the D100. Hang on.
I got one. OK, doesn't matter. It has to be somebody who's already rallied this battle and this battle is brand new. So cool. Now I'm going to actually do the attack that I was going to already have a mess of dice hanging. All right. That is a that's a 19 to hit. I guess that's us. Whoever the next one closest to me is and the one grabbing me other the other two that. OK, none of them so.
Did any of them directly minutes someone or nobody yet? OK, yeah, they just so a zombie is grabbing you. So just the next closest zombie as well. Or do you want to attack a skeleton next? clue Yeah, skeleton, a skeleton. Sorry. Yeah. OK. Yeah. So 19 for both of them. Nineteen. Yeah, it's just it it be the spell affects two people. So and is it AC or physical defense or mental defense?
It is versus physical defense. Okay. And on a hit, I do 3d6. One, two, three of those. Yeah, not bad. Twelve damage and the two targets are weakened. Okay. Which is like, duh, but that's actually a thing for those of you. They're weakened because of the pain, but also there's a condition. Yes. And that is all I'm going to do with my turn.
Cool. Unless I try to get out, that would be an action. Probably. try to get Well, I was just, you know, it was flavor. So you are just engaged with this thing. So if you want to disengage with it, you can.
Yeah, I think I'd like to move to the center-ish of the room away from as many bad guys. but Do you want to use your move to disengage or do you want to just move and risk the opportunity attack now that it is weakened? Because weakened means it takes a minus four to attacks into defenses. Because if you disengage and you fail to check, you can't move. Oh, I didn't realize that. Yeah. Yeah, he would try to get out of the way. So I'm going to I'm going to try to disengage and move.
Okay. So you just roll a save. You need an 11 or better. Just up and down. Whatever's on the dice. Yep. Didn't do it. Okay. So you try to get away from this thing and its arms are still like grabbing at you and you kick like in a weak house. Not as strong. You dealt 12 damage though. I dealt 12 damage and like I said, yeah, and weakened. so Okay. The skeleton is hurt quite bad. I am so sorry. I did 15 damage. I did plus charisma. I didn't add it. Okay.
Well, in that case, you don't need to worry about disengaging from that zombie because you exploded. I said Kaz is conflicted because that was somebody that could have been could have been Victor's friend. So yeah, Kaz, you just kind of freak out and this zombie like explodes off of you and bits of rotted flesh fly everywhere. And now it is V's turn.
So the like I said, there there are 10, well, now nine total zombies and three skeletons. OK. And they're crawling out of the crypt. So you can you can attack one either range with your throwing knives or you can go up and use your martial arts on them. Let's do a throw a knife. OK. Who would you like to target?
Well, one of them that's coming out of a crypt. They're all coming out of a crypt. Well, pick one. No, ah no. Do you want to attack be hold on i i mean you could attack the skeleton that just got hit by Kaz with his magic? and The one he didn't, the one he didn't explode.
Yep. Okay. Okay. Because it is weakened, so as a minus four to its defenses right now. Well, I did not do it. What'd you roll? That is a five. Plus. Plus. Plus one is a six plus. Wait, what do I add for my deck? Yeah, your dexterity and not for a basic range. And plus your level.
yeah nine total nine total with your level yeah yeah i guess ac that is not quite enough unfortunately i didn't figure okay well anything else you would like to do you want to move up or do you want to stay back i'll probably just just stay where i'm at if if i move up i'll just be in everyone else's hair right because i'm in the bag yeah Yeah, sure. OK. OK, so the zombies begin clamoring out of the crypts towards people. Valk and Nyx were up at the front as well as Kaz. So they're going to be kind of the targets of the attacks. So Valk for a zombie attacks you as it moves out of its crypt. That is a 21 to hit. I'm pretty sure yes.
four damage as it just kind of like brings its fists down on you and tries to grab on to bite you. Second one going to attack you. That is another 21. So four more damage. Okay.
Nix. Yes. 23. Yes, that certainly hits me. Second zombie. 20. This die is hot to perform more damage. Okay. Kaz. First zombie attempting to attack you. That is a 16. Yes, sir. Four damage. Yes, sir. Second zombie attempting to attack you. That is a 17. Yeah, it also does. Four damage.
Okay. Selena, natural one. Whoo! Does not hit, by the way. Second zombie tries to attack you, Selena, and that is a 16 to hit. Yeah, that hits. Okay, last zombie is going to cleaver pass everyone towards V. V, 14 to hit. Or 15 to hit. I have a 15. So it hits. 4 damage. Okay. And then the skeletons. One will come after Nix. That is an 11 to hit. That misses. no That is an 8 to hit.
No. In Selena, that is an ache to hit. Nope. Skeleton's not doing so hot. Zombie's doing great. So, Valk.

Reflection and Next Steps

Your turn. So you've got two zombies and a skeleton on you. I have to get my focus. So I will do that. OK. So like every time I open this thing, I completely forget what is going on. I have my focus. Can I also... you do sick I feel like I am good.
good Do you want to disengage from these guys? Let me just explain the mechanics real quick. Since you're trying to disengage from multiple enemies, since you are surrounded by three, there's a plus one to the save you need to pass for each additional enemy. So since there are three, that would be an additional two. So you have to do a 13 save to disengage. Okay. Yeah, I can do that. Okay. So just roll it. costly I left the one, but it's.
very confident that that is a nine so all right we're not going anywhere so yeah you you start to back up and that's when the skeleton kind of closes ranks behind you if can't hit you but it does definitely prevent you from moving back down the hall ah um like see ah well does he matter i sort help play ah think
I think I'm good. OK, I think he's going to, in the rare instance, just pull out his sword and be prepared. OK, next. OK, so there are two zombies and a skeleton on me. Yep. And how closely spaced are we? The hallway is about 15 feet wide, so pretty close, but not not in danger of killing each other. Oh, no, I just.
yeah Nix would probably round on the things that are clawing at, I guess, Kaz moved up. So Kaz was right behind her. So, yeah, Nix, you know.
parries the skeleton's attack and rounds. She's obviously caught off guard by this, and so already the the metallic plating is is creeping down her arms and her her horns are a little elongated, and she spins and is going to cut at the
um at the so at the zombies that are attacking. hey cas That's a pretty good roll. That's 21 to hit. That is a hit. Yeah. That is 14 damage.
All right. You take out one of the zombies. So they're clawing at Kaz and then just just turns and this shining blade

Session Conclusion and Engagement

that kind of the sound it makes cutting through the air isn't quite right. There's a little bit of a wail to it just cleanly through the neck of this first zombie. Well, probably not cleanly because, you know, they're. rotting corpses. It is nice. Awesome. and you so how many How many zombies remain? so That would bring us down to eight total zombies. Okay, okay, okay. Yes, I'm going to use ah the quick actions. Oh, no. a zombie Zombies are mooks, right? Yes. Okay. And that was not the last mook in a mob. It was not. Very well. And I can't do that. Okay. Okay. Now it is Selena's turn.
How many are up on the. There are two zombies on you. OK. And is yeah, and a skeleton also attacked you, right? I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. OK, well, I'm going to try to just engage. OK, so you'll need to roll 13 or better. Oh, that's a Hey, yes, you are able to. Oh, sorry. a Move throughout and kind of move back. So do you move back kind of behind V?
Yeah. OK. And then yeah I am going to do Ray of Frost to. She's one of the zombies that was that was on me. OK, perfect. That's another natural 20. Oh, awesome. Yeah, double damage that rule. She's cheating. I am not. So that definitely hits on the zombie. So you roll six D six instead of three D six. All right. For your damage. but
17. 17. Nice. Do you add so a lot of fires? Yeah. Nice. Your ray of frost shoots out an icy beam from your hand and kind of just the angle of the zombies when you disengage and turn goes through the chest of one of the zombies and through another and then through the last of that group. So three zombies just have these icy holes in their chest and they just like the ice creeps up and they just kind of fall apart and shatter onto the ground.
Very cool. Awesome. So we're down to five zombies. We are down to five zombies. Awesome. And we are back around to the top of the addition order, which means escalation die is now on a one. So add one to all of your attack rolls. Woo. And it is Kaz. Kaz, did you pull at the end of your last turn? I did. I pulled, I got an icon spell and I rolled a 12 on the D12. So it's the bad guys, the spells.
OK, if you'll permit me, I think this works pretty well. The the Lords of Dust are the Rakshasa, right? Yes. OK, I think I think he is unknowingly imbued with some power from that quarter of the world because he is going to know why any of that would be in the atmosphere right now. What are you looking at?
So but it's funny. Two of the two of the bad guy icons. The other one is the protectors of the changeling. So I was like, either way, me I'm doing OK. And so he's going to just attack the nearest zombie to it. OK. Which is the one that because Nick's killed the one that was actually engaged with me. Right. There were two. so there were There were two. OK. So the other one. That is a 24 to hit.
Yeah. OK, cool. Oh, wait. And that is a natural. OK. On a natural odd hit, I only get to do half damage, but then I get to attack another one. So cool. Yeah. That's icon spells are awesome. are They really. So I roll the D6 plus charisma. let's ten So it's five lightning damage to the first one. And then I'll attack another. It's the same spell. And that is a cocked die. 14 is 14 hit 14. Another zombie. Zombie does not hit. OK.
If it is on a skeleton, we can just say that's what I plan to do. You know, hit on us. Well, is it AC that you're attacking or it's a physical? It's physical defense, but it's actually this. Yes, it does. it Oh, OK. Then that's going to be another half damage. All right. That's only eight. Wait, no. Pardon me. That's only that's only five. Five. OK. And it's lightning. That one was lighting. Yeah. When I miss its lighting, when I hit it, it's fire. I don't know. But yeah I did hit. No, no, no. Sorry. When I I misspoke, when I even it's fire, when i ah it's lighting, those are both odd.
Gotcha. But I assume I only do that twice if I roll odd every time I don't get to keep going, to it do I? Do I? It says natural odd hit. OK, yes. Which hang on. Which spell is it? Twisted Beam. It says with a natural odd hit, lightning damage equal to half damage from a natural even hit, and you can roll another twisted beam against an enemy you haven't targeted with this turn. So do I roll another? It's a lot of words. And I think they're all turning up forcy. Yes. My reading of that is that it does continue.
Okay, well, then let's go on to the third. Let's go on to, that let's let's hit a skeleton. Let's not hit a skeleton, that's a natural one. Well, this party was fun while it lasted. Okay. Well, the second zombie that you hit with lightning, the lightning courses through it and its head explodes and it drops to the ground. Beautiful. Cool. Actually, probably disgusting. but Okay, now it is V's turn. V, throw something again? No, because that sucks. I'm gonna do Dance of the Mantis.
You have a zombie on you. So there's one there that you can attack. I'm gonna get it. Nice. Okay. So Dance of the Mantis roll your... I'm chill. Your dexterity plus level. Philippa loves it.
Is a 12. That was your full roll. Well, a 13, because we get to add the one, right? For your level? Yeah. Well, no, the... Oh, the escalation. Yeah. Yes. Yes. So 13. That is not enough to hit a zombie's AC, unfortunately. Yeah, no word. Okay. What's your dexterity modifier? Three. and Okay. I rolled an eight. I'm sorry. Anything else you'd like to do? Bonus action? Movement? Nah. I mean, I can't really get away, so...
That's fair. I'm just going to stand there and hope they don't kill me. Yeah. What you you got a 13? Yeah. OK.
OK, it is now V's turn. V just went. Never mind. Zombie's turn. OK, so the zombie that is on V is going to attack. Sure. That is a 16 to hit. Yep. Four damage. OK, great. There are still two on Nyx. That is an eight to hit and then no a natural one.
And then there are two on Valk. That is a 17 to hit Valk. You were unmuted and then you muted yourself to talk. You were so right. Yeah. And then the next one is a 12 to hit Valk. No. OK. And now the three skeletons. The one on Nyx. Natural 20. Disagree. 10 damage. You can always rally on your turn, everyone. Valk. Skeleton on you. That is a 23 to hit. Yes.
That is five more damage. I have too many tabs up. I'm going to... Oh, I have to yell. I have too many tabs up there. Do you have a spell you would like to use? Yes, I'm deciding which one, even though I'm pretty sure they're all the same thing. I want to do... What am I doing? Picking which spell you're going to use. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you.
It's one of my many jobs as a game master is to help my players when they're trying to figure out what. I guess I'm just going to use Moment of Karma because I got hit. Okay. And it's against their, oh, I can't turn the tabs open. It's against their mental defense. Okay. And it is. Skeletons famously have good mental def defenses.
Oh, I love that. not Not really. Intelligence plus level. So that's... Am I rolling that? Yeah, you roll your d20, add your intelligence modifier and then your level. And then the midst way I have that right, it was very weird. And that's what was tripping me up. That is 19. 19 definitely hits their mental defense.
Okay. And now, as I pull up my sleeves, it is 3d6 plus plus your wisdom by psychic damage. Yeah. I don't have, oh, I have two of them out, so I'll just reroll one. That is 12 plus, so that's 14 total.
right But importantly, that skeleton was staggered before, or that's the adventurer's feet, so that doesn't count for you. no period yeah Okay, this skeleton is holding on for dear life at this point, as it attacks Valk, and then immediately regrets that decision.
And we have one more skeleton, the one that was on slain. Just kind of looking around for the closest nearby target, it turns to Kaz. Yeah. That is a natural seven plus six, 13 to hit. You know what, that might actually not. Let me double check against just AC. Yes. it wind wo So if my AC is 12, that means it is a hit.
That would generally yes. That's too bad. I mean, so five damage. OK. OK. Okie dokie. It is now. Valk's turn. I am regaining my focus. OK. You know try to disengage again. I no longer have that confidence. Doesn't cost you anything to you. Well, except for your movement, but you're not going to use. Yeah, I can't make canm move anyways. Yeah, I will try to disengage.
So you need a 13 or better? That's an 18. OK, so you can. So do you want to move further into the hall since that's how to get away from people easiest? Yeah, I just want to try and have some distance. Yes. And then I also want to potentially remind that that skelly that I hit can no longer attack me. Oh, because of your moment of karma.
Nice. That's my brain melting secrets. Okay. It doesn't have a brain to melt, but yes. Okay, we're not doing that. Anything else with a bonus action? No. Okay. Nits. Okay. You have two zombies on you, one skeleton, then there's also a skeleton on Kaz, a zombie on Kaz. How badly hurt is the skeleton on Kaz? It is fresh as a daisy.
Cool. So Nix is badly injured and there's zombies everywhere. This scenario is a tactical nightmare. And so in pure frustration, she is going to call on the source of her power. And so she the the again, the scales extend down her arms, her horns elongate.
And she roars and all of the shiny swords in all of the crypts come flying out and very briefly hover around her like wings before flying at the skeleton that's attacking Kaz.
OK, OK, Nick stole all the swords about. It's a very good role. A whole bunch. It's a natural 19. Yes, this is going to overkill that thing, but I really need to kill something. It was twenty two damage damage. OK, it does not kill this thing, but it damaged. Well, that's extremely disappointing. It was this a spell. nicks Yes, I just cast the rending.
nice so i mean yeah the the ribs and one of the arms shatter under the deluge of these swords but it is still standing well that's disappointing i wanted to kill it so that i could spend a recovery but i'm here so yeah that is what i can do okie dokie it is now Selena's turn All right, let's go for the skeleton that's on Kaz. We're going to try Ray of Frost again, because that worked very well last time. It did. Another natural 20. Unbelievable. That's I never use these dice because they're ugly. They're magical, apparently. OK, weird, wild. OK. OK, so 66. Was that it? OK. 66. 26.
That should not that that over kills this thing. Yeah. The the sword shattered through the skeleton and break all the bones. And then from the other direction, just this beam of ice freezes the bones down to the marrow and then they just shatter into tiny bone shards everywhere. Kaz, you just got swords and ice flying at you from all directions. Oh, thankfully ah the defense spell. Amazing. So we are down to four zombies and two skeletons. Am I right?
Yes. OK, that's correct. Cool, cool, cool. And the escalation die is now at a two. Great. Kavz, your turn. OK, I have to. I have to rally. No, I don't because of my um i i I drew a defensive healing spell, so I'm going to OK, target myself and one other. But I need to who look like Nix. Do you look bad enough that you look bad? OK, Nick Nix looks very visibly wounded. OK, so heads, it's Nix, tails, it's me. She's.
She's covered in blood, but since most of the things we're killing don't bleed, that's a bad sign. OK, so I has just kind of in the action of covering his face from everything flying at him to hit his assailants. He cast a spell. Nix, you get to take a recovery for free. Yeah.
and I get 10 temporary hit points and also a random physical feature that lasts as long as my temporary hit points do. So Eric, I don't want to give myself one. What happens to Kaz? I would give one to anyone else happily, but I want someone else to to to dictate my weird physical. the It says a strange eye, limb, or other physical creature. Creature. Feature. Not a creature. Don't do that.
Okay, kind of vibing with the source of your previous spell, kind of carrying over into this. As you cast this spell, you feel like a little bit of energizing and your left leg is a ah humanoid tiger leg all of a sudden.
Awesome. I thought you were going to flip my hands around yeah so much better. Yeah, thought I was expecting horns. Yeah. But it like overtakes your clothing as well. It's like your your pants are cut in like a wrestler truck style on your yeah on your leg. And it's just tiger fur all the way down. Oh, no, I look cool. Yeah. And everything I can do.
Cool. I got a quick action V. Yeah. You still have a zombie on you. Great. Let's try to hit it again. OK, so you can you tried to or you did an opening attack, even though it didn't hit, you can move on to a flow attack if you like.
yeah that deals more damage. Let's do that. So you got to get past the hit number first. That's true. So you do your dance of the mantis flow attack, the pincer world shut or your original venom flow. It's a dance of the mantis. OK, OK, so that is 16, 16 hits. Thank the lower. word So your punch die is a D eight, I believe. Okay. That's not eight. Yes. Punches are DX. That's an eight. Okay. Here we go. That is a natural five. And I don't, do I add anything to it? You're striking.
Strings. Yes. So eight plus my level eight. No, not for the damage. That's just for the thing. Yeah. Eight damage on that zombie. Nice. I'm all you heard it. And what was the natural role on your five attack? Well, not on your damage on your attack role. You got the.
A nine, okay. Just on that, if you roll even naturally on that, you get to do an extra thing. so But you rolled odd, so you don't. I can't give you too much, too soon. Don't want to be indulged. Okay, the zombie is going to try to attack you back, V. That is a good high roll. A 21 to hit. Sure does. Four damage.
OK, OK, we have two zombies still on Nix and then the two zombies that were on Valk. Right. So believe so. And I think my skeleton is still in play. And forly yes. Yeah. but So Nix, the first zombie up on you gets a 13 to hit. Does not hit. Second zombie is an 11 to hit.
Also, okay, the ones that were on Valk, let's see which direction they look to go. They, the first one, looks towards Kaz. Kaz, one of the zombie shambles for you. That is a 17 to hit.
Oh, I'm so sorry, yeah, that hits. Four damage, big time. And the second one also looks to Kaz. That is a 12 to hit. Ty goes to the attacker. Four damage. I'm so weak. You still have two temporary hit points, so that Tiger League is still kicking. Yeah, thank God. Addison and the skeleton that's on Nyx. That is a 17 to hit Nyx. That does hit. What's the natural roll? 11.
Cool, I take half damage. Okay. So five. So round up. Yeah. Wait, did you have it? Or am I having? I have it already. Or no, no, I did not have it. Five damage is the actual damage. So that's three. Yes. Yes. Okay. Next. It is your turn. Okay. Well, I'm a liar. kid valk It is your turn. yeah Sorry. Well, all right then.
well yeah i was okay dude that's fine because i still have my so i guess i am going to use karmic rebuke okay and one of the skellies question mark well there is anne and a skelly still on nyx Zombies us Kelly two zombies. I'm gonna target one of those those on boys and Yeah, we're gonna to you pray that is a 15 plus Numbers I keep opening up my spell book and that means it's all the long spring 15 plus 4 plus 2 Plus you love this. Yes. Yeah, that's included in in the four so twenty two numbers man. Thank you 21 that hits and
Fantastic. um And that is now not super damagey, but it'll be something to try to help you. That is a three eight plus three. That's six. Six damage. Six damage. One of the zombros that looks the nastiest. That zombie dies from your car. I think in that moment was out.
kind of feels bad that they were able to successfully get away and then analyze what was happening, kind of processing in the moment as they were kind of yelling to keep the light it's still.
It's like, oh, this is why this is what was happening. Also going to throw the comment out, like, please at least return the sword. Read them. Just leave them behind. At least please just leave them behind.
And then whatever, like the the previous damage that that same zombie had taken, it just kind of like flashes again, and then it just drops. It's just a moment of frustration. There's just too much going on processing to make it look super flashy. Yeah. And now I'm going to regain my soak-ins, and then I'm going to end my turn. Cool. Now, Nyx, it is your turn. Well, deal there are zombies attacking the kids, so Nyx is going to try to kill those zombies. um
in the traditional way of sword. So that is 14 to hit? Against AC? Oh, the zombies, yes. That's a miss. Really? Really? That's done. Very well, they take one damage still, because they take damage. He cooked my level with high system. Okay. Oh, and these were new enemies I hadn't engaged previously, so I could have their use of demonic violence and make them take some harm anyway.
OK, so they take three more damage already. Well done. Selena, continue your streak. I was going to say, no pressure, please save us all. OK, so there are zombies on Kaz. Yes. OK, we're going to go for one of them with Ray of Frost because why not? Yes, it ain't broke, man. Oh, yeah well, it broke. Oh, no. That is a nine to hit against physical defense.
That's not going to do it. I didn't think so. Does it do any damage on a miss or a frock? Yes. Damage equal to my level. OK, one big hit. OK, so yeah, that zombie gets a little bit a little gets a chill run down its spine. What's left of it anyway? Well, and that is a deal. She liked you in your turn. Quick action or movement? No.
All right. Then the escalation die now escalates to a three, which I think activates one of your things next. No, I rolled an even on my initiative, so I had a plus two on my first attack roll. Okay. Nevermind then. Kaz, it is your turn.
Okay, I rolled Icon. I rolled Arcane Congress. Arcane Congress is what I rolled at the beginning of this arc, and you said something guaranteed weird was going to happen, and it feels like a good time to make that happen, considering I rolled that, not just in their in their zone, I rolled the exact number of the Arcane Congress. Okay. so my My attack that I would like to do with that is a, it's like magic missile style. So can I go ahead and do that? And then you can tell me yeah how things go back. ah I also rolled, I got my chaos spike and the role that I rolled was everyone who is hit with this spell is vulnerable to it.
Oh, wow. Cool. Then I rolled my D3 or D6 to determine how many I hit and I rolled a five. So I hit three guys with it four force damage. So the ones that are on me and then one more. Right. Cool. So that, OK, whatever, whatever vulnerabilit vulnerability do, what does vulnerability do? I don't know. Doubles the damage. guess So that'd be eight damage to each of them. Nice. OK. That's pretty cool and when I rolled all those numbers.
yeah so the two on you and then which other one the nearest there's one zombie left right after those with along with those two there's yeah total yeah so just all three zombies then let's just call it that okay yeah i've not been minutes too terribly by a skeleton yet but the zombies are really up on me so 24 total damage so Kaz, describe how you take out all three of these zombies. Nice. i I think this is one of those like, you know, that scene in the very first Iron Man movie when the explosion has behind him and then the wind ripples through and gets everybody at the very beginning. yeah I think that ripple just exudes from Kaz and blows these three zombies like over and they don't get back up.
Nice. Shockwave. The weirdness is like you have that moment, it looks awesome, then you look down. And now your other leg is a tiger also, and you're a tiger from the waist down.
Baby! hip You know who's not gonna like this if I roll keeper of the flame. Okay, so now we just have one skeleton left. V. heard Yeah, because the last zombie was on V as well? No, Nick's. There was so many at one more still. I had one. Then we've still got another zombie. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we only had three. Well, sorry, V. I think I miscounted also. So, V, you have a zombie. but um I'm gonna punch you, punch you. Or not punch you, punch.
I'm gonna do some some dancing on it. so So since you did a flow attack, now you can do a finishing attack. Yeah. So finish here. Do you want to do your Dance of the Mantis finish or your original Mantis finish? Yes. I'm gonna keep dancing. Dance of the Mantis, love it. So, precise Mantis kick. This ain't it. No, it did not hit. That's a five. What'd you get? Plus everything else? Plus everything else would be 12. But the finishing attack is an additional plus two, so 14, because it says on your finishing attack dexterity plus level plus two,
And then a plus three for the escalation die. Yes, it's still a 14. 14. OK, as a monk, you have key equal a number of key points equal to one plus your wisdom modifier. So what's your wisdom modifier? Two. So you so you have three key points every day or every arc, and you can spend one as a free action to change your attack's natural result by one. So you can bump that up to a six, which gets you to a 15, which would hit.
Let's do it! Why not? Mark on your sheet that you use one of your key points. Where do I see that? You're just gonna have to... Oh, I see it. I see it. I see it. Oh, right. And then this is an eight? A D10, because it's a kick. Your kicks are powerful.
chip squats Not that powerful. It's a two plus. I'm sorry. Plus three. So five. Five. d it Right. Yeah, I just had my strength, right? Yes. Yeah. So five. OK. State. All righty. It is now the zombies turn. So it's going to attack me back. Who that is a high. You're one. I don't think it is. Twenty four to hit. So three damage.
Good grief. He punches back. I am over halfway hurt. And the skeleton that's up on Nyx is going to attack. Natural one. That was a 10. Valk. It is your turn. Can I go back a little bit and try? Wait, she could... Valk can do that? Just two seconds, because technically the attack missed and then it was my turn. So I was not able to... Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.
I want to call it bitter lessons on the Skelly that missed. Okay. Yes. Okay. There's still a dice in that tray. Okay. That is a nine plus and power towards plus Oh, it's more in the house. You know, I'm an artist. Nine plus four. Wait, that's a 20 actually. No. Nine plus four.
Life was no. Yeah, that was a big job. Wow. artist is I do pictures. I do pictures of Lee. OK, think of a picture of nine apples and a family. I can say they're 16. I gave myself all of your math. You get a 16. Yes. ok That hits.
Thank you. It also hit my ego. And now it's OK. And that is on a hit. That's 2d6. Nice. Wisdom so kicking it plus wisdom. but um Psychic damage. That was not fantastic. So that was slob 3. This is a 7. OK. And the ally, the target misgains the same amount of temporary hit points. So Nix gained seven temporary hit points. Cool.
And the question. Yes. Oh, well, it's not engaged with me anyway. It's never mind. Disregard. And what was your natural role? Yeah. For what? but On the die for the attack. There were both twos. No, that it was a nine. That oh was a nine. Yeah. So since you rolled a nine, you retain your focus on a one through 15 with bitter lessons. So you still have your. post there's So he steps. Thank you.
You're welcome. And now it's your turn. And you retained your focus. So now I'm just going to use karmic rebuke because I need to get rid of it. Yeah, it was left. Is it still the skill still there? We're just going to invoke in his utter frustration. We're going to put his frustration on the amount of swords that were accidentally looted. It's just going to keep going at that skelly. Accident, nothing. This focus is not protecting ourselves. We're going to win a hand and we're going to roll again and craze it. I shouldn't count this time. I believe in you. I don't know about that. 11 plus 15 plus 18.
No, but that is a hit. I promise you, I went to a charter school and learned how gifted that should explain everything. OK, then that's four. This is seven. and Seven damage. Yes. OK. And then are you going to regain your focus? Yes, I was really hoping that that would talk. Anything else you'd like to do? No.
Okay, then Nyx, it is your turn. Nyx can finally turn on the skeleton that's been attacking her. And so she rounds on it and will attempt to destroy it with sword. Oh, it wasn't on. Sorry, I just banged my knife. That's a 13. So plus...
a oh gosh with that escalation died 21 that is a hit i really hope so ah eight laws a damage it is still standing just barely but it's still standing so naturally as is the order of things in this combat selena can come in and back clean up need killing blows. All right. Well, yeah, you're muted. Yeah, you're muted. and We should. right We shouldn't. I'm getting rid of it. Better yet here. Well, that attack because it hit. Oh, OK. Valk is going to use the occultist thing on Nick. Yes. OK. One second, Selena. I am so sorry. I thought I was unmuted.
Me is just screaming at all this. Well, if you'd quit you to yourself to say awful things about it. You know, it was you great podcast content. I'm just going to start coughing directly. I'll just start doing. I know that's what I do. OK, the role that's doing great. Twenty two. Twenty five. Twenty five. That that is hard to remember. I have trouble with as well. OK, and I should. OK, so I should.
And there's an extra side damage. Nice. Valk, how do you kill this thing? He's so stressed out with how we're doing it. This bag of bones is compared to the ones that were outside. And he's just he's going to keep like slamming it with like it's these attacks. You can't quite see them because they're not full magic that exist in the world. So you just keep seeing like kind of blurs across the skeleton, just over and over and over and over and over again, until eventually its form is just not clear anymore. And then it just crumbles. Awesome. And then you also see Val just cringing to the floor. Just giving up. Absolutely giving up. Now, Philip, I'm going to say the wording of the Better Yet Hear spell says, takes 2d6 wisdom, extra damage from that.
So, I will say that that can count as Nyx's getting a killing blow because it was extra damage to Nyx's hit. Thank you. For the purposes of Nyx getting to do something when killing a thing. I am going to cast Blade, Polished, and Blood and spend a... Recovery. Nice. Selena, there is a zombie on V.
Oh, I thought we were done with zombies. Okay, I'm on it. Okay. Yeah, there's been this whole like multi-layer, like people helping each other out battle in the background. It's just been V, like one feet willing, a zombie. Honestly had had no idea it was there. No clue. That's how she wants it. it's That's true. That's true.
All right, I got you, you know, Ray of Frost again, because that's what I love it. OK, that is a twenty two. Yes, that hits. All right. Three B6 cold the damage. And that's six damage. How do you kill the zombie? Yeah.
turns to ice and shatters. And hopefully it doesn't hit me because I feel really bad for just leaving me out there on her own. OK, I know. My my drink was warm. Thank you. I had to help. Don't use the zombie ice. Yeah, you really shouldn't use the zombie ice. I had to burn the whole bin now. And then as the shattering of the zombie echoes down the hallway in both directions, an eerie silence falls over the crypts end of episode.
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That's just the cashier. Planes and matters. It's pirates. I also have a Patreon, slash e-pantana. If you want to financially support the shows, you can do so over there. And thank you all so much for listening. I've been your game master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Phillip. I'm Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. And we'll see you next time.