I used to work on the ah Firebase console for Firestore, so like the data viewer editor and everything. And so I'd work with a lot of the Firestore database engineers. And I was talking to this this, actually this engineer, this guy came up to me one time and was like, hey, I'm building this little thing for like a demo. And he's like, and I'm umm having a hard time. And like most of these guys are like PhDs and like they are like very like they, they speak to you a lot of words that you're like, I'm going to jot that one down to look up later. So again, I don't feel so stupid. Uh, and so it's like lots of stuff like that. And, uh, but he walks up to me and he's like, I'm having a hard time here. Okay. He's like, I used to do front end development a long time ago, like back in like 2004, 2005, and this is like 2017. And I'm like, Oh, okay. So it's been a hot minute. And And he's like, I'm just, I'm, I'm just trying to get some JavaScript on the page. And it seems like you can't, you can't do that anymore. And he was like, you can't, you need, you need, um, you need other tools to put the JavaScript on the page now. And I was like, Oh, you mean like a bundler? And he's like, yes. He's like, and he was like, and I can't just like, he's like, I need like a, I need to use node to even if, but I'm not writing node. And node was for backend development. Why do I need to write, it run its right react? Yeah. And then.