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The 2024 New York Comic Super Jam-Packed Episode is here! Erik and Dave chat with Blaine from Neca, Brian Volk-Weiss from Nacelle, Karissa from Thrilljoy, and Thomas from Jada Toys as well as provide some basic commentary on the event itself in this annual episode!

Follow all of our guests on Instagram!

Blaine @blainerthings and NECA @necaofficial

Brian Volk-Weiss @brianvolkweiss and Nacelle @toysnacelle

Karissa @karissamarston and Thrilljoy @thrilljoycollectibles

Thomas @quomama and Jada Toys @jadatoys

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Intro and other voices by Joe Azzari


Theme Music is "Game Boy Horror" by the Zombie Dandies

Proudly part of the Non-Productive Network

Are you ready, kids? Get your parents' permission, check your mailbox, and grab your shopping cart. It's time for the Adventures in Collecting podcast. I'm Eric. And I'm Dave. Welcome to Adventures in Collecting, where we talk toy news, culture, and halls, along with our journeys as collectors.
Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Adventures in Collecting. I am tired. um It is New York Comic Con. I am sitting in one of the press rooms in the New York Comic Con River Pavilion, contemplating my existence and and and all of the fun and amazing things that we've seen so far here at New York Comic Con.
It is, as as of the time of this recording, it is it is the final day, it is Sunday. ah It has been a really, a really incredible con, a record-breaking con even. i Supposedly, the sources tell us that this is the most packed New York Comic Con has ever been. It is the the the largest New York Comic Con of all time. there There were some really fun surprises that I did not capture on video because I wasn't there for them. But ah Tom Hardy was here during the Sony panel to premiere
Venom. They screened the the Venom film for those who were in attendance. i Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio were here at the Marvel booth and they showed a ah they showed a trailer at a of the new Daredevil series of Born Again, which is which is coming soon. Of course, our friends at Hasbro were here for a panel for their action toy brands where we had reveals from Marvel Legends, the X-Men 97 Sentinel, which is up for pre-order now for $175.
ah All new tooling, brand new figure, roughly 22 inches tall in the X-Men 97 color, so this is not a reuse of the previous Haslab, this is an all new figure.
ah to fit in with the X-Men 97 collection. It is up for pre-order through November and does not charge. Repeat, does not charge until it ships next year. It is scheduled to ship sometime in October of 2025, so ah you know any any amount that you order for that $175, you're not going to have to worry about i paying for them until next year. That is a problem for future you. Also at the Hasbro panel, they they revealed a whole whole bunch of new Transformer figures. Star Wars the Black Series, Star Wars the Vintage Collection. um We've got figures from Skeleton Crew coming in both scales.
um The return to Tatooine is continuing with a re-release of Dr. Evazan and the long, long, long requested ah Empire Strikes Back Snowtrooper ah is coming to the Vintage Collection, all new newly tooled, looks beautiful. We we got to attend the Hasbro Press Breakfast and got to see a bunch of these releases in in person and they they look gorgeous. um the The GI i Joe team, Emily,
Friend of the Pond, Emily, ah revealed a whole bunch of new GI Joe classified releases, in including i Retro Doctor Mindbender, so those who missed out on the exclusive maybe joined the ah the line a little bit late. We'll finally get to add Mindbender, or as she put it, everyone's bald shirtless vest-wearing dentist rejoins the G.I. Joe classified line on on a retro card along with rock and roll um and a really, really sweet payoff. to the the hunt for the mass device a hint to that BMAC left back at ah around San Diego Comic Con. We saw our first first product for that. It is Snake Eyes and the Polar Bear from that very iconic episode of of ah of the G.I. Joe series. And then, of course,
the Hazlab, so the Ectomobile is live, um available in two flavors for you, so you've got the the standard edition for 349, which is the Ghostbusters 1 version of Ecto 1, comes with the librarian, comes with a slimer, and then of course you have the deluxe that comes with the conversion kit to turn the the Ectomobile into the the Ecto 1 A from ah from Ghostbusters 2, and it comes with the four Ghostbusters in their gray suits, two slime cannons. So we we are we have ventured into Ghostbusters 2, and then as kind of a sweetened pot, if the project does fund in ah the first two weeks, ah they will add a Lewis Tully in the Ghostbusters getup from Ghostbusters 2.
lots of good stuff from Hasbro um on on their panel, McFarland Toys. We got a chance to hear from Todd about ah everything going on with McFarland Toys, which was which was great. um you have Some clarification, I think that one of the the more, I don't want to say controversial, but one of the more talked about parts of his panel was the re-explanation of their sticker system. So I'll just give you a super quick rundown. So those who are who aren't maybe unfamiliar, as it stands today, you have a ah gold edition figure, which is a a release from McFarland Toys that is exclusive to a store. So gold label i you know would be exclusive to say a Target or Walmart or whatever. And then you have the Platinum Edition which is is typically your chase. The Platinum Edition is getting now three flavors. So you have a Platinum Edition silver sticker and which is a paint variant of an existing figure in that wave.
So a perfect example would be manga Batman, and then the black and white version of manga Batman is your platinum, your silver platinum sticker. Then you have a red platinum sticker, and that is a brand new character, so a short-packed character chase. In this case, you know again using the same example, in that wave there is also the question. So a question is a it would be a red label, short-packed character chase.
And then you have a gold sticker, Platinum Edition, that is an ultra rare. And that will, the the example that they used during the panel was for their movie Maniacs Line. They'll be producing figures for Red 1, the upcoming holiday movie starring The Rock. i That figure will come with an artifact card. So for those who are familiar with Topps trading cards,
um trading cards that have a swatch of fabric from say a an athlete's uniform or you know a piece of of of an artifact, a real-life item. So in this case, ah it'll have a swatch from the Rock's costume, Dwayne the Rock Johnson's costume in Red 1, and those will be ultra rare. um So the chase is on, if you will. ah McFarlane also also revealed that ah ah they are going to be adding the Batman and Robin Batmobile to their DC Multiverse lineup. so
It appears it's only going to come just as the Batmobile. There doesn't appear to be a flavor with the figure yet at this point, but ah stay tuned for more on that. They showed it off very similarly to the Batman Forever Batmobile. It has a button that has lights and sounds on it, um and it looks like the Batmobile from Batman and Robin. So, as always, you know, a ton of stuff coming from, you know, kind of the big brands, right, the Hasbro's and the Carlin toys of the world.
but There's a lot to discuss outside of those larger brands. So are what you're going to hear from in ah in this episode is you're going to hear from a friend of the pod, Blaine, ah who is going to take you through the entire NECA booth. You're going to see everything that they had for display, a bunch of new reveals. ah You're going to hear here and see if you are watching this on YouTube.
um You are going to hear and see that booth tour. ah We also are going to hear from Thomas at the um ah Jada Toys booth. So Thomas is going to take us through ah everything that they had on display. Again, a bunch of new reveals from them. They are growing that, their license, their little collection of licenses. And for the first time, you will get to see the entire cast of Street Fighter II.
um as is is ah is now available, or soon to be available from from Jada, as well as a couple other little surprises and hints at things. so um You're gonna hear from NECA, you're gonna hear from Jada, you're gonna hear from our friend Brian Voke Weiss at Nacelle. They had breaking news coming into this New York Comic Con about Star Trek. So Brian is going to share his vision for what Nacelle is planning to do with the Star Trek license. Dave and I had a chance to sit down with him and chat. And then you're also going to hear from one of the other big stories of this con is
Brian, formerly of Funko, started in a new company called Thrilljoy. And we sat we had a chance to talk to Carissa from the Thrilljoy brand about ah about the launch, where you can get their their product. And you'll see a little bit of of the Thrilljoy product as well. So with that, some super quick housekeeping. ah Dave and I are going on vacation. But there still will be new episodes, so stay tuned for that. But you're going to see and and probably hear from us while we're at Disney World. werere We're headed to headed to Disney World. So um expect to see us from there. ah Also, we have our annual Halloween episode. Our annual Halloween episode this year features... ah we're We're taking a break from our our normal um
narrative Halloween episode. Congratulations to best friend of the pod, Dave, who is not gonna get killed this year because he is a brand new dad and that would just be cruel. So ah maybe we'll go back to killing him next year. we'll We'll see how that goes. But in his place, we do have some fun spooky content for you and ah nothing is is more um spooktacular than Monster High and we have Monster High creator Garrett Sander coming on the show for our Halloween episode to talk all things ah the the history and and and how Monster High kind of started and he has a brand new project um called ah Gravestone Guardians they are action dolls again in that kind of horror realm
so we're really excited to talk to Garrett ah if you are watching this on YouTube and leave us a comment if you have a question for Garrett for that episode and hopefully we can we can get to it for you but i the usual things make sure you're following us at AIC underscore podcast um i on Instagram on X on TikTok if you missed any of the New York Comic Con coverage because there is certainly more than what's going to be in this episode. We have full panel live streams that have been saved, so if you want to go back and watch the Hasbro Lives panel, you want to watch the McFarlane Toys panel, you want to watch the Diamond Select panel, um go back to our Instagram, so ah at AIC underscore podcast, tons of tons more pictures, videos of ah of all the coverage from New York Comic Con, also
our YouTube at AIC underscore podcast still the same thing we're there as well um we have a couple of exclusive videos from New York Comic Con there as well including our entire ah press breakfast uh... hasbro uh... press breakfast that they're at their new york headquarters that was a lot of fun uh... and also little easter egg if you stick around to the end of that video those who have been listening to the show and and enjoying adventures in collecting for a while may recall way back when we had marc maha and um... and uh... and and and uh... tony calla from hasbro on the show
we heard this story about how when you dunk peanut butter Twix into nacho cheese they somehow taste like key lime pie we tested that theory live um all four of us and I'm not going to spoil it but ah you should go watch it and see if you want to try it yourself let us know but that's on our YouTube channel and of course along with that is is a tour of everything else that was in the Hasbro press breakfast So Jing and Chris gave us a hands on tour of the new Star Wars releases. um Mark gave us a a tour of the the Transformers. We got a ah whole full tour of the the ah Haslab and ah the Ectomobile and then of course Ryan gave us the rundown on um on the Sentinel. So I think with that we have all the housekeeping in order. So um I can shut up from this seat and you're going to hear and see more
from me and Dave as we we we go through those ah those interviews that I just mentioned. So with that, enjoy this jam-packed New York Comic Con recap coverage and i we'll see you next time on adventures and collecting and we are here with friend of the pod blaine of neckgatoys live at new york comiccon and he is going to take us through this amazing looking
booth display blaine take it away buddy Yes, so welcome, obviously, as you said, New York Comic Con. We've got a lot on display here, some that you've seen before, some you've never seen in person, and a few new brand new reveals. So we're going to start with TMNT. On display, we've got the cartoon street scene diorama, which of course you've seen before. Many of you own it. It's a wonderful piece. And with two sewer layers out,
We decided to re-release this cartoon dio. So today, Sunday, the last day of Comic Con, I believe is the last 24 hours you have to pre-order this cartoon street scene. We've got some Mirage Turtles displayed here. I believe Chote is probably a brand new reveal. I don't think anybody's seen him.
in person or in render before. So, Choate is here, live of in person. You've got first slash second appearance, April O'Neill. It's our second Mirage, April O'Neill. Of course, all the supporting castors you've seen before. ah Leatherhead, Casey Jones. We've got the Triceratone Gladiator, which is a wonderful army builder. Lots of fun. Rat King is probably my favorite in the Mirage line because he's big and ridiculous and comes with those alternate hands and heads to give you those two different looks he had from page to page.
Below that for a first in-person reveal, we showed the renders back at San Diego Comic Con, but here for the first time, we have the paint masters to our 2012 TMNT. So you have Leonardo and Michelangelo on display. Everything you've come to expect from NECA, those deep dive accessories. I think Ice Cream Kitty's probably gonna be the the accessory winner of 25.
But yeah, so look for more news on the ah release and more characters coming from 2012. Next, just in time for the holidays, we have the Dimension Xmas Vacation TMNT Four Pack. This was based on a VHS holiday special musical in which they were on a search to get a gift for Splinter. So Trevor Zamit, who's our TMNT brand manager and his team,
worked tirelessly to recreate exactly what that ridiculous live action looked like. It was 90s, it was spectacular. And this four pack actually just won Top Insider's Best Geeky Collectible for their holiday gift guide. So we've gotten that out on Friday. And that's kind of one of our big exciting news is ah this weekend at Comic Con.
Nothing says Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles like leg warmers. Honestly, I mean really. Speaking of fun, Archie Ninja Turtles, ah our Archie comic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are just a really fun, bright, colorful way, iteration of the characters, and a fun way to get them out in a toyetic form. So these stump wrestlers, of course, are available now. They were in part of Target's Fall Geek Out. um They are in stores now. I think you can get them online.
We have a cover variant of Belly Bomb coming out. He's on display here along with Wingnut and Screw Loose for the first time. I'm not sure if we've even shown Krang Shredder before, so that whole display might be brand new for for New York Comic Con. Also brand new, we have Ace Duck from the Stump Wrestling Archie comic and he is big and buff and ridiculous in everything you want in a comic book wrestling duck.
And this this ring, I have heard from Trevor Zammet himself that he's gotten so much buzz about this dio from San Diego Comic Con that he is going to start developing online. So if you're interested in a stump wrestling ring, ah let let us know. We love listening to the fans.
And I'm going to start, actually oh yeah, yeah no let's do it, let's do let's do the the great big news. So this Dark Leo, which is coming soon, I have no news yet on the release, but this was brand new revealed here at New York Comic Con and what's really special is the TMNT team, particularly my friend Jason Young.
created this kind of concept with the team as a what-if series, which we've done in the cartoon line already. And IDW, the comic book company who does Saturday Morning Adventures and The Last Ronin, loved these characters, designed so much, or this character designed so much, that they created an entire dark turtle team and the story around it.
And revealed this weekend is issue 20 of Saturday Morning Adventures, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, illustrated by Sarah Meyer. And it was wonderful to have IDW and NECA and our artists collaborate ah to create an action figure that has now become a comic book character. So super exciting news. You can preorder your issue 20 now, tell comic book stores you want to order it. And then we should have preorder information about the Dark Neo action figure.
coming up early next year. So just a few months away, we'll have some news. And shouts to at work more or less on Instagram. Congrats, buddy. It looks amazing. Yeah, sculpted by Brody. ah The expression was sculpted by Thomas Zilu. So but just a wonderful, wonderful collaboration with the whole TMNT team, both at Neck and IDW. Congratulations, everyone. So awesome.
um Another brand new reveal, lots of ah Les Ronin reveals. We have the Night Watcher Turtles. So we have Leonardo Donatello and Michelangelo. We have had a few people asking us why there's no Raphael and if you need to ask that means you need to read the Les Ronin. But these Night Watchers are are absolutely incredible to kind of emulate that Kind of flashback page. We recreated the grayscale with the pops of red which are so beautiful on the page If you haven't read the last run-in By IDW, please do it's absolutely phenomenal. It's probably my favorite newer iteration of Ninja Turtles and another reason I love it so much is next we have Granny April and she comes with baby Moja and baby Yi
and these are are some new turtles. There are four new turtles and you see them in child form and then as the last Ronin comics continue you get to see them kind of grown up and and taking over the mantle of the Teenage Mutant Turtles and I think they're just really fun new turtles, new iterations of turtles, a new team. They have wonderful dynamics so I can't, I'm like
kind of guess whose daughter that is based on the on the first name but Casey Marie comes with her motorbike and looks like she's jumped right off the pages of the last Ronin she's got soft good kind of leather type hooded jacket she's gonna have alternate expressions tons of accessories ah in addition to that bike so if you're a last Ronin fan we have not stopped with the last Ronin we're getting into the last year's we're getting into the secondary characters and hopefully we do not stop keep supporting it One could say that she's a ah very cool human mutant. Ooh. Maybe. Maybe. No spoilers. And then we've got our cartoon line, which is doing phenomenal. And every time someone thinks we are close to stopping, we find more deep dives. So like Tattoo and Worm, like Creepy Eddie and Shobano. You know, those are those one-off characters from maybe a couple scenes in an episode. But we really want to expand
the 87 universe and we want to expand the pizza-verse as well so um of course we try to get Ultimates out when we can Shredder is a fan favorite he's the main villain we hear you we have an ultimate shredder coming with additional accessories additional expressions and as I mentioned just previously expanding the universe and expanding the what Trevor calls the pizza-verse We love to do these what-if styles, and we love to do characters in different styles as if the cartoon never stopped. So we've got Panda Khan in the style of the 80s cartoon, and he's going to be an ultimate. As you can see, he stands a lot taller than the other figures, so he's going to be single-packed, coming with tons of very large accessories and alternate expression. Super excited about that.
So the cartoon is one of our kind of mainline originals. And then our other mainline originals, of course, the 90s movies, which I am an uber fan of. And we've got Tatsu in the middle. I know fans have been asking. I can confirm here, Walmart has put another order in for Tatsu. More Tatsu's are coming. He was part of a fan shop exclusive. So he was part of an MCAT program in Walmart. which was a smaller short-run program. But fear not, we couldn't announce it before. We are announcing it now. It is going into the main line. You will be able to get taught. so And to expand on the 90s movie, we wanted to bring new collectors in who maybe started with our secret of the ooze, are our TMNT3, and want to get back into the movie. Or you're just looking for something fresh. We have new packaging with Casey Jones. He comes with a dirt bike this time.
is that ultimate Casey Jones so he's got his alternate expressions or I'm sorry he's got his alternate mask he's got tons of alternate hands and a fun motorbike and to the right we've got Leonardo and Shredder and that is to ah pay homage and recreate the rooftop scene from the ending of the film so if you RTMNT collector and have not gotten into the 90s or you may have misplaced your 90s or you just need an upgrade. We hear you. We got you. 90s are coming back to Walmart. And is that a new expression there on Leonardo? Oh, keen eyes, keen eyes. That is a new expression to again recreate that rooftop scene. Very cool. I can't quote it on camera, but I've been doing it all weekend.
All right, continuing with the fun. We did see these at San Diego Comic Con, but they were a new reveal there and we wanted to show our East Coast fans our ultimate Sesame Street line. i'm Super, super excited about these. They were so much fun to design.
I love the detail. The sculptors did a phenomenal job, the painters. It really looks like they are made of that Muppet fabric. They're fully articulated, multiple expressions, multiple accessories. And you'll notice they are a little bit larger than what you'd expect Muppet scale to be in ultimate form, but we wanted to make sure that they scaled well.
with some older puppet action figures you might have in your collection. Maybe selfishly, but we want to have them on our shelves and we want to see them on your shelves. ah You can pre-order those now along with the Sesame Street Toonies and then welcome to the Playhouse.
So, newly revealed at San Diego Comic Con, we have ah our Ultimate PB Herman. This is our updated Deco as a paint master at San Diego. So this is, I believe, very close to final, and then we get to start production. So look for Ultimate PB early next year. He comes with, like I said, Terry. He comes with three extremely iconic expressions, multiple hands, two of them being ones where you can hold the secret word and because i am an uber playhouse fan i made sure to pack in for all of you diehards two different secret words on two different cards with two different fonts because seasons one and two had one and season three on had another so i like a diehard accessory and the playhouse on the back is not a dio that we are planning at this moment but i wanted to show this art off mainly because i
bluntness and I drew it, but mostly because I drew that to give to the packaging designer so that the packaging really does give you that but feeling of the playhouse and makes you feel like you're stepping right back into the 80s. So look for Pee Wee. I would say late Q1 of early Q2 of 25.
And what is in what's Pee Wee without Elvira is best friend, right? So you've got ah the retro Elvira's here. Commando Elvira is our newest in the line. She's up for pre-order right now. Technically, this is the first Elvira, specifically from the Mistress of the Dark movie. While of course your classic black dress that's sitting on our I don't know what couch that has nothing to do with any sort of teases around anything. Of course her black dress can count as a Mistress of the Dark movie figure, but the commando is very specific, giving her her tattoo, her bandana, her big bazookas, and the a brand new dagger, brand new bracelets, and on the couch you can see Aunt Morgana's spell book, which was a key element in that film.
So again, if you're a fan of Elvira, if you're a die-hard fan, I love those little niche accessories. And this is was a must-have for me, and that's why I made it. So but hopefully it's a must-have for all of you. And this Elvira brand just keeps on living. We're so excited that 43 years later, Cassandra's character is just as popular as she's been. So a lot of people have been asking, when it comes to Elvira, are there plans to do an ultimate scale version of her?
um without saying anything. I think it's safe to say that when it comes to me, there's a plan to do Elvira everything. Not everything will be able to make it. um But I'm very particular about scale and scaling of things. And if you look at that couch, it's just too small for the retro Elvira sitting there. So I don't know what I'm going to do directed by that. but All right then, yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I would want her to go with the Pee Wee and I would want her to go with maybe her other bestie, this ultimate Vincent Price. Oh. Yeah, so in my in my dream, they would all go together because this is one of my favorite ultimate action figures coming. The entire team did a fantastic job. Early on when I got this project, they said it's really important to get
three versions in this version. Vincent Price has three very iconic eras, you know of his his younger self, kind of his middle-aged self, and his older self. And he also is a very dapper man and and had a lot of iconic looks. So you can swap out three different expressions to give three different eras of Vincent Price. You can also swap out his neckties between an ascot, a necktie, and a bowtie.
tons of accessories that pertain to Vincent Price himself and give nods to his horror movies. So check out the socials and of course AIC Podcast has all the pictures up. I feel like that little plug for you. Thanks buddy. Anytime, anytime. Next up to that which I feel like they should be reversed but we'll go over the 50th anniversary of Texas Chainsaw. These were very newly revealed at San Diego Comic Con. You have complete deco samples here. The The bookend leather faces are actually one ultimate. So it's one figure where you can swap out the apron the and the alternate heads to get both his granny cook look and his classic leather face look. And then the pretty woman ultimate in the middle is our first fully articulated pretty woman. Completely new, all new tooling, all new expressions with that really disturbing deco. And I did make sure to design the fly down because that was in the movie.
And I'm ridiculous. And then you've got our hammer horror. You have your horror of Dracula, which is shipping now. And you've got your ultimate Van Helsing. And I had mentioned swapping them, because I just want to get some price to be with these other two iconic actors. It's just a trio that is, what, like 50 years in the making. Yeah, for sure. For sure. And those likenesses, the Peter Cushing, he's just hey It makes me so happy. I work with sorts where such talented people. Unbelievable. Absolutely amazing. um These figures on the shelf you have seen before, they're up for pre-order now. The Megans I know are shipping. You've got the American Werewolf, Jack and David, which David's got three to four to six to seven different alterations. um I'm sorry, Jack, I said David. David's got an alternate expression of his nightmare demon look.
Fantastic. Another two-pack is Bloody Ash and Cheryl Williams from the original Evil Dead. Anniversary just passed. Cheryl's my favorite. She's just so psychotic. All these Meggins are now out. They're now shipping, so you've got Tooney Meghan, Retro Meghan, Ultimate Meghan, and the life-size Meghan currently up on TheNekkaStore.com. So any version of Meghan you want, you've got her. She's like the new friend at the end.
And this is a favorite reveal of the weekend as well. I have too many favorites, but I love the FX series, what we do in the shadows. It's a phenomenal series if you don't watch it, watch it. And this was a really, really, really fun Toony Terror's wave to design.
Obviously, aside from our Universal Monsters TUNY wave, our waves are usually mixed IPs, but since there were five core Coven characters, I just thought it was a perfect opportunity to do a full TUNY wave of what we do in the shadows. So this would be one full wave. Of course you have a Vampire Hunter Guillermo, you have his master Nandor, you've got energy vampire Colin, and you've got the power couple of the last five centuries, Nadia and Laszlo. They have some fun accessories. We don't have all on display now, but Nadia comes with doll Nadia. Colin comes with baby Colin, an energy vampire sucking expression, and they can alternate between the two heads.
Guillermo comes with his, you know, stack of vampire hunting stakes. Nandor is going to come with a clear base that has three vampire bats in bat form. And if you're a fan of the show, Laszlo, of course, is going to come with a witch hat. Yes, very exciting very very very exciting. Mourners on those coming soon. Currently up for pre-order we have our alien Romulus. We have the ultimate scorched xenomorph and the accessory set. The accessory set comes packed out with many different chest bursters, face huggers, face hugger posters, the pulse rifle, the big chat asteroid, which you can actually hang on your wallet, doesn't have a peg bone in the back. So lots of fun there, and they should be hitting very soon. They're up for pre-order on thenextstore.com. They're up for pre-order through retailers, and they'll be on shelves either later this year or early next year. And now, a word from our sponsors.
This segment is brought to you by our friends at Chubsy Wubsy Toys. A traditional mom and pop toy store in Little Falls, New Jersey, Chubsy Wubsy Toys brings you the best new toys from the brands you love without the hassle of pounding the pavement searching for them at larger retail stores.
Visit them in person at their brand new home at 101 Newark Pompton Turnpike Suite 1 in Little Falls, New Jersey, or online at ChubsyWubsy.com. That's C-H-U-B-Z-Z-Y-W-U-B-Z-Z-Y dot.com. And tell them Adventures in Collecting sent you.
And now, back to the show. All right. ah Where are we headed to now? Next. I don't need to know. Do you want to keep doing horror and then we'll go back to music? Sure. Okay. Let's go on. ha ha Okay. So our universal monsters, monsters collection, um everything you've seen here before. We've got the few things first time on display, like the packaging for our crypt club. sort of four-pack, sort of five-pack. You're getting that kind of recreation of the of Dracula's coffin. They just make a favorite piece in this. But my favorite part about this five-pack is the packaging and the art. Seriously, Chris Raymar, a package designer, got to draw the interior of this packaging. And his idea was to recreate one of those fast food restaurant, like kids meal display stands. So when you go in and you had them all displayed just on ridiculous cardboard that made them look like they were in a scene. And I think Chris really
Now that it's perfect, I love the transitions for each character and kind of the, you know, one if it's color, if it's accessories in the background, each each corner of the package is distinct to the character that's packed out in there. So, lots of fun. lots I feel like I'm standing at the counter asking somebody yeah when they've told me they're out of Dracula. Oh, can I have the one out of the display? Right, right. Which ones do you have? I'll i'll get extra meals. ah Yeah, i mean um maybe I still do that sometimes.
black and Black and white Nosferatu, he's up for pre-order now. Great thing about this one is our colorized one did not come with the soft goods, so you're not just getting a black and white version of the colorized Nosferatu. You've got his riding cap, his riding rope, and his whip, and of course all the expressions and hands you got with the colorized version in black and white, and you can swap those pieces out, whether you want colorized or this black and white one. and a Monsterizer in the back there, is still up on the neck of store.com, that's a neck of store exclusive. Obviously you can see here, displayed with Universal Monsters, it fits any scale with all of our side of the show. Action figures displayed at Comic Con in San Diego was the ultimate R-Death Bay mummy and the ultimate hemp house invisible man.
What you didn't see at San Diego Comic Con was the packaging, which looks phenomenal. We've got it on display here. These were super fun to design, especially Ken Pals. It's just my favorite iteration. I think he's the most iconic look for for Invisible Man, for Dr. Jack, and I'm just super excited. We have the chance. I think he looks fantastic.
you are getting tons of different expressions and like Vincent Price designed that swappable neck piece so you can go between that ascot-type scarf or his pajamas and I think there are maybe five different expressions you can alternate through so the possibilities are endless and of course it comes with those additional wraps so we can you know do that icon to see where he's peeling it all off buts just so he's so creepy he's the creepiest and most simplistic like um Universal Monster. I don't know. He's just a psychopath. Yeah, yeah that's all I got. ah Our Beetlejuice display. We have a strong Beetlejuice presence here at New York Comic Con if you hadn't seen our photo op. Our photo op is the entrance way to Dante's Inferno. He displayed this dial piece at San Diego Comic Con
And then on the first day of New York Comic Con, just a few days ago, we put this sucker up on TheNecastore.com. So this is a Necastore exclusive. You can pre-order it now for three weeks only once the window's closed.
It's gone forever. The DIO piece is a mix of plastic and extremely thick cardstock so that it's light yet durable. It's easy to carry around. It's easy to break down. It's slightly modular. You can take those spikes and the lanterns off. The Dante's sign actually does light up. You kind of see it. I know it's hard with the lights, but we've not turned this off all weekend and these are the same batteries from SDCC. So it's going to last you a while and And with no tears and no backing, this ultimate spiked Beetlejuice figure with expressions and hands is included with the Dio. So for $179.99, you're getting the complete Dio, lights up, and you are getting a fully articulated ultimate action figure with accessories. And mismatched shoes. And mismatched shoes and socks. Very particular.
You don't say, right? And then, of course, you've seen our return to cult classics with the updated seven-inch, yeah slightly articulated figures. You have seen our bioexorcist beetle juice, which is our first mainline ultimate beetle juice. And yes, I did say first ultimate mainline beetle juice. So first may or may not indicate ah many, many, ah many more.
Noted. I love this one. I love designing this one. I love figuring out the accessories, right? Because to be ultimate, you have to have a lot of accessories. And little things that were in his underground kind of grave lair, like the lantern and the newspaper that he reads, which was very fun to recreate, kind of where he finds that he's got new tenants with the maintenance.
So lots of fun. I love that we're still mixing in 88 Beetlejuice with of course to the left our Beetlejuice Beetlejuice our 2024 sequel film which was so fun. Thank you WP for letting us see it and work on this and we are introducing Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with a full wave of tunis and they come as two packs. So you have Beetlejuice and his not so ex Dolores oh and you have Lydia with her daughter Astrid Of course, all four being key players in the single Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. You can still see it in theaters, which is amazing in this day and age. And you can buy it on digital. And again, I mentioned in the tunis are our introduction to Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Stay tuned for ultimate Beetlejuice Beetlejuices news coming soon. Baby Toy Fair.
All yes. Oh boy, do we have a new breath for this? Are we ready? Displayed here, you've got series one and two of Ben Cooper, and I'm not rubbing it in your face. I know series one and two was a very limited run. I don't know a lot of fans, this blew up. You didn't expect it to go as fast as they did, but they did, they're hot. ah So if you missed out on series one and series two,
Or if you didn't and you're looking for a new fresh way to get these fan favorite characters from Vancouver, the packaged ones in the back were a Walmart Collector Con reveal on Friday. They are our first glow in the dark series of Vancouver. And what we did for the first glow in the dark series is we reintroduced five fan favorites from series one and series two.
And as I mentioned, if you're just getting into it, this is your perfect chance to get those fan favorite characters if you already have them. These are not just three packs of glow-in-the-dark versions. We swapped out the genders, we swapped out the skin tones so that you're still getting a fresh trick-or-treater and you can still build out that huge Halloween neighborhood of a bunch of trick-or-treaters. Because you know, you're walking down the street, you look across the way, you see someone with the same costume, you've got to dance battle it out. It's what happens on October 31st.
I had too much energy. and No, it's perfect. it's perfect October 31st, or you know any other day of the year that you decide to put your costume on. Speaking of any other day of the year, when you want to be a superhero and it's not Halloween, brand new revealed here at New York Comic Con is our series 5 of Vancouver. I can't believe we're already revealing series, well, technically 6 with the glow in the dark.
So Series 5 is our another licensed IP. It's our going to be our third licensed IP series. And it is our DC superhero and super villains. So these are recreations. They are based on the original Ben Koopers. There have been a few slight tweaks just to keep in line with style guide and keeping it fresh and colorful. You've got Batman. You have Batgirl and Joker. You have Superman and Wonder Woman.
And again, you know me, I love the i love a deep cut accessory. The Halloween bags, we always include like a pumpkin bucket or a Halloween bag.
The W.B.T.C. hero and villain's Halloween pecs are those super friend pillowcases that you may have had in the 70s or 80s, and that is my absolute favorite part about these. And the fact that Wonder Woman and Superman's and Masks are so ridiculously oversized, and if you know those costumes,
I don't know how any kid or how they thought any kid was going to fit in that mask, but I just love the authenticity of them. They're they're amazing. This whole Ben Cooper line has been like, I think the biggest surprise recently from NECA in terms of just how far this is going. It seemed like it was going to be like a one shot novelty thing and no here we are. and And what's amazing, and I have to give all the credit to to Randy Falk, our VP of product development.
Um, this is his baby and this is, uh, he kind of had this like invigorated life about, uh, passion about bringing these characters to life and bringing these figures to life. And he's so enthused about it.
And the Chicago Tribune actually wrote an entire article on the nostalgia of Ben Cooper. They interviewed Randy. The toys that made us accompany Nacelle has a documentary about Ben Cooper out now. So go watch that. I think it's on Amazon Prime. So it's just really fantastic that even outside the realm of action figures, Ben Cooper is just having this resurgence in pop culture. So yay, yay, yay. And our Ben Cooper shirts sold out here at New York Comics. So oh well awesome.
And then two licensed IP waves, Series 3 is in the front. That's available now at Retailers. I have seen it starting to hit target. I believe you can order them from all the major online fan channels. We have the Xenomorph, we have Beetlejuice, and we have two Gremlins. We have ah Stripe, as in Gremlin form, and we of course have Gizmo Maguai. These are recreations from original Ben Cooper costumes. However,
Series 4 in the background is our first series. Yes, first series of what if Vancouver's so we have taken popular IPs that we have the licenses to and we have done concepts of as if these IPs existed in the heyday of Vancouver. So you have Sam from Trick or Treat, you have Nosferatu, you have John Carver from Thanksgiving, you have Captain Spalding from House hundred thousand of the Thousand Corpses, and I'm purposely saving Krampus for last because I'm telling a little story with my booth here.
of course you have Krampus in the trick-or-treaters and then in the booth below or in the display below we have our deluxe uh Krampus and our deluxe Krampus Derek clown from the 2015 movie Krampus which is ridiculous and fun and spooky and wonderful and campy and all the things I love about our um both are deluxe figures they come in massive wonderful collector packaging tons of accessories Again, me and my niche accessories, my favorite is the snow globe that comes with Krampus. Just the detail and having that little house in there to recreate the very, very, very, very creepy and nightmarish ending. That's what makes me sleep. Things jumping out at me? No. The idea of being trapped in the snow globe for all eternity with my family? Yes.
Is that not like everyone's Christmas nightmare? It's true, it's true. Another Christmas nightmare is our ah friend of the end, Chucky. This is from the Christmas episode of Chucky and you're really getting two full ultimates. Someone said it over the weekend that you're getting a naughty and a nice version and I love that. You can get a clean version with this and you can put the soft good sweater. So you have kind of a clean Chucky writing out his Christmas list, comes with the milk and cookies, comes with his little cup of hot cocoa.
And then you can swap him out, take the soft goods shirt off. He's got a bloody deco on his good guy overalls. He comes with alternate bloody hands, as you can see, and alternate bloody expressions, multiple. And clean and bloody Santa hat along with a chainsaw. So if you are familiar with that episode, you can kind of recreate both the episode and the promos of it. So very good. Yeah, keeping gremlins alive. I cannot believe I'm saying this. We are celebrating 40 years of gremlins with the evolution of the gremlins 4-pack, which is, if you're familiar, packaged after the original toys. So we've recreated the packaging.
And again, this is a great way for you to get a reef a fruit refresh on packaging, or if you're just getting into gremlins collecting, you get Mogwai gizmo with alternate expression, you get Mogwai stripe and gremlin stripe with additional accessories. So look for that sooner. I'm also looking soon. Oh man, favorite Tim Burton films of all time. I'm so excited for these to be back here in the NECA wheelhouse here. And you said it back. We have the Nightmare Before This is back in the NECA family. We did them years ago. We expanded the line so far. We went so deep and we're so, so happy to get the license back and give everybody and update an upgrade we've upgraded articulation we've upgraded our accessories we upgraded Deco so you're really getting like all new ultimate versions and in the first wave you've got of course Jack Skellington and Sally you have the mayor of Halloween Town and we have a variant of Jack which isn't just a repaint it's Santa Jack who I think is just as a important as pumpkin jack. So fun fact about Eric, Eric's first ever NECA toy was the original Jack and Zero. but We're gonna have to get AIC podcast or an Ultimate Jack Skeleton. Oh yeah. Oh yes.
Alright, so but finish let's finish up here with the rest of our horror. Yeah, so on display here you've got um fan favorites that you've already seen either on display, up for pre-order, or in stores. ah Your jigsaw, both versions are now mainline so you can get them anywhere along with our John Carvers.
the the new, what was it, Steel Book of Thanksgiving just came out. So if you haven't seen the movie, go get the Steel Book. Go get the action figures. I love a super meta slasher who done it. It's my favorite genre of horror and Thanksgiving just...
hit the axe on the head. See what I did there? See what you did there. Of course Ghostface, I mean talk about favorite meta slasher of all time. Ghostface Inferno is on shelves now and you can get, I don't even know how many different possibilities between sleeveless, rogue, age mask, chrome mask, flamethrower, machetes, like knife, knife wiping hand, knife wiping hand for the first time in mainline. Yeah, we could do an entire episode on Ghostface, don't get me started.
You've seen Prison Escape Hannibal Lecter and maybe a very, very early look at Masked Hannibal Lecter, but here's Masked Hannibal Lecter. He will be coming very shortly. I think he is going to be shipping to retailers in the next month or so, those alternate expressions. and Quite honestly, I hear the fans. Again, this was a great way to re-release Nicole Classics, and though we weren't able to do Ultimates of Hannibal Lecter, we felt that it was time. A lot of people couldn't get these or had to pay a lot on the aftermarket. It was time to give the fans at least a Hannibal Lecter collectible. And the mask is going to be my favorite because what articulation do you really need but besides his neck? So I love this one. I love his look, and I'm really excited to get it back on my display show.
And those updated likenesses are insane. Right? Right? I don't want to hear hear anyone say it's just a re-release. It looks exactly like it. These two ALFs are currently up for pre-order. You've got born to rock ALF, actually, which I think might even be hitting retailers. And you've got totally 80s ALF. Both of these were super fun to collaborate with Thomas Gwynn on and as a little nod to Thomas Gwynn because he's like the epitome of knowledge with ALF. We did not have the license to design a ah real video game console, so Randy gave me the green light to just take one off.
So I just did an amalgamation of all the video game consoles I had as a kid and I affectionately ah named it the NECA Entertainment System, you know, NES, the TG5000. So thank you Thomas Gwyn and the cartridge in there. ah The game is Alien in Life Form. So if you're an ALT fan, you know that that is actually what ALT stands for.
So lots of fun accessories. The born to rock looks like a plush that I had from ah from a fast food restaurant. So it's really fun to get put your childhood into into these action figures. and putting your fandom into the action figures, Mr. Randy Hall, Iron Maiden Obsessed. These are our first Iron Maiden Ultimates. So Randy, again, is another passion project. He loves Iron Maiden and the FuturePass World Tour actually just, they just went on tour two weeks ago and he got to work with Iron Maiden to developing the FuturePass World Tour 2-pack.
to celebrate Iron Maiden's world tour and look for news very soon. We got to do a tiny little work with Iron Maiden and we have these going up for order on the necklace store soon and you're going to see probably just because of what I'm talking about that I can't reveal and I'm saying too much, might be i'll save our favorite video to release. on he so o Stay tuned. so too I didn't say anything. So I'd also like to point out that you once again used the word first. Oh, I don't. I made an ultimate figures. Yeah, maybe I'm just throwing that word out too loosely or maybe
I don't know. Maybe we all have a plan. Who knows? i And I'd also like to point out that next year, 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of Iron Maiden. So, you know, just was me throwing that out there. That's insane. Just me throwing that out there. While playing.
You guys have a lot on display. Right? You're busy you're a busy guy. Thank you so much for for taking the time to to walk us through this. As always, it's it's always awesome to see what NECA's got out here. Thank you. We're joined with ah with the reigning undisputed licensed champion of the world.
bri I was going to say multiple time guests. Three years in the toy business doing Star Trek. Okay, let's go. unbelieved So yeah, right out of the gate. Congratulations. yeah um We know how much this license means to you. We know how how important it is to you and we're we're super stoked that ah that you're going to be making Star Trek toys. It's very surreal.
Very surreal. It's literally like I'm i'm in a waking dream or a woke dream. I don't know what you call it. I feel like I'm lying. Like when I talk about it, like I always want to like show evidence so people trust me. Like it's that weird.
Like, it's that bonkers that we're doing this. And it wasn't hard. It was like a really kind of very straightforward process. Yeah. Yeah, that's it's it's super cool. So tell us, what are we looking at here? What are what are we starting off with? Is this going to air in the next 29 minutes? No. I'm kidding. I'm sorry, sorry, 17 minutes. OK, so what we're doing with our Star Trek line, we we internally, like our joke is we call it Star Trek, the unproduced.
And that unproduced falls into two categories. Category one, it's characters that have literally never been made ever before. So that's like Captain Jellicoe from Chain of Command, Captain Garrett from Yesterday's Enterprise. She's the captain of the Enterprise Sea. yeah So there's characters like that never been made before. Then there's characters where the characters have been made before, but that particular uniform or costume has never been made before. So we're doing Sulu. Rumor has it we're not the first people to make Sulu.
But we are the first pier people to make Captain Sulu. There we go. And before you get there, yes, he comes with the teacup, the Excelsior, USS Excelsior, China. So yeah everyone's always like, but yes, yes, he comes with the China. um And then we're also doing Captain Archer, but we're not doing him in his 22nd century uniform. We're doing it from the episode Amira Darkly, where he's wearing the original series, kind of greenish, yellowish,
Greenish ah tunic chartreuse. Yes chartreuse. So that that gives you a good idea of the mixture. We're doing loot first mate Bossman Shipman Peter Pressman from Star Trek 2 Wrath of Khan who's actually here today the actor Ike Isaacman So special big surprise big surprise. She I just took a picture of him looking at his figure for the first time and We're doing Valkyries, the Klingon from Star Trek III. She was very important to me because A, I feel like her scene gives Star Trek III weight. like but I mean, it it just it says so much about Krug and her, everything that happens to her. But also, she's the first female Klingon ever shown yeah with speaking lines, for sure. Her costume is basically the prototype for every female Klingon
that will ever come. So that's the, that's, she's a very important character in that regard. We're doing Tuvix from Boya Jar. Okay. um Who, I don't know, do you know? You're like, you're really spread out here. Well that's, that's by design. So we're trying to make this very diverse line that's so like, Sulu gives us the original series cast and Star Trek VI. Yeah. Archer gives us captain gives us Captain Archer, so we got Enterprise, but because of the costume, it's a little bit of a cheat, but it kind of gives us the original series. yeah Captain Jellicoe, next generation, Rachel Garrett, even though she's also next generation, she's basically wearing a hybrid 23rd century uniform. okay That's never been made.
So it's like the regular tunic, but it doesn't tuck in and there's no belt. So every little one shows just like a different little piece of Star Trek. And this is just wave one. That's so cool. And these figures will live kind of in everybody's collection, kind of go with what they have already? Yeah, that's the idea. We did right or wrong. And I feel like 80% are happy about this, 20% are not happy.
um But we're doing about seven inch figures. So I want them, so our North Star is Star Wars Black Series GI i Joe classified. okay So they will fit in perfectly with diamond select and art asylum. ok um They'll be a little bigger than the playmates. um but And I love playmates, I probably have well over a hundred of them. But you just can't do the level of detail that we want to do At that scale. Okay, so that's that's why that's why we're going we going a little bigger. So this will be in your nacelle verse scale Yes, yes, not a part of the nacelle verse nacelle has not bought Star Trek um yeah But yeah You can make that joke I can But that being said Yes, and in really and you know, it's funny this everything I'm like saying when I talk to people like you is like what I pitched and Like so it's like every like ah stuff I've already said to you verbatim is what I said to Paramount Global when we were trying to get this. Like what I'm trying to do is make the stuff that I want on my shelf that unless I go to Etsy I can't get. So like again Captain Jellicoe, Captain Garrett.
Forget about Jellicoe, he's just my kind of guy, but um but Rachel Garrett, she's the captain of the Enterprise Sea, and I just want to say for the record, I know Star Trek is fake, but her going back, knowing it was certain death,
That saves 10 billion lives. yes Why is there a salamander, Tom Paris, and no one ever made Rachel Garrett? it is the It is one of the ultimate sacrifices in science fiction. Absolutely. One of my favorite lines in all of Star Trek is right after Picard, in a very Picard way, says, ah yeah, we are losing the war. 10 billion have died. you You're going to die if you go back.
But you need to go back. And her reaction to that is, Lieutenant Castillo, tell the crew, we're going back. Knowing full well, she's gonna die, her crew's, and she dies anyway, spoiler. but i do alert Can't get mad at a 35 year delay. yeah um But yeah, so that's the line. That's that's what we're trying to do, is is make these figures that people want, that have, for whatever reason, never been made.
Yeah, I mean that's, that's um and it's something that we're actually seeing throughout kind of the toy industry right now outside of kind of the, you know, the heavier hitters out there. But like, people are kind of approaching this new way of making figures where they're gap filling, right? They're going back. Here's the thing you don't have. Yeah, and and I love that nobody has done this with Star Trek yet. Yeah, they've done the opposite. Yeah, exactly. It's like, here's another card. Here's another cock. Here's another Kirk, you know. And I'm tapped out. Like, I'm out. But by the way, I just want to be clear. We will do Kirk.
We will do Picard. yeah it's just will like Another example, Kirk. He's never been in that kind of interesting sweater he wears in generations. yeah i like to kind of I was gonna say, are we getting mountain climbing, Kirk? oh my god With the boots? With the boot? But yes, that's my point. like we Not every figure needs to sell 100,000 units. like to The way I think you make a line is you have to show the fans, like yes.
we We got to make some money by Kirk, by Picard, by Spock. But again, Valkyries, I think a lot of people would have made Krooge. I think a lot of other people would have made Worf. I wanted to make A, a Klingon that had never been made, and B, it's such a great scene. It's so interesting what happens. And so much of Klingon mythology I really believe comes out of that scene that shows the honorableness of Klingons.
I didn't want to make another Wharf. We will make Wharf one day. My goal, like the bell at the carnival, yeah make at least a hundred figures. We were originally going to do six figures for wave one. So we did an email we have an email that people can write to us. We got over 2000 emails of people telling us, um do this, do that. do One guy sent us, I have it printed.
It's about 80 pages. It's every single Star Trek episode ever made. He even included a section called, I know you don't have these rights yet, but if you ever get them, and then it's all of the Discovery newer shows too. But the number one thing we heard over and over and over again that wasn't characters was, um don't just make three. Don't just make five. So people really want a big,
yeah why yeah I mean eight for a first wave that's so we went to Paramount and said hey can we do eight and they were like oh yeah it's actually good for us the more you make yeah so and my hope is if these do well and knock on wood they will um that every wave after is 10. And I'd like to do two waves a year because that'll get us 20 figures a year. yeah And that's only five years to get to 100. And you just you need to engage the fans. like The fans need to know. like I feel like Hasbro does this super well, where like today they announced or yesterday they announced all these vintage Star Wars figures.
They're not coming out for like a year. Yeah, but like there's more coming out this month that they announced that so there's just this this this cycle has started. Yeah, yeah. And that' that's what we want to do with these. Yeah, the pipeline is important. And I think too with with Star Trek, very similarly to Star Wars, right? Like how there is just this ocean. Yes.
The content of characters. The comic books even, like what IDW is doing with the comics. There's so much. And we want to do stuff from some of the comics. like there That would be, you know again, wave one has to work, wave two has to work. you know it's It's eight minutes, we're going to show the world what we're going to show the world.
These are the last eight minutes where I have no feedback on these decisions. In about an hour when I get off the panel on my way to JFK, I'll be looking at the comments and I'll know if we were smart or stupid. Yeah.
well We're excited. yeah Thank you. yeah Outside of the figures, anything else? Are you working on any kind of ships or or anything else? Not not yet. and And please don't read too much into the yet. okay Because there is absolutely nothing going on of that nature right now. But, this is a small bute but, but.
I do believe, based on all the conversations we've been having with Paramount, which are now pretty much as you would expect on a daily basis, yeah I think if this goes well, because Paramount, they also don't know if I was right with doing Captain Jellicoe and Valkyries. There's going to be people scratching there. Who is Peter Preston? so like We have to know if what we did works. yeah If it works,
i think we'll be able to have some pretty cool conversations with them cool ah before we let you go and let you get to your panel um toys that made us. Also coming back. yeah So yeah I know it's it's not fair to give it only like five minutes to talk about it but a bunch of really really cool episodes. I know I'm excited for the fast food toys one that's my biggest one. i'm so you Dude we almost didn't do it because there's two episodes I've always wanted to do since the beginning fast food toys and the toys that should have not been made and now I thought it was
Check out the toys that made us, check out the Star Trek stuff coming from Nisselle. Brian, thank you so much. Thank you, thanks guys. Alright, so we are here with Carissa from Thrilljoy at New York Comic Con and this is a pretty big booth here, pretty big launch experience. So, Carissa, why don't you tell us a little bit about Thrilljoy.
So real joy is invented. I'm so sorry. Real joy was started within four months. It's Brian Mariotti's brainchild. He had this crazy idea four months ago that he wanted to create a new way to display collectibles, have ultra limited items. Each one of our items actually has a chase. So every single PICS product that you buy, you have a one in six chance of a chase. And some of them even have ultra rare pieces. So you're going to look at those are going to be 24 pieces. We've also launched the real joy threads. I'm rocking coming out right now. um All of our Real Joy threads are limited edition 200. So we have a lot of really cool items here. It is our launch. We're so excited to see all of the fans that are coming out and excited about the brand like we are.
So what makes this product like really unique in terms of ah its packaging and how it's kind of presented? Yeah. So all of our packaging is really high end. We wanted to make sure that anything that got sent to the collector is going to be protected. And that just starts with even our outer pieces. When you receive a grill joy package, it's going to come with these plastic corners. So none of the products get damaged. You're going to open it up. You're going to see all this beautiful spot varnish.
packaging, the magnets on the bottom. You're gonna have a collector's card that will also be your certificate of authenticity. It's numbered. And then you have your PICS product. The PICS product itself is also super innovative and it has a lot of ways you can display it. There's a mechanism on the back that you can hang it on a wall or you can stack them up. I'm 5'11 and I have stacked those PICS products taller than me. So you know that you're gonna be sturdy. You can place them wherever. um It has the 180 back so it's perfect for a corner and even all of that is spot varnished and embossed. And what kind of IPs are you guys launching with? We launched with 17 different IPs. My favorites being Duck Dodgers. I am a big Duck Dodgers fan. I have to give a shout out to Huckleberry Hound for Brian Mariotti. We have a lot of others like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter. We have Mars Attacks and we have other IPs coming down the line like Scooby Doo.
And for people who are not at New York Comic Con, where can they pick up their Thrill Joy pieces? Yes, you can shop ThrillJoy.com or you can check out our exclusive retail partner Box Lunch Hot Topic. Right now, they have Beetlejuice and Chuckie for sale. Awesome. Krista, thank you so much. Thank you guys so much. What's up, guys? Thomas here from Jada, part of the marketing team here. Not to present you guys our display here at New York Comic Con. Right now we have our RC section right here. We have the Wednesday theme RC. That's available at Walmart and Target for $30. We have Dax in the future RC here, 160 scale. You can find it at Target as well. We have our new Godzilla Nissan GCR 35 RC that's available in a few months maybe around Target.
We also have our next level convention exclusive Stay Puft Ghostbusters Nano Scene. It comes with a six inch Stay Puft made of die-cast metal, so including a Nano Echo 1 as well. It has a premium packaging and its it can open up itself. It has a magnetic flap just to close it.
That's awesome. Yes. And at the bottom here, we also have our Hollywood Rise section, just our new enemy Hollywood Rise, and some of our regular ones, just like our Walking Dead, playing with the Dodge Challenger. We have our new Jiu Jitsu Kaizen, each adored with the Subaru, and a new Back to the Future Nano Scene that hasn't come out yet. It will be available in a few and few months, and you can find it at Target.
oh yeah that's really cool and over here on to the action figures all right we have the Scooby-Doo franchise over here we are showcasing at New York Comic Con the packaging first to be seen here at the convention
We've already shown the mummy and also what's new is Scooby-Doo and the head scope of the person who did it for the creeper. So in the packaging for the monster, you'll find the the head of the monster and also the head scope of the person who actually done it.
that's awesome yes and it's the idea to go pretty deep into like the uh the ghosts and you know the uh or the the monsters right monsters yes so we'll most likely try and do like the entire gang and the original monsters as well very cool And most of you guys already know our Chester Chitos actually figured that we showcased a year ago at San Diego Comic Con. And this year at San Diego Comic Con earlier, we showed our Tony the Tiger. And we're here at New York Comic Con with him. As you know, he has a red cloth scarf as well. And the packaging looks amazing with the cereal box.
very cool. I'm excited about these, really excited about these next two. Yes. So we show this year, day one for New York Comic Con, the fruity pebbles and cocoa pebbles line with, you know, Fred and Barney. A lot of people are excited for this line. You know, my boss tells me, you know, this is the action figures nobody knew that they wanted.
We have, we like to talk about it on ah adventures in collecting like that too, where it's, I didn't know I needed this until I saw it. yeah
And I guess it's just because like, it just hits this nostalgic factor as well. For sure. like yes And here we have the mega Mega Man line that most people have already seen. But we have it displayed here at the con as well. The scene in person is just surreal as well, just because of the detailing. I love their eyes just because it looks like an anime to me. Yeah. And then just the effects. My personal favorite is probably Gemini laser here. This comes with the little penguin over here.
So cool. yeah Yeah, these are definitely the the best Mega Man figures. the most They look like they walk right off the screen. Right. like They're so close to the game, dude. It's awesome. Very, very cool. And we have our Cyberpunk figures. We see David, Rebecca, Main here.
And if you see from our socials as well, we announced that the first wave, which is David and Lucy, that will be coming out very soon with the pre-order date, maybe next month. And they'll be shipping out maybe around January of next year. And you'll have a month and end of January, beginning of February. Very cool. And now for the the the headliner here. The greatest, what everyone's most excited about are Street Fighter figures.
seeing them all together finally. So, you know, to our listeners, ah you know, Mike Menes from J&O was on the show and he told us that the goal was to complete the cast. Exactly. And here we are. There's a lot, I feel like a lot of companies sometimes miss a few characters and we want to make sure we get, we don't miss a single beat. Whether that's in our Mega Man line, our Cyberpunk as well, but for Street Fighter 2.
And for a Street Fighter, we also ah showed a Kuma front-facing because at San Diego Comic Con, we only showed his back. The ultimate teaser. Yeah, so at this convention, we have him front-facing.
It looks fantastic. i mean This line, yeah it's just it's so good. it's so good and for you know For a company that is known for die-cast vehicles first and foremost, like this being like Such a complete action figure line. is just It's just incredible. You guys really did a great job of these. Yes, thank you. Yeah, when we came out with the first big fighter away with Ryu, Chen Li, and it just boomed out out of nowhere when everyone started just questioning, like, where did we come from?
So which one is your favorite? I'd say my favorite would be M. Bison just because of the cape. Like the cape, you can just manipulate as much as you want just to make him look like a, excuse my language, but a badass. Yeah, no, solid choice. that's ah He's also my favorite current one, but I'm excited for this guy right here, Blanca. Yeah, so a lot of people have been talking about Blanca too. Everyone's excited for him.
that's And then what do we have down here to finish this out? We have down here the convention next level exclusives, which is our Pink Chun Li and our Violin Kin. We actually already started selling these at San Diego Comic Con, but because there are convention exclusives, we had to bring them out at New York for those who weren't being able to get it.
And as you guys know, they come with extra accessories, extra heads. Pei Jung Lee has her iconic smiling face and one of the heads with the regular buns. So you could use it on the other blue Chen Lee, the normal Chen Lee. Very, very cool. Thomas, thank you so much for taking us through this. Yeah, of course. Thank you for having me. Appreciate showing you guys what we have on display. Can't wait to show you more and more lights so we may acquire. Peace out, guys.
Thank you, dear listener, for hanging out with us today. Subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you listen, and then tell your friends to do it. Thanks also to Joe Azari, the golden voice behind our intro. Our music is Game Boy Horror by the Zombie Dandies. Find more about them both on our show notes. Follow us on social media at AIC underscore podcast on Instagram and Twitter. Stop by and say hi. Show us your toy hauls and share your toy stories. Maybe we'll talk about it in a future episode.
don't try this at home voo prohibited in some assembly required each sold separately not a flying toy consult a physician if your toy run exceeds more than four hours
This has been a non-productive media presentation. Executive producer Frank Kablaui. This program and many others like it on the non-productive network is distributed under a Creative Commons attribution non-commercial no derivatives license. Please share it, but ask before trying to change it or sell it. For more information, visit non-productive.com.