33 Plays
1 year ago

This week we speak with the illustrious Gemo Wong, we talk about growing up in a small town in Illinois. Getting into kicks at a young age, moving to the big city and going to college. Collecting kicks and creating kicks, we also talk about what pushed him to get into design. We speak about some of the shoes he's help design. Great and insightful listen!

Got a my kicks story? email us at myfirstkickspod@gmail.com our IG is @myfirstkickspod


Where to find Gemo:

Twitter: @GemoWong

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gemo-wong

Website: https://www.gemowong.com/


Linktree: https://linktr.ee/myfirstkicks

Ify's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ifynwadiwe 


Music by Gordon Bombay: https://thegordonbombay.bandcamp.com/

(Cop something and tell him we sent ya!)
