Episode 265: Poly Tower Preview, Lookout Cay & the 5th Gate image

Episode 265: Poly Tower Preview, Lookout Cay & the 5th Gate

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
1.2k Plays4 months ago

On This Episode

The guys talk about spending time with family. Disney has revealed the room designs for the new Island Tower at Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows along with an opening date. Haunted Mansion is potentially receiving a projection mapping upgrade. Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point has now received its first visitors and the guys give their thoughts on the new island. Disney World has reached a development agreement with the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District which includes a $17 billion investment and the potential for more parks. With Tiana’s Bayou Adventure giving previews to guests, new Tiana themed food and merchandise is coming to Magic Kingdom.

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This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. If you're within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.
Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Rental Store. Thank you for joining us on episode 265 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks and Vacation Club podcast. I'm Tom here with Trevor and Damon. We got to keep it short today. So that's going to be interesting. Well, there's this thing that happens every week where my wife is like, Hey, can you try to keep it short this week? And I'm like, Oh yeah, I'll keep it short this week. And then like just an hour and a half. I'll keep it short every week.
Well, she just it's a running joke. Every time I tell her you're going to keep it short, she's like, no, you're not. yeah You can try all you want. That's probably true. and My wife just always says, see you in two hours regardless. ah shit well She always assumes we're going to do a two hour episode. to To be fair, some of the two hours is not spent doing the podcast. It's us talking before the show. you know Yeah, so yeah we we do actually spend some time here to do some planning before the show. there's not a There's not a lot on here anyway, to be honest with you this week. It's not that busy of a week now. yes i mean what yeah and I was in Virginia Beach yesterday for the day. Virginia Beach, okay. Just for the day? How long of a drive is that for the day?
Man, it's pretty far. It took us about three hours, 45 minutes to get there. Maybe four hours. I thought it'd be worse than that, actually. I thought it'd be worse than that. Really, in reality, if there's no traffic, it's like 3.19, but there's no way, right? There's not going to be traffic going to the beach. My son was playing in that sand soccer tournament. I guess it's the biggest one in the US. I was not prepared. They say, oh, there's going to be 100,000 plus people there and 11,000 people competing. I was just like, yeah, okay, whatever. And then we showed up and I was like, oh yeah, like there's a lot of people here. it's ah It's pretty interesting. I guess there's a pro league. There's all different divisions. So right you have kids that are like barely able to walk. They were just crawling last year with a soccer ball playing. And then it goes up to collegiate. And then there's professional after that as well.
So it was pretty, it was pretty interesting. i I took pictures, but as I was telling people, like I need a game to take pictures to like dial into what I need. And he was only playing two games that day. And the first one was a nine 50. There's no way we're making that. So we ended up going, but it turned into a whole big thing because I made my daughter come with me because I didn't want to go by myself. And it was, with you oh, absolutely. There was it all of all of made. It wasn't like, hey, you know, do you want to? It was like, hey, I need somebody to come because my wife was picking up her father from the airport. Ooh, we had some good food though. I'm always about, right, good restaurants. So I guess there's this place called Clayton's at Virginia Beach. Well worth it, even though we had to wait so long. We waited so long that our parking ran out and I had to go get the car and it was my first, but it was my daughter's first time like dealing with stuff by herself. So I was like, listen, I gotta leave. Like, her food's not even here yet. You need to tell them to bag it up. Here's the credit card, pay for it, add a tip. And she was like all out of sorts for that. So then, and she left and they didn't give her the credit card back. so she we had to go She had to go back. I'm driving around the block. And then we're like, we wanted ice cream. And we go to get ice cream. And that turned into a thing because I guess the place we thought it was wasn't the place. And she asked for something that wasn't on the menu. And it was a disaster. But it was still fun, though. It was a fun day. And and this is this is though what I want to say. This has been bugging me for a while, at least since about a week or so.
Listen, parents, if you have the opportunity to do something, you know, for you to see your kids do something, dude, go do it. Like, yeah, that was a rough day, but I wouldn't trade that. And I've been seeing more and more people that I'm air quoting over here, take their hobbies way too serious and miss their kids stuff for their, their personal hobbies. No, you're going to regret it. You're going to regret it. I'm there with you, Damon. It's yeah. you you going say suan Yeah, like you need to show up for your kid stuff. Absolutely. And listen, if it's if it's like work, that's different. But if it's your hobby, yeah, like, dude, dial in a little bit.
I don't know, I've even told work to pound sand so I could go do stuff with my kid. So yeah, yeah I mean, within reason, of course, you know, like I've I've I've actually been in a position where they were like, hey, can you work this weekend? And I'm like, no, I have plans. like and And as your kids get older, like I said, I mean, I'm on kind of the the end part of it. And again, like I still like my son's 20. I still was like, all right, I'm going to go for one game. I'm going to drive eight hours in the car to watch 33 minutes of a soccer game. But like, that's just it, man. Like, I don't ever want to have those regrets because you can't get them back in time is goes quick. Like everyone says it. Everyone will tell you, Tom, it's gonna go quick with your daughter. You're not gonna believe them. It doesn't matter what you think. No, I don't believe it. I'm there. um It goes quicker than you even you can fathom. Like she'll be going to high school and you'll be like, wait, what?
So I'm just saying for me personally, yeah. I just haven't missed much. I think that I put it to you that way. I haven't missed much, but like I always go. And then the other thing is do take pictures. I see so many people that want to like, I get living in the moment and I don't deny that. And again, like at the parks, forget, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about it like your kids events and I get living in the moment. But the problem is, is as you get older, you seem to forget those moments. ah right yeah My daughter was telling me something recently and I was like, honestly, I really don't remember that. like So I think having these pictures, like even if the pictures are not great, like there's some pictures that we have that like we crack up about and they're blurry and it doesn't even matter. It's not like I'm telling you got to go out and get a camera and be a professional photographer, but like just taking that picture, that quick little picture and then refocusing back on what your kid is doing makes all the difference in the world. again like
I just felt like there's something that's been bothering me recently and not bothering me for myself because I know that like I've done all that right but just like for other people I see stuff I'm just like you're messing up man. you're messing out you not hold on I want to go in a little bit on your your picture comment real quick is. Taking like I agree, you know, I've snapped a ton of pictures of my kid throughout all of the activities he's done growing up and at Disney and everything. But the one thing that I learned this kind of the hard way to is don't don't evolve that into being the parent taking the video because
Oh, I don't care for that. Yeah, yeah. So so the pictures absolutely like like you said, you know, it's very quick, you know, you pull out your phone, snap some pictures, like you said, they don't have to be perfect. But as soon as you start taking a video, and and this ties back into Disney as well, because I've seen a couple of um I've seen some Reddit threads, and I've seen some Facebook posts talking about this, and it really annoys me too, because, um you know, when it's the same thing at Disney or not at Disney that There's people that like they pull out their phone and like they're recording the fireworks. They're recording something. It's like you're missing the moment. If you're, if you're recording the video and I would, I would say that I would agree with that. So for the fireworks, absolutely. Right. No one's ever going to watch them again. If they do so be it, you can watch them online. If you're recording something your kids doing the the only thing I would say there is, is that try to record it without your
like, without being behind the screen, right? That's what I started to find is like, when I was recording some mics on soccer games, or swimmy, like, my head's not behind the screen. I'm getting to the point where I was getting to the point where like, hey, okay, my camera's gonna go right here. And then I'm gonna watch at the same time. And that's okay. But yeah, I read certain things. It's yeah. I would always like hold it against my chest because then it's like I i positioning and and it's like, you know that it you know, it's pointing the direction you're looking. And again, it doesn't have to be perfect. But it's like that same thing is it's like I yeah i am perfect. Yeah, I realized that it's like you don't need to completely
like Like take yourself out of the moment because you're busy trying to make sure that it's in frame and you're catching everything and all that and it's like tell you miss favorite pictures and blurry pictures and for us now we're up to about a hundred and ninety thousand pictures right that i have on my. Amazon account, which is a lot. I get it. But what I find so funny is, is like, you'll see a lot of the same pictures, but then like all of a sudden we've switched all our TVs to fire sticks specifically so that we can see the pictures and stuff. And I'll see when I'm like, I don't even remember that, but then it'll start to come back a little bit. That memory would have been absolutely wiped forever had I not had that one picture. So I don't know. I just been on a little bit of a rant lately. so
but i'm going i get you back yeah it's To your point, my weekend was spent at a dance recital ah yesterday with my daughter's dance recital. so I was the parent that was recording, but I i did exactly what you said. I kind of held my phone up to record her you know her dance, and then i but I was watching I wasn't watching through the phone, you know what I mean? And but of course, I was going to record it, though, you know. Yeah. And Tom, I'll tell you, we we love those. What started to happen as they get a little bit older, like because my son did break dancing for one hip hop dance for a while. They'll start to record them for you. Now you're putting out money. yet So what? At the end of the day, that's so that's pretty good, too.
yeah no is When they're younger, they're going to love rewatching those. like My kids love rewatching. so you know At 18 and 20 years old, they love going back and rewatching that stuff from like six. Yeah, i mean because we even do that with my daughter now who's you know who's six and we watch we'll watch stuff from her when she was like a baby. Six, that's crazy. Yeah. That's just crazy. Six. I had her still at like two, three maybe. yeah Well, because if you think about it, like right when we started doing the show, she was just born. Like, so it's weird that it's been that long. See, I don't know think about it like that in my head. You didn't have a daughter when we started the show and then like yeah whatever that time frame is between start a show and Tom's daughter seems like it's kind of large, but obviously it's not. But to me, it seems yeah, it it seemed like we had done the show for like an exceptionally long time before. you had. your Yes, that's what I feel like. but say But it's crazy. But yeah, I know it's same things. Yeah, you we we've known your daughter longer than we've known the show at this point, like her, her Yeah, no, that's about right. But yeah, it's yeah i know she it's weird. Like, like we don't I same thing. ah You know, I kind of look at and go like, Oh, yeah, you know, you, you
your daughter. like It took me a while to kind of grasp like when you said like your daughter was going to school and stuff. I was like, Oh, whoa, like that's, but just you know, quote unquote, graduated from kindergarten. And now she's, you know, first grade is next year. And it's like, wow, you know, happens fast, like you said, Damon, and ah you you're right, you don't believe it until it actually happens. And then you're like, you know, how did we get to six, you know, even, you know, we did like the little comparison photo of like the first day of kindergarten and the this, you know, the last day of kindergarten, like that everybody does. And like my daughter's so much bigger, like so much bigger, just in that short period of time of kindergarten, you know, and it's,
It's just it's crazy to watch, you know, so. And yeah um I don't think you were here when I mentioned this last time, Damon, but um I realized that I like how you've been talking about, you know, with your sons going off to college and everything. And now your daughter's coming up is I'm actually on the fast track of that where. because I only have my one son. We're hitting that point now where he's in high school, we're already starting to talk about post high school stuff. Is he going into a second year or going into a third? Yeah, he's going into a second year. But these conversations are starting and my wife and I realized it's like, hey, we're actually
We're going to be coming up on that point sooner than later where you know we're not going to be doing the the family Disney trips. like He's going to be doing his own thing or we're going to be bringing you know a girlfriend or whatever. right i don't even kids like I don't even care about that part, but it's just the the factoring of the trip. so The only thing that's been at least a little bit beneficial for us is that my oldest, who is going to be a third year in college next year, he knows he's going to grad school. So again, like selfishly, what's been nice about it is like I know I still have two more years of like family vacations because he's going to go to grad school. He's going to do what Tom did, I think. um He's going to take his classes from but remotely. It just is going to be easier for him because his current college does not have his major as a master's. So he's a data scientist, but he's
His college does it's almost mathematical statistics data sciences and he has to really like together, you know, good job. He's got to be more comp side, you know, data scientist. So he's going to do his online, but he'll do it from home. But I felt like, oh, I'm kind of happy because now that gives me two more years. The only downside some time yeah the only downside for us is is if my daughter was in college, let's just say we'd have this January timeframe to do vacations because our friends that we usually go to Disney with, that's what they have one daughter and she's in college and they start to do January vacations. And I'm like, Oh, yeah, that's so smart. We can't because my other my daughter's still in high school. Yeah.
Oh, the flexibility that comes with not having the kid in school. I mean, the fact that I was able to go the first week of May, when pretty much everyone's still in school, i you know you can pull your daughter out of kindergarten. like can it's kind You can pull them out. But I can't do that later. While the way I went to high school, I felt like high school becomes tough. yeah That is true. like like Even we've had the conversation with my son. that like My wife and I are planning a trip to Disneyland, just the two of us, because my son has turned to us and said, you, we can't do the like, you know, pulling me out of school for a week and go to Disney thing. It's not working for him because yeah, you know, high school going into college, he needs to, he needs to focus on that, right? But the funny thing is, is yeah, like like you're saying, Tom, you know, we're kind of, we're going to come out the other side of this and we're going to be back in the position of, you know, we can go any time of year again.
which is funny, like how quickly it's all changing, right? And your're you're with one, it becomes a little bit more interesting because you're going to have this this actual long gap. i wouldn't Listen, who knows, right? But I would think that there's going to be a long gap between you know work and grandkids. I think when I have like three staggered, that gap becomes so much smaller. yeah I did see a post though recently, and this this got me thinking. It was funny, it was about Disney specifically. It was one of those, like um you see them on Facebook and you're like, oh, I can't believe they did this sort of thing. you know And they kind of click baby, but it was, I guess somebody was leaving their kid with their grandparents and they were going on vacation like to an island or something. And the grandparents took the grandchild to Disney and it was their first time going to Disney.
And it was like a whole blow up situation. And I was thinking about that myself. Like, oh oh, yeah, I would never just do that. I would ask, obviously. OK, wait. so yeah So sorry that the parents were parents were going on a vacation, let's just say to the Caribbean. Yeah. Yeah. But the the part I'm not understand is where the parents like big about Disney and they were mad that the parents or that the grandparents took the first round time the kid went to Disney. Okay. All right. Yeah. I was going to say if if if parents didn't care that much about it and it was like, Oh, you know, they, they packed up and took the grandkid to Disney like cool. Like, but yeah, I guess taking away that first time though, if the parents wanted to do it, I was very torn on that, to be honest with you. Like I was very torn. yeah
You see, my know my parents came with us on our first time taking my son. So, yeah you know, I get that, you know, they want to be involved, but yeah, it's yeah, they they would never do the, you know, we're just taking him and not telling you. I just, I saw that I thought that was funny. it's It's funny, though, too, because, you know, in a way... There's a short show going for you, by the way. Yeah, it's great. It's great stuff, though. This is your fault this time, though. you got talking This is a good conversation. I'm not stopping this. No, I like it. No, I know. It's good. It's funny, though, it's because, you know, like I said, my daughter's six and she's been to Disney, I don't know, three or four times before this last trip that we took. But in a way, I almost felt like this trip was our first real trip with her. You know what I mean? Yeah, because like I think... the other trip she Yeah, an interesting other trip. She was aware she just probably didn't remember any of it, you know, and this one was like a real trip, you know, I'll be honest with you, like you think that now.
But that will go away too because she's still too young. I will tell you just in hindsight, you're looking at eight to ten. That's when yeah they'll have a discussion with you when they're older and remember things and be able to be like, oh, yeah, remember when like my daughter was like, hey, do you remember when we went on that cruise and you told me if I did this, I would get three desserts that night. But you know what? I only got one dessert and then a bite of your dessert and a bite it. mama's dessert. And that wasn't fair. And I'm like, when the heck was like, Oh, my goodness. okay you You're surprised at what your kids remember and what they kind of put in as prime memories, that you would have no idea I would have never thought like that would have been a big deal. And I said, I told her, right? Because you know, 14, I said, Yeah, I probably thought that you would have gotten sick if you ate three desserts. But I never should have said that to begin with. Now you do a lot of like, apologizing as a parent, once they get a little bit older. Yeah.
But yeah, core core memories are weird like that, right? like Yeah. Because it's weird what you remember, you know? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You got to be careful. And that's why you don't miss things, right? Full circle. That's why you don't miss things because your kids are going to remember that. the The only thing I have to go in before I have to say something before we go to reviews. So again, you know, everyone knows I'm super close with my kids. So my son's album is finally out. He's been working on it all of high school. He's a senior. He's graduating Monday. So go to Spotify, Nicki Capps, Defeng Serpent. It's like. Christian hip hop, Christian alternative rock, Christian stuff, but it's very interesting. Like I said, if everyone could give a listen, that would be thumbs up. I'm gonna post in the group to it on it. Yeah, man. Yeah, I like the picture of him with the snake. It was pretty cool. Yeah, yeah the pictures came out well, and like I said, that was ah you know a listener that had the snake, so appreciate Molly and family as well.
All right. That's awesome. Let's actually get into the show now. Reviews? No, I really like this conversation, because I feel like I'm looking really good. Thank everyone for the reviews. I think we can just do that, right? And actually, this review is relevant, too, to what we just said. So this person, and I don't think I've read this one. I hope I haven't. But it's Pal Macho is the name, OK? Been listening for a few months. Real Experiences, Real Opinions is the title. I don't think I've read this one, right? No, I don't think you have. Do you guys remember this one? No. OK. So this says, some podcasts are super produced and sponsor heavy with lots of ads. This one warns you, we're going to do the ad right now, and it's a one and done. They give current info and unfiltered opinions. You have the gamut of personalities too, from one very excited, I guess that's me, and happy with the young daughter, to older and perhaps more taciturn with adult kids. I like that one, it's a good one. So that's you two. I'm the happy one, I guess.
I find all hosts are all the hosts relatable and I enjoy the the different perspectives. We have older kids, so I really appreciate the gamut of perspectiveive perspectives. I advise to give this show at least ah three two to three listens. It may take a little bit to get into, but it's well worth it. so I like that review. I think that's that describes us very well. you know yes i I'm glad that people realize that we're keeping it real because yeah we're're we're not out here trying to pretend to be something else. We're just all enjoying this conversation. so it's It's funny because the one thing that stuck with me from one of the other reviews is when they said they're real people, not influencers. and like that That is something that always sticks in my head because that's what we've always tried to be, is real and not be like you know fake, like you know happy about stuff and you know do the the influencer thing. like We're just not doing that. I'm behooving to nobody.
say Exactly. yeah say yeah There you go. ah so all right yes So thank you. I'm glad you i'm glad you found that that to be the case because that's that is what we go for. so All right, let's talk about the Polynesian Tower a little bit more. We got some more details. Yeah. um so Trevor, I don't know if any of this is going to ever change your mind, but I mean, this place looks awesome to me. Okay. It did spawn a conversation. I will say that. Oh, okay. Okay. So so we we've watched. so So we've seen, the they showed the interiors of the two bedrooms, the The Deluxe Studio, like like they they basically show it all across the They have the Duo Studio, the two bedroom. Yeah. ah Yeah, the one and two bedroom. and They have a new ah room in here, room type called two bedroom penthouse villas. so That's a new room type. Those are the like crazy expensive ones that I'll never stand anyway.
But well and you can see out the window in these pictures of like you can pretty much see all of Cinderella Castle. but but Yeah, you can like Space Mountain is in clear view in the in the one yeah picture. It's like, OK, yeah, it's that room. um But yeah, so so we my wife and I watched the video specifically of the studio, because the thing is, is that like for my family, the studio is always going to be the fit. Like I don't. I don't see us ever going to the bigger rooms I really like the studio layout I'll be honest like it's it's much nicer than the current poly studios because the current poly studios you can you can tell that it was retrofitted into the space and there's a lot of like
unused space. I like this layout. Like I said, my my wife looked at it and I could see that glimmer of like, oh, maybe, but then maybe the conversation. Yeah, the the conversation came up again about like getting tuned from the tower. It's kind of in a weird spot between the Grand Floridian and the poly itself. So, um, and we've said before that we do, though, you could just walk to the Grand Floridian, it's probably closer actually, and to walk to the Grand Floridian and take the monorail from there. Right. And that's what I said is that, you know, it might make more sense to just get on the monorail at the Grand Floridian.
But we in the past, we've not actually made much use of the monorail in going to Magic Kingdom specifically. So it's a change in thought process. And also, um Damon, you're you're going to love this because my I said to my wife, um you know hey, if you know if the monorail is busy or whatever, there is the walking path back to the Grand Floridian. We could come back that way. And she was like, yeah, but I don't want to get gatered. And I'm like, I want to get Gator. Really? I love it. When you turn nouns into verbs, it always makes me happy. Yeah. And and she just, yeah, she she was like, yeah, no, I'm i'm not getting Gator trying to get back to the room. And I'm like, fine. They have like medicine rocks and stuff. like it's It's pretty safe over there. It should be OK. But yeah. But like I said, I really like these room layouts. and ah
Yeah, I mean, i I guess the one thing I hope that comes from this is maybe once this tower is open, I know that I know that the Poly rooms got renoed not too long ago, but um I'm hoping maybe on the next round of reno that they'll actually have another look at the studios and maybe take some of the stuff that they've done from this because they I noticed they were also talking about in the the video. You know, they're going for sustainability and all that. And one of the things about it is that the kitchenette actually has a dishwasher in it so they're not using re or plastic utensils anymore. Like it's all it's all proper cutlery and everything. For the studios. for yeah studio Yeah. Which is not common for the studios. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm hoping maybe that that the other studios might actually get a similar treatment in the future, but but we'll see. Also, I'm not sold on the plastic carpet either.
What do you mean plastic carpet? Did you not see that? Again, one of the things that they are advertising is that the carpet is, they went to a manufacturer that takes some plastic bottles and weaves it into a fabric. There is actual carpets in these units, but all the carpets are plastic bottles. But they say it feels very soft and everything, but I'm like, yeah, that's great. It looks soft. From the video I'm seeing, it looks soft. it It does, but but I'm thinking about upkeep and and care and how easy are these going to be to clean after somebody's kid drops their drink on the carpet? like Are they going to... I've got shirts made out of recycled bottles though. like I've got T-shirts that are that are like polo shirts that have recycled bottles and stuff. but But is housekeeping going to be able to keep these from getting like gross? because like but like like It's still like a carpet, right? like I guess my thing is in ah in a hotel, it's like,
Carpets are kind of a bad idea because it's just so many people coming through, but yeah I don't know. I mean, we'll we'll see how how that plays out. i just That wasn't a selling point to me. I have to say, ah you know, DVC and Disney in general has gotten a lot of criticism lately for the new hotel rooms for not being as well themed in the past. I don't think you can say that about this. This is might be the best themed room I've ever seen. the the The designs are fantastic, like the the way that they worked in the Moana and the Hidden Mickeys and stuff like that. like Yeah, it's like... I mean, even the carpet, like everything is is completely themed. like and They were kind of getting away from like the custom-made furniture and stuff like that for you know for reasons I kind of understand, where you know it's like, okay, well, it's custom-made, so if something breaks, I'm sure they have an inventory of stuff to replace it, but eventually they run out of those things because it's custom-made.
but like I don't know, this this this room looks incredible. I mean, everything is themed really well to Moana. I mean, and really subtly too, it's not like you have like a ah full on like, you know, graphic detail of, I mean, a decal of Moana on the wall, you know? like That's not... what they're doing here at all it's it's very subtle and uh like i'm just looking at watching the video and like the shape of the mirrors and the light fixtures and you know the the design on the rug and uh you know even like they're showing the curtains now have like i'm watching the video right now you know has like fish on it and has like the the polynesian kind of symbols and stuff like it's it's amazing
yeah Yeah, they went for like like symbolism and and you know things reflective of the Polynesian and not just not just slapping like like pictures of the castle or whatever. like and and yeah yeah The Moana stuff is in there as well, but like you said, yeah it's it's very subtle and it's it's very deliberate, which which I like too. Yeah. Cause like even, I mean, there's like a, they show like a Stingray like sculpture on the wall and it just looks like a Stingray. If you don't look at it at it any closer, but if you look at it closer, you can eventually see Maui's hook in there. Right. And you can see, you know, there's a turtle and a head of Mickey. Yeah. It's very cool. I just, yeah. Oh, and now I'm looking to at the, uh, the mini dishwasher that they have in the studios, which to your point, Trevor, I think that would be a good thing to do.
in all the hotel rooms, if they could, absolutely in all the studios. Yeah. I hope that like it sounds like this might be a pilot for them to do the stuff moving forward. I hope this is something that... Because I i will say, i the one thing about staying in the studios that I don't like is that they they give you plastic utensils and and paper bowls and stuff like that, which after about the third day, you're like, you're really wishing for some proper dishware because it's brought some food back to your room and tried to get off the plastic knife and it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like, like it's, it's not great. So, um, yeah, it would be nice to actually have some proper dishware and be able to like, you know, you know, you like, you know, make breakfast, use, you know, use dishes and then run the dishwasher as you're heading out to the,
to the parks and then you come back and you know you've got dishes. and and not having to I've had to do this before you know because we stay there for a week and you do actually they don't get they don't leave enough stuff in the room to really last more than about four or five days. and so you Then you're calling down going, you know hey, can we get some more paper plates up here or whatever? and it's like yeah it's yeah It's not con convenient. and Yeah, i listen, i'm i yeah ah watching the video and seeing the pictures of this, you know I sent them to my wife and and she was like, we need to stay there. So I think our next day is probably going to be here um just based on the conversation. I don't know how many points it's going to be yet because I don't think they put up points charts yet. So you know maybe when I see the points chart, I'll you know go,
and then do not do it, you know? like ah Because ah it's if it's it's going to be a lot of points, right? it's it's going to be I mean, I'm hoping that the studios, I mean, i'm this could be wishful thinking, but I'm hoping that the studios will line up similar to the rest of the studios in the Poly because they're they're joining the existing Poly contracts, right? Unless they make them into a whole other, like, what? ah Or yeah, I guess they could offer them as like, you know, tower versus standard studio or something like that. And then yeah, that that's probably what they'll do. But then that gets crazy complicated to where it's like, like, well, I want to stay in the studio. Well, there's like five different options for studio because you got the, you know, you know, the regular and then the preferred view and then the tower regular and then the tower preferred view. And that like, it's yeah a lot of categories. Yeah, I don't like that. But
Yeah, no, I get that. I think it's going to be interesting, too, though, that you know A lot of these rooms, half the rooms at this resort are theme park view. right like one side of the whole The whole one side of the building is theme park view and the whole other side is not. right so you know you're probably it's It's going to be probably a lot of points for theme park view, I would think. um and you know Just in general because there even though this isn't technically on the monorail, it's still a monorail resort because they're just going to call it
you know It's still part of Polynesian. It's still so part of than Polynesian. You're still walking you know minimum or five minutes one way or the other to get to a monorail station. so Exactly. exactly yeah But listen, i mean the more I see of these things, the more I like them. and i i like i've i've been This is, I think, the most impressed I've been with the design of these rooms and in a while. And I really think they did a great job with this resort. And I know a lot of people were worried. So, you know, about about this one particular. um But I hopefully everybody is everybody is liking these pictures. And, you know, to your point, I think the idea of adding the dishwashers, I wonder if that came from guest feedback or if I mean, I know they're saying it's in line with their environmental goals, but I'm also thinking it's probably something that guests were requesting to.
I mean, yeah, probably because like like like I feel the same way about it. You talk about sustainability, but then there's just a bunch of plastic utensils in my room. Exactly. That that doesn't feel right at all. like like you Even from a guest experience, not even talking about environmental, it's just... you know I don't want to, I want an actual knife to cut my bagel open, not a plastic. Not a plastic knife that breaks. Yeah. And so the other thing we got there too with this is we got the opening date. Uh, so there, it's going to be the anticipated opening date is December 17th of this year. So we've got just about six months, uh, until they're open, which, uh, you know, is, is not that surprising considering they're starting to do reservations soon here. So, um, actually you know, started
Yeah, they did. They did. You're right. So DVC members can book cash reservations already. So yeah. so and yeah Yeah. Sorry. I guess. Yeah. Sorry. I should have said that cash cash re reservations are open. um You can't book on points yet. I'm going to be interested to see how this one sells. I feel like it's going to be a popular option. I i mean, cause Polly is always popular and this is, ah you know, these are brand new and they, they have a really nice view of the park. I feel like this is going to be a popular contract. Yeah, I'm just hoping that, I mean, the thing for me is that I don't have to add on to stay there, which is nice. yeah But I mean, there may be a discussion about adding on anyway. Yeah, yeah exactly. yeah All right, so let's move on. Anything else you want to mention with this?
No, no, I we're we're just waiting to see what it looks like when it or you know get or they've done some room tours, but um I'm waiting to see more because I know that like other people are going to do takes on it and what like once it's actually open and like the area and everything is available. I kind of want to see what it looks like like or how long this specifically takes to get to the grant for it in from there. So i' see one think you about yeah, wonder if I can figure this out on Google Maps. ah But anyway, we'll move on while I do that. But so I saw this article, I thought it was kind of interesting, um where one of the Disney blogs has mentioned that they noticed that the Haunted Mansion, the the library scene with the bus, you know, like that where they follow you, you know, when you're they're watching you, which, you know, is a really simple effect, right? It's it's like,
ah ah Basically, not even an effect. It's an optical illusion. optical illusion. But they've noticed that Disney seems to be maybe looking to so-called plus this by doing production and production projection mapping on this, where the the the bus still follows you, but then it also, its facial expressions change as it follows you. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm all for technology making things better, but and I think this could be cool, but I also love the simplicity of that that old effect too, you know?
But it's it's not changing the the basic effect, though, because no, it's just your facial expression. Yeah, I think like you said, it it is a plus and it doesn't hurt. This is a case where it it's it's not redoing, it's not reimagining, it's literally just adding on to. an existing effect and yeah they're there obviously they're they're abusing the fact that that they know how to do projection mapping very well now. And yeah yeah they're using that too i think i think it would be cool because i think it would be kind of neat you know i'm like right now you know that the bus are very.
um ominous and expressionless, like you know they're just staring at you, which you know that that's neat in and of itself. But you know you know kind of the same way um I think about the the tombstone as you're coming into the Haunted Mansion, the Madame Leota tombstone that you know occasionally opens its eyes and stuff like that, right? Um, it takes it to that level, right? Where it's like, you know, you could ride it like five times and be like, Oh, you know, you know, this is how this room goes. And then you notice that, you know, one of the buses like winking at you or, you know, does a, you know, does a weird face that you've never seen before.
you know It just adds to you know reasons to get back on the ride again and to you know notice more of those details. So I don't i don't see it as a negative like or or as a you know them doing too much. I think this is actually just a it's an an obvious cheap win is what I see it as. so I agree with that. I do like it. I think it's cool. um I'll be interested to see if I like wonder why they only did it with one bus. Are they just like slowly integrating it? like It's probably a test. So, you know, maybe maybe somebody, somebody probably proposed it and said, you know, I think we could do this. And I wonder if they went, okay, let's try it with one and then, you know, you know, see how it plays for a bit and then decide if they want to, you know, expand on it. Like like I said, you know, it could be that, you know, they're just trying the basic concept and then, you know,
Maybe the idea will be, and there's a lot of busts in that room. Like yeah all all of them could be doing different things, which really, uh, like that, that gives a lot of opportunity for, you know, reridability on the ride. Like you'll, you'll see a whole bunch of new detail that you never saw before. Yeah, that's true. That's true. All right. Well, I only want to talk about that one briefly, but so, uh, that's your fault for bringing it up. So yeah, it's my fault. Yeah. So I don't know, Damon, if this is one you want to talk about. What's that? You're going to be there. I'm going to be there. So we're getting our first look now at Disney Lookout Key, right? And at Lighthouse Point. And you know, I don't know. Are you complaining already, though? About the long walkway? Just everything. I haven't seen complaining. I saw the long walkway, and I was like, whoa, that's really long to walk from the dock. Yeah, I mean, people complain about everything.
What are they complaining about? I don't know. I'm doing everything. like Because it's not cast away. OK, well, it's not supposed to be. It's not supposed to be. It's supposed to be different. Exactly. I'm actually pink beaches. I'm in. I'm in for pink beaches. is that Oh, is that one of the things? I haven't hadn't seen that. I think maybe. I'm not sure. I'm going to know a lot more when I get there. It's funny because of all the the DCL people that I follow and know, i've I really have only seen a video of them docking. I feel like I haven't seen anything of the actual... you know the last The first visit was like, what, a couple days ago or last week or something? I don't think it was. Yeah, it was like a couple days ago, yeah. I'm sure we'll see more. I don't care. the Listen, here here's the only thing that I got beef with right now.
The snorkels are sold out and they've been sold out forever. Now, our fault for not doing them earlier? Sure, but I don't even take it like that because if I got earlier, that still means there's another me, right? So if I take somebody's spot, that still means there's somebody else annoyed and disappointed with snorkels, right? So I'll take myself out of the equation. I'm hopeful when we get there that it's one of those things where you can rent them that day. They were just taking pre like who knows. But if we can't snorkel, that would be a little annoying. That's the only thing I would say that I'm kind of like about. But it seems like they've addressed a lot of things like there was this and cast away. There's not enough good food options. It seems like there's more stuff there right for food. There's a lot of food. Yeah, yeah so I think there'll be more options there. I mean, I'm looking forward to seeing it. But everyone's, you know, enjoyment factor is different. Right? Listen, I complain about whatever I want on this podcast doesn't mean that you're not going to be happy with it. It just means I'm not happy with it. And I think that's what people have problem, you know, differentiating. And I think it's the same thing for this. Just because people are complaining about it doesn't mean you're going to complain about it. Like,
As I have older kids, I'm looking forward to the cultural part of this. We had talked about doing some stuff, and then my son said he was, I don't know if I said this before. He goes, I don't want to be told how to have my fun. This is my 18th. That's great yeah that's that's a great. That's so wise. We were going to do one of the things, but it was like four hours. right It was like a cave. It looked really cool, but he's like, okay. so We said, fine. It's our first time there. We're just going to roll with it. you know, like we'll do whatever do whatever fine. um But I am like I said, the snorkeling like, i we'll see how that goes. I'm hopeful that the day of they'll get more stuff because why wouldn't they? You know what I mean? Like, yeah, that's just weird to me. But it looks like it will be fun.
It looks for, I mean, everything I've seen, it looks very nice. I mean, i you know, listen, I haven't been to Castaway, I will next year. But, you know, um so I can't really make a comparison. But I mean, everything I've seen looks very nice. I also think, though, that a lot of us, you know, because a lot of people complained about the Disney Wish, too. And it's it's funny, because the people I know that are big, like, DCL people complained about it. But then the people I know that just like go on Disney Cruises that are not crazy about it, or we're like, Oh, yeah, it was awesome. You know, me I think sometimes you get in like our bubble and it's like we're more critical you know because of it. It's different expectations. but The other thing too that that feeds directly into what I'm saying, when you over Disney, you cheapen it.
Yeah, I know people get mad at that. But I feel like it's true. I mean, it's not just Disney. I mean, anything you overdo can cheapen it on vacation, right? Yeah, so I don't know. I'm excited to go. I think it will be fun. and I think it will be interesting. and Definitely looking forward to seeing how it all turns out. But I think the cultural part is something i'm I'm really excited to see. And I think that is definitely more with older kids, but I think that, you know, again, it's definitely would be interesting. So wait, yeah is that next week or is it two weeks? and It's not two weeks. I think we're leaving the 19th.
OK, so 10 days from now. Yeah, so I so think we're trying. Yeah, so we'll be there Tuesday, right? Just outside of the port. I think we're driving Tuesday morning. And then, like I said, my wife and other son are flying. We'll meet them there in the 18th. Get up, you know, go on the ship in the 19th. Try to avoid all the people that we're probably going to know on the ship and then have a good time, hopefully. All right. Yeah, cool. I'm excited to hear about it for sure. But that's the thing, I don't know. like oh um and When I come back, so it would be another, maybe the 30th, yeah, the 30th before I talk about it. so Yeah, it's going to be it's going to be a couple of shows before you get to talk about it, but definitely looking forward to hearing about it. Just make sure you take pictures and not videos and then
take a little bit of both has up yeah yeah go you go mix it up a little bit yeah just Just keep the camera low. Don't don't be that person with your the camera above your head. yeah exactly no dan you get You need to get one of those little short so selfie sticks that the influencers use so you can walk around the park. You know, with it showing your face and also, I just, I would love this to slap every single one of them to the ground. Not the people, the sticks. that's the their hands yeah just Here's the most, here's the most unhinged thing you could do is so, so you double down on it where you take just jump in the video. but you No, yeah you get the selfie stick, but then you get an iPad and you put the iPad on a selfie stick like and hold it over your head.
While you were at Disney, you just jumped into every influencer's video. I guess they probably just edit you out, unfortunately. Just follow them around. Not unless they're doing live streams, but... No, even not even follow them around. Just randomly everyone you see just like hop in for like, yo. Yeah, just pop the background out like a... So I've i've heard... People doing this where like when an influencer is like standing in line and like because you know how they'll do that Like we'll get in line for a ride and they're they're like live streaming or whatever. Yeah um people will actually start playing copyrighted music because then the the video gets flagged and Because of the copyrighted music. So yeah, I guess that's that's I wouldn't do that I just feel like yeah, let me jump in all these videos. That would be funny. I my last trip, I saw a shocking amount of people do it with the little tiny selfie sticks doing live streams or whatever they were doing. Well, it's not even influence. It's just random people now just like because they want to have the video for themselves, which is even crazier. like What are you doing with an inline ride video, like for real? I know. These are just people walking around though too. i'm just like
but Why why are we doing this. Maybe we're just maybe we're just old and cranky and you know what what it should be. I mean, where this is what it should be. You can if like if you're going to do it like walking around and and videoing like there should be some level of. you know, check like, okay, if you have 100,000 people on Instagram, fine, like, all right, you know, but like the people that are like Instagram 100 people and like think they're Disney influencer, like, dude, that's, that's not it. not yeah I guess everyone's got to start somewhere, though. For me, for me the line is, this so that I feel there's there's two different types of people that do the the walking around and filming. is there like there There are um like people who do live streams where they don't really talk. They're they're basically just like showing off the the Disney ambience or they talk minimally. like like you know and they' and You can tell that they're very respectful of like the people around them.
Yeah. That I feel, and this is the hard part is that you know those I feel are okay because you know they're not they're not getting it in line. They're not like on ah ah on a ride filming and being disruptive. you know they're They're being very um respectful, but it's I think you know what you're talking about, these other ones where you know they're they're like shouting out to their their listeners and they're just constantly talking and and it's like it's this whole like that it's all about them and that everybody else around them is just like a backdrop in their either story. But here's the big question. What is the benefit to Disney? There's no benefit for these influencers. I don't care to take some of the top influencers for Disney. What are they giving Disney? Either the people that are watching are watching the influencer's content. Is that stopping them or
helping them to plan a Disney vacation? I don't think so. I think they're either planning that vacation or not, regardless. yeah That's what I'm saying. Somebody's streaming Tron for the first time on the first night, right? Or even the first week. Is that influencing people's vacation planning? I can't imagine that it is. I don't know. I mean, yeah. i don't like I guess the kind of people that are, to your point, people that are watching those kinds of things, they're already excited about Disney and they're, they're watching it because they want to watch Disney stuff. Is it bringing more people to the table for Disney? Probably not. Like, like that's, that's a fair point. Like, like, you know, I don't, you know, these influencers are definitely benefiting themselves, but yeah. like If I go to this, if I go to this Island, right? And there's a hundred people all filming. Why?
Yeah. I mean, I feel like you're going to have some of that, but not as much as the first. Yeah. Definitely going to hear some of that. Yeah. What would be amazing is if I could see a stitch of you jumping between all these people's videos, we could actually like watch you moving around the island through multiple videos. That would be amazing. David, you have somebody in your family film you interrupting everyone else's influencing videos. Oh my goodness. You don't have to because you're on everybody else's video. You see, you can just be more like a multiverse sort of feel, I feel like. Yeah. but I wouldn't do it. My son would 100% do it though. Yeah, but now you're gonna that that would make you a reveal your face. you had You haven't done that ever. No, I said my son would do it. He would definitely do it. Yeah, that would be funny. Yeah, but that would be an interesting thing. yeah What's next?
but concludes That concludes our complaining about influencer portion of the show, I guess, right? Let's do our ad, and then we'll talk about some other things, all right? All right. All right, so the sponsor of this episode is DVC Rental Store. The DVC Rental Store, a world of DVC company, offers magical vacations at incredible value, save up to 60% off retail rates and premium Disney resorts. DVC Rental Store now includes deposits as low as 25% at the time of booking and a built-in cancellation policy for every reservation. And as always, DVC Rental Store pays out the most to members looking to rent their points. Want to learn more? Go to DVCRentalStore.com slash Welcome Home or call 1-855-DVC-RENT. That's 1-855-382-7368. And be sure to let them know that Welcome Home sent you. All right. So there's a lot of discussion about this article we're going to talk about right here.
Although it. OK, let's let's go. So let's start with the start with the headline and then. So is the headline, I feel like is not going to find it. Yeah, so Disney and Florida planning new development agreement worth up to $17 billion dollars would add a fifth park in Walt Disney World. Now, that's that last part after the comma... Hold up. Yeah. Based on what I've read, feels like a bit of a stretch of the truth. But let's let's look at this a little bit. so Yeah. um
So basically, you know, for those that don't know, ah you know, Disney, you know, had the whole fight with the florida state of Florida. They settled that. And part of that was creating a new development agreement. And so what this agreement is going to be. and And by the way, this already got approved by the the board that they need a preliminarily approved and they're going to final do a final vote on it this coming week. um But what they're saying is ah up to 17 billion dollars investment from Disney over the next 10 to 20 years. It does require them to make an at at least an initial investment of $8 billion dollars in the first 10 years of the agreement. So over the next 10 years, they have to spend at least $8 billion dollars at Disney World.
And that's including existing infrastructure, new construction, and intent and technology investment. Then there's also a quote, minimum development of five major theme parks in Orlando. And that's where they're going with the fifth park. But I don't necessarily know if that's what that means. I think that that bottom part is even more interesting though, moving 2000 parks and experienced product staffers. Oh, yeah. floridaa From California. Yeah, so part of it too is that ah there's a provision in there that Disney may convert hotel or motel land use entitlements up to an additional 225,000 gross square feet of office uses within within the ah property. So like you said, Damon, this is you know they initially were going to move a lot of imaginary people over to Florida, and then they stopped doing that after you know when the whole fight happened. But it kind of seems like this provision would make that happen again, or at least give them the option to, I guess. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I guess that maybe that's the thing is if if it they're forcing it, then they're just back in the position that they were before with their imagineers where people are leaving over it, which is fair because I would not want to be somewhere where, you know, they're telling me to move move across to move the continent, you know, back and forth. um But yeah, and so so the fifth theme park thing, I like i feel like the the way that it's written, they they talk about five major theme parks, but I feel like they could be lumping in the water parks with this. but like i just don't I don't believe that Disney is at the point yet where they're announcing a fifth gate. like I know everyone's saying you know Epic Universe and all that,
But Disney's not they're not competing with gates like like they're like they're not you open a new get new park. We're going to open a new park like that. Yeah, like like it it has to be. It has to be justified, I feel. And also the fact that, you know, we already know about the expansion coming to Magic Kingdom and. and all that, like I don't see how how Disney is going to do a fifth gate in the next 10 years if they're doing all this other stuff. right like It yeah doesn't just Too much to focus on. It's too much to focus on. right i mean like A whole new park is one thing. If you're expanding all the other parks at the same time, that's a lot of work. like that's That's crazy.
I'm not saying it can't happen, it could. you know I feel like you know you know a lot of people may be sleeping on this, but you know and I think you know this, Damon. you know Volcano Bay is a pretty amazing water park that you know the Disney water parks are not they're not near that level. I haven't even been to Volcano Bay yet. I keep saying that we should go, and it makes me mad that I haven't. Right. oh Okay. Well, I'm sorry. I thought you had gone, but I don't know if you've watched... right you went Okay. Yeah, that's right. You went to Aquatica. Yeah. um But like if you watch the videos of Volcano Bay, like it's... It's such a crazy, crazy good water park. And it feels like, you you know, this may be the thing is that everyone's like, oh boy, you know, they're going to open a fifth gate. And it's like, no, they're actually just like, you know, typhoon lagoon is going to be due for a major overhaul is what it is. Exactly. Yeah. Like I can see volcano bay is much newer than those other two parks, right? Like did yeah those ah Disney's two water parks are pretty old at this point. Right. Oh yeah. Absolutely.
So yeah, like like I said, I feel like, you know, that, you know, everyone assumes fifth gate means, you know, fifth theme park, but technically Disney already has, I mean, six theme parks, if you want to count both of the water parks as individual ones, but I kind of lump them together because, because they're both, I mean, they're both kind of doing the same thing. And in terms of actual like space utilization, everything, like I would feel that they could count them both as about the same size as a theme park. Yeah, I would agree with that. And interestingly enough, Trevor, the ah other sources have actually stated this in a different way.
so the one The article we're reading is from Deadline, which is you know a legitimate news source. But the Orlando Sentinel is calling it is saying, ah quote, five of five major theme parks. So it authorizes a maximum of five major theme parks. So what does that mean? OK. Yeah. okay yeah so yeah yeah it's it And then it also allows for a maximum of five minor theme parks. such as a water park and office space and or like retail space whatever but it's it's kind of ah it's kind of odd language i feel like it is and okay i guess if they're drawing the line where a water a water park is a minor theme park i guess i mean it would be right yeah i mean but i don't know it's i guess what like
Uh, I can't even fathom what a fifth gate would even bring at this point. Like, like what, what are you doing with a fifth gate? I mean, I'm sure they have some ideas. Would you even make that fifth gate? I agree. Yeah. like like Because whatever they made it, people would be like, why'd you do that? Yeah. yeah Like, like what what, what, what in the, in the Disney universe, what's not covered by the existing parks? Marvel. I mean, right? I mean, on the East Coast. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. I mean, I doubt they would make an entire Marvel theme park, though. That's a lot. That would be cool. I would probably be pretty cool, actually. Like people don't seem like I guess this is, you know, me. I haven't been there yet myself. I'll be there next year. But, you know, from what I've read about the Avengers campus in
California, it's not um like it's okay. But it's not like the reason you're going to California adventure. That one seems like it suffered a little bit from budget cuts and, ah you know, because they were supposed to have an e ticket attraction there too. And, you know, and they also just kind of squeeze that into an existing part of the park, right? If we're talking like a brand new park, you can do anything, right? But but but even then Marvel like, okay, so so you do more Avengers stuff like, Like it kind of it kind of hits the same problem as ah as Star Wars Land where it like, and actually I read some some people talking about this the other day. that This is what I agree with is that Star Wars Land is incredibly pretty, but there's nothing going on. It's a big empty space. Sure. Like if if you really think about it. Which is what it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be people walking around and interacting with you, you know.
Yeah, there's there's nothing like really interactive or fun about it. So it's like if you they build a Marvel park and if it's just like, you know, okay, here's a bunch of Marvel stuff, but same problem that, you know, they're they're not doing anything with the space. Like, do I really want a fifth gate? But I guess then, you know, the the the flip side of that is, you know, if you make a fifth gate and everybody is going there, then the other parks aren't as busy, which, yay for me, I, you know, less wait for for the rides I want to go on. What's interesting about this, if you look at this too though, like $8 billion dollars over 10 years, it's a lot of money. I mean, it's, I know we, like, we kind of... But they have 60. Oh, it's eight billion. Yeah.
but But this is eight of the 60 billion that they had slated for theme parks global. That they have to use, though. they can They can use more than that. They just have to spend a minimum of eight billion the first 10 years. And it says up to 17 billion, right? So ah the the interesting part about this, though, and and they mentioned this in the article, that ah you know Disney's planning on the Disneyland forward ah ah you know, project that they're working on, that's going to cost about $2 billion. dollars So you think about the extent of Disneyland forward, and you know, that's only going to be $2 billion, dollars you know, multiply that by, by four, you know, it's it's, it's a lot more money. And I mean, I know they have a lot more space, and a lot more, ah you know,
least The requirements are different in Florida. They are. They are very different. um But you know the other part is, though, too, that they mentioned somewhere in here, too, that they were goingnna have it was going to create 10,000 jobs or something like that as well. Yeah, hire over 10,000 new parks employees in the state over 10 years. that's That, to me, almost does point to a new park, right? Because like I mean, 10,000 people is a lot of people. That's not just like construction workers to build stuff. That's like you know everyday cast members working in the parks. like What are you going to add that's going to require 10,000 new employees? I mean, I don't know. I feel like you're still understaffed with the existing parks. so picky Well, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, they already they already have a hard time.
Yeah. like you know you know if If they added a whole bunch of new people, they could actually bring back like the you know the sending merchandise to your hotel room stuff and all that. right Because oh yeah there's there there are things that they don't do now because they don't have the staff to do it. like so I can't find people. right or that's I've heard that that's a problem. so you know They still can't find people. Well, it's that they're choosing not to. like Saying that they can't find people, it's also that they're not making it attractive enough to yeah to have people working there at the moment. That's true. but i i mean I know they've had a they've had a shortage of bus drivers and housekeeping people for like a long time now. like that's That's been a major problem for them for many years. You mean people didn't want to wait around for a couple of years for things to kick back up again?
Well, no, this was there this was a problem like back in 2018, pre-pandemic. They had problems with getting bus drivers and and and housekeeping people. I remember they were like doing like bonuses and stuff like that for for the them, but so like sign-on bonuses because they couldn't get enough people. But I don't know. you know Who knows? Yeah, but yeah, I do find this whole thing interesting. I you know, I we don't I think it's the headline of this is, you know, almost clickbaity, you know, like saying at a fifth park. But I don't think that's what it really says, you know. Yeah, it's very open. And like you said, you know, it's it's up to five parks. So so it's I guess it's the point is is it's not off the table. It's not.
It's not that it'll never happen, but I'm also not. You know, I think we've we've learned over time that, you know, until something actually starts happening, even, you know, initial like, you know, blue sky concepts and stuff, like because because we saw this for the last couple of years is, you know, Disney will talk about blue sky stuff and everyone gets excited about it. But until it actually starts happening, um, I'm not inclined to devote any of my energy to being excited about it because, you know, you know, there's this whole thing about up to five parks, you know, there, you I'm sure there's people out there going, you know, I can't wait for Disney's fifth park. And it's like, and then when it doesn't happen, they get mad and say, you know, Disney, you promised. And it's like, no, I didn't. like No, they never did. They never said that. Yeah, um yeah it's it's funny because it's this article says minimum development and the Orlando Sentinel-1 says maximum development. so like Obviously, someone is incorrect here. so because those are I mean, they're two different things. right I mean, like a minimum development
Yeah, that kind of, to me, says that they will build another park, but if it's maximum, that's a whole different thing. you know that's that's That's just letting them do up to that amount, right? so It's i mean and flexibility without committing to it. Yeah, because minimum makes makes it a requirement. and Remember, this is an agreement ah that they're doing with the special district that they're in. so i mean i'm I'm sure there's ways for Disney to get out of it, but they you know they pretty much need to ah to to follow through with this if they're going to sign this agreement. you know Um, so yeah, I guess we're gonna, we're gonna see. I mean, I, I just don't, I don't want anybody to read this and just immediately think they're adding into fifth park, which is what I've seen as the discourse on the internet. I just, I just don't believe that that's what it's going to be. I mean, it could be, it really could be. I just, you know, we'll have to see. We'd be pleasantly surprised to be wrong, but yeah, I guess I, you know, we, we've talked about stuff like this in the past, you know, even, you know, talking about reflections and, you know, we, we were like, oh, you know, this is happening. And then.
it got put on hold. And we know it's still happening, but but it's this whole thing of like you know setting expectations. They're like, oh, Disney's building this thing and it's going to happen in the next two years or the next three years or whatever until it actually starts getting built. like i I'm not believing anything at this point because there's a lot of ideas getting thrown around. And you know even like you said, these agreements, um that you know Disney's not going to paint themselves in a corner on something that they can't do, right? Like if yeah if they realize that you know there's there's no feasible way for them to do a fifth park, I would hope at this point that you know they know better than to commit to something like that. I mean, I could be wrong, like you know maybe no i think you're maybe they'll... they'll have whole you know
I mean, I guess like they kind of did that with California Adventure, initially, where they they tried to build it on a very poor budget. And, you know, the results of that was a very poor park. I would hope that, you know, Disney Disney's smart enough now not to overcommit on something that they know they can't deliver. Yeah, i you know I would hope that that's the case. It's it's funny because you know I quote this a lot. I'm sure people are tired of me here talking about it, as the Imagineering story. you know They talk about the time like California venture when the the budget was cut and they were you know
making this park for way less than what they should have been making it for. and you know They talked to Michael Eisner, who a lot of people view as you know the best Disney CEO. and and He has a quote on that on that documentary saying, ah you know a lot of people say that you know when you cut the budget or where you have a constrained budget that it ah that it that it makes things you know not as good a quality. But he he his belief is that it it forces people to be more creative. And I was like, I don't know if that's true. I think all the imagineers would disagree with you on that. Yeah. I don't think that's right. I mean, you know, it's definitely such a business man thing to say though, but yeah, cutting it. Yeah. Cutting, cutting costs does not motivate people. And if you want something good, you need to motivate people. Exactly. Exactly.
All right. So, uh, you want to, want to talk about some, uh, Tiana stuff and then get out of here. Yeah. Um, we do have another thing on our list, but we realize that it's way too big of a topic to talk about on this episode. so ah Yeah. I think we should sideline that. And yeah, let's, let's go to the Tiana stuff. And so, so the merch has dropped, which, yeah um, looks okay. Yeah. Yeah. and It's there's some cool stuff in here. Yeah, go ahead Trevor, what are you going to say? I was just going to say that, you know, the color palettes and everything very much fit with like the whole vibe of Tiana as it is. And I mean, it's like that New Orleans color palette, right? Which, you know, I like that. It's nice stuff. Like I really don't have... I can't believe there's a restaurant fund coffee can though.
Oh, yeah, it's ah it's from the movie, though, like, I'm just is surprised that they're selling something like that. I see my daughter buying that, though, like my daughter. you know i I definitely could um as well. I just think the food stuff is interesting. Plus, the mugs are good. Yeah. Did you see the sipper, the sipper that they have where the straws on the outside and it kind of goes around? I don't think it's in this article. I saw it somewhere else. Sippers are tough for me. I don't know. This Typhoon Lagoon one that I have that Katie got for me is cool, but I don't know outside of that. but One is easier to display, more than one is tough.
Yeah, I get that. This wouldn't be a display item, though. If we bought this, my daughter would use this all the time. You know what I mean? If we got the zipper. The spirit of jersey looks interesting. I like it, but I feel like people are either like totally in or totally out on spirit jerseys. I agree. And I'm totally out. It's not my thing. The dress is cute, though, too. Yeah, there's some cool stuff here. Like, my daughter would really like a lot of this because she loves Tiana. um But by the way, I need to mention this. I've been seeing a lot of people going to previews and I've been seeing a lot of stuff on on ah social media about people about the ride breaking down and getting evacuated and stuff. And it's like, what do you guys think previews are for? Exactly. Like, dude, everyone thinks they're special and previews should just be for them to go see the ride without anybody else. not That's what it's about at all.
Yeah. like People don't seem to understand the previews are like so they can run the ride at full capacity and see what breaks and what they need to fix and what's not working and what is working. like That's the whole point of previews. It's the same thing as in in gaming when when companies offer beta tests for games. and I always yeah laugh when people are like, oh, I got into the beta test for this game and they're all excited. and they're like This sucks. you know It was so buggy. of work yeah It's like, yeah, it's a beta test. That's the idea. It's not live. like like These previews, they're beta tests. and And people don't want to admit that. Because, yeah, like you said, they they want to feel like they're getting the VIP first first crack at it. But you also have to accept that it's going to break down. Yeah, like that's part of it. I I thought the videos looked great. You haven't liked it? i mean
I don't know. I do tend to agree with like, I don't know. The stuff is good, but I feel like it just could have been a little bit more. I don't know. What else are you looking for? Some people complain about some just some dead spots. Oh, okay. If you watch the video, there definitely are some kind of dead spots. And I feel like did there need to be dead spots? I mean, even if there was in the previous ride, that doesn't doesn't matter for this ride. like I just feel like there's a couple of spots. I mean, just in rides in general, I mean, don't you always feel like there's a spot where it's like, not that they mailed it in, but you're like, all right, yeah, there's a sign. it pass this We got to get past this spot to get to like... There's a like a weird corner and there's like nothing in the corner and you're like... Except like a sign or like, look out below or coming up like on the left. like
I don't know. I just feel like if you're going to rehash your life, like totally immerse me, like make everything super duper immersive. And that's just nitpicky about it. But because the ride itself is not changing, right? Really, you're just um obviously ready to re-theme. But if you're going to re-theme as your kind of thing, then don't give me a little dead spot. I want to be covered in, you know, Louisiana everywhere I go. I didn't see too many dead spots in the videos, but maybe I just wasn't looking for that. I don't know. maybe and i was what I watched the official video from Disney. People were complaining about that as well. Were they? we say about everything What? What's their issue with the official video? I don't know. but I think they were saying that the way that it was filmed, who knows? I mean i think the problem is, okay like we talked about, it if Disney wanted to do all the POVs,
then no one else needs to do POVs, right? Just beating everyone to the punch, which is what they should be doing. and And that's what they have done this time, which I actually think is great right because because it takes, you know, back to we were talking about like, sorry, bad influencers, right? um ah therere Yeah, I know. that it did It didn't stop like a million people from having them though. Oh yeah, they're all over the place. Yeah. But but it's it's funny because it it does take a lot of like you know you know a lot of people were a lot of people in the past would have been like waiting for those influencers to show them the ride. But then it's like, oh, well, he disney showed us you know did if Disney's showing us the ride first, but that does take away some of their viewership. Disney's video is 11th in my Google.
yeah Yeah, that's weird. Yeah, which is crazy to me, right? Because because they haven't done this stuff enough yet that it's got the traction, right? like Like the problem is, is that they're they're now wading into what is already a very established ecosystem of people filming ride POVs, right? So I like it, though. I wish they would do that all the time. I know it's funny. I hope they do more, too. Yeah, I agree. Theirs is over half a million and everyone else's is like languishing now because there's like, you know, 24K, 19K, 15K, because yeah, I mean, I'm going to skip past all of them and watch the Disney one.
that's I would rather watch the official Disney one, especially since they you know they have a legit camera that's mounted to the ride vehicle, which no one else can do except for them. yeah you know they get They get better POVs than anybody else because, like you said, they can control exactly where the camera sits on the ride. It's not somebody like you know trying to swing around their phone or whatever. right or yeah but It's interesting that the Disney POV is like they tried to make it like a real POV, because there's not like there's people on the ride in front of the Disney POV. Yeah. So like which is like has numbers makes me feel like they did it on purpose, though.
Like they didn't clear out the ride and like, you know, they just were like, Hey, go on the ride. I'm going to throw this, this camera on and we're going to film it. yeah And what I saw too, is that the other POVs for, um, you know, some of the other people are usually like one focal point. Like it's usually either straight ahead or like the Disney POV is nice because they know what to film, right? Exactly. Yeah. and they could film it three, four times. like And I just like theirs better. So yeah, I hope this is a trend and we get these and it makes everyone else not want to do these anymore.
Yeah, wouldn't that be nice? ah Yeah, no, i it's funny, though. i you know To your point, though, Jamie, I feel like I didn't see a lot of dead spots in theirs, but maybe maybe they cut them out, though. I'm just watching it again, and there's a million dead spots. Like, the whole going up with just the, there's just there's literally painted marshmallows or whatever, sugarcumin, I don't even know what these things are on the left. Like, dude, that's that's it's not good. Like, why? Like, why can't I get more there? It's just a painted sign right in the beginning of the ride on the left. Oh, you're talking about right at the beginning of the ride, just the the the the paint. Yeah, like I get something there. And I mean, then when I get up and OK, I mean, they do on the lift, although they have an animatronic on the lift. to Yeah, they do have an animatronic. But why can't I get something right there, too? Like, you know what I mean, though? Like, I don't know, man. I mean, they spent all their money on the on the overra state of the art ah animatronics. The state of the art, okra. Yeah, the the wiggling okra. Okra.
It's the antithesis of rhubarb. I can't like the ride anymore.
Is it though? All right, so should we talk food? In Damon's universe, yes, it is. No, we should never talk food. I thought you said you were intrigued by the food for this. Did you not? I mean, I was intrigued by the food in the snacks in the store. You're going to talk about hot food. But not like the hot food and stuff? No? Never. okay well Well, we'll talk about that then. We haven't talked about voodoo forever. I just want to call out that that they're offering like spices reflective of the ride because like they because you can buy those spice jars for making different things. The question is, how much are those spice jars? Does it matter? $37. I don't know. It kind of does matter.
Why, though? Because like I guess if i if I'm taking it home to you know get you know you know to to cook these things at home, you know it's it's a one-time purchasing. Yeah, i get yeah if it's like $40 for a spice jar. You're definitely having a suitcase full of meat seasoning by mistake, though, if you take these home, I feel like. ah like That's definitely happening to somebody. They're definitely getting gumbo base all over their clothes and stuff, for sure. I mean, yeah but yeah if you don't pack your stuff correctly, absolutely. But yeah, I mean, it's the the thing that I like about it, though, conceptually is that, um you know, there's a lot of there's a lot of food stuff in in various rides like, like you know, you know, that this is something where they could bring it.
um Like I said, you know you know people get excited about food, but also with you know some of these rides and and some of these experiences at Disney. And I'm more inclined to bring something like this home and be able to go like, oh, you know i you know I want to make like you know a a New Orleans themed meal at home where I can you know sit and you know remember about something that we did on our trip. And to me, that feels a lot more memorable than just like buying a cup or some you know plastic figurine or something. like it yeah It has a lot more potential to me as like these are the kinds of things that I would be looking for to buy and from a theme park than just the standard like merchandise. right Well, and this is a company from New Orleans too. It's not like Disney made that ah this up. It's like a famous place in in New Orleans. right so Although I'm not familiar with this place. I don't think I've ever heard of it, but apparently it's famous. so
How about we talk about the other food, though, that they have that they're going to have, right? so So whereas in Disneyland, they have the restaurant, right? We don't have the restaurant yet at Disney World. I say yet because there's a lot of talk that it might happen. um But so they're kind of spreading out Tiana themed and New Orleans themed food throughout a bunch of different places. So, yeah, for example, Golden Oak Outposts, which if you don't know where that is, if you're facing spit is Space Mountain, you're facing Tiana, right? And you go to the left, there's like a wag. It's like a wagon, right? And there's been stuff they wrote stuff through there all the time. I remember I got like cheese waffle fries there one time. um But you know, that has a variety of different stuff all the time. And they're gonna have hot honey chicken with sweet potato fries.
which is actually chicken nuggets tossed in a hot honey. So it's not like a sandwich like you would typically say. Yeah, in I was on board until I realized it was chicken nuggets. Yeah. um You know what, though, it looks good in the picture. I'm not a big sweet potato fry guy, though. So and then there's a shrimp gu with shrimp gumbo with sweet potato fries. So shrimp and andouille sausage, gumbo topped with Cajun spices. that You just ban you from the park for that remark. What's that? They should ban you, but you shouldn't be allowed to ride the ride. for For what reason? Why? Not liking sweet potato fries. I don't like sweet potato fries. That's not my thing. They just shouldn't allow you on the ride. That's all. Give me a tot. Give me a, give me a fry. I mean, regular fry. I mean, you just can't ride Tiana's. That's all. Yeah. but that's i mean All right. Fine. i Rules like that though.
You need rules like that. Yeah, that'd be great. Like there's sweet potato fries at the beginning of the ride. You have to eat one. Otherwise you can't call. You have to eat one before you go. Would you be able to do that though? You'd be able to stop it. Yeah. Listen, I will eat them. I've eaten them before. I don't mind them. They're just not my preference. That's all. Yeah. Like I feel like there's things like I hate seafood, but if you're like, yeah, you need to eat a shrimp to go on the ride. Like, okay, I mean that shrimp, like not loving it, but I'm eating it. ah Then they also have the beignets. I'm definitely going to eat the beignets, though. I would agree with that. Yeah. I love a good beignet. Yeah. yeah
um you know i I love a good beignet, and that's it's nice that they have those there. so and Then over at Pinocchio Village House, we have a peach cobbler, which has a little tiana chocolate piece in the top. but kind of we I forget what we named these, Trevor, a while ago, but like where they just take a dessert and throw like a theme thing on it. but Yeah. these These are the low-hanging fruit. like yeah they' It's not actual theming, it's like just like yeah Yeah. Printing stickers and throwing them on stuff. Yeah. We've got a peach cobbler. Let's throw some Tiana on there. I will say, so over at the Plaza ice cream parlor, there's also a butter pecan praline sundae. That sounds pretty good. I'm not a big butter pecan person, but I would try. I like the, I like the praline flavor, right? Yeah.
Yeah. but like a good praying And I guess they don't even mention that there's anything like theme to it. It's like, is there is there a Tiana something on that too? Like, but yeah yeah, because I guess that's the thing is this is the hard part is I'm spreading it ah out around the park. Like, you know, obviously they're, they're promoting the Tiana's by adventure stuff, but it's like, you know, some of these things are like, you know, you know, foods that come from like new Orleans area and whatnot. Yeah. But I don't know the difference necessarily. I'm not, I'm not paying that big attention, that big of an attention to it when I'm in the parks.
But like you said, yeah, if it's like, oh, you know, there's there's a Praline Sunday. Yeah, I'm going to try that. But it's not because I'm excited about Tiana's by adventures because I want a Praline Sunday. Yeah. Like they could just put that in there without the Tiana piece, right? Like they could just do that on a random, you know, July and everybody would be like, ooh, butter pecan, Praline Sunday. Like, you know, they don't have to have a New Orleans themed ride to do that. um I will say, so then we got at the plaza, there's a Tiana's Chantilly cake. It's vanilla chiffon cake, lemon chantilly, and fresh strawberries topped with fondant flour and a Tiana chocolate piece. That sounds pretty good. It looks good. No, this one seemed a little bit more. Okay. The cake.
You're right. The cake actually looks good. And and again, you know, they're they're very like slapping you in the face with the the Tiana wafer on top. um Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that almost felt unnecessary, actually, in that case, like like the the cake itself, like it's pretty clearly like. like theme to like her dress and everything, they they could have not put the they could have been more subtle. They could have been so subtle. Yeah. Yeah. And then we come to the sipper that I was talking about. I forgot it that it was in this article. So this is the the Tiana sipper, which it has. If you haven't seen it, it has a figure of Tiana on the top ah with a straw that goes around the outside. And also, it looks like it has what is it, Lewis on there? Yeah. And that's
Yeah, so yeah I mean, I think it's a pretty cool looking. I know if my daughter saw it, she would want it immediately. You know, like it'd be one of those things like I want that cup and I yeah i would be like, OK, probably you can have that um because I'm really bad about saying no on vacation. It's really bad about it. That straw seems like a lot of work, though. It's a clean up. Yeah. I'm trying to clean up, but also like like because it spirals around. bro Yeah. Like like you're working to like. Like you're not sipping. You're like tiring out your, your mouth. I feel like as long as, as long as you don't have like a milkshake or a slushy, I feel like you'd be okay. You know, yeah, I guess you imagine trying to drink a a thick milkshake through that's not happening it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen at all.
um Yeah, and like you said, you know cleaning this thing afterwards, like it you know it looks nice and everything, but you know how are you running that through, you or you're not running through your dishwasher, so how are you cleaning it? Yeah, it's a valid point. Yeah. Yeah. But I like it nonetheless. ah And then they've got the Main Street Confectionery, they got some ah popcorn mixes, some you know just some different popcorn mixes. We don't necessarily need to go into those, but they do have some bagged Tiana themed treats, but you know, if you go into like the confectionary, they have like, you know, the Donald themed ones, the Mickey, the Minnie, the Chip and Dale themed ones, but they really haven't had like Tiana ones before. And so this one, they have green apple gummy frogs, and then they have a spicy butter toffee peanut one that's actually themed to the ride. It's got characters from the ride in it, right? yeah So, so that's, I mean, that's pretty cool that they're going to do that. I mean,
spicy butter toffee though. I don't know how like how you feel about that. Spicy and sweet. I get yeah i guess that works. yeah yeah i guess yeah I guess it's like the hot honey chicken. That's that's fair. Yeah. And then over at Amarets, they have a vanilla cake bar, very basically named there. And it's it just says vanilla cake bar. It doesn't say anything else about the flavors. It's just a vanilla cake bar. It looks like a popsicle, but it's obviously cake. It's like a cake pop that looks like a popsicle. yeah Basically. Yeah. With, uh, there's a fleur de lis on it, which yeah, a little New Orleans theming. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. All right. I mean, I think that's pretty much it, but there's some good looking stuff. I mean, there's a, there's this lily pad, you know, Bryce crispy treat, but okay. You know, whatever. it's It's a rice crispy treat. Yeah. With a green frosting on the top. I mean, okay, cool. like you know it It looks like, I mean, you could also double that for Pac-Man too. If like, yeah you know, you turn it sideways, it could be a Pac-Man rice crispy treat.
Yeah, you could do that. Yeah, you could. It's a good point. ah All right. Why don't we wrap up here? I think. Yeah. I already, you know, ruined my prediction to my wife of an hour long show. I blame Damon this week, though. Damon brought up a good topic in the beginning. You can definitely blame me this time. I don't normally take the blame, but this week I will. Okay. Okay. That's good. I'll blame you. All right. Let's wrap it up, Trevor. Yeah. All right. So yeah. Yeah. It's it's Damon's fault. And if you want to let Damon know, uh, you can always find us five star reviews about how much are we getting closer? We, I tried to do the math in my head, but are we getting closer to 4.6, 4.7? I couldn't do the math. i we're trying to I mean, we got a bunch of five-star reviews recently. So thank you for everybody that. Is somebody that can do math? Figure it out. We're at 4.5 for like 350. How many five-star reviews do we need to get to 4.6? I mean, isn't isn't your isn't your kid a data scientist? You know, maybe he could do it for us. He's my soccer man. I guess when he comes home.
yeah Yeah, it's hard to get your kids to do stuff for you even when it's their profession. So yeah, yeah, that is you're not speaking anything. That's not true for there. That's for sure. but But yeah, so if if you guys want to reach out to us about anything about the show, um you can find us at Welcome Home Podcast at gmail dot.com. We do love hearing from you guys. you know People share their trip reports and ask us questions and stuff, so you can always find us there. On social media, you can find us on Facebook as Welcome Home Podcast. You can find us on YouTube as Welcome Home Podcast. You can find us on Instagram as Welcome Home Picks.
on facebook make sure you do check out our group welcome home disney waitlist uh where we uh have all of our listeners get together and talk about things from the show and share their own experiences and um you know all that great stuff just you know a good disney uh group to be part of and Um, yeah, I mean, it's, it's fun. You should, you should check it out if you haven't. Yeah. Why not? Um, and also if you want to help support the show, you can go to store.welcomingpodcast.com and you can check out our different merch there. And, um, you know, there, there's a hat and I almost said hats. We don't have hats. The hats are only if you find, so hats yeah um, but yeah, you can, you can find t-shirts and fanny packs and, uh, mugs and all kinds of stuff. So, uh, make sure you you have a look there. If you're.
You know, maybe need some shirts for your next trip. um And, you know, again, just help support the show. We also do have a Patreon for the same reason. You can go to patreon.com slash welcome home pod. Check out our different patreon support levels there. The patreon merch is an exclusive logo that you can only get on patreon. And all of our Patreon listeners get access to the Discord server, which is yet another place that we love talking with you guys. we gonna And we're going to offer shirts there first. where We're doing this errors shirt, even though Ashley... Oh, are we doing it? I don't know. Even though Ashley didn't get back to me, I asked about it and she didn't get back to me. I had to go look it up on myself. I haven't figured out how to Google something without something.
I've seen this shirt a lot. A lot of people are doing takes on this shirt right now. It's a big thing. Yeah, the Taylor Swift era shirt. Yes, I seen it as well. I saw you guys were starting a conversation about it, but yeah. It's not a bad idea. For our listeners, if you guys want to see it, make sure you leave us a five-star review and let us know. Yeah, there you go. It would definitely be a little different. Yeah, it's not a bad idea. I like the idea of it. What would it be, though?
like our original logo or country or no just the logos is it we i mean we could do logos we could also do the would we have to bring tom's logo back the original one like the real original one like the train icon oh man that one i don't think we ever actually used that one i think that one was just because we had one for a while that was just a picture of spaceship earth And it was and it was just said, welcome home. podcast sorry anyone yeah I make a train one that was terrible. Yeah. But at the time he was telling us how good it was. No, I've never claimed to be good at it. It was good for a podcast of people that couldn't, you know, none of us were like Photoshop. Yeah, I'm terrible I don't think I ever said it was good. I'm terrible at Photoshop. I have no artistic abilities. So, um yeah, but we can do that. I mean, it'd be cool. It'd be cool.
So yeah, like I said, if you guys, if you guys want to see that, leave us a five star review and let us know that you want to see an error shirt because, you know, Hey, five star, type errors, errors type shirt. Yes. David doesn't want to get sued by Taylor Swift. And we, and we reserve the right to, to completely go off the rails and be unhinged with it because yeah exactly. Yeah. Yeah. so So I do like this logo a lot. Which one? The Patreon one. This happened to be over there. I think I'd like it better than our new one, to be honest with you. Oh, wow. Yeah. I do like the Patreon look. I will say. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's why we put it on Patreon, because I think we all we all agreed that we'd like it. Yeah, exactly. Like I said, either way, um you know leave us a review. i er yeah you know Tom i'm already shouted out ah one of our reviews at the beginning of the episode. i you know I just want to mention that you know we have been seeing everyone leaving your reviews. We will.
you know, continue to read out reviews. Um, and yeah, we just appreciate people giving us feedback on the show because, uh, you know, we, we love seeing that. And yeah, get, get us however many five star reviews we need to get up to like 4.6, 4.7. I think 4.6 time would be happy. I'd be, I'd be pretty happy at 4.6. I feel like that's, that's pretty good. Cause you're never going to make everybody happy no matter what you do. Right. Like, so, you know, I've always I know, I know like there's there's a there's a this is just a bunch of boxes. I don't think we have enough logos for this. Yeah, that's true. We don't have enough for the errors. yeah like We'd have to do it like a modified version. We need to we need to get some AI generated logos going and just see how I'm going to tell you. I've been doing some BSC kids ones. I put one in the in the group. Yeah.
It's pretty cool. ah They're getting good. They're getting good. Like, the one I put in the in the group is pretty cool, actually. um and And, you know, your golden button one was pretty much AI-generated, except you had somebody do it. But, you know, and the idea of it, you know, your initial thought of it ended up, you know, you get through AI, right? Yeah. so anyway Anyway, I think I've covered all of my stuff. um go to the for yeah Don't forget to subscribe to Welcome Home Podcast so you can be reminded every time we release a new episode. You can find our podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music. Just about any place you can find podcasts, you can find us. Just a reminder to our listeners, Welcome Home Podcasts. For entertainment only, we are not employed by the Walt Disney Company. As such, all opinions we expressed on the show are our own. So please consult your DVC representative or Disney cast member for more information about anything we talked about today.
A huge thank you to the sponsor of this episode, DVC Rental Store, and of course World of DVC for continuing to support the show and and being and having supported us for many, many years now. Join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion. Of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all in real soon. This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, signing off from Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC. When we hit a chair, how she can cuddle is no man's affair. I looked around from pole to pole, found her in a sugar bowl. Reading, look out, it's my ball and chain.