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C3 Episode 10 Jail Break Chapter One image

C3 Episode 10 Jail Break Chapter One

Eberron Renewed
435 Plays3 months ago

"Oh good, you're awake..."

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction to Eberron Campaign

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Hello and welcome to Eberron or Newton actual play podcast set in the Eberron campaign setting. I am your game master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. And welcome to another episode. What happened last time, everyone?

Recap of Previous Episode

But Madison, who wasn't here? I was not there. ah We got in a fight with some terrifying whole face tooth filled people that in a dream. Oh, yeah. the train There was some like jumping or?
There was some jumping, and importantly, no swimming. But that was actually two of them. A fight, apparently. Yeah, we had a fight. We introduced, or the the last two episodes, introduced Mia's character about.

Character Introductions

And we fought some horrors in a dream. Yeah, I don't know what else to do. Yeah, that's precisely what happened. And this time around, we are doing our final hero intro prologue mini adventure thing for Jeff's character. Jeff, introduce us to your character.
I would love to. My character's name is Kazimir Canarius. He is a 16 year old human. Pretty normal dude. He is a tailor's apprentice for his father. And preceding this arc that we're about to start, he has been promised by a woman that she can take him to Thalamus.
and show him a good time. And that's the last thing he remembers. And that's the story. Cool. I was like, my class is chaos, mate. Like, I'm playing a a spellcaster, but Kaz doesn't know that yet. Yeah. Okay. Mia, Madison, y'all want to introduce your characters? Yeah, I am playing Avant. He is an Ali-10.
the rogue and he is his appearance is more of like a kind of long-haired Maine Coon. He's multicolored so he's got like black and brown and white and he's a little dapper because he is a professional gambler but of course he's not what he seems so he's a little bit of a of a kid. So that is Advent.
Love that. but Just for the listeners coming over from D and&D, Alliekin is the 13th age term for Tabaxi. So cat person. Madison. I am going to be playing Marigold Flutterhop. Oh, yeah. She's an Eladrin, a wizard, grew up in the Fey realm, was orphaned at a young age.

Captured by the Arcane Congress

look Okay, so you all find yourselves in the custody of agents of the Arcane Congress who are an entity that polices and researches and controls items and beings, particularly powerful arcane ability. So Kaz just showed up.
on the material plane. Marigold being an Elagian wizard also from the Feywild would have been of note. What did, sorry, was it Avent or Avent? Avent. avan What would Avent have done to gain the ire of the arcane Congress? His whole kind of deal is going in and making some very risky bets on behalf of another organization. like i'm So he probably made a bad bet, but decided the best way out of this one is to just take what he needs and he did not succeed.
in that. Okay. Cool. Okay. So Jeff, was Kaz awake when he, and you all are coming out of ROAT towards the Arcane Congress's headquarters in Arcanics up in Ondare. So yeah, was Kaz awake or is Kaz waking up in the cell, this cage on wheels? I think Kaz might wake up in the cage on wheels.
Okay. Yeah. So yeah, kind of initially blurry, like bright light as the sun is shining through the bars, as you start to get in your bearings. Avant says, oh good, you're awake. And the adventure begins. I know just enough to get that joke. Yeah. Kaz, ah you wake up in a ah ah cart okay made of metal bars. but I think he just goes,
man come on and he looks up and he sees these two people and i think mayor gold and i'm sorry mia tell me your character's name one more time Avent. Avent. Marigold and Avent are both in the cell with me, or in the, yep, paddy wagon with me. I think I recognize Marigold as an Eladrin, and I say, do you have something to do with this? I don't know what you're talking about, but no, I didn't have anything to do with that. Sure. Man, I was just hanging out, and this girl told me that, told me there was a lot of fun to be had, and she knew how to get to Thelonis, and now I'm here. I don't know why she's baking around everyone else's problem.
I, I, this isn't, no, well, clearly we all have our own problems if none of this is related to me. I'm just, and then it just pops down in the corner. Anyone else sharing that? Oh.

Escape Plan Formulation

You hear a rattle against the bars as an object strikes it and you hear a voice say, I, just cause some pretty thing took you for a ride and you ended up in a cell doesn't mean you need to yap about it. Quiet. And you see a man on a horse riding next to the cart with very dark jet black hair with graying at the temples and a long black beard kind of pep white peppered throughout it and he is wearing a dark blue uniform with a sigil of the arcane congress as he is riding on one side of the the cell
And you see two other figures also riding alongside two women one very tall with dark or sorry silver hair And then another one that is an elf that looks surprisingly old for an elf So she probably has a very very long life, but she has some defined wrinkles on her face And yeah, that's what you the three figures you see riding next to the the cell. Okay. I think he says Sir, flirting's not a crime. I- Why am I here? The- Another route. Is flirting a crime here? I don't know. It might be. Yeah.
The silver heldd-haired human woman speaks up and says, you appeared out of nowhere in a town square in Roat with a large conflagration of arcane energy around you. So ah thankfully there was some injuries, but no deaths. But we have to take you in for examination. I've never conflagrated in my life. I don't know what you're talking about. OK, I'm sure we can get it sorted out. And then I i kind of.
I don't know. I think, I think, he' I mean, he's a kid. I think he just pops down. Like he's going to listen to authority, unfortunately. Probably since Kaz is like talking, he he wouldn't know this, but Abbott and Marigold, you hear when Kaz explains, I've never conflagrated in my life. The older guy just chuckles to himself. Just a little joke for himself kind of thing. And so Kaz pops down. I think so. Yeah.
All right. You all are chucking along. You all are. So, yeah, I mean, you all can talk amongst yourselves at this point. Once you get outside of Rowat, you were kind of on the outskirts in kind of the farmlands. But once you get into the true countryside, obviously there is a, Kaz wouldn't be aware of this. There's a war going on, Abbott and Marigold, you would know. And so the three people escorting yourself kind of bridge out a little bit to keep an eye out for any raiding parties or ah soldiers. You two know that the arcane Congress has a certain level of diplomatic immunity to travel between the different warring nations to do their job. But some commanders and some soldiers get uppity. So they still have to be careful.
but really they're without an earshot of you is what I'm getting at. And think i am because they because they use magic, there's no there's no horses, there's no coachman. This is just rolling along on its

Execution of Escape and Pursuit

own. Events going to lean in and lean over to Kuki is now just going to refer to as the kid and just say, but they're keeping an eye out in case any other ladies come and flirt with you.
Be careful. I think Kaz recognizes that for what it is. And so he tries to steal himself and recalls the things he's read in books and seen in plays and turns to Marigold and says, so what are you in for? I think Marigold just laughs and says, I just they always bring me in because I'm, you know, from the Feywild and anytime they catch me, they're going to bring me in. It's illegal to be. What what kind of cops are these? Nah, good ones, obviously. What did you do? That's on a need to know basis. You'll be fine, kid. Cass absolutely rolls his eyes at being called kid. Are you visibly, like, elderly? I don't remember you saying anything about your age appearance. Are you, like, barely older than Cass?
Oh, that would be fun. No, it's probably like like the guy from all over acting all wise anyways. Pretty much. Yeah. Yeah. So it'll be like like mid 20s, mid to late 20s. I'm just trying to be a little too suave, a little too full of himself. I think guys. Oh, was it embarrassing? Is that why is it like public urination or something? So like you don't want to tell us because it's embarrassing. I get it, man. I totally get it. And then he starts to turn back around and marigold because he's not going to take crap.
I find it amusing that the most embarrassing thing you can think of as a child is urinating yourself. Is that something you're still working on? It's okay. We want extra bed rules for you. You're not not alone. not your Some people don't stop urinating until, like, urinating themselves until late into puberty. So you're not alone. It's fine. We won't judge you. You might just want to stay away from Marigold. She probably doesn't want a smell of teen piss.
Marigold, you probably, since you've kind of established that this is the first time you've run in with the arcane Congress and then taken you in. Whereas it's definitely the first time for Kaz and seems like potentially the first time for Amen that this particular organization has caught him. You know that they, like, there's no due process, like there's no obligation that they like have to release you after 48 hours. You know, you're in a lodger. And so if somebody holds you for two years, it's not that big a deal because you're going to live for seemingly forever. But there there is a certain level of yeah you don't want to get caught and taken in by these people kind of thing, like not that you're going to be in danger, but it might take a long time. And if they deem that you're too dangerous, they just won't let you go for a while. So, yeah, that's what you know, Marigold.
Okay. Okay. Continue. I mean, I don't know. I don't know if this is your intent, Mia, but Kaz is no longer going to talk to Avent. May as well not be in the cell. Fine by him. and very so i probably i be I'll be perfectly honest. The way that I was planning on building this character, at this point, Kaz would have his first uninditional magical attack.
because he's being pushed really hard by something he can't get away from. I don't want to do PVV, so we can like do something different, though. No, yeah. he What? I mean, yeah, let's let's right let's see what happens. So, Jeff, do you want to explain what you do when you cast a spell as an LC? So the way a Chaos Mage works is I have a little baggie with some colored, I mean, i I just grabbed some D20s, but with some different colored bits in it.
And I draw one, and that determines what kind of spell I have to cast. It can either be attack or defense or what we call it with the icon spells, which are iconic. yeah Yeah, iconic. Big deal ones.
the The trick here, of course, is I may draw a defense token and nobody knows that I got so mad the magic happened. So yeah, so we'll see what happens. Yeah. Well, that counts as rolling. And that's an icon spell.
Okay, so when I roll an icon spell, I have to roll a d12. I have to roll a d12. The d12 determines which of the icons spells I use. It just determines which icon fuels your spell. Right, sorry. In this case, it is... Okay, yeah, I am casting. Let me roll it to see if this is a... Hang on.
i One day listener, I will share with you my character sheet that is just an absolute mess. Okay, so this is a versus your physical defense Well, what what yeah icon was it? Oh, sorry. It's well, I mean it was one of the ones in the Set that we call the blood of warriors set I specifically rolled a three which we did not that which is the 12, so that's the dragon marked houses. Right, so so yeah, well depending on what spell you cast, we can flavor it as Mark of Storm, like just one of those dragon

Discovery of Underground Shelter

Okay, yeah, sure, absolutely. So this, the spell I'm going to cast is called Fiery Claw. It deals fire damage. i I really think that this is, like, I chose this one, the fiery one, because I think it really is just, it would be kind of representational of him taking all he can. hand Yeah, go ahead. I'm gonna say, don't attack Avant. Like, just lash out like it attacks the cell, the cage. Yeah, sure. that means it' yeah That's totally fine.
I just... He's getting so angry that he's going to blow up. And yeah and he's in it the first time he's ever... This is... Okay. That's a... That's a 16 versus the physical defense of this cage. I guess no totally totally works 16 So you it's going to be based upon the some fiery claws spelled Okay, so we're not gonna have it manifest as a claw since it's being fueled by the 12 Jeff It's the mark of making so like a giant fiery like forge hammer erupts from Kaz as the mark of making appears on
ah somewhere on your body okay and crashes into the side of the cell and some of the bars glow red hot and bend outward. So it looks like it it's bent enough to where with some level of or go and roll damage because you did land. Yeah, eight, eight. ah Yeah. So the the bars bend outward to the point where you could potentially fit through them. They're glowing red hot. So if you slip and screw up, you might get burnt.
But definitely that has happened. And also the three people escorting you turn and look and see what the loud crash bang was. Absolutely. Now, I'm going to let you decide, Jeff, are you all still in kind of the the plains and fields just on the outskirts of the farmlands or are you your your three choices are that and a more on the edge of like a forest woody area or near another town i think it's pretty open i think we are between we are kind of we're driving through asher right now okay so yeah that happens what do you do
freak out. I think i I stand up and I like push myself against the non glowing hot bars like just trying to get nothing behind me so I can see my surrounding what's and ahead of me as best as possible. I think I turned a miracle. and i said What did you do?
At the same time, I turned to him and said, what is that? If you're going to try to get us out, you have to be sneaky about it. I didn't. What are you talking about? That was so obvious. I think I'm i'm freaking out a little bit. My heart's like Kaz's heart is pounding. He's like, I didn't do I didn't do anything. He was yelling at me being a real family truly podcast. He was yelling at me and then all of a sudden. but what What did you do? I didn't do it. Not now you, the son. Do I look like I can set things on fire?
I don't know what you look like. Anyone can do anything. Well, if I was able to, I definitely wouldn't have done it directly near my own head. You have about 30 seconds before the three guards get back to the cell.
But now, kiddo, look at what you've done. We need to figure out what we're doing. Are we going to try to leave or are we going to sit here and get in trouble? All of us are going to get in trouble. I will 100% blame it on you because you did it. But it's an opportunity. ah again We're in this now, unfortunately, because you blew up.
You have about 15 seconds. Yeah, go, go, go, go, go. Let's just get out of here, go. What can we do? Are the bars broken or? They're best enough to where you can get out. So it would be a dexterity check to slip through the bars without any damage from the red, fiery bars. Okay, Adam's leaving. Yeah, I'm going to check it out. If you have a background that will be relevant, feel free to pitch it. I need you guys to know, Kaz is not going anywhere. I'm glad that you guys are.
Lovely. I don't think I do. I think there's cat's luck, but I also did not. Copy and paste that yet. But yeah, Avent is going to attempt to slip out and then probably also just drag a kid out along with them. Take them. We're all moving to leave. You are coming with us.
I was moving to get you in trouble for trying to leave. I thought that was clear. Make good sense. Okay. Okay. I did not start this antagonistic thing. All right. I am checking just a straight roll. Add your dexterity modifier to it and your level. e That is 21. 21? Yeah. You slipped through the bars without getting hurt. You say Marigold's leaving also, Madison?
Yeah, 23. Tell me. Oh, I rolled the natural 20. Oh, wow. So. Yeah, caught you are. Yeah, you're able to easily slip through with the natural 20. So Kaz, you have no interest in leaving.
Man, I don't know. I think, yeah, Kaz looks very conflicted. Like, he doesn't want to follow these people. He doesn't know, but he also knows that he's in jail and doesn't want to be there. So I don't, I think he's kind of like, we got like, what, three seconds? He's got to make a call. So yeah I think Marigold has just made it out of this cell, looks back and sees the scared kid and just says, hey, you just showed that you're really powerful. They are not letting you go now. You need to make a choice.
Okay, I guess he's gonna try to get out. He's gonna... He knows that he did do it. Like, he knows he saw the mark on his body. He knows it came from him. He's just confused. And if that's the case, then he's gonna try to get out and he rolls pretty bad. it's ah What's my modifier I add? Dexterity modifier. Okay, I hit him 11. 11? Okay, that's enough to get out, but you do take two points. Fire damage. You got it. You can burn yourself. Okay, we're gonna enter a chase sequence with these three guards.
So what that means is you all take off through the fields and I'm going to be using, just to plug real quick the product I'm using, Paizo, company that makes Pathfinder, came out with a deck of cards a while back called chase cards, where you can do different chase sequences. And so I'm going to use a modified version of the DCs that they present on them to do a little chase

Exploring Underground Puzzles

sequence for you all. So, yeah okay, the first,
So you all take off running away from the the guards who are obviously on horseback, but you all manage to spot a area, a field that is wet. It rained recently, and so it's really soggy, muddy. It will be difficult for horses to successfully traverse through it.
There are some potential difficulties, though, with you all trying to traverse through it. So how will you all navigate this, trying to get around the the moy the kind of soggy, wet field? Which is honestly the only way you ah you're an open field. So unless you do something that's going to slow the horses down, then you're just going to get caught very quickly. And this would be looking at your backgrounds to see if you have something that might be relevant to that.
making skill checks. that That's what we're doing. If we have a spell or something that would be applicable, we can talk about using that, but this is really primarily for backgrounds and skills to be utilized. So but my background is purely urban. You only have one?
No, they're all just all, so they're Faye-touched, obviously. Well, obvious to us, yes. And then Trades Apprentice was was the other that I had, like before, and then the Prokosh's Wisdom thing when it comes to that. I suppose, okay, I could draw on, my Prokosh's Wisdom could definitely involve horses if I was in Thalamus. I mean, it's a, but I don't know. yeah I think my only spell would explode one, and I don't wanna do that. So how would you try to apply your precocious wisdom related to horses to navigate through this soggy field? Because you said you said our best, I'm sorry, you said that our best bet is you try to figure out a way to stall the horses, right? Because we're not they're going to outrun us in this. You you made your escape in open fields. but So unless you go through this soggy patch, there is going to be nothing to impede these three horses from just catching up. Understood. I have confusion as a spell. Could we confuse the horses?
I think confusion is only a single target. Yeah. Confuse a horse. How many horses are we talking? Three. One per person. Oh, yeah. I think Abbott's going to kind of assess the situation and say currently our best bet is to just cut through the bog, the mud. I don't. They took what I i would usually be use as distractions away from me. So I unfortunately cannot do any of my flashy flashies right right now. But we are burning time.
so All I can do is run. like So I'm going to try that and I to i look at the direction that Avent was suggesting we go and I go. I don't know I have spells yet. Yes. So give me a dexterity check to navigate through if you're just going to try to run through the the soggy patch. I got a 16. 17. I have a plus smart plus the modifier. c yeah yeah yeah Yeah. Pleasure, dexterity modifier. Pleasure level 19. Okay. So yeah, you all are able to, to find like the spots in this soggy field that are firm enough to hold your all's weight and you hop through ah successfully to the next part of the chase and you hear the, the older.
Man ah yell at a curse as his horse that the horses get like Sinked down into the mud and have difficulty getting through They're going to make a check though to see if they can cover the older elf woman that was part of the guards she extends a hand out in front of her and She obviously has access to some kind of spell like earth mold or something to where the dirt kind of rises up and so her horse is able to after a delay, ah get back on track, whereas the other two are still fighting with their horses trying to get out of the boggy desk. So the next part of the chase, as you all make it through, and this is kind of, Jeff, given the nature of your powers and kind of the situation you find yourself in, if you have a problem with me taking this kind of liberty, let me know. But as you feel kind of a similar thing when the
the hammer came out of you, and all of a sudden, like, the thickest fog rolls in around you all, seemingly out of nowhere. So you all have to try and gain your bearings and figure out where to go next in this fog. Everyone, as the fog's rolling in, everyone give me a quick perception check. Cool. Is that intelligence modifier? Wisdom. Wisdom. Hey, I really wanted to add. Oh yeah, give me, sorry, give me a wisdom check based around perceiving things. Okay, so it's our under skills in this game. Thanks.
Nine out of six. Sixteen. Thirteen. OK, so Kaz and Abbott, you both notice a tree line to your left that you could make a break for to try and, you know, wooded areas are obviously more difficult for horses to navigate. But also, Abbott, you spot just faintly. There's a lot of brush and stuff over it, but you spot like du like hand carved stone.
that looks like I mean in our world it would be like a storm shelter door but like something that you could tell is probably a door of some kind that goes down underground that obviously if you all were able to sneak into there the horses may not even notice that you were there. so But you're the only one that notices that. So the fog rolls in, you notice the tree line. Well, two of you have noticed the tree line. One of you has noticed a potential hiding spot. Avon's going to talk in a hushed voice and say, there is the forest that we can go into. We might have a better chance.
going into this underground kind of shelter. It's hard to see, especially during the fog, but horses won't be able to go in there. And it's if we cover it back up with the brush, I am assuming they might not even see that it is there. The only thing is I cannot promise what is in there, but I feel like that would be a better bet. And I would put my money on that than just running through the forest.
I mean, Kaz wants to get like, yeah, just go, go, go, just go, fine. Yeah, go, coach go, just go. OK. Maris is clueless and sparred with them at this point. She did not notice anything. Oh, this time he means it. OK, so, haven't since they kind of you you were the one that noticed where it was. Yes. Give me a either wisdom or intelligence check to navigate the fog to make it to this spot. OK, that is a 17 plus three. That is a 20.
Yes, I do make it. So, yeah, you as the as you get closer, you see through the fog. ah Yeah, it seems like this was just overgrown by natural vegetation. But you do spot a set of double stone doors that are angled like you if you were to open them, they would go underground. But yeah, you found the doors. What do you do? I have make sure that it's actually right. but But I'll probably just say it anyways. I am trapped since so I'm assuming it can I sense there is a trap.
Nice. Let me see how Trap Sense works in the system. Click also Trap Sense. If a rogue skill check involved ah involving a trap is a natural even failure, the rogue can re-roll the skill check once. so If the traps attack role against a rogue is a natural odd, the rogue can force the trap to re-roll the attack once. So ah if you want to check for traps, you are in an advantageous position to do so. So that'd be a wisdom-based check.
Okay. That is a natural 20. Nice. Oh, well, that's a natural even success. Not only is this not trap, you can tell it is unlocked. So you can quite easily open it and make your way into it. All right. He's going to go ahead and just pull one of the doors open and very quickly, like usher, like, come on, cool come on, come on, come on. it Go in. Yep. going okay So as the door closes behind the three of you, there is a good deal of darkness, but given Ali can I have to imagine have dark days in as do elves and Kaz I'm just completely as is learning his exercise in trust today. Yeah. No, there there is a faint greenish light emanating from down the stairs. So the three of you can see that there's a state of stairs that go about 20 feet down before they clearly start going straight. Do you see anything around that I can or
Two things, the ah storm doors, I'm going to call them storm doors, there's inside handles, yes? they They push out, so there's no handles, but yeah. All right, then never mind. I will not listen to them jam the in the door. and Fair enough. I think Kaz looks at the green light emanating from downstairs and he's like, but we're good here, right? Like we can just wait here for a few minutes and they'll be gone and we can leave, right?
What's the fun in that? I'm not looking for the run. Who's looking for fun right now? So you give me a wisdom check. Three of you give me a wisdom check based around perceiving things. Jesus. Eighteen. Eleven. Nine. A few, eleven, nine. Marigold and Abbott, you hear sharp wind blowing past the doors out of nowhere. Both of you could probably put two and two together that that sorcerer cast some kind of wind based spell to dissipate the fog away. And you hear the voice of the silver haired human woman ah shouting, look for tracks. They couldn't have gotten far. Oh, my God. I hot i you hear it. dammi they and I think I just look at Catherine say we got to go.
OK, so very advantageously, I guess they're the next chase card that will advantage sleep for my sake of the momentum continuing. ah The next chase card that I drew is rolling boulder. So. both So you all hear a rumbling from the left hand side as you see that there is a hallway headed that way, but no light. And you hear the rumbling getting louder as you see a large stone beginning to roll towards you all.
So you all have to make checks to get out of the way of it, but it is going to like basically crash into the wall and then come rolling down the stairs. Yeah, sure thing. I think Cas just rolls his eyes. Run. Oh, no. Okay. What is this dexterity? Yeah. Yes. Five. Six. Five. Six. man We both. We both rolled twos. Quick mask. Quick mask. Twenty-four.
hook before haven't like I'm out take them off down the stairs is there I mean guys if you want to try to like extend your hands out in despair like no yeah I'll run it and see what happens like as as it really gets like to where it's going to hit both Mary gold and I I think Cass thinks this happened once and he just kind of goes, ah! And like throws his hands forward to see what would happen. And draw a die out of the back. Yeah, I'm really hoping for a defense. It is an attack spell. So cool I am going to cast Force Tentacle.
Okay, and so when I go like this I think out of my mouth Shoots just this like legit like I don't it's not a tentacle we're gonna we're gonna read for it because he's screaming so out of his mouth just this beam shoots out and You tell me if I hit it I would roll with it. Okay, that is a 15 to hit 15 to hit yeah you do hit the boulders physical defense. Yes, I Okay, the the it is force damage, and I'm gonna do a fun look. That's 12 points of force damage against the boulder rolling towards us. That's the best I can do because I don't get to control what kind of snow I just asked. It's gonna be awesome. So basically what happens, Kaz, is this beam shoots out, impacts the boulder, takes a chunk out of it, but for Ural's benefit, I'm so sorry, I forgot to roll something.
And attack spell means I roll on my... my Oh, your... My, uh, what is it called? Shoot. Attacking war. So... Where did I put my attacking war? I got a... This... spreadsheet. Where? There it is. Attacking war. So I roll, and... Okay. Until the end of my next turn, every enemy... Oh, they have to miss me with an attack first, but we'll be stuck until the end of its next turn. I don't know if that counts for a bolter, but that's a roll on my thing.
I think we can narratively like handwave this as being like you yeah it comes out you hit it a chunk comes out and because you rolled the earth warp like some the roots and everything that would have been around this tunnel grow to like impede the boulder. And so basically like it's way so much it's going to break through because it's stuck until the end of your next turn. ah But that gives you all, you and Marigold, enough time to catch up with Abbott at the bottom of the stairs before the boulder resumes rolling. As we're running, I turned to Marigold, okay, that one was definitely me. I'm not complaining about that one.
Evan's just going to look like up the stairs and like you can just like say just like the shares in metaphorical batch. He is very close. Just standing like this is not normal for the cat guy to the arches back up. He is straight. He is a little freaked out, but we're holding it together.
Okay. So you all find yourselves now at the bottom of the stairs and you see the greenish light was coming from a, and and what, as you all reach the bottom of the stairs, the boulder becomes unstuck, rolls down and like lodges at the bottom of the stairs. So like, so that, that, that point of egress is gone now. Unless you break the boulder. Sure. Yeah, but yes. There's always a way.
But you find yourselves in a room with a large brazier at this in the center of the room, but there is greenish fire burning in it. And you see six statues around the room resurrected ah rus but resurrect erected to the Dark Six, which are the six evil gods of Eberron.
So this is clearly a an unholy site of some

Puzzle Solving and Character Development

kind. You see that there is like brick wall in a semicircle in front of you where there are all the statues are.
against the wall. But, I mean, there's no point in which you can easily see that you can move forward. So make a check to try and figure out what the heck's going on in this room. ah That's kind of where we're at right now because you can't turn around and go back up the stairs, right? sure I mean, I'll just do a general perception check on whatever. I mean, I guess, hanging on, the Dark Six. I'm trying to think. I don't think Kazmi would have any affinity or feeling about any other in particular. So I think he just wants to walk up to the closest statue and just kind of look at it, see if there's anything on the plinth or anything like that, just to kind of get an idea of what these statues look like. and yeah Okay.
And that is a natural two. As a wisdom, but that's be a four ah total check on that. Do I walk right into a statue? So you you approach the statue of the tall hooded figure because that one's probably the least off-putting. And it says giver of gifts on the bottom of the statue. ah You know this is the statue to the traveler who is probably the most benevolent of the Dark Six in that he loves doing monkey paw style deals with people, but you still get power. And you get the sense that there is some interaction between the fire and these statues that you have to activate with a four as your role. Yeah, I turn I go, guys, it has something to do with what's in here. but I think I figured this much out. If we want to get out, we have to use this stuff.
Adam's going to like open his mouth to say something and then just close it and begin his own, like a mini investigation like on the first thing. Go for it, man. Roll better, please. I think he's seen twice that Kaz is a little ah magically unpredictable when it's, you know, he's already a little spooked. That is a, what is it? It's 13 plus my wisdom or? Yeah, wisdom. Oh, that's just a 14. 14 plus your level.
Yeah. so is it fifty minutes no so for each evening but Just making sure you're adding your level to all these. I can add a a bonus one if you feel more comfortable with a bonus. and but that way We can clear whatever soft check that is. No, a 14 is fine.
So, as you are walking around the room, Avent, you are seeing that obviously there are six statues dedicated to the various members of the Dark Six that you would know as the Devourer, the Fury, the Keeper, the Mockery, and the Shadow. And being a roguish type, being somebody that has probably found themselves in sticky situations,
you You know that typically there's some kind of puzzle involved with getting out of these type of areas in terms of the specific wants and needs of the shadows, or not the shadows, the statues. Yeah, I mean, it it's a game. People set these things up to try and seem smart, so you need to parse out what they would want you to do.
You get a sense that it has something specifically do with the domains of the different members of the Dark Six that would be what you need to provide. So just to give you a ah quick rundown in terms of, so but the traveler, but the traveler is domains are typically like knowledge, trickery, ah but also giving of gifts, the devourer,
is nature's wrath, tempest. A lot of sailors make sacrifices to the devourer before they go out because he is typically associated with water and sailing and that kind of destruction. Fury is war, specifically around passion and revenge, like rageful war. The keeper, greed and death.
The mockery is much more betrayal and bloodshed, instead of Fury being passion and and ah revenge. And then the shadow is ambition, knowledge, dark magic, that kind of stuff. Who was both seeing the shadow? The mockery. The mockery.
dishonorable combat, unjust war, bloodshed, things like that. Gotcha. So for the sake of brevity, so my words are not going to be that great. Advent is going to relay that in a kind of more of a condensed sense of this is a puzzle. We need to give these statues something within their own domains, kind of to appease, solve, whatever, so we can get out of here. um is Are there spots for physical items?
I mean, all the statues are on kind of a raised platform, so there there is space around their feet that you could put something. If somebody wants to make an intelligence check to just try to kind of figure it out, like knowledge of religion, that is fine by me. I think Madison is a wizard. I have a high one. I'm a dumb kid. Yeah, but what about your character? 22. 22? 22, yeah.
Okay, so like my character, I'm fast and charismatic. Okay, Marigold, yeah, with Abbot kind of talking through the nature of the statues in this room and the the unholy site. Yeah, you need to make an offering to each one of them like at their feet based upon their wants and desires. So you would know that, and a lot of times it doesn't have to be a physical thing, it can be,
a gesture of some kind so with the 22 you would know that I mean let me ask you all as the players do you want to try and figure it out or do you want me to tell you because marigold rolled high enough to to know what to do put us in the direction but I want to tell I like I like I like pole I mean I I mean yeah it's it's kind of what I said of like you need to give the the shadow something related to Ambition, dark magic, secrets, things like that. The mockery is betrayal, bloodshed, trickery. Can we get like a, was it like like two hints or something for those, for that 22? That way we can still solve it, but then if we get stuff we can also... Yeah. Does that sound cool?
so Yeah, I will say get boats I just say that the the Shadow oh don't give us them now. What you say to me have two hints Yeah, as if we're doing the puzzle and then if we get stuck we can call further. Oh in your back pocket.
Yeah, yeah. So what we know now is we all would know what each of these statues represents and their whole steeves, right? You want to explain that, you know. Right. Yeah. Oh And then Evan also telling us we need to offer something to them that they would find rewarding or beneficial.
Yeah, I haven't going to kind of talk out loud and just kind of do cheaper. It's so trying not to insult these gods in front of them. I would probably suggest something more like money and he's going to like reach into like his coat and pull up a secret sack of money. They don't. They didn't take everything from me. Wow. Cass tested pockets. They took everything from me for me. Somebody did.
Apparently I've been unconscious for a while. Not my first go-around. Just don't worry about it. yeah i he he I think he stops you real quick. He goes, hang on. But if we just start giving them the things that they... I'm not opening a vein for that one. and He points over to the mockery statue that likes bloodshed. He's like, is that what we're gonna do? yeah I'll do it.
little Little, little, little. There's live a little, little, little. Just put your blood on a statue of an evil god. And I'll take that. That's my job. I gamble. I will take the gamble so you can stay safe and not do the magic thing you're doing. Okay. I was wondering why you were suddenly being so nice to me. Do you think I might accidentally kill you with this stuff that I don't know what's going on?
More so what you will put us in a precarious situation in which no one has the proper message to get out of it. Like, I don't know, getting us trapped in here with a boulder. But it's not your fault, though. It's OK. We'll figure it out. I'm feeling bad for the kid now. For the kid. It caught on. Avon's also going to kind of, he's going to like step forward and then do like that fancy like spin around kind of thing.
And with his arms out, he's going to be like, by the way, I am as it. It is a semi pleasure to meet one of you and a pleasure to the other. Pleasure to meet you too. I felt rude, but my name is Kazamir. Everyone called me Kaz. You guys can call me Kaz.
I'm Marigold. You can call me Marigold. Oh, okay. Just Marigold and Taz. All right. i can have I have the gold. C.R. the Keeper. I will reluctantly give him three. I don't even want to do that, you know. I will also, if necessary, give my own blood. We'll see how that one turns out. That one seems fun. That was theory. Macaree's bludgeon. Macaree. Yeah, Fury is War, which probably could also be blood. Keeper is Death, but hey, why not some blood? If you just want to keep it up open up a real pressurized one and just spray it all over the place. We're not going to do that. I mean, I have some... If this is what we're doing, i've got I hold up my water skin. I'm like, I could... He's very literal, because he's 16 years old and you said devourers the destruction and water. He's like, I could pour this on there? Maybe. click How many could try?
What's either that or try to destroy it? Oh, no. Duh. Okay. My power blinked. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. Eric's back. We want to start trying stuff. So I heard gold on the keeper. It was kind of the first thing. but Yes. Yeah. Kaz very happily lets his cat friend try first. Okay. What? I'll drop three three goldies. at the Give me a charisma check.
Ooh, that's my thing. It's kind of was I think that is twelve plus four sixteen. Sixteen. OK, yeah. The three gold sit at the feet of the keeper for a moment. And then you see them kind of sink down into the stone and disappear. And the fire in the middle of the room flares up for a second and comes back down, but it's a little bit brighter than it was before.
Okay, that's a good sign. Next. Who knows? We're placing bets. Next. We're gonna go to, I don't know if we should mockery last. I guess having seen that work, having seen that work and you not die, I will take my water scan and walk up to the statue of Devourer. And with same check? Yeah.
And sorry, I didn't do a good job. So the ah keeper, the statue of the keeper is a like very gluttonous looking undead being, is what that statue looks like portraying the keeper that Abbott just put gold at the feet of. how You said you're going to the devourer? I am going to go to the devourer and I am going to try to offer it. Kaz was straight up told, water, so he's got a water tank. Not all of it.
Not all of it. The Devourer is portrayed as a masculine merfolk with seaweed in their hair and a large beard holding a trident. So you're just pouring water? Well, I think i think in so. He opens his wine skin and when he does, he catches a whiff of just like staleness.
for some reason. It doesn't make sense to him, but it's like this stale smell and is why his water skin is like, what's we're looking for? It's not supple like they're supposed to be. It's clearly been degraded. But he pours some water out onto the, at the feet of the statue of the devourer and then turns around and he goes, should I do the head? But he waits to see what happens. I think that's it.
and it's a day my criman check okay and love to but a drama deco abuse That is my fourth natural two of the day giving me a six. Six? Yeah. He's just a kid. the The fire in the center of the room, Kaz, swells up and lashes out at you and you take two points of necrotic damage.
yeah And you have a brief flash in your mind, Kaz, of water, but it's like a a tsunami making impact with a coastline city and just the raw destruction of that. i I think just seeing that, experiencing that as viscerally as he did, he kind of splutters and coughs as though he's been healing and then kind of gathers himself and he goes, I don't What did I do wrong? Is your water skin actually water? How old is that water? I filled this yesterday. Let's give a god dirty water. I filled it yesterday. I assume I slept through the night. I don't know. What day is it? What day? Great. Pick a day, y'all. Pick a day. All right. So the actual platform or area to put something, it did not sink.
it just Yeah, I just ran on it. Yeah. Yeah. And Zor is Thursday in Emperor. Just so it's. Yeah, I'm never going to remember that. Go you. Right. OK. There could be two things. It could be that is not what what the developer wants or it was not enough. Number one, are you OK? You're not going to do anything. Do you want to check on you, Ken? I feel fine. OK.
do yeah i ask im like i didn't do anything guy like i look at my eyes my okay think you're good it's okay Do we have more water or something that could represent or just a general

Uncovering Mysteries and Powers

sacrifice? Not a literal human sacrifice. Just something that you don't want to give up that you are willing to give up for this and know you will not get it back. Cannot take it back. I do not want to die here.
Well, I don't know, man. You're the only one that managed to secret things away from the guards. I got nothing on me. Very sure. Like I can put my shoes up there and we can tear them up, I guess, but I don't want to do that. Yeah. There you go. Nothing. I don't want to do it. Give them your shoes. Guys, that's absolutely not. But in she but then Kaz is like, I guess I can... Kaz's father is ah is is a tailor in Roat to some pretty impressive people. So he has some pretty nice clothes on right now, and he thinks, I can replace this crap. So he takes off his vest, like his waistcoat, and he assumes that the Valor doesn't know that he can replace his waistcoat easily, and hopes it just seems like a nice thing he's going to destroy. And he takes out his knife,
and rims it into shreds and puts it on the the the spot. This another check? No, there's no need for a charisma check because that it's just not the right domain at all. So I put in a chronic damage. Great. As the fire lashes out at you.
I'm done. I'm done. You guys figured it out. you You then get another flash of a ah yeah ah tornado tearing itself across the plains of Breeland, pulling up buildings and trees and dirt and flinging them and redirection.
Y'all ready for one of those handsome bloodied? so no Staggered. Yeah. We can take a hit. We can take a hit for the Devourer specifically. The Devourer represents the raw destructive power of nature. So if you were to do something that is reflective of that with the statue, that would be Now, I will say I did right in nature's wrath and then you said they also did sacrifices because he's and then he was also associated with water. So last he just didn't. They weren't worthy. They weren't good enough. We'll go with that. OK, the sailors aren't worried about still water like being port like it. It wasn't reflective of his domain. I get it. I get it. Can I.
I would have to draw the right, I would have to draw the right dots and then roll the right D12 number and then I would be able to initially do a nature-type destruction spell, but that's where we're at for me. so and cross oh yeah okay jason I'm like, I am stuck to practical things. She's now a limited caster as far as doing things at will. I can't, frankly. Gotcha, gotcha. While that is getting subtle, can I go over to the mockery statue? Okay. And then Avant's going to pull out a hidden knife. Something that also was not confiscated. Long shared. ki
a lot of, a lot of fluff in there. Um, and he's just going to straight up, just like slice his hand open over it. I'm just already seeing what's going to happen and cool if something goes bad. So might as well just take the additional damage. Okay. but Let's go and do the ray of forest real quick. It looks like Madison's ready to roll for that. And then we'll do the mock. Yeah, I got an eight as your attack roll or the DS her spell roll. Spell roll. Yeah.
That's with your level and your modifier and everything. Yes. Okay. It's a statue. Its defenses aren't that high. ah Go and roll damage for me. Big number. Come here. Do you need to roll? Okay. That was 10.
10? Okay, so yeah, your the Ray of Frost ah shoots out from you and impacts the Devourer's Statue, and you see the ice get subsumed into the stone, and the fire in the center swells up and then calms down, but once again, the base light of the fire is increased slightly. Okay, but you're cutting your own hand, so go ahead and roll the damage that you would for just a basic melee attack.
All right. it's like we'll just do that because it's my technically it's a knife, but I only wrote down the short sword. So it's OK. That's Mac. That's an eight. Eight. OK. The crap. and like So you take you take that damage and then make a charisma check for me, but add plus eight to it.
oh Okay, move out the way dice that is a set of six or nine that is a does say six plus ten eighteen 18 four plus eight. Yeah. Okay. The blood sinks into the stone of the mockery statue and the fire flares up and then settles down. I'm sorry. I didn't describe the the mockery is a human warrior with no skin that skin has been stripped from their body.
Neat! Neat! I love these statues. I'm just staring at the mermaid one, because even though it hurt me, at least it looks nice. Mermaid one. Okay. Okay. That's three down. Four. So we have Fury, the Shadow, and the Traveler left. So, unjust warfare. No, I think that's technically just hot. and Wait, who do we have Fury, the Shadow, and what?
The Traveler. The Traveler. So the Fury is passion driven to extremes, typically watches over barbarians, ah sometimes bards, also a lot of monstrous races worship the Fury. But yeah, she typically oversees passion, revenge.
this rage, ruin, et cetera. When it says the travelers over trickery and gifts, what does that, what would we know that means? It's like you get receiving, delivering. I know it's the monkey paws thing. Yeah. Also change and chaos, which is why the travelers are necessarily an inherently evil entity. Travelers typically much more neutral because just the concept of chaos and change.
But deception, invention, transformation. And then, you know, the shadow is corruption, ambition, dark magic, secrets, et cetera, magic mayhem. But the fury is a ah drow is what they are portrayed as. The shadow is a shadowy dragon is what the statue is. And then the traveler is the hooded figure.
no No, I have an idea, but I don't have enough background context for this character for it to sound as cool as I think I want it to be. But the shadow of confirming is like secrets. though like that's That's an aspect, yeah.
Okay, can Abbot walk up to the statue? He's actually going to like step up on the platform to try to get like closer as if he's like whispering to it. If he's going to look back the other two and kind like motion them, like shoo them away. And then he's going to whisper into the statue. Again, this is the part where it's like it's not as cool because it's a very, very big He's going to effectively give like a serious secret about the organization that he works with. OK. Just give the intel and then like jump back down and pray that no one else heard that.
But having legitimately gave like it yeah an actual like, okay. Yeah, the fire flares up, settles down to a slightly brighter baseline. All right, I'm gonna try one more thing and see if I die. Please don't. And this is not just because of the name of my class, but if there's one thing that Kaz is dealing with right now, it's change and chaos.
Yeah, and so I think he's just going to walk up to the Traveler's Statue and like, what are its hands, the Statue, the Traveler's Statue's hands do it? Are they out? Are they up? Are they? So see, but if he can one hand in his hand, one hand is extended out, like offering something. Okay, I think he's going to hover his hand over the Traveler's extended hand and try to cast a spell.
Okay. Just try to cast something. So I'm going to pull out all the thing. That's the spike. Oh, okay. So roll it. All right. So let me get my thinking tables. There's my chaos spike table. Oh my gosh. Throw a lot of tables on this. Hang on. I've got to, I've got to pull up the, so I thought I saved. I think we're going to need to get you set up with some like automations.
I really think currently it's about as good as it can be and I just need to really sit down and I'm going to run out of code or something. I'll take a look at the spreadsheet. I have the table. You just want to roll it. I got it. I got it. Okay. Yeah. So I'm going to roll. I rolled a five, which you tell me what it is, Aaron. Cast a spell as if you had all feats for it. I mean, do you want to go with that? Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And now I get to draw what still I cast and I'm casting a icon spell. So I roll the d12. D12. And I roll a... ah layer A 12. Which is cabinet of faces. This is a cabinet of faces which we have equated to twisted. So of those spells I would like to cast... Well hell I wish I was touching somebody else because dark magic is all over this thing. Okay I'm wondering if I should do I should do an offering I think.
So even though they can't necessarily be injured so they don't need to be healed, I'm going to do the one positive of these guys, which is the temple bells spell. Actually, oh, this is good for me. I don't know if it's good for you guys. You haven't taken damage, have you? I have. Okay, if you have 10, the spell that I'm casting is me and each ally that has 10 HP or fewer can heal using a recovery. That's all the spell is, but it's the only one that's not going to attack this traveler. I don't feel like we should be attacked.
But are you goingnna are you going to use your spike for this spell or are you going to hold on to it? Because you can hold on to it. Right. yeah So would basically just make the recovery free and it would be 60 hit points or fewer would be the threshold. Right. But you're fully healed, right? but I mean, ah yeah, I may as well use the spike now. Let's just do it. Boom. I've used the spike. So everyone heals for free up to their maximum. else I mean, you can use a recovery, but none of us are hurt hard enough. I don't think that.
No, I take that, though. Well, the recovery is free, so you're not using a resource. So just roll your recovery and heal it. Yeah, OK. There. Cool. The fire flares up in the center of the room and then dies down to a pretty bright

Conclusion and Call to Action

baseline. And the only one left now is the fury. All right. I'm out of dark magic spells. All right. Oh, that's the shadow. Sorry. Fury is war. Passion. age Yeah. I've got an idea. What's your idea? You may not like it. Is it me getting revenge on you for saying I pissed myself? no so as it's go i like to it I kind of also want like that kind of back and forth to still happen ah ah So I was gonna walk up to the statue and he's in response to the to the comet He says I shout no, but it's gonna be me getting revenge for this and he's gonna pull his hand bow his hand crossbow out and shoot
in the direction of Kaz, but very clearly like missing his head. The same way like the other attack missed him. Kind of missing. Give me a roll to miss Kaz. All right. Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm a little worried. Is this a is this a high number good or high number miss or a low number? High number reflects you shooting where you want to. oh So thank you. It's a straight roll.
No, you're sitting sacral. Oh, that is a 19. Okay. Yeah, your crossbow bolt flies, hits the wall right next to Kaz's head, and nothing happens. That wasn't good enough for Flinch. Well, I don't have ideas. He's just gonna walk and get his bolt.
Oh, and you will know nothing happens because you didn't interact with the statue in any way or standing in front of it wasn't and enough. I have to attack. I want to attack it or get revenge on it. OK, let's see. Let's see. Let's use our brain. No more or this is any passion or particularly violent.
see hit it It represents passion driven to extremes. Now, barbarians oftentimes worship the fury because passionate violence, but also some bards worship the fury because of other passions. Avon is pretty passionate about gaining enough wealth to where he has kind of signed on with a really shady organization.
But so I know just saying that I don't know how else would be best to show that once somebody else has other ideas. And we also have our clue. We do have one more hand and this is the last one. It's silly, not silly. Marigold, as you're walking around examining the statues and things like that, you notice the Statue of the Fury. You know, all these statues are pretty detailed. So without looking at it.
Intently, it's easy to overlook this, but but you see particularly the lower half. There are nicks in the stone that clearly is like daggers, swords, arrows, something like that hitting the stone. So it's clear that like people have struck the statue multiple times. So, yeah. Okay. Do I have a luck? You can just communicate that to people. Or you can hit the statue on Europe, up to you.
OK, it looks like people have tried to strike this statue. OK, I don't know if that's what we should do. I don't know if that worked out for them, but it looks like it's happened a lot. I assume our weapons were confiscated, right? Not lying. No, for the purposes of the adventure, like, well, like your sacks were hung on the outside of the cell and you were able to grab them on your way out. You're doing what? Is it hitting it? Yeah, I just take out my dagger and throw it. I've erased.
at it. Okay, but that that's kind of how you just grabbed your dagger and plug it at the statue. you Can I? I'm staying away from additional attack with it. Oh, let's resolve Jeff's thing first. yeah Give me a charisma check, Kaz. 12s. No, wait, 10? 10, sorry, catadron. Right, catadron. Judge your level. Yeah, that's what, yeah. Six plus three plus one. You take three points of necrotic damage. As like you get a brief flash in your mind of somebody throwing a dagger, but you see pain and desperation in their eyes as they fling the dagger from their hand.
I was also feeling a lot of desperation, a little bit of pain. Kaz lays down. yeah call Okay. Sorry. What were you having Abbott do? I was going to do the, the rush, like a rush attack on it. Yeah. but So rush up on it and make your attack. There you go.
You go, head in and and that's just my whipping, my, no, no, I'm just going to see if I actually hit. No, that is a two. Unless they want me to just do a straight attack. Is this a statue? Well, go ahead and give me a charisma check. All right. 16 plus four is 20.
Okay. And all right. With that high of a charisma check, Amit, you're able to- Wait. What? Oh, I didn't add the additional 1d6, but you want me to still do that for the right that? That's for your damage. not Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, period.
But yeah, you're able to strike the statue. A chip of stone comes out and the fire flares up and does not go back down. It stays hot. And then the brazier goes up, raises, and the platform that it's raising on reveals spiral stairs going down beneath the floor.
Cas groans downward. if detroit sell are Okay, we've proceeded with one option, Cas will follow. And we will call the episode there. Thank you all so much for listening. If you want to be part of the conversation surrounding this episode, you can check out our Discord, the link to which is on all of our socials, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter.
It's also a YouTube channel, youtube slash the deep pantheon, where I do TTRPG related videos. but You can also check out the Laughing Tree YouTube channel with the campaign blades and banners. That is a new pirate theme campaign that is just kicking off that I am a player and Phillip is the GM for it using the tales of the valiant TTRPG system. And we have a Patreon, patreon slash the deep pantheon. If you want to financially support the show, you can do so over there. Thank you all so much for listening. I've been your game master, Eric.
I'm Mia. I'm Madison. Jeff. We'll see you next time.