040 - A HUGE Gamble. England to New Zealand With NO Prior Experience. image
NZ Ahead Podcast
040 - A HUGE Gamble. England to New Zealand With NO Prior Experience.
1 Plays
1 year ago

Imagine moving to the other side of the world to a country you have NEVER set foot in before. That's exactly what Nicki and her family did. Last year they left their comfortable lives in Manchester, England, to start fresh in Auckland, New Zealand.

But what was their reaction to New Zealand? How are they coping with leaving their friends and family? And IS New Zealand everything they hoped it would be? Let's find out!

Nicki and Oliie are members of our private NZ Ahead Community.

To connect with Nicki, Ollie, Liz, Brian (& many other like-minded adventurers) why ot become a member of our private NZ Ahead Community?

If you are considering Moving To New Zealand and are desperate to know what life in New Zealand is (really) like, then:

Sign up HERE, and we will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5-Part Video Series! 

At the end of the series, you will be offered details of how to become a member of our inspiring and growing private NZ Ahead community.

SIGN UP NOW to find out more about our private NZ AHEAD Membership Package


Moving to New Zealand? Here's More FREE Content For You!

Being a teacher in New Zealand. Life at School.

Moving to New Zealand from the USA. The Truth About The First Six Months.

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Canada or New Zealand? Why We Chose New Zealand

Life in New Zealand Compared to the UK. From a Kiwi Who's Tried Both

Leaving America to live in New Zealand

7 Things That Scared us About Moving To New Zealand

Living in New Zealand. Why 30% Of Immigrants Go Back Home

Moving to New Zealand. The How's, the Whys and the Hoops.

Moving to New Zealand. 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid Making

Americans in New Zealand. Will They Ever Feel at Home?


Interested in Life in New Zealand? Here's More Content For You!

Is New Zealand NEGLECTING These Essential Life Skills?

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