Joan Dentler is the Founder of Avanza Healthcare Strategies, and she joins our host, Nick Latz, this week to dive into their 5th Annual Hospital Leadership ASC Survey. Nick and Joan discuss the survey results, including key conclusions and trends around ASC ownership, hospitals and health systems’ growing interest in ASCs, what equity breakouts look like, where third-party management companies come into play, and much more.
Read & Download the Full Avanza Intelligence 2023 Hospital Leadership ASC Survey
In our news recap, we’ll cover a terrible act of violence against a surgeon in Tennessee and tips for preventing violence at your facility, a lawsuit between UCLA Health and Mattel, surgeons in New York who have performed the first-ever whole-eye transplant in a human, and, of course, end the news segment with a positive story about a woman who created a hummingbird hospital.
Articles Mentioned:
The Tragic Murder of Dr. Ben Mauck
UCLA Health sues Barbie-maker over $49M donation pledge
Surgeons in New York Announce World's First Eye Transplant
The woman who turned her apartment into a hummingbird hospital
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