Unlocking the Power of Intellectual Property of Mid-Size Companies image
The Market That Moves America
Unlocking the Power of Intellectual Property of Mid-Size Companies
951 Plays
5 months ago

Did you know you can't trademark your copyright, but you can protect your brands and innovations with intellectual property rights?                                                                                                                      

Join us as we chat with two experts from Harness IP. Bryan Wheelock and Joe Walsh, representatives from the renowned intellectual property firm, share insights into patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. They discuss the importance of protecting unique creations, from inventions to marketing materials, in the competitive middle market landscape. Learn more about why intellectual property is a powerful tool for securing revenue streams and gaining a competitive edge in today's dynamic business environment.

Harness IP is a full service IP firm and a member of the National Center for the Middle Market. With more than 100 lawyers and IP professionals, they cover the full gamut of IP law while maintaining a deep knowledge of specific practice areas to deliver quick, effective solutions to your most complicated IP problems.
