Making Food Safe For Everyone (Not Just Some) with Betsy Craig, CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo® | Episode 55 image
E55 · Don't Eat Poop
Making Food Safe For Everyone (Not Just Some) with Betsy Craig, CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo® | Episode 55
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3 months ago

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are joined by Betsy Craig, the CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo, the leaders in the food allergen space for food service who have been saving people’s lives since 2010.

Be prepared for some emotional and impactful stories that will hit home as they talk about food allergy success stories and tragedies.

You will learn about some changes in the legislation and in the food allergen space both of which Betsy has been a driving force for. You will also discover some important food allergy-related facts that not even Matt or Francine knew about.

So, tune in for this short but moving interview that might just change how you look at food because we can do better and it’s time we stopped hurting people with food.

In this episode:

💩 [00:48] How MenuTrinfo came to be and Betsy’s long history with restaurants

💩 [02:52] One of MenuTrinfo’s biggest success stories

💩 [04:28] The tragic story of Elijah and the legislative changes that came from it

💩 [06:43] What Betsy wishes the industry would understand about food allergies

💩 [09:07] The incredible benefits for restaurants when they guarantee their food is safe for everyone (not just some)

💩 [12:01] The difference between dietary intolerances and dietary allergens

💩 [14:13] How Betsy sees the difference between faith and trust

💩 [15:47] The Food Safety Consortium and how to make it better

Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice.

Resources from this episode

Learn more about MenuTrinfo at
Register for the Food Safety Consortium 2024 here.

Noteworthy quotes from this episode

I wish the industry would understand [...] they don't know what they don't know. And the arrogance of pretending they know is harming people.” – Betsy Craig

We hope you enjoy this episode!

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Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon


Produced by Ideablossoms
