Middle Market Indicator Readout: Trends and Emerging Issues image
The Market That Moves America
Middle Market Indicator Readout: Trends and Emerging Issues
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8 months ago

Doug Farren, Managing Director of the National Center for the Middle Market provides an in-depth analysis of our most recent research findings on the US Middle Market. Revenue, employment, economic confidence, expansion, capital investment, Gen AI use, and more are all discussed in this episode of The Market That Moves America.

The Middle Market Indicator surveys 1,000 CEOs, CFOs, and other C-suite executives of America’s middle market companies on key indicators of past and future performance in revenue, employment, and allocation of cash. The survey also reports middle market company confidence in the global, U.S., and local economies and identifies key business challenge areas. The survey was designed to accurately reflect the nearly 200,000 U.S. businesses with revenues between $10 million and $1 billion, the lower and upper limits of middle market annual revenue. The survey is designed and managed by the National Center for the Middle Market. The data shared in this episode was fielded in June of 2023
