AI Casting Call

You know that film from the 80's, of course you do, everyone does.  Well, we're going to remake that film!  Okay, we're not really going to remake it, but we're going to pretend that we are, and what's the biggest decision in this remake?  Who to cast in it!

However, we are going to do things a little differently.  We're going to let AI make the casting choices for us, and in this podcast we will discuss those choices; the pros, the cons, and maybe even ask AI to have a rethink again if the suggestions feel a little off.

So, what can you expect?  Well, we will either take a film that is at least 15 years old and recast it with present day actors, or a more recent film and ponder on who would have played the roles if the film had been made in the 70's, 80's or 90's.

Take a seat with your virtual producers - it's time to cast that film!

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Twitter: @aicastingcall
Instagram: @aicastingcallpod