Menstruating is a mystery with Caitlin Molony image
S2 E20 · Do You Ever Feel Like?
Menstruating is a mystery with Caitlin Molony
78 Plays
1 year ago

CW: We chat body stuff, reproductive rights, and access to healthcare in this episode. Take care of yourself!

This week the girlies wonder… how do we not bleed all over our jeans each month? Is free bleeding the answer? Should we be ashamed and why do I feel so horrible on the 15th day of the month?

Periods have been treated as something to be ashamed of or hidden away – Consiously Cait aka Caitlin Molony is here to let us know that period pain is not normal and we can do something about it. She breaks down the menstrual cycle in easy to digest pieces so that menstrautors can finally break from feeling like their body is a mystery!

We chat

  • Exploring the benefits of cycle tracking and syncing
  • Why your period app isn’t so perfect and how to start tracking your cycle effectively
  • Harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle for optimal productivity and creativity
  • The reasons behind the lack of menstrual education in schools and the current political fight to maintain agency in our choice!


Thank you for listening to DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE?

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Our artwork is by Simon Peng.

DYEFL is produced by Jacqueline Wills and Phoebe Taylor.


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