Is there a goddess of Victory? A deity governing the sea? What about a god of the door hinge? In this episode, Megan and Frank discuss polytheism—the belief in many gods—from both historical and philosophical perspectives. They try to show that examining polytheism can help us think more clearly about the concept of “god”.
Hosts' Websites:
Frank J. Cabrera - Research (
City of God (St. Augustine) (
Xenophanes (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The Internet Classics Archive | The Republic by Plato (
LacusCurtius • Cicero — De Natura Deorum I.1‑19 (
LacusCurtius • Cicero — De Divinatione: Book II (
Estate Planning in Hellenic Antiquity: Aristotle's Last Will and Testament
The Internet Classics Archive | Metaphysics by Aristotle (
On Counting Gods | TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology ( (by Dale Tuggy)
Eric Steinhart, On the plurality of gods - PhilArchive
David Lewis, Philosophical Papers, Volume 1 - PhilPapers (page xi)
Gravity and Grace - 1st Edition - Simone Weil - Routledge Book
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, by David Hume (Part 5)
Monotheism - Monotheism in world religions | Britannica
Oration of Constantine (Eusebius) (
Cover Artwork by Logan Fritts
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
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