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C3 Episode 11 Jail Break Chapter Two image

C3 Episode 11 Jail Break Chapter Two

Eberron Renewed
440 Plays4 months ago

Down down down the hole

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction of Hosts

oh um with the coach orange twenty radio at your gamers role radio
Hello and welcome to everyone review natural play podcasts at the everyone campaign sitting I am your game master Eric I'm Mia. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. Welcome to another episode.

Recap of Previous Adventure

What happened last time, everyone? Well, Eric, the three... What people would think we started using AI instead of actually recording, just to make our lives sincere? We did a prison convoy escape and found a hiding spot underground where we were vested by a puzzle and now we're going deeper underground where I'm sure it'll be fine.

Descent into the Unknown

ah for yeahs okay surely cool Yeah, you all descend the stairs. There's still a greenish glow coming up from below. And basically what the platform looks like is it raised up as you can see an open section.
that clearly had stairs leading down, but other than that, it was a closed stairwell. So it's not like you all are descending into and like an open, oh, God, I fell off the stairs. So you all are heading down, but you can see a faint green light coming up from down below the stairs, and it's getting brighter as you go down further and further. And what's the walking order that we're going in? Kaz in front? Cool. Yeah, I think so. I do you think he's just like slide and starts going. Okay. I'll be next he might ask I meant to check for traps really quickly actually now before he walks down now I think about it Since they did such a good job of it earlier, but but he is going to go first Okay, check me for traps. I've been going check check traps at the top of the stairs real quick. So going real for me. Okay Wisdom base check that is a natural 20
Oh, you are confident that there will be no mechanical traps anywhere on these stairs because they move. And it would be really hard to like set up poison arrows shooting out of the wall on a moving staircase. He's going to look down there and just be like, yeah, yeah you're good. Probably fine. Yes. you say no And that is enough for him. He starts moving. Okay. As you all get close to the bottom of the stairs, everyone give me either a wisdom or charisma check. will do with. Okay. Big difference.

Mystical Ennui and Its Source

and The modifiers on those. Ten. It didn't do anything. That's a nine.
21 Charisma check. Okay, so Marigold and Avant, you all don't really notice anything. You're just going down the stairs. Very ready to get out of this like creepy, dungeon-y kind of space. Has you really noticed that you're feeling a greater sense of ennui?
and apathy, like, your, like, motivation is really starting to sap from you, but you you notice it happening. It's it's happening to Avid and Marigold as well. You all just don't clock it as happening. You're just kind of, you know, the drudgery of all this is getting to you is kind of what you would think in your head. But Kaz, you notice that there's something off about the fact that this is happening, because you were in a pretty heightened state at the top of the stairs, so apathy really doesn't make sense.
Yeah, think I think Cass is like, hey, how come my heart's kind of not jumping out of my chest anymore? I don't- You're not having a panic attacking me. I can't imagine that's the case because I am in no less danger than I was earlier and I've been hurt today and I'm okay with that.
ah's just gonna shrub i don't know what you want me to tell you kid I'm also starting to not care that you keep calling me kid. Something's messed up, right? Am I just, is it me? And then I think, unfortunately, because he also is feeling on, we have nobody to gas with him on this, he's like, okay. I don't know, man, it feels weird. I don't know, it feels weird, but he keeps walking because that's the way down.
Yeah, you you all get to the bottom of the stairs and the greenish glow persists, but there's also kind of it's low enough to where it really is only impacting your ankles, maybe wisping up a little bit higher. There's kind of a grayish fog on the floor as you reach the bottom of the stairs and step out and you see a you enter a large ish room. It's about 25 feet across, 40 feet long that you enter into. And there is a hallway that extends on the far side of the room that just goes straight is kind of what you see when you initially get down here. ah In terms of what's in this room, you see some tables.
along the walls, some cabinetry and long tables up against the wall that would appear to be kind of like countertops. But you see peppered around the room sitting in chairs and stuff, skeletons kind of draped over the table and like sitting in some of the chairs is ah what you see. And in fact, you see two large looking, ah what would have been large dogs, but the skeletons are laying near some of the tables as well, just kind of all over the Well, that's not exciting. I mean, as soon as Cass sees skeletons, he looks for the next way out. Can I do a perception to see? You you clocked it immediately. It's on the far side. on the far if There's a hallway that extends out. If you want to search for like secret doors and stuff, you can do that. But you did immediately clock like yeah the next path forward. OK, I'm just trying to figure out. I don't. He's just so dumb what he put together, what Jeff has put together.
I guess, i can

Combat in the Manifest Zone

I roll an intelligence check to see if I'm putting together the fact that I don't feel scared anymore and also these people died here seemingly casually? Sure. Like, doesn't count if it hits the floor with it because it's a bummer because that was a good roll. Okay. Would it be intelligence or wisdom? What would you... Intelligence. Because I guess you're not going to let me get away with charisma, so...
No. That is a natural 20. So a 20. Ow. Three intelligence. A large success. I had a lot of natural 20s in this session. So you only start down that line of thinking, Kaz, of, wait, I'm feeling really casual. These people seem to have died in a very casual manner. But then like thinking about the concept of death is really what kind of slide the piece, the last piece of the puzzle into place of realizing that He hasn't been gone for a while, but some things have never changed, and he would have had this kind of baseline knowledge that the rumored... I mean, fantasy worlds are so weird, because people have died and then come back to life, so you would actually probably have a better grasp on the afterlife than the real world. So, you've heard stories about the fact that some people have died and gone to the plane of Doleur, which is the plane of death, and then been resurrected back. But the general feeling that they expressed
while for the short time that their soul was in Dolar is like their sense of agency, ambition, and personhood was slowly seeping away. Their apathy and ennui would set in as their soul was there. You also know that planes can have manifest zones of areas where their power is great.
And so you probably just in time for one of the skeletons hands to twitch slightly, you realize, oh, we're in a manifest zone for the plane of death. And I need initiative as you all step out of the stairs. The skeletons kind of come up right and they're all their heads turn slowly and their empty eye sockets stare at you.
ah you okay yes now we are partying so i've been dexterity modifier and level or just dexterity dexterity and level yes four okay eight 22 you Finally getting away from those twos I was rolling for the first. Well, not really. 22. Oh, Jeff, I was going to say you have advantage on this roll because you clocked it before things happen. So if you want to roll again to see if you can get even higher, you can. Yeah, let's do it. I cannot. That was a two. You summoned it back.
I was like, you know, nad pod always have, they have the two crew because they roll too soft. And I not as good at this game as they are, but I feel like I belong with them now. Okay. Well, thankfully I got defense spells still in this bag because. Are you still hurt? No, you're you.
No, but I have a feeling one of us will get hurt and my healing spells are still available to us for the next couple of hours at least. Okay. so okay We have Kaz, then one group of skeletons, another group of skeletons, then the dogs, then Avant, then Miracles.
And a group of Skeletons, I always say Skellington, things to remember for Christmas. The group of Skeletons is that, well, I guess I'll just see. I won't ask now. There are some that have swords that they have brandished and others that have bows that they have brandished. It seems like they will operate in groups based upon that, if that makes sense. There's some of them are archers, some of them are warriors. So.
Yeah, I'll say your note. That doesn't feel fair. Kaz, the twitching hand, the first one that moves, Kaz just automatically goes, no and like flings his hand and does his best approximation of what he assumes a magical person's hand gesture is like, because he knows, okay, some reason he can do this now. And it's going to be a... attack spell.
Which means you roll your warp, right? Yeah, so I gotta roll my warp. Do you have that up? Yeah. Okay. It's a one. I fly, right? Yep. You can fight until the end of your next turn. Okay, so as soon as he makes this gesture with his hand, his feet come off the ground. How high, Eric? Two feet? Does that... Yeah, Eric? Sounds about right. It's like with the twos. And I am levitating. As it's levitating, he doesn't know why, but he knows he needs to do something. So he is going to cast, I'm just going to do my once per battle spell. Yeah, I have a question. It doesn't really affect anything. If I have one once per battle spell at level one, is that one that I can use? I can use it. Like if we get another battle before the next time I caress up, I get another one, right?
that I get two once per battles in the next battle. It's gone. You get it you get it as a chaos means you get one once per battle per arc. OK, that's what it is. Right. Well, I'm going to use it because here we are. All right. It targets one enemy and that. This is my understanding. That might change. OK. Yeah. Fair enough. Yeah. um Nothing is set in stone until we set it there. Nineteen to hit one of the the first. What are you targeting? The first skeleton that moved. Just what what which of their defenses are you targeting?
Oh, I'm sorry. Physical. I apologize, you're right. Yeah. Physical. Physical defense. Okay. Nineteen. That hits. Yep. Okay. Great. Then... Oh, wait. What did I roll? No, I rolled an odd number. Did a natural even thing, but it doesn't count. So, and that is gonna be... seven damage to that skeleton. Seven damage. Okay. And what does the spell look like?
like the attack. I think we're still dialing in so I think he just does this thing with his hand and I think just like a little spurt of magic like almost like a bullet like it's not a ray it's not a beam it's just like oh a magic shoots across and pops this guy in his very exposed rib cage. Nice. Okay and since you have access to flight do you want to fly straight the the ceilings are like 10 feet tall so do you want to fly straight up to be out of so you can't be rushed and physically attacked? yeah Yeah, because I don't know that it ends at the animatic's turn yet. So I think I'm going to get real cocky about the fact that I'm flying. And yes, I'm going to go up in the air. And I'm going to... Okay. Yeah. but Well, the one that you just hit is going to attack next. So they're going to aim their bow at you. And that's a 20 versus your AC. Yeah, man. So seven damage. Okay. And then another one's going to attack Avant. So 17 to hit your AC.
Yes. Seven damage. And that's a natural 20 on Marigold. Okay. So that was going to be seven plus one. So eighth damage. As the arrows come flying at you all, finding purchase. And then the ah skeletal warriors ones with the swords are going to rush. They would have gone after Kaz, but Kaz is out of reach now and they don't have a ranged option. So they're going to go after Abbot. It's a 14 to hit your AC. Just hits. Four damage. Hidoki. 21. And then the dogs. One dog is going to attack Marigold. It's a 12 to hit your AC. Yep, I think. Yep. Eight damage. And Abbot, that is a 11 to hit your AC. Missed.
Okay. ah Very productive round for them. Yeah. Evan, your turn. You have three, no, not three. You have a group of five skeletal, like sword bearing, the five sword bearing skeletons on you and one skeletal dog, skeletal hound. As a verbal reminder to myself, I did have a slime doncher. I did not use that. Okay. So let's see. It's what and you currently do not have momentum. Yeah, I don't. me
All right. I'll wait. No, that one does not give me momentum. I want momentum. All right. So we're just going to do an evasive strike. OK. And we're going to do that on the whichever is closest to me. So like I'm assuming one of the dogs said just bit me. Right.
We're tempted to. The dog missed you. the yeah So the the skeletal warriors are what's known as a like they're a minion group basically. So they operate as one. So you would just attack them as a group or you can attack a singular hound.
I want to attack the Skelly boys. Okay. And that answered my question. Thank you. All right. I'm going to do that with my attack. Shit. That's a What are you attacking? They're AC. Oh, I guess they're AC. That hits.
All right. And by whoopings, where did it go? Okay. Plus my dexterity damage. Is that just my E? So evasive strike. Weapon plus dexterity damage. So what weapon are you using? My short sword. Okay. So short sword is 1d8 damage. So 1d8 plus your dexterity.
so Okay. So that's a eight. I'll make note of that. Eight. Okay. I'm assuming that was a modifier and not just my straight. Yes. Your own dexterity modifier. Yep. And you can pop free from the target. So you are still engaged with the hound, but not the ah warriors. All right. I'll take that. And would you like to try to move or? No. Take my, we'll stay where I am. Okey dokey. It is now Marigold's turn.
Great. Where um how are they at? So you have one hound up on you that just bit you. And then you have three archers nearby, but not directly up on you. And then all of the sword wheeling ones in the other hound are by Abbott.
Can I use magic missile on the hound that's close to me? Let me double check because he's engaged with you that might trigger an opportunity attack. That will double check. So magic missile is a ranged spell. So you would need to either take a move action to try and disengage first or take an opportunity attack.
Let's take a move action to try to disengage. Move action. Okay. So go ahead and roll your D20 for me. You'd be getting 11 or higher. And give me just one second. I'm getting a phone call by ADS. Okay. And a positive recording. Yeah. Got a 12. Okay. So you were able to disengage and move up to your speed so you can back up away from the Hound. ah And then who are you shooting with your magic missile? I was going to shoot that Hound.
okay perfect so you roll first time you cast it you roll 1d2 so the d4 divided by 2 so what'd you get a 1 okay so you can do it for one round so this round you get to shoot a missile so it is five force damage against the hound nice what does marigold's magic missiles look like I think they're just like a blast of like white light that goes straight out. Nice. Cool. Okie dokie. And that is in the end of the first round. So Escalation Dice is now at one, everyone. So add one to all of your D20 rolls. Kaz, you are dancing on the ceiling.
Yes, and he doesn't know what to do, but to try to do something else with a spell. So the only thing he has left are defense spells. And so I think he's just he's he's he feels bad, real, real bad. And so he's just going to be like, I wonder if I can fix this. And he's good. OK, the only at will defensive style I have is called Chaos Blessing.
So I rolled a four, which means I've got it right here in my tables tab. I or one of my nearby allies gets seven temporary hit points and I'm going to take those. That's fair. I am so close to die. And how many, how many dice are left in your bag? I have one left, so I got a refill. So throw everything back in. So everything's back on the table, friends. welloo That is quite a para process.
Yeah. And then it's the end of my next turn, so I fall to the ground, I guess, because I didn't know that was going to happen. Thank goodness you have to lose your hit points. Do I take some sort of falling 10 feet? Mm-hmm. So 1d6, one point of damage. You got it. And I just get up and rub my elbow like, man, I have no need for a quick action. OK. The archers are going to do what they did before. So first arrow coming at Kaz, 17 to hit. Yeah, they hit. Really low AC. Cool.
Seven damage. damage Goodbye, temporary hit points. And also one not so temporary one. Avent, that is only 10 to hit your AC. That's a miss. And Marigold, that is a natural one. Thank goodness. Also, I was wrong about what it took to hit earlier, so the last one did not hit me, so. Okay, fair enough. Give that back.
I was getting worried. And then the warriors are going to attack and that is a natural 11, which makes it a 17 to hit your AC. Yeah. Four damage. I am, I'm goat weight. You're a goat weight? Yes. I'm goat weight.
Oh, I, yeah, I'm gonna use Slide Dodger, which is once perfect. It's just adding an escalation to all of my defenses against his tech, so he doesn't even do anything. So do you want to wait to use that instead of there where it would be pointless? Yep. So four damage, and now the Hound is going to attack you. and
13 to hit. No. Okay. And the Hound attacking Marigold is going to attack. Natural one. It's all right. Oh, okay. Abbot, your turn. I'm not looking great. Do what you gotta do. All right. Oh, I guess that's good for me to remember I do.
I will, I will do a, is what is the range for staggered? Is that an effect on myself? Like from my health points or? Staggered is when you have less than half of your max hit points. Okay. Well, then can't do that one.
either must be a bunch of your new unique slash rush attack i think i can still do that right over i just thought it would really matter because they're also skellies okay the so that's lovely and my thing reset I'm going to do Surecut on the Skelly group. Okay. So people see. And that is Dexterity plus the level versus AC. Is that just my modifier plus my level? You roll. I'm still die. Add your Dex month. I add your level. The way that is written is very weird. 13 plus 5 plus 190.
19 against their AC. Yes, against their AC. Hit. Yes. All right. That is, who was, thank you campaign for that text message. That is six plus five. That is 11 and no, it's just 11. Okay. You take out one of the skeleton royal warriors and severely injure another one. So good job.
Okay. Yeah. right and All right. And I, I'm just going to have to, yeah, that's it. I'm not going to move or anything. I'm just going to stay, stay there. Okay. Then it is your girl's turn. Great. So the hound rushed back up on you. Okay. Do I need to step back again to use rain frost or.
I believe so. I don't think Ray of Frost is a close quarter spell, but let me bulge. I don't think so. Yeah. Yes. So roll a d20. Oh, that's an eight. So you do not successfully move away from the Hound. So you can still cast spell. You'll just take an opportunity attack from the Hound as it bites at you while you're casting while engaged with. but Okay. Let's give it a try.
Okay, so if you start casting the spell and the hound is going to bite, that is going to hit. So that is a 23 to hit. Sure does. And that is eight damage. Okay. And because it was a natural even hit, the hound bites down on your arm as you're sending it out to cast a spell at it.
And as it pulls back, some of its teeth stay embedded in Marigold's arm. So it takes three points of damage. And at the end of your next turn, you're going to take five more damage. Okay. Oh, sorry. Three more damage. damage Sorry. so Okay. Yeah. Okay. Now you can roll your d20 plus intelligence plus level. Okay. That's going to be a six. I'll just watch. yeah what you and It's not good enough. That misses. Okay. Anything else? No.
Okay, what else do you want, Eric? I don't know, it's just asking questions. Okay, it is now the next round, so the escalation dies now to two, so add two to all of your d20 rolls. Yeah, and it is Kaz's turn. Kaz continues to cast spells he does not understand.
This time it's spike. Hey, roll that spike guys. That's a one, which is increase the number of targets by one. Perfect. So I'll attack two guys. Assuming I get an icon or an attack here, I got an attack. So I am going to attack two guys. Roll your attack warp. Right. Okay. I rolled a two. So until the end of Mike's turn, anyone that misses me with a melee attack is stuck.
Okay, you're right, so it's great. Which means I just have to stand in place and get real firthed at us. All right, now I'm gonna actually do my attack spell, which is going to get back to that part of this. I've already done my battle, I have one more arc. Oh, and also, Jeff, sorry. Yeah. I know this is a weird, like,
I don't know. this is This is how the class is intended and where the rules take. So you draw your next spell at the end. That's right. Your turn. ah Because the way the warp is supposed to work is the warp activates immediately as soon as you draw it, but you don't cast the spell until the next turn. So yeah, not a big deal, but moving forward. Yeah, so you got it. And I knew that I just hadn't been. It's brand new. So I'm going to do the same spell that I did the to the rock.
I'm going to put my hands the same way and I'm going to open my mouth. And the same blast comes out. That is a 20 to hit. Yeah, physical offense. Are you attacking an archer? Is that what you're attacking or are you attacking? Yes, I'm attacking the archers because they're attacked because that's who shot at me. So two of them. That hits. All right. That's going to be nine. No, sorry. Eight points of force damage to each of them.
And you know what? That's my attacking warp. I need to roll on the weirdness table too. You also have the high weirdness? Yes. The hidey weirdness is a talent. Or a feature. Yeah. Okay. I took it. I don't remember. So now I need to roll a D100 and let's see what happens to us. Or me. Or all of us. No, when an enemy scores a critical hit against you, you roll on the high weirdness table.
but i took the high weirdness feat so anytime i i roll my war i also do the high weird high weirdness too jesus risky yeah i thought i'd be i'm here to have fun today 39 oh there it is i roll the escalation die and use the new results so go for it eric i've been adding that either neith four okay it's not an escalation die it's not a four for everyone under shoe No, it's for everyone. Yeah, for everybody. So you add four to all roles or checks now, which I don't know, but that's OK. Yeah, the bad guys, right? No, the bad guys do not. Only very special bad guys do. Have fun. Great. Yeah. So that's what happened there. Cool. And one of the skeletal archers, the one that you initially attacked, who's hand-witched, you blast its head off and it hits the other one and does some damage. When I blast his head off, does it crumble to the ground? Because I don't know what these things can do. Yes. Yes. it it both
And I wait to see if I start to fly again and I don't. And so I look at whoever's there. Okay. The Archer that just got hit by the force beam from Kaz is going to shoot at Kaz. Sure. That is an 11 to hit. No, that does not hit. Finally. Okay. It's AC. It doesn't hit anything. but Yeah. The other one is going to shoot Marigold. That's an eight to hit. Is it rolled a natural two? That was not it.
Now the hounds or the warriors attack Avent, natural two. Oh, remember the guy that missed me is now stuck. I know they're not really running around much, but melee attacks. Right. And then the hounds are going to attack the hound on Avent attacks and gets a 20 dealing eight damage. I'm going to use once per battle my tat's luck. Just the damage you take from an attack by one d6 times your level. Did not have that one. Out. Another natural two to attack mirror gold. I think that's it. Okay, well that d6, this one is from Pokemon. and i Don't know how you're in there, but you're in there. And that was a minus of four. So what was, what did they get hit by?
The initial damage was eight. So four dicks. Minus four. Nice. And Marigold, it missed you. So now it is Avent's turn. Oh, OK. Avent is... Apologies if this is a term. Avent's bloody not having a good time. Right. At all. And... It's a recovery. Oh, I can use recoveries. You can take the rally action, which is your standard action.
OK, yeah, I'm going to do that. I forgot that existed. Can I only do one or can I do as many as I? So once for battle, you can get be guaranteed to do it, that if you want to do it again in the same battle, you have to use your quick action to make a saving throw. And if you succeed, then you can rally again. If not, then you can't. So OK. So I'm just going to do my.
recovery. So tonight, they'll think I can sneak away or anything. I would have to attack. I have to do my attack to sneak out on that same thing, which is not going to work. I'm just going to recover, which is one of these. You can use the move action to disengage if you want, but. I'm still engaged with someone though, so that's an attack of opportunity.
I'm saying that your movement action is the disengage action. Yeah, but I was looking to see if I had anything where I could, like, not get attacked from the same age. I don't want him to the die. The disengage action, if you succeed, it means they don't make an opportunity attack. OK. But if you fail, then you just can't move. So you have to roll 11 fires. What? And they still attack if I fail. I don't move and they attack.
No. If you fail and you decide to not move, then they cannot attack. Okay. So I'm going to try to disengage. Okay. Okay. Am I adding anything to that? Nope. Just roll a d20. Okay. That is my sister trying to FaceTime me. Hopefully that didn't get picked up. I said 15. Okay. So you can move without drawing an opportunity attack.
Okay, this cat man is going to like, scutter as your cats do. that yeah As far as he can, like, a tail is starting to get tucked. Hair is still raised. He's freaking frazzled. And now I'm going to go do my recovery in a quarter. Probably like, for a comedic effect. Like, he's under the table at this point. Yeah. i Literally licking his wounds. Yes. And that is an eight plus five.
Nice. And I used one. Cool. And that's all I've got. Well, you got a quick action. That's it. I do not. OK. Marigold, you got a hound on you. Oh, man. OK.
And at the end of this turn, you're going to take three points of damage. So trying to see if there's anything that I can use close up. And it does not look like there is. The wizard gets a whole lot of close quarters. Certainly not. Let's try Ray of Frost again, I suppose. Are you going to try to disengage first? Okay. Let's see. Okay. That's a 13. Nice. So yes, you can move away from your Hound again.
wonderful escalation dice is that a four right yes so add four wonderful so 18 yep that'll hit 13 ice describe how the town dies yes that's it just turns to ice and then shatters love that whole writing anything do you have a quick action you'd like to take or is that a mirror No, that's good. I need to take those three points of damage. Three points of damage, yep. Okay. And now the escalation die is at a five. Jeez. Kaz. Yes. Time to attack.

Kaz's Magical Triumph

I'm going to... How many archers are left? Two. All right. I need to... I forgot to pick my spell again at the end of the thing. I'm so sorry. yeah It's another attack, which means I roll my attacking ward, which means this whole thing up, I should have been. four Water. I gain a bonus to disengage Chet until the end of my next turn, equal to my Dex modifier.
Cool. Great. Okay. And now world high weirdness. Yup. That's the 100 satin 80, which is tables 80. I haven't even gotten to that formatting yet. It's way down here. Because use one creature, including me that has already rallied this battle. It can rally again, this battle using the same action only would as if it hadn't already rallied. So, so Mia. Yeah. If Abbott wants to rally again, you don't have to make the saving throw. Yep. Nice. Congratulations. man is going to still be under the table it's not that weird okay and then because it is an attack roll i'm going to use my second of two ones per arc that i get okay and off the table doesn't count you have pretty small rolling space today it's it's like a 23 it's definitely over 20 does that hit oh yeah wait i'm supposed to that is going to affect 1d6 so that's gonna be two people you said there were two archers left right perfect
Well, I mean, but the hounds are nearby, the warriors are nearby. Like, did you roll the d6? I rolled the d6 and I i rolled a2. That's what I'm saying. Oh, okay. I may have to take out the archers that have been shooting. Yep. Yep. And then some of this, that's going to be 14 points of damage. And they, anyone that I hit that didn't die is confused until the end of my next turn. Well, they're both dead. Great. So no one's, can accept and no one's confused about that.
What does it look like when you kill these two with Blarg? Okay, so this is called Blarg. So I think what happens is Kaz is getting a little overwhelmed and he just starts kind of like freaking out a little bit and he just screams in frustration and something Bursts from him and it's the same thing like we're still working on sustaining. We're still working on control It's just these bullets of magic shoot out of him. I'm just out of the palms of his hands Nice, I say we're awesome. He has no idea what he's doing. So the archers are all dead, right? So That means the warriors are going to so have it's hiding under the table I mean Kaz just showed himself to be a force to be reckoned with in this battle So the warriors are going to go look at so yeah, it's a natural 19
Yeah, it does it. So that is going to be five damage have drops. OK. Oh, OK. OK. And the hounds. So there's only one left. It is going to make a perception check to sniff out and see who it say attack. That's a very bad role. So it's going to go after the person that's visible, which is marigold. So it's going to rush over a natural to what in the world is going on at this time and Madison specifically. I don't know. OK.
All righty. It is Abint's turn. Okay. So you can rally again without making a saving throw if you want. What enemies are left? Apologies. There is the five or four warriors and the hound. One hound. Can I ask how they are looking? I mean, asma three out of the four warriors look untouched, and the Hound also has not been hit yet. So... Fletch. Okay, please don't die. One more round, please. Um, okay, yeah, I'm gonna... I have to heal. I have to heal. I mean, Madison, you can also rally if you want.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to have to shield so I can be useful. Yeah. Not be one hit. So we're going to do that is in a 1d8 plus one. Please give me an eight. That is a... That is a one. A little one plus... so I get two. And Jeff did that five points take you into the negative at all? No, do we do exactly zero?
No, oh, yes, it did. Negative one. I'm sorry. I have four. yeah Okay. That's fine. Yep. What's your maximum points? Eighteen. Ten. All right. And I can't, I don't think you can do you anything else. Okay. Yeah. I can't do anything else. Okey dokey. Yep. Keep on going. The Marigold, your turn. Great. How does rallying work?
You use your standard action to use one of your recoveries. So you roll your recovery die and the results of that, plus your constitution modifier, you regain that many hit points. Okay. d Okay. I rolled a two. What's your constitution modifier? One. One. Okay. So three hit points. It's like those teeth were never buried in your Wonderful. I wanted how I was not doing my Han modifier. I was adding my level, but it only gives me one more hit point. Okay. Okay, I'll forfeit that one way, way back. Okay, Doki. Six is what the current escalation die is at now. yeah So, hey, we get to learn how death saves work in this system. Jeff, you ready? I have no choice, Aris. So, to make a death save, the start of your turn, you roll a d20. If you roll a six tier higher,
you get to use a recovery and return to consciousness. If you roll a natural 20, you get to take actions normally on that turn after using a free recovery and returning consciousness. If you roll 15 or less, you take one step towards the grave. forty On a fourth failed death save, you die. Okay.
No modifiers, right? Just straight rolls. Just straight rolls. 18! Hey! So user recovery. Okay, T8. I rolled a one. Pleasure con. Zero. oh you you You ignore negative. You start at zero when... Okay. Recovering hit points. So you have one hit point. I guess that might be the case. Okay. Great. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing next turn, too. So... Okay. Well, you definitely wake up amongst all of these skeletal warriors standing around you, so... Yeah. We'll see what they do. Hey, I did... I apologize. I should tell you this just in case it's important. I... Or you want to do something with it. I did draw, and it was an icon, and I rolled the Citadel from an X spell. But I'm not going to use it. I'm going to recover. Just so you know. Okay. Yep. What's your AC? My...
Twiddles. Okay, they only got it. they I rolled a four. They have a plus six, so ten. So they miss. Okay. Was that a melee or a ranged? Melee. They are stuck. I think that stands out. Let me see if it stands to my next turn or not. It may only stand to my next turn. A save ends it. So because my Chaos Spike thing. Okay. I apologize. Yeah. Well, no, that was until your next turn. Yeah. And that was that was because of an attack. That was not a condition. That was because of an attack. Okay. Yeah.
There's a lot going on with this guy. The hound that is her ringing marigold is going to attack. This one might hit seven. Seven is 14. Oh, it just hits, yeah. Five damage. Okay, well, can I try to use shield? Yes. Wonderful, because I'm in trouble if not. Okay. So the attacker must reroll the attack. You could use either of the attack rolls, whichever is better for you.
Okay. 11 to hit. That does not hit. Okay. Noice. Noice sheep. Nicely done. And now it is Avant's turn. All right. Okay. And who is, I know there's, I know who's going to laugh, but nevermind. We'll go for the dog.
OK, the hound, Abbott's eyes are going to sharpen from under the table after wounds. And he's going to be a improved brush attack. Cool. So because I'm not engaged with it yet and I'm going to do a. To get an extra D10 worth of damage, so D6.
Yeah, we're gonna go, oh actually I don't think, actually I think those will work. We're just gonna do an evasive strike, but a rush attack, improve rush attack on that. Okay. Then that is against, it's a C, please be good. That is a 16 plus five, that's 20. Yes, that hits. Plus six, so 26. Oh yes, 26. That special die I am not remembering to use.
It's more helpful when we're at a table together and it's sitting there for you to see, because it is a giant thing. Fair enough. You just need to hold it up, at least for us. The whole time, just... Yes, that is my... I'll get you a shelf. Please. 1d8, that is a 7 plus... I'll help you. And d10? Yep. Or is that just plus 10? Okay. I do not have my d10 out, so we're gonna reach into the bag and pray I grab one. I believe in you and your tactile knowledge of shapes.
Good. I did grab one. Nice. All right. And that is plus seven. Nice. Math. You can math. I said too many numbers. What was the initial damage? Was it seven also? I believe it was seven. So 14. Nice. All right. You cheap said. And Marigold. I would like to use blur and try to help out Kaz.
Okay. Great. So blur as a spell is a range spell. The hound is currently adjacent. So you'll need to disengage and move away. Give this a try again. Oh, that's a. Is this going to hurt you? to fit Yeah, it's a seven. All of my damage. I have to do it anyway. So you just can't move. So like you can either so you can still use Glur if you want, but you'll trigger an opportunity attack from the hound. Okay. You're on your own, Cass. Sayers. I might miss. If I have any of that are not ranged. Color spray. Do you have that spell? Oh, yeah. Can do that. Yeah. Okay. Let's do color spray.
OK. All right. So go ahead. like Sorry. Sorry. My iPad is not the best thing to be going back and forth between windows. I'm struggling a little bit. OK, then set a six. So sorry. The escalation dies at six. Yes. OK, so twenty eight. That will hit. Yes, that's right. Bless die. St. Louis. So 2D six psychic damage. OK, so seven. OK.
off How does your colorful blast of magic kill the Hound? Oh, I think it like so completely stuns it and it just drops like no other bone scatter. Love it. Cool. That one's colors.
It should change the bones colors. They should have DAWs. Black. Black. Okay. Spooky. Weird old Adriene.

Session Conclusion & Teasers

Virtue of this battle in particular, this is not a normal thing, but the Escalade of the Ancient Diet was six at the end of the round, which means that you all find yourselves no longer in this Dungeness area. You find yourselves in a kind of glade in the middle of a forest. but you You can tell like just knowing magic, you were teleported out of there. And yeah, you find yourself in this clearing in the middle of a forest, very like kind of eerily calm, especially given the fact that you were just in like a zone of death.
i Fighting skeletons. And as you see right near you, kind of etched into the grass almost, a strange symbol that feels familiar, but you can't quite place it. Okay. And that's where we're going to call the adventure. Oh, okay. oh sure coolest hey Real quick, there's an additional piece of information about that symbol that I can give you. Okay. That was wild. That was.
slow those times where I keep searching and being like, do I have a healing potion? My character is a glass cannon with no action. That's all of what he can do. He's he's a he's a all. So Kaz has all of his memories from before he went to Thelonis, correct? Yes. OK, so all three of you would recognize very strangely that this symbol bears a strong resemblance to the House Jurassic Mark of healing. OK.
Okay. End of episode. Nice. Thank you all so much for listening. If you want to be part of the conversation surrounding this episode, i check out our Discord, the link to which is on all our socials, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter. ah We also have a YouTube channel, youtube, slash to pantheon where you can see TTRPG videos is from myself. Also check out the Laughing Tree channel for the campaign Blades and Banners that I'm a player in and Philip is the GM for. We also have a Patreon, patreon, slash ski pantheon if you want to financially support the show, you can do so over there.
And that's it. Thank you all so much for listening. I've been your Game Master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. We'll see you next time.