This Week on Dopey! Old School Dopey Abounds! Jason Cabello brings the fucking serious Dopey - too much to describe - but lets just say that his favorite mixture - his signature blend - if you will - was: The Jason Special 🥃💉
1 cap of heroin (China White, usually in a capsule)
2 mg of Dilaudid (when he could get it)
Molly (crushed and injected for a wavy rush)
Crack (dissolved using vinegar or lemon juice)
Liquid Benadryl (extracted from gel caps and added for an extra rush)
PLUS Travis's heart felt email, Samantha's COKEY Voicemail, DOPEY LOVE with Margaret Cho 3/11
Here is what AI said:
This week, we’re joined by Jason Cabello from Recovery Unplugged, who takes us on a wild ride through his days of addiction, scumbag hustles, and eventual redemption.
From running the ultimate supermarket receipt scam to drinking wine straight from the freezer section, Jason did whatever it took to stay high. Ripping off poor Lester with macadamia nuts and Ambesol? Check. Shooting crack broken down with balsamic vinegar? Yup. Home Depot boosting crew? Of course. Overdosing in Trenton and waking up to Narcan? Been there. And then—somehow—he found his way to Recovery Unplugged, where music and community helped him build a new life.
📞 VOICEMAIL PREVIEW: This week, a Dopey listener calls in with a genius idea: bringing coke on a bridal trip. What could go wrong? Find out!
💘 DOPEY LOVE DATE - 3/11! 💘
Are you looking for junkie romance or just someone to split a sandwich with at Katz’s? The official Dopey Love Date is happening on March 11. Want in? Email with “Dopey Love” in the subject line and let’s make some questionable connections happen.