0 Plays3 years ago

Is being a supermom a compliment or just an indictment of structures that have let us down?

Charvi - a dear friend and doting mother - sheds her therapist hat to joins us this week on an honest, vulnerable episode about motherhood - how it's shaped us, and how we are trying to shape it. Whether we have chosen or not to have children, we realise there are similar threads of guilt, de-pedestaling and reclamation that frame all of our journeys with the idea of motherhood. We try to disentangle the places where motherhood, womanhood and 'perfect families' intersect, trying to simultaneously break down our own myths of the women that 'have it all'. Our own experiences of loss, forming kinships of choice, and navigating the question of 'when is the next one due?' shape what is hopefully a conversation starter about all the not-so-glamorous parts about motherhood and the non-binary nature of 'will I have a child?'

Write to us at fursatfeminism@gmail.com with your own thoughts, feelings, or just plain memes. They are all received with glee and gratefulness.
