Everything you need to know about Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor (JBSP) Mortgages.
This episode of the Mortgages AF podcast focuses on how people can benefit from the scheme. We cover all our JBSP mortgage FAQs.
More info here: https://albionforest.co.uk/jbsp-mortgage/
In this episode we go through how the JBSP mortgage scheme works, who can get it, what deposit you'll need, JBSP mortgage lenders, what income can be used, and the pros and cons! As well as much much more!
#mortgage #mortgagetips #jointborrowersoleproprietor #jbspmortgage #firsttimebuyer
Albion Forest is an Appointed Representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network, a trading name of Advance Mortgage Funding Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON YOUR MORTGAGE We usually charges a fee for mortgage advice. The amount of the fee will depend upon your circumstances and will be discussed and agreed with you at the earliest opportunity. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate all Buy to Let mortgages