Suicide - Why Does It Happen?
If you are someone that is dealing with suicidal thoughts right now, then dial 988 for immediate help.
Moms and Dads - please note that today's podcast is dealing with a very sensitive subject. We recommend that you listen to the podcast first before allowing your children to listen to it. Remember, if you or someone you know is dealing with suicidal thoughts then please dial 988 for immediate help.
Suicide happens - and over the last two years, it's been happening more and more. Why does it happen? When did this all start? Let's look at these questions and more as we walk Further Every Day.
Suicide - General Discussion:
The suicide rates in the US have been going up over the last two years (2022 and 2023). But why? Here's some general statistics and then we'll delve into other questions.
What examples of suicide do we have in the Bible?
Abimilech (Judges 9:52-54)
Samson (Judges 16:29-30)
Saul (1 Samuel 31:1-4)
Saul's Armor Bearer
Ahithophel (2 Samuel 17:23)
Zimri (1 Kings 16:18)
Judas Iscariot (Matthew 27:3-5)
Is a Christian condemned to Hell because they committed suicide?
What are the most common causes for suicide that we see?
Mental Illness/Personality Disorders (anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, etc.)
Traumatic Experience (physical abuse, sexual abuse, war)
Drug Addiction (including prescription)
Eating Disorders
Social Isolation/Loneliness
Relationship Problems
Terminal Illness
Chronic Pain
Financial Problems
Lack of Purpose in Life
Genetics (maybe from mental health issues in the family)
What are some reasons that we struggle with addressing the suicide issue, especially in the church?
Partly because there is a lack of understanding about the underlying causes of depression - which is a chemical imbalance (serotonin) in the brain
Partly because of historical stigma (be it from family or church or other)
Partly because we don't have adequate knowledge of good resources
What are some of the other impacts on a family or the loved ones of a person who has committed suicide?
Emotional - family and loved ones can end up feeling a lot of guilt
Physical - mental and physical health can suffer due to depression and guilt
External Circumstances - difficult situations are now exacerbated due to a key person involved in day-to-day activities in support of others are no longer there to offer that support
Social - a stigma has been attached to those that remain (they must now deal with that)
What has been done by our government to address this and should the government do more?
On the issue of what's been done:
The creation of the 988 hotline
On the issue of what can be done:
Become a better educator on the issues of suicide - spread the key information
Help point people to support groups
What is the economic impact of suicide on the US?
What is the economic impa