Our guest for this episode is Rory (@rorycantead) as she shares a list that revolves around deep emotional exploration, complex identities, and philosophical introspection as well as the natural world.
Embark on a literary voyage with the Books to Last Podcast, inspired by the BBC's beloved Desert Island Discs. Join us as we invite passionate book enthusiasts to reveal their top five must-have books for a mysterious remote adventure. Explore captivating tangents and heartwarming anecdotes along the way. Tune in for book recommendations and inspiring tales from avid readers!
Guest Details:
Instagram: @rorycantread
Goodreads: hellororyg -https://www.goodreads.com/hellororyg
Storygraph: hellororyg
W: https://anchor.fm/bookstolastpod
Twitter: @BooksToLastPod
Instagram: @BooksToLastPod
Music by DAYLILY
@daylilyuk on Instagram
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