Roll Players

This is for folks who love Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPG), Improv comedy or just comedy in general, character acting, voice acting, and having input on the stories we tell. 

Our show is a myriad of series and mini series in them as we are a variety show. You can begin anywhere you see a new series begin. We have played games like Dungeon World, Dungeons and Dragons (Dnd5e), Monster of the Week, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, Dungeon Dive Inc, as well as indie games made my indie creators. We plan on trying games like Absurdia and Blades in the Dark as well!

We have stories steeped in fantasy, magic and wizards. 

We have stories about the Wild West, Cowboys, and Steampunk!

We have stories of future dystopian cities and vigilantes!

We have stories about time travel, multiverse theory, and talking space ships!

We have prohibition, 1920s stories with a mixture of noir and mystery!

we are a variety show and we'll do it all!

We are world-builders, game creators, indie music creators, and map makers. We work on scripted shows as well as 100% improvised content. We are LGBTQIA+ Friendly, we support BIPOC creators and audiences, and we are always seeking collaborations and inclusivity. We are raised funding for suicide prevention, trans rights, and Extra Life! We also do charity livestreams on twitch!

We work alongside other smaller creators in a network called Funinstallers where we support other creators so our success can be their success.