Diving Back Into Food Allergies: Important Data, Recent Deaths, and Hidden Dangers | Episode 58 image
E58 · Don't Eat Poop
Diving Back Into Food Allergies: Important Data, Recent Deaths, and Hidden Dangers | Episode 58
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2 months ago

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are diving back into food allergies. In episode 55, they interviewed Betsy Craig, the CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo, who is a leader in the food allergen space. However, this is an important topic that deserves to be revisited.

Today, our food safety veterans are sharing some important data about food allergies, commenting on two tragic food allergy-related deaths reported by the media, warning about hidden allergens that we may not be aware of, and more.

Tune in to also hear about and understand the debate over “Would you rather eat a raw caterpillar or raw chicken?” (Yes, this is seriously a topic of conversation.)

In this episode:

💩 [02:32] Diving deeper into food allergies with some important data

💩 [04:53] Allergies in children: 1 in 13 children in the US have food allergies

💩 [06:21] 2 recent and tragic food allergy deaths in the news

💩 [09:28] People with food allergies are protected by the ADA

💩 [10:32] The dangers of food allergies versus the dangers of fentanyl

💩 [11:44] Undeclared allergens are the leading cause of recalls in the US

💩 [12:50] Hidden allergens that we normally wouldn’t know of or think about

💩 [14:02] The challenges of eating out with food allergies

💩 [16:48] Some extra protein inside someone’s In-N-Out peppers

💩 [18:50] Busy restaurants and being served raw chicken

Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice.

Resources from this episode

Catch up with Episode 55: Making Food Safe For Everyone (Not Just Some) with Betsy Craig, CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo®.

Learn more about the young woman who died from an allergic reaction after eating a mislabeled cookie here.

Learn more about the New York doctor who died from an allergic reaction after dining at a Disney World restaurant here.

Noteworthy quotes from this episode

“Food allergies cause 30,000 cases of anaphylactic shock, 2,000 hospitalizations, and 150 deaths annually.” – Matthew Regusci

“People don't take it seriously enough to be properly trained and educated.” – Francine L Shaw

We hope you enjoy this episode!

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