This is the risk. When you have such a large profile via social media and something goes wrong, and you're the front person for the business, then there is associated collateral damage. And Collar Group, frankly, I don't think is ever going to recover while Stevenson is in charge. Nothing against Ephraim personally, but it's just the association and certainly the fairly strong negative publicity that he's received about communication or lack of it in terms of many heads being cut at Collar and just the whole process of returning the control of the group to himself. Yeah, I think you're right. The contrast between the silence now, you know, having gone from such a very vocal marketing machine, very self promoting of himself and and what he was doing and most, you know, most posts you can go back through his LinkedIn profile and have a good look through. But the contrast to that of the absolute silence now, the absolute lack of any communication at all, whether that's just to say, hey, I'm back in business as usual, whether he doesn't want to say anything about it, obviously the way he conducts himself is his own business. But to say nothing, I think is really telling to to have no public