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C2 Ep. 189 Racing Towards Dread Chapter Six image

C2 Ep. 189 Racing Towards Dread Chapter Six

Eberron Renewed
487 Plays11 months ago

Meeting of the 'families' 

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Darrin Katzska, Irene Viorritto, Ryan Royce, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson


Introduction and Recap

D20 radio, your game is roll.
Hello and welcome to Eberron Renewed, an actual play podcast set in the Eberron campaign setting. I am your game master, Eric. I'm Phillip. I am Randy. I am your taco master. You can call me Jeff. Welcome to another episode.

Secret Headquarters and Negotiation

Gentlemen, what happened previously? Eris fixed her shoulder. Yes, we helped with a garden. Okay, so we went to the dark hands, right?
And the most important thing, well, is an heiress. I didn't have any personal things, so... Dark Canons. We are at a second location at... This is their headquarters? That's what... Or a headquarters? What was communicated to you is this is the secret headquarters of House Dark Canons. And we gotta keep our freaking mouth shut about it. Or else... They'll take joy in how they heard us is exactly what they said. Yep.
And we are here to try to enlist their help in getting... Wait, no. I'm lying. This is not the Vigo grab. This is... Support! Yeah, just...
Yeah, we've already negotiated the Vigo grab. Right, that was with the Fjarlins. It was more the transition of power. Right. Yeah. There's gonna be a vacuum. Yeah. Well, there's gonna be a fight. I mean, we would like it to not turn into a black hole. Right. If we successfully free Eren, it's not like Hilaria and her faction are just gonna...
Oh, you got us.

Clan Power Dynamics and Freeing Eren

Yeah. Yeah. We left off with you meeting the lady, Thor, a tar cannon sitting behind the desk. And yeah, Alindra shuts the door to her office behind you all and ominously you hear click, click, click, slide, slide, car alarms. But yeah, Thor gestures to the chairs and the room was like, please feel free to take a seat here sits.
Milo sits. Hob hubbers. What does hob do? Hob is, I mean does the chair look like a little hob? Yeah. Then yeah, hob sits. There's a there's a menagerie of chairs of various sizes. Just say we have a plethora of chairs. So yeah, Thora looks at you all and says,
So Alundra communicated to me that you all have some information on the current state of the Boromar clan and what's going on there. And while I've heard some things from Allira, as she has assumed power, and some of her plans, I would love to hear from you all what your take on it is as more rank and file members of the clan. I guess rather former rank and file members of the clan, as it were.

Meeting with Lady Thora

one thing of note as you all like take in the surroundings of the office, you see on the wall behind Thora a dagger that is like mounted on the wall but then encased in glass around the wall mounting.
Mean is like a very ornate dagger like the blade is curved and comes to a point The handle is also metal and on the end of it at the hilt or at the pommel rather is a large green Jewel that if somebody were take close to look to it you would the jewel has something swirling within it But that's cool. It's very interesting

Illyra's Instability and Clan Strategy

Yes. That's a implement of a special service that we offer. Right. Okay. So we're not exactly here to, you know, we're not here to like contract you for a hit or something. This is more to get your impression of how things have gone since Satan's death and to take your temperature on some perhaps alternative paths that things could take.
Well, the current state of the clan since Satan's death has been messy, to say the least. Lyra has informed us that she believes she knows who the actual perpetrators of her father's death are, and that once she has everything settled within the clan, that she is going to
want to

Potential Gang War Concerns

strike against those people and then additionally she believes that the perpetrators also had ties with the tyrants and the and ask and some houses and so she's she has a strong desire to kill a lot of people which obviously stands to make us a fair amount of coin but she is also not i've met with her a couple times and she does not strike me as the most stable individual right now so
and it seems to me that chaos you have apparently a better thing than I thought going here it's continue chaos doesn't seem like it serves your interests if you're murdering a lot of people
for elyra spread out over a large number of people in factions in the city might that not draw attention that you don't want well wanting her wanting a lot of people dead would mean good business for us and given our current status in the city uh strong boromar means good things for us so that's our primary
concern is

Negotiations with Thora

ensuring that the Boromar clan stays strong. Do you think a gang war is the most likely to lead to a strong Boromar? It seems that she would love to sow seeds of chaos in the city.
much like the last war, depends on how it all shakes out. If Boromar wins, then they'll be the strongest. If they don't, then they won't, but... Well, I know that at least one of the houses is looking very negatively towards the Boromar clan, and I know that we have contacts, some friendly, in the law enforcement just through our
work. I know that the King's Citadel is getting alarmed and that seems like the sort of people that none of us would want to draw into the interactions between the various factions of Shaun. It seems like all

Supporting Eren's Leadership

of this works for everyone because people who could make life very difficult for all of us have so far
That's not an unfair view on the current state of things. I guess my question to you is, why are you... What do you want from us? Why are you here?
Obviously on the other side of the coin, Alira Boromar is going to want to strike out against the people that she thinks killed her father and which, yeah, Thor kind of like makes a haphazard gesture across the desk towards you all as she says that. So presumably you all have a different path forward that you would like us to take and you're here to negotiate that situation.
Well, yeah, it feels like it would undermine anything we say here if we leave and then Alira contacts you without us having said it first. She's going to say it was us. She's been very vocal to a lot of people that we have to disclose you all have a very unique look. And so yes, she's she's going to say it was us if you didn't know that already. That's what she's going to say. Yes, it wasn't us. It was not.
We're actually, well, Thora Eris pulls out one of the little recording things and sets it on the desk and starts playing Viggo's confession. Apparently this was insufficient for law enforcement to take care of things because we coerced him. There's Viggo, his power play by Viggo. What I don't actually know, I think,
out of character, actually know what Vigo hope to gain in the long run. The Vigo was going to try to take over. It didn't want to do. That's right. Okay. It was a power play by Vigo. He wants power.
Now that he's out again, I actually don't know what his play will be regarding Illyra. Actually, that is a variable that we have not talked about. But obviously, as you've pointed out, Illyra is not a stabilizing presence at the top of the clan.

Thora's Conditions and Strategic Alliances

true. Have you had any interactions with Viggo? I have cross paths with Viggo. Time to time. So I don't need to describe him and all of the ways in which he's an idiot. He would be absolutely the worst to head the clan.
We have a plan that I think will work to bring Eren Boromar back. I'm not asking for help in that plan yet. All right. But we're confident it will work. And we know that there are other, not to say you are a branch of the clan, but there are branches of the clan that are also unhappy with how things are looking for a little. The clan's always been about business, going to war against all the other criminal elements in Sean.
especially the ones that are like really fracking scary like Dask is not going to benefit. Well, I didn't think that going to war with Tarkin was in the cards. You guys are probably scary and we appreciate you. Right. We, I would like to convince you that the greatest benefit to your organization would lie in backing Erin's play when she makes it.
And also perhaps not in in not attempting to murder us while we're working on that.
Do we have, does Milo have any sense about where Aaron would stand with Thrawny versus Tarkandan for future endeavors? I mean, Aaron is of Satan's generation, because you know, the Thrawny stuff was Viggo's doing. So Aaron being more like, quote unquote, an old school presence would probably stand on old alliances.
which is the Bormar-Tarkanin alliance. As you kind of finish up talking, you hear a light knocking on the door as a young-looking halfling walks in. And, so sorry, Tarkanin, you wanted to see me? Yeah, apologies. And she reaches into her desk and pulls out a slip of paper, folds in half as the halfling approaches, and says, yes, contract, you'll find them in the lower dirt, and they want it to look like a natural.
Yes, lady. And takes it and walks out of the office. So you want me to back Aaron's play when she makes it. Yeah, essentially. That's what we're, what we're looking for. Also, Alendra said you were concerned about or troubled by the clan contracting with the Ronnie. That was Vigo. Definitely.
That was Viggo's pretty sure that's how Satan ended up dead. We know Viggo has used Thrawny to arrange other motors. Okay.
So at least Viggo does not honor your exclusivity. Okay. I think we've hit a point where probably a role is in order to keep it on. I'm hoping it's negotiation. It's what I'm really hoping is that was what I'll let you do negotiation because you're approaching it from a, if you side with us, you'll get this benefit. Right. So this is going to be normally one red, or yeah, one red, two purple, then I'm going to flip the story point, make it two red, one purple, and you can have a boost for your history with targeting.
And we got lots of story points. I'm going to spend a story point to further upgrade. You can only spend one story point, but if you have other sources of an upgrade, that's acceptable. Then I will also take some strain from my talent and upgrade. So the green would turn into a yellow.
Oh, I see. Okay. If it's an upgrade. Yes. Okay, great. Did anything that was said potentially garner a boost? That's from your history. I'd like... You're not. Did we use the two boosts that you had left over from your most recent roll? We haven't rolled since then, I don't see. Oh, we haven't? All right. And I think we have a pretty good... Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the goods outnumber the bads.
In any case, I think it's as many... Unless I can turn this into a conversation about artifice. I think that's as good as it goes. Okay, I think we're good. Okay, so that, and that, and that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's everything. Okay, that is two success with two advantage.
and add two more advantage. So four advantage. Four advantage. I'm going to get my strain back because I now have far fewer strain than I used to. Too many cybernetics. So Thor is receptive to continuing the conversation. She's not 100 percent sold. But what would you like to do with the four advantage?
One, I would like to take some strain

Planning for Clan Meeting

off, and then I guess the others, I would say three is an upgrade, right? Then an upgrade for the next stage of this. Thora kind of leans back in her chair and stretches her neck a little bit. I hear what you're saying, and I appreciate what you're saying, and it all makes sense on paper. The concern being that
your ask is for me and my people to be active participants in what's going on. And if things don't go your way, we have now become enemies of Alira and the clan, as opposed to with Alira's whole transition of power if we, and Aaron Boromar making a play, all that stuff, if we stay.
Yes. Passive, then, regardless of the outcome. Yes. I see what you're saying. I... What does Hop say? What does Hop say? You say it, Jeff? But would you remain... Do you know all the stalking prophecies? They're all dragon marks. She might! They're all dragon marks. Let me tell you a little something about the bloodline. Yes. Can I go ahead, Milo?
Now I'm trying to remember what I was about to say. Way to go, Jeff. You forced me out. I was over here silently avoiding things. She was talking about remaining passive in conflict. Yes, but if Alira were to call on you to act, could you remain passive?
Well, we have an understanding with both the Boromar Clan and other organizations that we don't target high ranking members of any organization within the city. We kill people that lack a certain level of consequence. So if Alira were to tell us to go kill Eren Boromar, we're within our rights to say no and Alira would be forced to understand that due to the nature of our agreement.
So we could not be asked to directly go after Erin, so therefore we could still maintain a relationship with her in the wake of the conflict. Because if Erin is still the way that I recall her being, she's a very pragmatic person. Also, you're saying Erin Boromar making a play. I know where Erin Boromar is. I have a solution to that. Interesting.
And she would be a much better candidate to run the clan. And this would, as Eris has mentioned, the Citadel would be most pleased with her rather than the current situation with Alira. Well, I can tell you no uncertain terms that whatever the Citadel thinks means less than what's on the bottom of your boot.
right no and i understand that and i understand why that you know our first encounter with your people was in such circumstances but surely it just benefits you for the Citadel to not be looking too closely right i mean i understand you and yours have no love for the Citadel and i don't blame you but you're not looking for direct conflict with them and i think
That's the direction that things will go under Allira. If Allira even stays in power, Viggo having already arranged the murder of one head of the clan. What are we doing here? I don't know. Whatever it is, she gotta try it. It's triumphant, whatever it was. I hate this lady. Why do you hate this lady? Yeah, she rolled against us and we gotta try it. We're supposed to roll against her. Blingered, everybody.
So she hears you, Eris, and then looks back to Milo. She got one success, one advantage, and a triumph. The Citadel will be pleased with Eren taking over.

Citadel's Interest and Eren's Influence

Is the Citadel involved in this transfer of power? Does the clan be aligned with the Citadel all of a sudden in some way? No. No. Not at all.
I think they're just looking at it I'll be happy I listen I'm not gonna try to lie to you you're gonna be too good at seeing it yes as I said we have contacts in the watch and they have made it clear to us that Citadel prefers status quo
Yes, stability as opposed to chaos, that a lira will bring. As someone that the Citadel of views as a danger of chaos, I know that. Yes. And that the Citadel, yes, the Citadel would, my understanding is, and recent things have made it clear to me that I do not quite understand how the Citadel works.
But the information I have is that the Citadel wants stability in Sharn, including among the criminal elements. And that is what leads me to believe that if Alira's gang war goes on, then the Citadel will feel they have an excuse to take a hand here.
I'm saying Eren is not the Citadel's pick. I have no Eren as who we believe would lead the clan more successfully. I'm saying that Eren's presence might pacify the Citadel so that they do not feel the need to take a hand here. If a Lyra stays in, then
I don't know. I have the impression of the Citadel as fairly ruthless. I have limited experience with it. But my understanding is of it, my thought of it is as fairly ruthless. If the Citadel gets in charge, gets involved, what stops them from offing Illyra or whoever's in charge at that point?
installing a puppet you say you know Erin some surely then you know that she's not going to be anyone's puppet yes I I hear that and I agree that the errand that I knew but the errand that has been released from the Dreadhold by some entity might feel a certain level of obligation to whoever facilitated that release I expect she'll feel very grateful to me and allow me to stop working for the clan
that's okay go and make one more check because of her role add a setback and an upgrade to the difficulty for the triumph and the advantage
Okay. There were two

Positive Negotiation Outcomes

boosts left over. No, there was a free upgrade. Okay. So starting here, free upgrade. Okay. Am I maintaining a boost from my good faith behavior with House Tar Cannon so far or have I used it up? You can maintain that. Okay.
I was very open and honest what she just said. I am spending a story point and taking some strain to apply upgrades from those sources. I think that's as many things as I can do. We got four yellows, a green, a blue, against three reds, and a black.
Yeah, it's slightly balanced in our favor, but it is, it's slight. One blank yellow and a bone. I don't see too many red, three reds very often. Anything else? What's the check? Negotiation, I hope. Yeah. I mean, I will loom at the end. If I do anything else. If any other than negotiation, then things just got worse.
I don't have. Milo can't really help because the setback in the upgrade is because of what Milo said. I could magically enhance myself, but that would probably work against us here if I just go one second. Hang on. Okay. There's mostly not blank things. All right. Hold on. That's gonna be close. I don't know. All right. So these and these, I've got it. Yes, I've got it. There's a threat leftover. What advantage?
Oh, because of the two advantage. So three success, one advantage left over. My favorite part of this game is because after I get to Lou, I believe you mean zero advantage. That was a tough roll. Yeah. All right. Let's say I decide to back Aaron's play. What would that entail in your mind for me and my organization?
We would not ask you to violate the principle of your agreement with Borma. We would not ask you to take out Allira or even Vigo. Well, you're talking another knock at the door. Sorry. A shifter woman walks in and approaches the desk and she's like, oh, and reaches into the desk, pulls out another piece of paper, looks at it and folds in. It's like, this is a special one. And she reaches behind her and opens the glass case and pulls the dagger out and
Hence it kind of looks at the shifter and it's like careful. Yes lady and takes it puts it Yeah, how often is Eris by this? Eris Eris knows what we're know what's happening here and like very uncomfortable You're saying that's the stated dagger. I'm guessing though I mean that's that that looks different from this like Anybody that wants to make a check to like understand the magic we know We know we know they have like a special service, right? We learned this when we were
They have a special service that involves the big green, instead of the big jade thing. Or did I make the jade party? And it eats their soul or something, am I remembering? Because we learned some of this when we initially encountered how it's looking. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe. So yeah. I don't remember the details of it well, but they had a special service for you can't undo it. Double the price, and the dagger captures the soul. So the person can't be resurrected. So I don't need to do a check. Yeah. I forgot that you all knew that. So yeah. So the thing that you see swirling in that
gem on the dagger are the souls of people that have been killed by the dagger. Yeah, no, Eris hates this. But Eris really doesn't want these people coming after us. Yeah, like what do

Building Clan Support for Eren

you do to voice your displeasure at the soul-stealing people? You shut your mouth and you leave them alone. How many souls do you think are in that? Continue, I apologize. It's a busy day.
I know it's not what you mainly do, but if you have people who do this sort of service on the side, we will probably be, we would probably benefit from some muscle. I don't know exactly how it's going to go down. Aaron will have a lot to say of that once we arrange that, but I'm confident that Alira and or Vigo by that point are not just going to throw up their hands.
Well here's, it's not really the encounter, but here's my take on how we can be best used. Because I am reticent to sign up for my people to be muscle. A, because a lot of our skills lie in our abilities that we don't use in the open. Right. For obvious reasons. Sure. So getting involved in a street fight is not really what we do.
I'm guessing that you all are going to be having some meetings with presumed allies that you still have within the clan. Yeah. And having the similar conversation with them that you're having with me. Right. After you have those conversations, if you have an understanding of who's on your side and who's not within the clan, and you get us a list of names, when the time comes, we can lessen their numbers before the street fight begins.
christening scene is there is there a version of what you do and what you're capable of that would involve not fatally lessening their numbers and here is listen we have killed people it is not just squeamishness the fewer blood feuds that are left over from this it seems like the better from it for everyone and so if we just wipe out whole factions of the clan
that would seem to open up vacuums into which rivals will try to step.
Potentially. Obviously depending on how severely the target fights back. Sure. I wouldn't ask you to put your people in danger over this but fewer bodies at the end of this seems like it would be better for everyone. I'm not interested in making any promises but I will take your words and your request into consideration. Okay. So give me a list of names and we'll take care of the rest. Understood.
That sounds very fair. All right. Anything else? I think that's all. Obviously we would prefer to have never been here. Okay. Right. Yeah. Okay. It seems like you guys would prefer that as well. So yeah. We'll get out of, we'll get out of your way. Yes. Thank you all for coming and just take a listen to Alundra where you found her down in the cocks. Yeah. Okay. All right. Thank you for your time.
A pleasure to meet you all face to face. Your reputation precedes you, but hopefully we'll be able to get this business sorted sooner rather than later. I don't even know whether people mean that complimentary. I don't know. I guess it depends on who's talking. You always want to say there's a lot of nobility at being the hired muscle. We're not in earshot, right? It's all how you do it. We cheese it.
As you all are leaving, the same guy that Min Meng Jihab is entering through the front door, but his right forearm, kind of up to just past the elbow, is covered in blood. His own? No.
Okay. Can I take a second shot at trying to figure out why he doesn't like me? Sure. Okay. Perception? Yep. Eris is going for the door. I assume it's because he can't handle my pecs. And he's not as free as I am and he's repressed as not. Get you boys in the ring. What's my difficulty? I think it was too purple. That's right. You know what? I haven't done it yet. Flip a story point. Let's just win this one.
I want to do something. Just do my human jerk thing. Give it back. No. One advantage. I got an advantage. I'll pass a boost to the next person and never know why this guy just likes me. That's fine. But yeah, he does the same thing where he mean mugs you, like, looks you up and down and kind of... I think it's because you're strong without a dragon mark.
That's gotta be it. Gotta be it. Does he think I'm trying to have a dragon mark with my ridiculous tattoos? Hey. Okay. Where are y'all hanging out? You're sure a lot of things are not an artist. I'm sorry. She is! I'm just kidding. You can walk off a short sky dock. I don't have a specific destination other than the cauldron, so I'm open to other, other suggestions. We've been going. How long, what time of day is it? It's probably a little bit after lunchtime at this point, maybe like mid-afternoon. Okay.
I don't imagine my boys got any information today, so that's usually the reason to go to the spice office. And I'll be there tonight when I go home to sleep. No, as you all are headed towards Tasha and begin getting into the skiff, Milo, you feel a tugging from your pocket. Like there's an item that magically is tugging at you.
All right. Milo pulls out the coin. Yeah. Oh, right. Yeah. And you hear Tarvel's voice in your head say, spoke with Briar and what's her name?
We can all agree we're gonna give that list some real, real careful thought about, like, not... Right. Not writing the names down of people who are even sort of basically decent. Right, when it's like, who's against you? It's like, well, we'll decide who we let you know is against us. Right, yeah, okay. Don't feel very good about how that went. I don't know what our fault was gonna happen by going and talking to assassins. I have no idea how to feel about how that went.
Yeah. You may have noticed I almost said nothing the entire time because I was so put off by the whole idea of it. I think it went as well as it could have gone. That's the part that scares me. I think that went well. Definitely could have gone worse. Tarvel says, spoke to Lady Briar, Grum, Lissa, Del, Chisa maybe. Actually it's not going to be a party. Hutch doesn't show. Able to meet tonight.
Wait, so they're all willing to meet with us? They're all on our side? They're all willing to meet with you and maybe sell you out. Who knows? Well, we already understand that Tarvel made it pretty clear that this is not too, like... Yes. But you're also under the understanding and like you've learned, like, Tarvel sucks at running a division of RMR. That's what terrifies me. Tarvel is not a politician.
Who was it? Briar Grom, Hutch,

Finalizing Clan Support

maybe? Alyssa, who's the head of the Ravens, and Del, who is her second, which you haven't met, Del. You might have seen him at the party, but name, location. Where would you like for all of these people to know? Milo thinks the address of the cauldron. Yeah, right here. I'm just thinking the warehouse.
Same warehouse. This time to keep him off the scent. We know Tarbles on our side, but the rest of them, I don't know. Grum, I think we could probably assume. Yeah, I feel good about Grum. I feel good about Hutch. I don't care what they say. Maybe Hutch loves me.
Um, the only thing about the old warehouse, Milo for intellect, I'm going to say you would kind of put this together. That warehouse is in clan territory. So if the heads of three and the seconds of another are C like that might draw attention.
Fair point right there seems to me like almost anywhere I mean the clan doesn't have a strong presence in the cogs or the upper parts of the city either I wish we could go taking over someone else's hangout for evening that like that what was the name of the hobgoblin bar or the
Can anyone call Lucasiara to see if she must have another meeting at her house? It worked once. It did work once. I think we were having a meeting with her at her house. Yeah. Also, the consistent bird. I mean, that's... I'm trying to remember the name of the... There was another place. This is gonna kill me. There's the hobgoblin place. There's the ebony veil. Consistent bird. The consistent bird. Ebony veil doesn't have a facade right now.
The ram Kool-Aid meant his way. All that money they couldn't put something back up. It's been a day, maybe two. They have magic and money. That place is rebuilt. You don't tell me how my world works, Jeff. Like a consistent bird. Which is where? A consistent bird was in, I think, Middle Dura. Okay, so consistent bird. Okay. Middle Dura.
We're gonna do it for for climbing. Can we flip a story point today? Why is that a back? Yes, you flip a story point. They have a back room and the back entrance That's one point sir. Okay, so you say consistent bird middle Dura. Yeah, okay The coin melts into seawater in your hand as you speak back. Oh
That's such a weird ending to the enchantment. Yes. Well, does it start as seawater? Is he like taking seawater and like magically solidifying it into a coin and then when the magic ends, it melts again? The same at eight o'clock. Give me a knowledge lore check if you want to. Does the seawater also go away or do you just have a wet hand? Knowledge adventuring, I would also accept to try and figure out what the heck's going on. No, why not? What's the difficulty? Are there any reds involved? No, it'd be three purple. Okay.
Randy's lore is going to be crazy, so yeah Randy's left. What did you say it was? Three purple. Three purple. I think you have a lingering boost sitting out there from an advantage. No. We don't know how it works, you're right. One, two, three, four, five. Five boost? Five advantage? Four.
For Advantage! What would you like to do with For Advantage? Run it back, roll it again. That's a good advantage. I can maybe apply it to our conversation we're gonna have maybe somehow. For Advantage. You don't know how the coin thing works. You don't know why it turns into seawater. Right. But as it melts into seawater...
You sense magically a lingering presence that isn't Tarbl's. Like the magic doesn't come directly from Tarbl, if that makes sense. Interesting. It goes from Zoria. Oh good. And then a mind flayer emerges from the seawater in your hand. Oh no. A tiny little mind flayer.
you know a little guy yeah mind player action figure be very funny if like halflings that are taller they just become outside mind players be very funny anyway tripping over the road don't know why that's a funny visual it's so hard to get to people's brains little kids in adult clothes is hilarious and so it's like scamper up your back to get their tentacles around your skull oh my gosh
So dumb. Such a funny visual. Okay, so you have a meeting and a location tonight. What would y'all like to do in the interim? Anything? Nothing? Do we need it? I do need to figure out how to shrink someone. Well, okay, yes. That is not in Hob's wheelhouse. Hob's thinking, what do we need to do to make sure we don't get jumped tonight? No.
But I don't know what there is to do. Besides hire other people to be at the consistent bird in case things get salty, but... We could hire the king of shawn. There's always that option. We could hire him for all kinds of things. Don't tell me that guy needs work. Good ace to come along. Bringing the power of hell with him. What are you talking about? He just has a sick ride. All that was involved in the deal was... Sick SIQ. I will give my soul for a cool motorcycle. Yeah, gross. Yeah. Like that's where Hobbs heads at, but I don't know what we can do to...
I don't know. I don't know who the best people to hire would be. We could hire those hobgoblins. Like legit, you know what? The best thing we could do is if I go to the consistent bird early, I'm like, yo, what's the defensive mechanisms on these boys you got running your restaurant? If things get squirrely, are they going to jump in? Because then they might tell us to leave. Yes, I don't feel like the restaurateur is going to then say, but she's my butt. Raven's cool with hob, like hob, hob's a consistent customer.
The only people I can think of who are for hire... I don't know, but I bring people. I bring customers. You bring customers. I'm a consistent evangelist. The people who I can think of we could hire to be, in any way, effective bodyguards. Because that's not because we're short gold. We can make a hire. The king of charm would be hilarious, but let's not pretend they'd be great bodyguards.
The, the hobgoblins that were being hunted by the Dashor. Yeah. Yeah. Would be excellent bodyguards. Oh, they, oh, that was a, do we use it already? We used it quickly or we didn't use it at all. I don't think we used it. I don't think you did. Wait, did we get something besides money? They, they basically said that, yeah. We owe you one. They owe you one. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'd rather pay them to bodyguard us and have them OS muscle when we need to have a street fight because they seem like people, they would have a great street fighting capability. Yeah.
I'm perfectly happy to hire them because nothing may happen to bodyguard us tonight But let's let's not use the ask if we can

Meeting Logistics and Security

avoid it. We could even put it as a we
We may have something we want to ask you tonight is tonight we pay you and it's seeing that you can do this kind of work or we could try to get some help from now. Fearland's not going to be useful here. I like the Hobgoblins. Hobgoblins are my best bet on bodyguards. Or I mean, listen, we also have friends. Do we right now? Well, at the very least, Sana's still sort of our friend, but we could ask them to be on hand in case.
We could. I was about to say we could ask like Sigil to bring some of the beefier, but I don't want to bring them to the consistent bird. Fair. Like that sounds, that seems like that would be the possibility for offense, depending just among some. I don't know that that's what.
is mint by the consi- well I suspect that's not what's mint but you know, who knows. I mean also kind of a lingering thing that hasn't been circled back on but is out there is uh Aksurian Al Sua, the carrion you all had a positive-ish conversation and basically said we're dealing with stuff with the clan so lay low don't go working for Callaway yet but y'all like ghosted seems like too like negative on you all but like
Things have happened since then. Yeah. Or it's not an issue. Or we don't need to worry about it. I mean, I'm okay just going, but if you feel like we need to bring someone along... There it is. If you feel like we need extra help and you don't want to ask Xonna, then those are the people I can think of if we could hire.
Alright. Let's have Sana there. We've done plenty of good in our lives with just the three of us. I mean, she just has to come to dinner and if something starts going on in the back room, she can bust in. Right. Just buy some dinner. In the meantime, then, I think maybe I would might go to the for sales and see if I can help often get anything that might help free Sana up for her to want to leave to come. Yeah, we got to go there to ask her anyway, so. Yes. Makes sense. Alright, let's do that.
Well, you guys talk to her. I'll run back to the four sails and just mess around with a shrinking potion. Four sails? Nope. Cauldron. There you go. That's the best place to make a point. Okay, so you all are going to talk to Sana? Yeah, Ulfin doesn't know. I've been using some of his distillery equipment. Yeah, that's funny. So this time of day, Sana would be at the four sails, so you all could head back to high walls.
Airs hits the cauldron, you all head to for sales. When you enter, you see Olphin, Ace, and Sana still kind of cleaning, doing some light repairs on furniture and stuff that was jostled around during the flight. Still not open to the public, but Olphin sees you all approaching and comes and unlocks the door and lets you all in. Hey, what's going on guys? I'm here to offer some help. With what?
to clean, help this place get ready to open. Sure, yeah. Boil me in the right direction and I'll get after it. Ace can give you an idea of what needs doing. He's about to give us grunt work. Real scut jobs. And Ace- I was hoping to free Sana up so you could have a conversation.
the kitchen we still haven't gotten back there milo so like the like utensils the the pots pans stuff like that is tossed all over the place if you want to go back there and start going through that stuff definitely that'll be nice that'd be that'd be awesome thanks milo i'm off clatter clatter bang bang yeah and sauna's over like near some of the booths like reattaching the tables to the walls and things like that so yeah i'm just gonna go over
Hey, Hub. What's up? And I put a hand up to hold something in place while she's nailing. Yeah. I'm just being helpful. Endearing myself. Well, we've got a meeting tonight. We could use your help. And I just explained what we've done and who's going to be there and why we think, why we're reticent. In what capacity do you need my help?
Well, I'd like for you to go. Have you been? Has she been to the consistent bird with me? Probably. Alright. Even off camera. Yeah. Hob loves that spot. I do. I go. I enjoy it and I like raising. Yeah. Go to the bird. I'll buy you dinner.
And if something happens, you're there to help. Okay. And I tell her everyone who's going to be like, I'm not, I'm up front. Like it's the Boromar big boys and ladies. And she

Potion Preparation and Power Transition

kind of folk. Big folk. Let's add a sharp exhale. So we're back in the clan business. Um, only in so far as it keeps the clan from trying to kill all of us. It's less being about the clan's business and making sure that the clan's no longer about ours. Fair.
Okay, yeah, I can do that. And then very much back in the clans business when we try to install a new leader, but we're not gonna get there yet. It'll just be a two purple check, Jeff. Give me a charm check. Well, okay. Did I mention I'll hurt you? And you can have a boost from the back and forths and... Yeah, that's not it. I mean, fail. With two advantage. Mm-hmm.
Can I use my two advantage to reroll? It's not a combat check, but... From your check, no, we use the advantage for... No, that's fine. She's not going to disagree to go. It's just more of like...
She's just getting put off with put out with me. It's it's a bit more like she's interpreting a bit more on like leveraging a favor as opposed to like it it's it's less amicable buddy buddy chummy chummy than Hobb probably would like it to to be. What do you want to do with the two advantage?
Wait, there's more. I did have, I rolled last and I had one advantage and I did pass a boost. So roll that back. Yeah. I don't think it's possible to. No, there's. It is not possible to succeed. You might get another advantage. Yeah. Okay. So it's a lot like no success, no failure and one advantage. Okay. I think I will pass a boost with my current standing advantage to the next roll. No, you have to. So pass two. Pass two boost. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I can do that. What? Just dinner time. The consistent bird. What time?
I guess that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Are we going to head out together from, from here or am I going to meet you there? Um, no, you're welcome to, to come with us of course. Okay. We'll probably soon we'll still be here by those offers to do some work and I, I'm not going to get in his way. Okay. Cool. Eris. Let's make an. Artificing check to try and, this is going to be alchemy. I'm going to try to make a potion.
Okay. Because then we can just have a potion. Okay. In the thing for her to drink. There is no shrinking potion in any of the Genesis books that I can find. So here are the list. Here's the table of potions from realms of Teronoth.
Which one do you think it's most like? The other choice. None of them seemed obviously... Yeah, you're just basically looking at the rarity, right? Yeah, I guess what is the rarity? You would like me to apply to this. There'd be determination here. Let me look at it. Is there a D&D equivalent? This is large reduce, maybe? Yeah. What level spell is it? Yeah, that's what I'm looking for. Okay. Let's go rarity six. Okay. I should assist mechanical standpoint. Alright.
I'm gonna break that down for us. Luddite dummies. It means that the difficulty is three purple. Oh. Because that's the primary. Okay. I'm gonna flip this to turn one of those into a red. Sure, sure, sure. Okay. Get some boosts. Being an inventor. And difficulty. Okay. I think we have most of them. I'll spend one.
just to give this the best possible chance of going well and not exploding. That seems good. Mostly just two success and an advantage. Oh, you had two boosts die from Hob's previous role also. Two success, two advantage. Hob looms over the potions. Better work. You better work.
Okay. I have two success, two advantage. I'm going to spend two strain to activate my alchemical arts talents, which will get me an extra two advantage. Wait, I might need that. So with two advantage, according to the Tear Enough Role book, I can craft a second dose. Okay.
And that's exactly how many doses we need for this scheme, right? We just need two doses because we need to shrink Vigo, and then we need to shrink Aaron. Okay, so I don't actually need, you know what, cost me two strain and nothing else. I'm going to spend two strain and get an extra two advantage so that I can have three doses in case something goes wrong between now and then. Fair enough.
There's definitely a lot of comical scenes where we make test batches and attempt to shrink things. Yeah. Several things go wrong, things explode, but eventually we successfully shrink something, a frog, I don't know. And do you also want to make a check?

Clan Politics and Alliances

This would probably take the whole time that you have the song conversation. Yeah, this takes me.
This takes me a few hours. I know how to do that, so next time Eris will just not sleep tonight and do that. Yeah, until that alarm goes off on your bed that I'll set up. Right. Okay, so yeah, you all have sawn on board, Milo, you got the pots and pans at least in a decent state, and you have the potions crafted. So anything else that we want to do before we jump to meeting with the clan? I assume that took all of Eris's hours before the meeting, so. Okay.
Let's go. How's he gonna get a good pump in so he looks intimidating? So in the background of this montage of Eric's making, it's just Hob doing pull-ups and push-ups. Binging Milo. Actually curling Milo. Okay, so we head to the consistent bird. Raphon sees you entering. I'm assuming you all would try to get there a little bit before the rest of the people are due to arrive. Yeah, I'd like to be in the room when they get there. And I hope they don't all arrive together.
And so Raphin approaches and is like, hi, Hob and Milo Eris at Sonic. What can I do for y'all? Just a normal table? Actually, we're going to need the back room. Or upstairs. We actually have a birthday party back to kick them out. You've looked at the story point that there is one, not that it's available. No, yeah, absolutely. I'm going to kill everyone at the funeral, tell them to leave. Absolutely. Are you expecting more?
Yes. How many? Seven? Six? What was it? You are expecting... One, two, three... Tell him the number. Four, five, five... Plus Tarble. Tarble, six. So six more? Yeah. Okay. If you give me a vague description of them, I can send them back as... Or is there a... What are you whining about? Possibly seven, because, you know, Ray and I might show up.
Okay, I will send them back as they arrive. The first to arrive is Tarvel. He comes back there and he updates on everything. I figured out how to shrink Eren.
Great. Great. Can we? Before everyone else gets here. Yeah. Where are you at as far as confidence level with everyone? Of them not trying to take us back to Alira tonight? Lady Briar. She hates them, yeah. She doesn't like a lot of Boromars in general, so she's... Talk about messing with Alira, that's gonna be...
You know, she's gonna love that. Installing Eren, she's not gonna be super jazzed about it, but she won't be. She wants power in the clan. So if in all of this we can facilitate her having a bigger role, because the Delvers are literally the bottom of the city and the bottom of the barrel in terms of there's a reason Grum was sit down there as punishment. So if we could somehow work with Eren to facilitate a rise in power for Lady Briar,
That would obviously be, I mean, head of Blacklamps is currently empty. That's what it says, gonna be some openings. Yeah, there's gonna be plenty of movers and shakers. So her and Grom obviously just want to be out of the Delvers situation. List with the Ravens. She's pretty ruthless when it comes to people getting in her way. Like, if she thinks that somebody is impeding her ability to gain power, do what she wants, that's... she has no issues with killing them.
Dell, her second in command, is much more well-liked amongst the Ravens, but they question whether or not he could like be in a leadership role because he has such a friendly demeanor, especially in a criminal organization. But he also really liked Aaron. He's good friends with Corin, so Dell definitely would be open to working alongside us just because of personal relationships. Alyssa is a bit more... Alyssa's gonna want to know what's in it for her.
In terms of Hutch, Hutch might not even show up. I reached out to Hutch directly because I know that Nessa, head of the goals, she's, she's in good with Alira. So the goals as an organization are completely out. It's just whether or not Hutch would give us the time of day to listen to why Alira would be dangerous for the clan.
How does Hutch feel about Lissa? Lissa or Nessa? Nessa. Nessa. Hutch? Hutch and Nessa have had some run-ins recently-ish. I mean, Nessa's an honorable fighter. She's a decorated war vet. She fought on the Jo-Am front during the war.
So, you know, Nessa is not what I would categorize as a bad person. But in the past few months, Hutch has been pretty convinced. Hutch is a Chiron refugee, and he's been pretty well convinced that some Chiron refugees have gone missing. And he's convinced that somebody's targeting Chiron refugees, and Nessa thinks he's paranoid and kind of has dismissed his concerns. So what's that? Another side quest, Eric?
I didn't write down what you said about Dell's attitude coming into this. He likes, he's very friendly. He likes, he'll say yes. Okay. But there's a question of whether or not he is capable of like leading people within a criminal organization because he's such a so happy good lucky. And then you all know Grum. Grum knows you. Grum likes you. So I don't think you need to worry about Grum.
aligning himself with you all. Okay, I have typed notes. That's my read on everyone, so remembering that he is an unreliable narrator.
Next people to walk in are Lissa Boromar, who's obviously halfling, and Dell, who is also a halfling. Yeah, Lissa has a very gruff demeanor. You've met Lissa before when the Shifters were being murdered. Dell looks at all of you and kind of smiles and goes intentionally around each of you and like extends a hand to Aeris firstly. Dell Hobb. Dell what? Hobb, my last name.
Iris's head sort of like... I feel like I said, I feel like I really stepped in something there. Swivels and leans towards, towards Hob. Hob will come to Iris's rescue. My name is also Hob. Oh, that's a halfling name. It's a nickname, yes. Oh. Hob, large guy, halfling name. When I first started working for the Boromars, you understand. Okay. I think you understand. Del Hob. Vegan Hob. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Huh.
That was bound to happen eventually, wasn't it? Yes. I've just been waiting for Del to be introduced into the campaign. He's been sitting there the whole time. Del, how? Milo, keg bottom. Oh, okay. Oh, keg bottom. Yes. Yeah, I used to go there. Yes. Shame what happened. Where have you been, dude? Read the room, Del. Running gambling circles all over the city. What have you been doing? My own occasional murder. What was your name? I didn't catch it. Eris. Just Eris? Yes. Okay. Just Eris.
mysterious. I like it. And Lissa seems exhausted with Del's behavior and just sits at the table. Well, he sounds like he's about to go prospecting for gold. So. Then Grum enters first followed by Lady Briar. Grum sees you all and kind of nods. Good to see you all again. Grump in a bit. Yeah. Yeah. Lady Briar nods at all of you and hello again.
Hello. Lady Briar. Well, being perfectly honest, Tarvel says, probably not worth waiting on Hutch since we don't know if he's, uh, he has any intention of arriving. So we might as well begin discussions now. So I helped facilitate this, but I'm going to cede the floor to the people who wanted this meeting to happen. Any gestures to you all? You're probably wondering why we called you all here tonight.
Lady Briar kind of, like, chuckles and says, I imagine it's because the head of the clan wants to kill all of you and you are trying to do something about that. Oh good, she's got it! Right. They're not wandering at all. I just had a whole thing. I had the lightning on cue. Yeah, that's long and short of it, yeah.
we are assuming that you agreed to come tonight because you believe us that we had nothing to do with the death of satan bormar is that the or you're at least willing to hear us out is that the case lissa speaks out first says i killed satan you didn't kill satan no skin off my nose vico killed satan that's what the paper said and the paper said that wasn't true lady briar says i mean
No offense, Alyssa. Did Bournemouth. Wow. Just shrugs. How come we're the suspects? How is this the less tense meeting that we have today? Or the more tense meeting that we have today?
I'm trying to figure out how we are the number one suspects who win. Everyone else is like, who gives a crap? The guy's dead. Well, right. We were sad. You were in a room with the murder weapon that belonged to your friend. I think the why you were the suspect. Anyway, Vigo did it. We made him confess. It's true. I'm going to show you the recording, but spend some time anyway. We and I imagine you don't like the idea.
of taking the clan into a war against all of the other criminal elements in the city. And we know from internal information, if you don't already, that that is what Ellira is planning to do. She's already planned hits on Tyrant's desk, some of the dragon marked houses. It seems like this is bad for everyone's business. The door opens and Hutch walks in.
See, I told you, he just always hedges about invitations to parties. I'm glad you're here. Yeah, we need to talk about something after. Not this thing. So... Lady Braggus. Oh, secret meetings. Focus up. No, it's... I'm sorry. I'm trying. I've been running a lot more meetings than I usually do. That is true. And you've been doing them very well. This is not what I usually do in this... Usually I try very hard not to talk in these situations.
But we don't want

Ensuring Clan Stability

Milo to gunk it up, so. Anyway, Bigo killed Sidon and framed us for it. Did we know if Tarvel explained what our alternate plan is? Tarvel did not tell you that he did. Tarvel arranged the meeting for you all to... Whatever you think of... A lot of the people in this room want to be in charge.
Yeah, I think as Tarvel was laying out everyone's motivations to you, it kind of became apparent that it's not convincing them. It's more about convincing them to let us install Eren as opposed to convincing them to betray Allira. Eris was mostly just concerned about step one. Yeah. Lady Briar wants more power. She's never going to be the head of the clan. And she knows that.
Grum is not. Grum's a dwarf. Right. So, same. Right, knows that he's not. Right. It's really just Alyssa or Del, right? Alyssa, I think. Alyssa's the only Boromar. Yeah, and she wants more power. So surely, surely no one who's not a Boromar expects to take and take over the Boromar Clan.
Well, given the sort of sense that you try to be opportunistic about it, Lady Briar could also be check worthy to know. I mean, Lady Briar probably also could foresee a real dum-dum like Dell getting installed as head of the clan and her being his advisor. Like Lady Briar would be amenable to a puppet to control his head of the clan. Certainly makes sense.
Grum just doesn't want to have to go deal with those horrifying bugs every day. That's all Grum wants. Like, I want to talk. You are empowering yourself. But, hope. This is not the time for coercion. Right. And I can't loom myself. True. I've tried. I thought it was flexible enough. Sorry, you can get that. So I don't know. I just, I don't, I didn't take enough talking. You can talk in a capacity to add boosts or potentially an upgrade to Aeris' inevitable negotiation check. Okay. Alright.
or detrimental things like Milo. Depends on what you say. We are. You mentioned the Citadel to somebody who was hunted by the Dark Lanterns. It's going to be bad. We brought you here for this. We want for you to believe us when we tell you that we are not the cause of the upheaval in the clan right now. He says. Bless you. Thank you, Del. Guys, the guy's nice. There's no getting around it. Whatever you need to hear from us to plead our case, we're willing to do that. But the larger point is we believe
that for the stability of the clan we all need to work together to install someone as leadership. Lissa says agreed. We believe that an immediate transition requires Tarble. He says uh we have a plan to get Eren back to install her as the leader of the clan until you all can have some sort of formal agreement on who should step who should move forward with it perhaps if that's where it comes down but. Eren's a person that
No one objects to working with. Right. She's not going to cause trouble for your businesses. She's not going to destabilize things. You won't immediately run into a gang war or a shootout with the cops. With Aaron. And I think we all know that that's true. We need to bring order to things. And then negotiations can take place on who gets what out of it. But
I mean obviously there are going to be opportunities here for everyone but there aren't going to be any the way that Illyra is going to run things.
Did we catch, when we started, when, and I retroactive check, I get it, when Eris was just straight up saying, Vigo did it, Vigo did it. What does the look of the people in the room look like? Like, yeah, we know? Or was there anyone who looked surprised that we still believe that? Because obviously that's the story. Nobody was surprised that you still believe that. I mean, no, because it's very much, the response is very much like, that's kind of what they would expect you to say because
That's... I'm just trying to think if we should say, and the kicker is we're gonna replace her with Pico in the Dreadhold. Some people might be down with that, but I don't think we need to be drinking. Yeah. Lady Briar. I think Lady Briar would be super down with that. Yeah. To Aerys's where it says, but I really do think that it would behoove us to begin negotiations now. You all are going to get Aeron out of the Dreadhold, so...
presumably she'll heed your words and any promises you made to facilitate her transfer of power so i'm rather interested in where

Strategic Planning for Eren's Leadership

we could land in this brave new world what is it you want yes where would you like to land i've been doing this not quite saying what we mean thing all day
Keeping in mind, we are not power brokers, but you can tell us where you want to land. Well, I'm and she looks at Grum. First and foremost, I want me and the Delvers out of the cogs. Would you still be Delvers then? No. Okay. An astute observation. We'll be the new Black Clamps. Current Black Clamps are going to side with the Lyra no matter what you do, so they'll need to be dealt with, probably killed. And we'll take up that charge in the wake. I mean, that doesn't bother me. Not at all.
Lissa kind of turns and looks at Dell in a rather inscrutable way. Dell is too busy looking at everyone sitting around the table, so Dell doesn't notice her looking at him. We'll still need Delvers, though. Still need people going down there and finding things. Generates too much income for the client to not have anybody down there. I'm more than willing to give up and let Dell get a promotion if Dell wants to head up the Delvers.
And Dell kind of eyebrows go up and... Do you want to do that, Dell? Give me a perception check. Ah ha, been charged! I mean, it's... Too purple. I have succeeded with one threat. Okay. The success. Dell, like, looks at Lissa and immediately switches to a, well, yeah, sure, I, yeah. But that brief moment was terror on his face. Like, absolutely not. I'm a middle manager and I'm comfortable with that.
No, I think that create a bit more stability in both the Ravens and the Delvers. If Dell took over that and we can start recruiting for a new batch of Delvers in the wake of it. And Dell just kind of, if that's where we will land on everything, then I guess that's, that's where we'll land. Well, look, I mean, yes, there will still need to be Delvers. Sure. But we're talking about, we're not talking about laying out all of the reorganizing that might have to take place in the wake of this. We're laying out, what do you all need to be on board?
Oh, I believe that's... I would need assurances that me and Grom will take over the Black Clamps and all of our people will come with us out of the cogs and begin doing that work, unless it says, and I would want Del to take over the Delvers and I'll hold on to the Ravens. Why does that help you? What do you mean? Why does it help you? I'm an advocate for Del. I know that he does good work.
I want, is it perception? Yeah, he makes me a perception check. I want to perceive that. Now she's better than Dell, right? Well, she's an active participant. Dell was just passively like, do you notice? But for her, it's going to be too red and a purple is the difficulty. Boy, I'm not going to pass that. I don't, I mean. I probably won't either. Yeah. Oh, and take a point of strain to erase from your threat. You know, here's the thing.
If we're looking to get out of more and more business, who gives a crap what their plans are with the Delvers? I don't need to roll through reds. F that. Okay. That's gonna bite us into that, but no, but here we are. No, listen, we are operating under the assumption that I believe we can all... Sorry, real quick. Just to, I don't know, saying it now might be...
There's some history with the Ravens that Milo would absolutely know about, and presumably you all would also know because it was a fairly recent event, kind of like, stardish of the campaign. Lissa hasn't been the leader of the Ravens for a super long time. Basically the duration of the campaign is how long Lissa's been in charge. Rorick Boromar was the head of the Ravens, who was Satan's uncle and Lissa's dad.
but in the middle of the night Rorik fell from one of the towers and there weren't any guards around to catch him and so he just died in the fall so whether or not this is relevant i'll leave that to you all but that is information
terms of Alyssa. What's Hutch looking like? Hutch is just watching and kind of passively like making note of the conversations and what's going on but you gotta get the vibe that unless somebody's going to directly address Hutch he's... I'm hoping this does the thing like at the end of a staff meeting where everything that has been brought up breaks into their attenuate groups to discuss it and I can sign a love to Hutch at the end and be like what do you think man?
Yeah. Hoping. That's my plan. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I'm not going to address him when everyone's paying attention

Clan Backing and Suspicion of Foul Play

to us. Well, it sounds like we all aren't too contentious in our alignment to what we need. So as long as you all are willing to broker that with Aaron, then it sounds like you have some people on board. So I'm going to need a negotiation check to see if everyone kind of trusts that you all will be able to follow through on this stuff.
I mean there is for negotiation and you'll get a couple of I'm difficulty with this group is going to be one red to purple and you get a boost from Hobbs little bit of talking is it worth saying something about like we're not
the arbiters of this like we just we're all saying we believe that Erin will but but that's part of the thing is they are saying you all are getting Erin out of the dry hold Erin is going to be you right so this is part of what you need to cash in for right and that's what we're still operating under the because we're not talking to you before we get her out are we no yeah no yeah I'm surely they're aware of that yeah yeah she would be grateful for other people backing her so
And I'll spend a story point. Yeah, I'll flip it back. Yeah. Give us another one. I'll flip the story point. That's how it works, right? It's a good pool. Mostly a good pool. Well, yeah, the bad dice are bad, but we need them for the game to work. True. I appreciate that you understand. I don't like it, but I do understand it. For success. Okay. Everyone kind of looks around and nods and is in agreement. And the only thing that, as everyone is like, well, okay, yeah, it seems like
It's the easiest meeting I've ever had in a Boar Maw capacity, Lady Briar says with a chuckle. You all can tell very easily, Del is shook and not super jazzed about how all of that went. But Lady Briar and Grum get up and Lady Briar looks at you. If there's nothing else, then I suppose that's that.
I guess so. Well, you know where to find us when this whole coup kicks off. Let us know and we'll be there. Right? Very well. Hobbes, I mean, you've said we've noticed a Dalby. I think Hobbes is a Lady Briar of the Horde. Perhaps consider leaving one of your Delvers who enjoys the work to be a second for BC. It's not Briar. She's bringing the Delvers, I see what you're saying.
As you catch Lady Briar near the door and whisper that as everyone else begins talking, Lady Briar looks at you hot and says, you were down there. You saw what we deal with every day going down there. None of my people want to be down there. Nobody wants to remain. All right, sure. Some people dig it. That's all I'm saying. No, you had one.
There are plenty of people that love excavating and finding treasures, but with what the horror is that lie beneath this city, it's not worth it. And if Dell lacks such a spine as to not stand up for himself, then that's none of my business. Fine. And Grum kind of... I'm not here to fix these degenerates! If they're... if they want to pack that way, they can! And Grum kind of looks at Hob and nods and is like, sure man, sure.
It's awful. He'll be dead in a week, but nothing we can do. Yeah. I mean, he could say... His staff will be dead. He could say, no, I don't want to do this. Like, that's the thing that could be done. Yeah, but that's not Dell. And anyway, Bliss will probably just kill him eventually anyway, so. All right, so that's what's up, Finn. Like, she doesn't like Dell. I mean, most of the Ravens wish Dell was running things. Does she hate everyone? Is she just like a hateful, nasty person? She likes people that like listening to her.
Okay, so she's like a cruel, tyrannical person that would be quite happy to just cold-bloodedly murder the nicest guy in the clan. Yeah, because he's in her way. Got it. Yep. Sure. Alright. You just made that.
We had some demands. Listen, I definitely wanted to be in charge of something. What was it? If Hutch has it. Yeah, Hutch has not left. Also because Eris said we need to talk afterwards. Oh, I forgot about that.
Yeah, so what? Climbers are disappearing. What? How do you... What? Hobb said something about it. What? Or somebody said something about it. Hobb did not. Tarble. Tarble said something about it. Everybody looks at Hobb. Tarble said something about it. I'll make some stuff up about it. Yeah, just I've noticed there was one of my old Warforged buddies went missing and just a couple of other people that I have kept in contact with since the morning that have gone off the radar and it just...
Seems like too much for coincidence. Yeah to be nothing. So okay. Look we pull this off Then after that Are you familiar with the concept of a spin-off? Like in stories? Yeah. Yeah, I'm going to need you to continue your thoughts. So I can understand what you're saying Oh one I want in I want I want to know you and me go and go deal with the current deal with that because that's not cool Yeah, that'd be great. Yeah, I appreciate that
have to pull this part off first because you know those people actively trying to murder me yeah yeah so if you can help with that well i mean and kind of gestures you jack this other person might be trying to murder you too but who wait what the person coming after kyron refugees oh yeah
Right. Okay. That's good. Yeah, that's frack. How many people aren't? It'd be easier to count the number of people that don't want Eris dead. This is a long list. Was there anything else that y'all wanted to... I mean, Eris kind of took care of it. It made more sense for her too anyway, so I don't think Hob needs to. Like, if Eris feels like she knows that Hutch is on board,
Oh, I don't know if Eris has concluded that Hutch is on board. Eris has concluded that Hutch is on board with Buddy Cop spin-off after things settle down. As the

Minimizing Casualties and Cunning Strategies

others leave, and Tarvel's obviously hanging around, but Hutch kind of says to you all, like, listen, whenever this happens, I can't promise that I'll be shoulder to shoulder with you all. I can tell you that the goals will not be. The goals will be on Alira's side. But it's not because they like Alira.
it's not because they align with Elira and her values, it's because Nessa views honor and duty as the paramount thing. She doesn't serve the leader of the Boromar Clan, she serves the Boromar Clan and whoever the leader is, is who she serves. So just if you can minimize the body count.
right the goals i would consider that a great mercy i can't promise they will afford you the same but i hate hutch yeah if we gave you a good heads up on timing how hard would it be for you to make sure that nessa is just not near things that could help she's just in a difficult to reach part of the city and it's no cell service can't maybe by the time she can get back it's all over and
Then I mean yeah something that you all could give me to help facilitate that not right now But once we get closer is whatever your plan of attack ends up being or something that the girls need to go deal with Well that what I'm saying is whatever your plan is it ends up being? create documents for an attack that you don't actually intend to do like on the peer lads and
shipping stuff. And if I get my hands on that and control it, Vanessa, goals go deal with that. Or at least some of the goals go deal with that. That would get them out of the way. Yeah. I think. Yeah. Okay. Cool. So good talk. Sure. Anything else you all need for me? Thank you for being here. Yeah. And at least hearing us out, it means a lot that you were able to, were willing to do that much.
Yeah, I hope things go well and I hope none of the other people that were here stab you in the back as they are wont to do. And then he and I do our secret handshake. Which is just an arm wrestle. It's the predator handshake. And Hutch gets up and leaves and Tarble, well, I think that categorically can only be identified as a win. Yes, Tarble went well.
being categorized as an optimist, buddy. I mean, they listed their demands, you said yes, and everyone left happy. Look, I'm cautiously optimistic, yes. I can't pretend I'm not.
How will Aaron feel about their demands? I mean, Aaron didn't have a whole lot of contact with Lady Briar prior to going in, but I don't. We need black lamps, and if we have something to fill that hole, then all's the better. She never really cared for Lissa, but Lissa's a member of the family, and so her retaining her position, it's not gonna be a huge ask from Aaron.
Parent, Del's sweet, Aaron probably wouldn't, all things being he will send him down to run the Delvers also because that's not Del's skill set, but if that's part of the transfer of power and we need Delvers then... I mean, we can find someplace else for him to be, right? Listen, it makes perfect sense to have the current second in command of one of the people to take over the Delvers. I'm not going to offer up Corrin, who is currently second in command of the Peerlads, to do that.
So, Dell's the only other one. Unless you want to send Hutch. So no, I think Aaron would be amenable. It sounds like it's a punishment demotion for the leader of the Gulls when we take over. Or Gulls when we take over. I mean, Aaron knows Nessa. Aaron won't begrudge Nessa standing by.
the clan. Alright. I'm just

Leadership Role Debates

done with solutions. I mean that is a viable option. I'm just kidding. Yeah, maybe not NASA, maybe a goal. Yeah. But well, what's what's the next step? You said you have your shrinking potions. Yeah, make some more stuff. Okay. I've got the shrinking part down. Okay. And then we have to get Vigo.
How are you going to do that? We have arrangements. Oh, mysterious. Very well. You don't know. The more you know, the less you know, the better it is. I like knowing things. Terrible thing to say. Who doesn't like knowing things? It's for fun. Brother, if I didn't know half the stuff, I know my life would be so much more pleasant. OK. I just want to be a hot dummy in the world. And yeah, here I am. Well, appreciate everything that you all have been doing. And I will just kind of wait for next steps from you all. Do I need to communicate anything to Aaron? I mean, we've talked about the Vigo situation.
What's her thought on that? Didn't take it super well, but she understands that he's not even the person that she knew before she went in. And the person that she knew killed two people. So I know we've talked about how long she's been. I've just forgotten. It's been about just under 10 years. Okay. That's what I thought. Does she know he killed Sidon?
I mean, I told her. And she doesn't have any reason to not believe it. But she's starting to pick up on the fact it's kind of a matter of time before he ends up someplace like that anyway. But sorry about your son. Well, I'm saying if we transport him through, she's not going to. She is aware that that is a possibility.
Well, it needs to be more than a possibility. It's more like a probability. That is the thing on which all of this is based. What we don't need is for her to wait around until he's unmoused to see if it's him and then have a change of heart. Yeah. No. Aaron also knows that too much is writing on all of this. So her, like I said, she's practical. Her reluctance will be put aside. But I will shore that up with her. I will have another conversation.
Can I be in the room to loom about? I don't know if that would work via letter because they send letters back and forth. I could draw a picture of this is who's standing behind me and this is how he's looking. He's very angry at you. So. As your potentialities. All right well I'm going to head back I'll talk to Erin and let her know that it's an eventuality rather than a possibility that Vigo will be the one to take her place in there. All right well yeah just let me know once you have Vigo going.
Got another coin for me. Oh sure and I guess he would know best if it's the right time to bring up the Negotiations or if it needs to wait till she's actually out. So I'll leave that up to his discretion I mean, I could let her know what is expected of her. All right. Yeah, cuz you know, maybe like slow play the Dell thing cuz it doesn't really seem all that reasonable and doesn't seem like the sort of thing that you're like gonna say and
No, I will not listen to your orders because you did not arrange the death of my second-in-command. Yeah. Like, he could do something else. We could find a place for him to get out from under Lissa. Yeah. Or she can. I mean, the Ravens would like Del to be in charge of the Raven. They would like rather have less to go somewhere else. Less to go somewhere else, but... Well...
That can also be arranged, just not by us. Listen, this is my niece, so I don't want to- Whatever kind of conversations you all are treading towards, I would rather not be privy to. Go ahead, go ahead. We're vibing with the guy who's sending his son to the- Harris quickly starts erasing. Alright, so it's relatively late now, Rafin's starting to close up shop, so you all just heading home?
Yeah, Iris is gonna go work on teleportation devices. Okay, yeah. Hob's gonna do that thing where he says, do you need help? She says no, and he says, cool. Okay. And he's gonna go sit in his room and eat cabbage and chicken. Stare at the wall! I mean, you can hang out if you don't have anything else to do. Apparently, there's a madman on the loose chasing cairns, so...
Oh yeah, we do need to talk about mitigation for that for you. I mean, like, I know you can handle yourself, but I also don't like trusting you to handle yourself if I am still alive. Well, there's like a 10-foot tall forearm golem that lives with me. Yeah, I know that guy's pretty tough. Yeah, I'm wondering the... You can... You can stay. No, I get it, Harris. You can stay. You're taking care of yourself. You can stay.
Under the the body that was found that Verla was questioning me about, I wonder if Chiron, perhaps. I thought that was Okon. Okon, the right. Okon, yes. No, never mind. Okay, so as you all head out to head back down to the other parts of the city, I'm gonna do a cut to where we're in an upper level of the city and just the third person perspective of what you see

Dramatic Conclusion and Future Events

you see somebody running down an alleyway. You all the players would recognize it's prima fit urban who like the gala that you stole from who'd figured out how to use dragon shards about elementals for mill hatch industries is sprinting down an alleyway breathing heavily and rounds a corner and is caught by a hand around his throat and is lifted up in the air. And no, he's just like, no, try to make the rain.
And smoke begins to like furl from his mouth as then like his face turned like like fire from within as he gets to let out a scream as he's burned from the inside and then the hand just lets him go and he falls in the alleyway and turns and walks away. End of episode.
No wonder Verla

Audience Interaction and Support

was talking to Milo. Thank you all so much for listening. If you want to hear the conversations surrounding this episode, you can head over to our Discord, the link to which you can find on all of our socials, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, at the Geek Pantheon YouTube channel with TTRBG content, slash the Geek Pantheon. Philip, go. And on the Laughing Tree channel on YouTube, you will find another actual play using 5th edition rules called Kyber Shards. I'm the GMX player. If you want to financially support the shows, you can do so over at slash the Geek
or you can buy some merch over at the I've been your Game Master, Eric. I have been Philip. I'm Randy. Always Jeff. See you next time.