In this episode, Megan and Frank explore the hidden philosophical insights of alchemy. Some of the questions they discuss include: what is the history and nature of alchemy?; is alchemy more like magic, or science? what does the practice of alchemy tell us about the alchemical view of the natural world?; what was the philosopher's stone?; and is the spirit of alchemy still alive today?
Hosts' Websites:
The Secrets of Alchemy, Principe (
The Alchemy Reader - From Hermes Trismegistus to Isaac Newton (
A preliminary reassessment of Newton's alchemy (Chapter 11) - The Cambridge Companion to Newton
The Case Against Perfection - Michael Sandel - The Atlantic
Anti-Aging Techniques Taken to Extreme by Bryan Johnson - Bloomberg
Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing, Melzer (
Cover Artwork by Logan Fritts
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
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