It has came up a few times, though, and I thought it was a ridiculous question. But, so we put tags on the front, and there's a big banner sign in the back of our tent, three by six, and it's, you know, Bennett Farms, help yourself to the cooler selections, prices are on each package by weight, that type of thing, but it tells a little bit about our farm, it's got a QR code on it to our online store that they can scan. I would say, think about durability when you're setting up, when you're building your market setup, because this stuff is gonna get banged around a lot, even especially when you have employees, right? Because they don't care that I just spent $4,000 on all new tents last week. First day those tents went out, one of them came back with a rip carrying bag. It's like, well crap, this lasted a day and this tent was 300 bucks. you know I mean, it's not that they don't care. They don't care as much as you do as the owner. So try and make stuff bulletproof.