Dave Sobel engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Danny Tomsett, the CEO of UneeQ, a company specializing in AI-powered digital humans. The discussion begins with an exploration of the concept of digital humans—interactive avatars designed to assist users across various digital platforms, such as kiosks, websites, and mobile apps. Tomsett explains how these digital humans are transforming customer service and marketing by providing a more human-like interaction, allowing users to communicate naturally and receive personalized responses.
Tomsett emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in digital human interactions, highlighting how these avatars can understand and respond to users' emotions, making the experience more engaging and effective. The conversation delves into the ethical considerations surrounding the use of digital humans, particularly the need for transparency and trust. Tomsett shares how UneeQ has intentionally positioned their technology to be clearly identified as digital, avoiding the pitfalls of deep fakes and ensuring that users can trust the interface they are engaging with.
The episode also addresses the practical applications of digital humans in various business contexts. Tomsett discusses how these avatars can enhance customer interactions by simplifying complex product offerings, as demonstrated through a case study with a telecommunications company that saw a significant increase in conversion rates after implementing a digital human. This success illustrates the potential for digital humans to not only improve customer experience but also drive revenue growth and operational efficiency.
As the conversation wraps up, Sobel and Tomsett reflect on the future of digital humans and the ongoing advancements in AI technology. Tomsett notes that while the technology is rapidly evolving, businesses must remain focused on creating authentic and trustworthy interactions with their customers.
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