um The balance, I mean, the balance was so good. You know, the feet movement are just precise. um Yeah, and and he's got the gift of timing like most ah all legends have. And that ability to find the gaps and, you know, maneuver the ball by playing it with soft hands or hitting it hard when he needs to. um Yeah, it's just all of that. And, you know, when he comes to bed, I've got one test if he comes into bed and he starts hitting the ball, punching the ball of the back foot through the covers, you know, Kain Williamson is on, you know. So every single time that he comes in and in his first 20 runs, if there is a punch through the covers or from the back foot, that's the thing for me. Like, you know, that is a, that is a shot that every time you see it, you're like, Oh, how good is that?