Keeping up momentum with self-paced learning image
E10 · General Musings with Kevin Powell
Keeping up momentum with self-paced learning
Keeping up momentum with self-paced learning

Online courses are awesome, but it’s really easy to get started with one only to let it drop by the way side after completing 20% of it, or actually finish one, but not feel like you learned as much as you were hoping to.

In this episode, I explore some tips on how to get the most from online courses, and how to help make sure you actually get all the way to through them as well!

What I’ve been up to this week:

Other awesome stuff around the web:

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1k Plays
9 months ago

Online courses are awesome, but it’s really easy to get started with one only to let it drop by the way side after completing 20% of it, or actually finish one, but not feel like you learned as much as you were hoping to.

In this episode, I explore some tips on how to get the most from online courses, and how to help make sure you actually get all the way to through them as well!

What I’ve been up to this week:

Other awesome stuff around the web:

Find me elsewhere on the web:
