What’s up, STS Nation?
Welcome to the podcast that brings you the very #BestGuests in all of #TrueCrime.
In a powerful collaboration between Surviving the Survivor and the Jury Duty Podcast, we sit down with Nichole Schmidt, the mother of Gabby Petito, and her husband Jim Schmidt, Gabby’s stepfather, for an emotional and insightful conversation.
This episode goes beyond the headlines, focusing on Gabby’s life, her spirit, and the legacy she left behind.
Nichole and her husband Jim share their personal journey through unimaginable grief and how they’ve channeled their pain into purpose with the Gabby Petito Foundation—an organization dedicated to raising awareness about domestic violence and supporting victims.
Get Joel's Book: Https://amzn.to/48GwbLx
All Things STS: Https://linktr.ee/stspodcast
Support the show on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SurvivingTheSurvivor
Catch us live on YouTube: Surviving The Survivor: #BestGuests in True Crime - YouTube
#GabbyPetito #GabbyPetitoFoundation #BrianLaundrie #DomesticViolenceAwareness #TrueCrime #JusticeForGabby #NicholeSchmidt #SurvivingTheSurvivor #JuryDutyPodcast #MissingPersons #DVRedFlags #RelationshipAbuse #TrueCrimeCommunity