Dopey 473: How I Smuggled Dope from India in a Dildo Made of Heroin with Louie M! The Ultimate Gay Drug Smuggler Episode! MDMA! Bolivian Cocaine! Surviving HIV! Long Term Recovery! image
E473 · Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction
Dopey 473: How I Smuggled Dope from India in a Dildo Made of Heroin with Louie M! The Ultimate Gay Drug Smuggler Episode! MDMA! Bolivian Cocaine! Surviving HIV! Long Term Recovery!
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16 days ago

This week on Dopey! In a super special new Dopey! We are joined by one of the greatest Dopey storytellers in the history of the show! Louie Mandrapillias - the gay weed kingpin of Houston tells a Dopey story unlike all Dopey stories which starts innocently enough in Shreveport Louisiana and winds up in India smuggling heroin back to New York City up his butt in a dildo shaped  condom. There are too many incredible Dopey stories to ruin in this description! PLUS voicemails from Australia, a letter from prison and so much more in a super extra special new episode of the good old Dopey Show!

- MDA and studio 54
- speedballs
- trafficking drugs from india
- opium den
- bhagwan compound
- smuggling heroin in a condom
- DEA search at the airport
- projecting drug use onto random people when you're high
- bolivian cocaine, getting caught
- avoids jail time with nepotism
- heroin from bangkok smuggling tek
- HIV positive
- spontaneous recovery awakening
- LA AA scene
