Reimplementing Apache Kafka with Golang and S3 image

Reimplementing Apache Kafka with Golang and S3

Developer Voices
2.5k Plays4 months ago

This week on Developer Voices we’re talking to Ryan Worl, whose career in big data engineering has taken him from DataDog to Co-Founding WarpStream, an Apache Kafka-compatible streaming system that uses Golang for the brains and S3 for the storage.

Ryan tells us about his time at DataDog, along with the things he learnt from doing large-scale systems migration bit-by-bit, before we discuss how and why he started WarpStream. Why re-implement Kafka? What are the practical challenges and cost benefits of moving all your storage to S3? And would he choose Go a second time around?


WarpStream: https://www.warpstream.com/

DataDog: https://www.datadoghq.com/

Ryan on Twitter: https://x.com/ryanworl 

Kris on Mastodon: http://mastodon.social/@krisajenkins

Kris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krisjenkins/

Kris on Twitter: https://twitter.com/krisajenkins
