Cut 1 Madison was the smallest U.S. president at 5'4” and 100 lbs.
Cut 2 War of 1812
Architect of the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
Studied Hebrew, Locke, Witherspoon, and other Biblical and Enlightenment thinkers at Princeton.
Opening Question: Why did Madison see factions as the greatest threat to a free republic?
Let's see: Cut 3
Cut 4: Special Interests are already present.
Cut 5 Faction Definition
Cut 6 Methods for dismantling faction
Cut 7
Historical & Biblical Context:
Human nature and governance (Jeremiah 17:9 Cut 8, Cut 9 Romans 13:1-4).
Founders' rejection of pure democracy for a constitutional republic.
Key Quote: "If men were angels, no government would be necessary." (Federalist No. 51)
Modern Parallels:
How well does Madison's system function today?
Have we drifted into oligarchy or mob rule?
Definition: A group united by passion or interest against the rights of others.
Cut 10 The Human Condition
Historical Examples:
Biblical: Pharisees & Sadducees, Korah's Rebellion, Moses vs. Aaron & Miriam.
Early America: Shays' Rebellion, Newburgh Conspiracy.
Modern Examples:
Political factions influencing laws for self-benefit (Big Pharma, Wall Street, political elites).
Radical ideologies reshaping government, media, and education.
Question: Did Madison underestimate the power of mob mentality in parties?
Madison's Key Safeguards:
Representative government filters public passions.
Checks and balances prevent faction dominance.
Rule of law ensures stability.
Biblical & Historical Parallels:
Moses' system of judges (Cut 12 Exodus 18:21-22) – decentralized authority.
Electoral College & Senate as safeguards against mob rule.
Critique: Does the Republic still function as intended?
Congress members profiting from insider stock trading.
Bureaucracies serving corporate interests over public welfare.
Judiciary increasingly partisan.
Question: Is the republic still preserving liberty, or has it become an oligarchy?
Key Quote: “No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause.”
Internet Clip 1:
Modern Example: RFK Jr. vs. Big Pharma—legitimate accountability or political opposition?
Question: Does the electorate still have power, or is it manipulated by media and money?
Key Quote: “Every shilling with which they overburden the inferior number, is a shilling saved to their own pockets.”
Tariffs & Protectionism:
Madison's warnings on self-interested legislators.
Trump's new tariffs (Feb 2025) – protecting American jobs or empowering another faction?
Radical Economic Shifts: