This week I spiraled out with wonderfully deep, refreshingly honest and truly hilarious writer, actor, comedian, musician AND podcaster Lane Moore! (Tinder Live, You Will Find Your People) We talked shame and relational trauma, the damage done by unrealistic and grossly prescriptive self-help books, dealing with the incessant self-critical DJ playing the worst songs over and over in your head, making art from pain, the struggle to believe there's nothing wrong with you, the difficulty of giving yourself the grace & compassion you freely give others, and SO MUCH MORE.
Check out Lane's incredible podcast I Thought It Was Just Me, available exclusively on Patreon ( and buy her freaking amazing and relatable books: How To Be Alone and You Will Find Your People: How To Make Meaningful Friendships As An Adult.
You can follow Lane on Twitter, IG and TikTok @hellolanemoore and find all things Lane at
And you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @elykreimendahl, and the pod on Twitter and Instagram @podshamespiral, where I'm regularly posting fun video clips of especially juicy or hilarious moments from the episodes. AND if you wanna hear me go off on shame LIVE with a bunch of queer comics, come to my monthly queer comedy show Gay Shame (@gayshamecomedy) at Littlefield in Brooklyn, co-hosted with amazing fellow Brooklyn comic Sheria Mattis of @semi_woke_pod! Next up is 9/12 and it's gonna be SO FUN. What can I say guys, shame is my brand.
Audio Engineer/Editor: Sarah Gabrielli @cruisingpod
Original Music: Shadwick Wilde, Instagram and Twitter: @shadwickwilde
Cover Art: Cassidy Kulhanek, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok: @heavenlygrandpa
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