Oh, it was great. Just a, just a fantastic, uh, session. And again, great presenter, very personable, didn't talk jargon. He was a bit unassuming, I think, actually. He kind of just looked like a, like a, you know, he he came from a digital marketing background, he said, actually, but he kind of looked like an accountant, actually. um I was about to say a high school teacher. He had that vibe about him, but very pragmatic, um but practical and answer questions um really honestly. One of the questions that was asked, which I think probably some of you might be thinking about, but if you're telling me to put all this data into um chat GPT, who can see it? Who can access it? Is it safe? You know, so if somebody's putting, if you, he gave him an example or did an example on screen where he put in um a P and&L, he put in a company's P&L and then he asked it to analyze certain trends and things in it. um That was the Telstra one, yes. yeah And then somebody on the audience asked, um I believe it was Erin Devlin asked,